messages to forestdream:
(click here to add new message):

from wordsofmine :
Thanks for letting me know I shall make the changes I need to on my end
from omnipre5ence :
=) I love forests.
from omorfia :
i'm sure we will be fine :) now, i know i said congrats on the schooling achievements .. but if i haven't already said YAY you got a job! .. then YAY! You got a job! Aren't you clever? Excellent work - all of this Sif .. you've really done well.
from july28 :
So happy for you xx
from themoodswing :
Good luck with the interviews, and congrats on your marks. This C average student is very proud of you ;) A word of warning about Centrelink.... because you're living with West they might be arseholes and expect him to support you in some way. They will give you money, just not as much as you would get if West was just a flatmate.
from tithonus :
If you wait a couple of months, I'm certain you will be able to get it more cheaply.
from gonzostar :
hello, i'm trying to get to know the sparklers better. :) so i added you as a friend on my LJ and here, and hopefully i'll be around and commenting more!
from heavenlyging :
Yay! Congrats!!!
from tithonus :
Ooh, you got Becky good! Ouch!
from restlessly :
Hey... just read about your parents and the contracts and stuff. No, I don't think you're being fussy at all. I think you're being sensible. And you know what? I know exactly where you're coming from, because my parents put our family home on the market, thinking that getting some money for the sale will pay off all their debts. This, despite they've just finished paying of for our home, and will have to go into debt again, as they're reaching 50, in order to get a new home for us. I don't seem to see the sense nor logic there, but my parents have decided, and that is that, and we the kids and what we want and think don't seem to matter. So you know, I understand exactly where you're coming from and the misgivings that you're feeling, even though we're not in the same exact situation.
from molzo :
Dude, I am SUPER SERIOUS about signing things. Like, ok, so I was gonna become one of those business owner people, who, like pay for a kit and build a business from home by getting customers and other business owners underneath me. Right, so I read the ENTIRE contract before signing. And the guy said that I was one of two who had ever done that. The other being a priest. I totally think it's entirely rational that you're taking this seriously. Even if you took yourself out of it and your idea of having property down the road, it's a good idea to be concerned for your parents. I mean, what if she and Adam break up...what then? No, you're being totally rational. On a side note, they cover our election down there? COME ON! How important are we in the world? I mean, I get it, but I think it's sort of ridiculous, and I secretly hate it.
from themoodswing :
Sounds like your mum doesnt want to face reality. I guess it's natural that people dont want to think about their relationships ending, but you have to do it when it gets serious. Tell me if I'm going too far, but it sounds like your mother is acting like a teenager, and you're being the adult :(
from jomelchaton :
Unfortnately, I think that it is a being legally trained thing, the being ultra-sensitive about signing things and planning ahead when there's property involved. Most people don't seem to realise that things can and will get complicated. But if you think about it in relation to the propensity of a legally trained mind to go into hyperdrive and extreme paranoia, ignorance is sometimes blissful. I do think it takes great strength to still have faith in love though. That or extreme oblivion. :)
from july28 :
How strange it is that you are enjoying Beltane and we in the UK are at Samhain! Have a nice time with your diary fan, all the best, Fran xx
from purplebanana :
Constipation, tarot, and ice cream. Who could ask for anything more?
from tithonus :
Sadly, I do not foresee great success in your efforts to persuade her. :( As far as I'm concerned, rough pushing is close enough to hitting as makes no difference, and I would be really against her going, too... especially since in another country it's going to be so much easier for him to isolate her so she doesn't have other friends to turn to. :( I think the best technique of persuasion there is is to just listen to someone and let them tell you why they are making the decision they're making... try to be as open as possible to the option that you are inclined to advise them against. Hmm. I feel bad for your friend.
from euphorically :
oh no, you take your time! i understand how busy you are, i was just worried you didn't get it or i had offended you in some way. i am very glad that is not the case! wow, your life is really moving at the moment. i know it will go wonderfully, and i imagine you are so excited for the future. :)
from euphorically :
hello hello. i was wondering, did you get my letter? i totally understand if things have been too frantic to reply, i was just hoping its not lost in the mail. i am sending good vibes for an interview and those sheets sound absolutely delicious.
