messages to erratum81:
(click here to add new message):

from deputy-aegis :
I came back to remember the old times. Though I can't find fault that you're gone, I was sorry to see that you'd gone.
from deputy-aegis :
I came back to remember the old times. Though I can't find fault that you're gone, I was sorry to see that you'd gone.
from cosmopolis :
Dude, your guestbook is gone... ANYWAYS, I think Mike Rowe is reading a book by Richard Russo now. Squee! (Oh my god, I've become a groupie.)
from deputy-aegis :
It's been a while since I've left you anything but I just thought you should know that your entries are outstanding
from jelloperson :
God, I'm so glad someone understands the home-town-blues! Stupid Wal-Mart.
from deputy-aegis :
I like your diary's new look.
from jelloperson :
I haven't noticed the tiny feet... I'll have to look for that... I swear it must be a cult.
from jelloperson :
Thanks! I enjoyed your words in general. :)
from deputy-aegis :
I also look forward to reading your future entries.
from deputy-aegis :
I understand this love/hate pigeon relationship you speak of. Last semester my roomies and I had a few chicks that grew up on our balcony. They were fun but very very messy. Happy random note leaving day.

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