from la-the-sage :
The sheets sound gorgeous! Hope you score an interview. ~LA
from tithonus :
Well, in that opinion you have my complete agreement. :)
from tithonus :
Hmm. What about the Christian imagery in Leonard Cohen's songs? Say, the "lonely wooden tower" in Suzanne?
from tithonus :
They'd be even funnier if they put sprinkles in the wine. ;)
from euphorically :
don't keep us in suspense, be sure to update to let us know the outcome!
from euphorically :
what a big wonderful step. i think it will go wonderfully. good luck today, my sweet.
from wordsofmine :
I'm always worried about people I know reading my journal. I attempt not to write much about work but it does come out every now and then.
from mineirinha :
I'd be happy with a gmail invite if you still got some... camilacremeATfastmailDOTcomDOTau :)
from heavenlyging :
Hi there- I have a gmail invite you can have if you want it. Let me know!
from euphorically :
it might be me, i have been reading little bits as i do work. not really huge chunks though. maybe huge chunks, now i am not sure!
from tithonus :
Well, all my favourite dresses *are* pink. ;)
from euphorically :
Hello there. I just wanted to tell you something. I can't seem to reach the books you have read of late, the link isn't there for August etc on your reading page. I know I have read it from somewhere though, thats the weird thing. Letter soon, promise!
from molzo :
The latest entry I wrote was supposed to be titled "nastygirl", but I already named something that, and I can't have two entries named the same thing! So, I changed the name, BUT, I went and read the real nastygirl entry, and it is gross and funny. You should read it here: It's funny.
from omorfia :
i would have laughed at your sin joke :)
from wordsofmine :
I have two left feet when it comes to aerobics. Although I can zone out when it comes to the treadmill. I've done good until tonight. I feel too tired tonight.
from molzo :
All those emotions and thoughts you're having about your mom are totally normal. Luckily, you're an adult, so you're spared the tantrums I child would throw. I never even called my step-mother by her name, I hated her so much. I still do.
from molzo :
Your guestbook signature was the best!
from whereibegin :
You sound like a smart shopper - I'm sure those pants look fabulous on you. Think of it as "investment shopping" - you'll have them for years to come and I bet you'll wear them often, so it's worth every penny. And by putting the skirt back, you kept within your means. You are a model shopper - I should be more like you!
from mineirinha :
How did you manage to get a gmail account??? *curious*
from augustdreams :
I adore curves. I'm sure you're gorgeous, my sweet forestdreamer. But it's most important for *you* to be satisfied. So the fuzzies and I shall cheer you on. *hugs*
from heavenlyging :
No prob about the invite. I'm glad you enjoy it. No more invites thus far, which I'm disappointed about because I have a few friends who are also wanting them. I'll keep you in mind when I get more.
from tithonus :
Yes. :)
from yvette18 :
hey there, this is michelle from thespark, saying hello. man, I wish I could do yoga, but it is so hard, and that is something I need to work my body up to. But it sure sounds really relaxing though, something my body really needs right now.
from sunnflower :
I found your diary through iwantoomuch's favorite list. I know what you mean about expensive knitting. I decided to make a big throw for my son - I keep going back for more chenille yarn. Chenille yarn is soft but it costs a fortune. I had no idea how much this little project was going to cost me until it was too late to turn back.
from uniqueviews :
Your review is up.
from wordsofmine :
My sister crocheted a washcloth for me and I love it. Handmade clothes are so cool.
from la-the-sage :
Real lemons? Right there in the yard? Cool! Far too cold here to grow citrus. Glad you are enjoying your holiday, you certainly worked hard this semester and deserve a good time. ~LA
from euphorically :
i so hope you are feeling better, my dear. its such a tough time, but its great you are coming through it and seeing the advantages of this move. i sent you a little letter, and i wish wish you would update your reading page, i am dying to hear what you have to say about all these books. i liked 'holy cow!'
from wordsofmine :
It's good to read that you have found a place of calm in this time of transition.
from imzadi-- :
I'd suggest you see Michael Moore's movie and judge it for yourself. I read his book Stupid White Men and what he had to say was quite intelligent... Fahrenheit 9/11 could easily be the same. I haven't seen it, but I would. Some people criticize every part of that movie and some people love it. As for Harry Potter, it's probably a lot better if you haven't read the books.
from july28 :
Thinking of you Sif... July28 xx
from tithonus :
:( That must be very... strange, among other things. Sad. My thoughts are with you.
from la-the-sage :
That's sad. Guess your folks didn't know how to tell you and waited until they could speak to you in person. Sorry. ~LA
from heavenlyging :
Hey there. I just sent an invite your way! Let me know if you don't get it and enjoy!
from heavenlyging :
I'm out of invites, but when I get a new one, I'll send it to you, kay? And thanks for the interest!!
from tithonus :
There's an interesting response to the Hitchens piece here:
from themoodswing :
*ducks* Now now, enough with the attempted head-bashing! I'm a Victorian (and so are you), I'm supposed to bag Queensland ;) Btw, the first time I wrote "*ducks*" I missed the D and hit F instead. How funny it would have been if I hadn't noticed *blushes* :)
from euphorically :
no 'love in times of chlorea' anymore? thats ok, i suppose its not for everyone.
from euphorically :
oh we have 'how to eat' at home, but i don't like it, the ingredients are too expensive and everything seems to have green peas in it! you should check out anisley hariott, his my favourite. his low fat cookbook is probably the best i have come across. i also like donna hay, though i read a terrible article about her as a person...
from trinity63 :
good luck on your exams. I just finished mine. Oh bloody hell. xoxox
from la-the-sage :
You inspired an entry! Or most of one anyhow. Thanks. ~LA
from tithonus :
Uh, the idea that you hated advice came from something you wrote about your efforts to get in touch with other pagans... whenever you tried to talk to anybody about paganism, they assumed that you were looking for information and started talking down to you with "advice" which you found patronising and useless. Am I remembering this right? Anyway. As for Stephanie... I guess... hmm. Hmmm. It's hard to argue with the idea that acts of love are good things... I could try, but I think I'd probably end up looking very petty if I did. ;)
from tithonus :
Hmm. Not so sure about compassion as a "virtue". There's something scary about that word. Because, "virtues" are things that you basically cultivate by being hard on yourself, if you see what I mean... whereas, compassion is... to me it seems like a sort of elemental emotion. When you see someone in pain, then compassionate feelings just well up out of nowhere. And you can't replicate those feelings just by virtuously deciding that you ought to be compassionate towards someone. In a sense... deciding to be virtuous is a way of deciding to be less compassionate to yourself. Not sure if this follows, exactly, but... doesn't deciding to force yourself to be less judgemental basically just mean that you are re-focussing the weapon of judgement-ness (hehe, no idea what the right word is) back on yourself? ie, "I am too judgemental" is itself a harsh judgement, just directed at a target which there's no pressure to "virtuously" be good to because it's (only) yourself? Sorry... I worry about saying this sort of thing to you because I know how you hate "advice" and I don't mean it to sound like advice... I guess I just have an irrational prejudice against Stephanie Dowrick! ;)
from la-the-sage :
Good luck with your exams. Sounds like you don't need much luck, snaps to you for buckling down! But every good person (even a well-prepared one) deserves a break or two. ~LA
from augustdreams :
I agree. Flowers every week doesn't strike as much a romantic chord with me as simply a long hug anytime you need one. Or a silly toy from a gumball machine every week. Simplicity. :)
from la-the-sage :
It IS difficult to choose among so many worthy causes for our time, energy and money. Guess I settled for causes by default, becoming more involved with those who responded to my initial overtures and where my participation brought viable result. The best any person of good conscience can do. It's imposs to save everyone and everything. ~LA
from wordsofmine :
It's like magick. I was going one place and then found myself at your sight. Love the layout.
from euphorically :
ohhh i am so glad you are reading marquez. that book has to be my absolute favourite book in the whole world. its absolute perfection.
from sprung :
I'm looking forward to reading you again.
from la-the-sage :
Boy, did I hear you about the frustration of body dictating activity! My biggest frustration by far. ~LA
from euphorically :
i so hope that everything feels better for you soon. i know its a cliche but i always think to myself, that which doesn't kill me makes me stronger. and i truly believe that is true. you will come out of this stronger than ever before.
from queentrixie :
Why wouldn't the woman's dead son speak with her personally? Perhaps because she might not have heard him. Grief is an overwhelming thing and people caught within it's midst can barely hear the living sometimes, much less those passed on. Just a thought.
from la-the-sage :
Interesting read tonight. Thanks for sharing it with us! ~LA
from euphorically :
you are reading sark. i used to read a lot of her. i do suggest 'living juicy' though, her newer stuff like 'wild woman' aren't quite as good.
from liadlaith :
Hee hee! Pleased to be bringing order and neatness to all!
from justamephit :
I do rather love this game - it's the edge of danger, I think, allowing people to ask one anything. Um, let's go with the old favourites: 1)Tell us something you've never told anyone. (I can rephrase that as a proper question but it sounds clusmy - imagine my voice has a rising intonation :) ) 2) What's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen? 3)If you could change one thing in your life what would it be?
from liadlaith :
1) Who was your first best friend? 2) What song do you want played at your funeral? 3) Are you and West going to get married?
from augustdreams :
You've always struck me as an old soul as well. :) I've always been called one, too. I think sometimes it's easier for others to see us than for us to see ourselves. It's hard to see your own strength and good qualities. Standing outside, I can tell you that you're a beautiful, strong, amazing woman. {{hugs}} Could you please send me your snail mail addy once more? I've got something to mail you and I just got a new computer and lost my old addressbook.
from la-the-sage :
You definitely have to use a tarot which speaks to you somehow. Buy whatever calls you. Fighting with your deck, or even just being uninspired by it...yuck! ~LA
from euphorically :
ohh they are divine aren't they? i love looking at the tarot and finding little ones i would so love to use. the rider pack is just so, well practical. i want something flowery and completely impractical. i brought the motherpeace round cards once, and they were just that, completely impractical!
from euphorically :
have you ever thought about getting yoga tapes? i really recommend yogazone tapes, the weight lose one is very good, though they might be a little simplistic for you. i like to relax and be in an environment where i am not looking at other girl's slim thighs. i also wanted to ask you, you said your indiivdual associations with cards is deepening. what card do you think i am like? i am having trouble finding one to focus on during mediations, and perhaps you have some ideas.
from blackweb :
My manager has a thing about visiting clairvoyants and as much as I try I cant convince her that they're charlatans. She pays one of them a pound a minute! I cant think of anything less spiritual than that!
from euphorically :
Hello! I think I might take your advice about pratchett, the first books are not luring me. I really really want to read them, but science fiction just doesn't do much for me. At the risk of sounding stupid, which perhaps I am, what are articles? I am sorry, I would love to know. I am writing you a bit fat letter tomorrow, I promise.
from tithonus :
On acceptance: when you join AA, they tell you, you will always be an alcoholic. Even if you never touch a drop of alcohol again in your life, you will always be an alcoholic. But if you accept that you're an alcoholic, it will become possible for you to be something else aswell. I'm not an alcoholic of course, but that's my model of "accepting yourself"; you can't get rid of or change the "shadow self" that you don't like; but if you refuse to look it in the eye, it'll always be behind you, frustrating your efforts to be something else. But if you accept it, it can help you... I'm not sure if this is the right metaphor. Um.
from euphorically :
and also, sorry i keep hogging your notes page, getting an interview isn't a radar of intelligence. you musn't think any less of yourself because you don't choose to wear stupid high demoralising shoes and because you aren't out there selling your sexuality to get interviews.
from euphorically :
i don't think you should accept them in the sense that if there is something you work on to change them, you should do it. but, accept that they are normal, that everyone has them. and you should do rachel your diary, i read it everyday and i and all the others still love you! :)
from euphorically :
$14,000 is a very cheap wedding, realistically. my sister spent $30,000 on her's. its obscene. and that is a pretty average amount, apparantly.
from tithonus :
I'm just now writing a chapter about the way that people relate self-esteem and marks. Uh, the fact that you mentioned this made me think... would you be willing to read the current draft and tell me if you think it rings true or not?
from euphorically :
you shouldn't have to hide your perfectly acceptable feelings of self pity and despair. perhaps by acknowledging the importance of these and every emotion, your self esteem will improve. have some ice cream and read a book and burn some oil and perhaps listen to ben harper, and just be kinder to yourself right now, i think.
from euphorically :
only me again, i didn't want to remind you...but i am sending good vibes for your mum to see her through this.
from euphorically :
ah yes. educational psychology 1001. i know the one! i think it is all rote learning, once you really give it a shot.
from blavender :
mmm, beautiful layout. i'm guessing you love the woods. i do too. it's my favorite place to be. i just feel at home. <3 b.
from euphorically :
thank you very much for your tarot reading, it was really superb. i don't know why you get nervous reading for people, you seem to have a great connection with the cards. and don't fuss with your letter, i will be excited regardless of what its like! and frida is good. i have always loved her art. am doing a uni course on her next semster.
from tithonus :
Well, I agree - your happiness is important. :) And if the insect being extinguished was a species which had a lot of other similar species resembling it, well, how bad would that be, really?
from euphorically :
keep your head up sweetpea. everything works out for the best, it truly does. did you get my letter?
from tithonus :
*blinks in amazement* How can you not like coriander?
from rocksbaby :
Harlowz!~ 2 things to note: 1) I like your layout; it's very original. 2) I have this thing for well-written entries and yours fit the bill, period. I'm linking you up, hope you don't mind! ~Wats
from euphorically :
i am sending you a letter today, if i get out of uni in time!! i am glad you liked 'i know why the caged bird sings'..she has five other biographies, but some of them are a little tiresome. the third one is excellent, i think it is called 'singin and swingin like its christmas' !!
from euphorically :
thank you for your beautiful letter. and the seal was divine, i kept tracing it with my fingertips. i must have one of my own! are they expensive?
from euphorically :
I would love you to give me a tarot reading, do you need to be looking at me? I suppose you can't really pick the cards for me. Perhaps I should pick a number of cards from my raider waite deck, and you could tell me what they mean? no fumbling over words! I look forward to your letter, and I am sure people would love you to try the tarot on them. Anyone I have ever asked has loved the idea.
from omorfia :
i do the shower in the dark thing too! AND, it makes me feel the same way .. that really made me smile reading that. :)
from tithonus :
I haven't seen "The Last Temptation of Christ", but Scorcese's a pretty safe bet. Best film about Jesus that I have seen: "Jesus of Montreal". Brilliant film. :)
from euphorically :
The thing is, linking it to the side with all the others, like archives etc.
from molzo :
In your guestbook, by most spiritual, I meant most Christian. It sounded wrong the other way. OOPS!
from euphorically :
did you get my little email? the bad news was sorted out, thankfully. i wanted to ask you, but forgot, i want to add an extras page, with books i like and other stuff (i am afraid i am being a little idea thief here..) but i don't know how to make it. how did you find out how to make yours?
from tithonus :
Oh... now I feel like I'm some kind of evil Literature Police, recommending Good Books and frowning on what you'd like to read... I know it wasn't directed at me personally, but nonetheless, I have to say: good books should be alternated with enjoyable junk. If you read nothing but junk you'd get sick of it soon enough, and if you read nothing but High Literature you'd stop reading altogether, I reckon; a mixed diet of both works best, IMHO. That said, Asimov isn't exactly High Literature... although I wouldn't call it junk, either. But, argh... well, you know what I'm trying to say. :)
from euphorically :
I get a lot of painful lumps behind my ears. It usually means I am coming down with something.
from tithonus :
Well, if you like the music of Richard Thompson the musician, then you've picked a great time to become a convert, because he's playing in Brisbane in April, I think. Also, if you're downloading mp3s, I recommend such songs as "Beeswing", "1952 Vincent Black Lightning", "Cold Kisses", and "The Woods of Darney". I could mention dozens of others, he's had a career of about 50 years duration, but they're all good starters. :) And tell your uncles to go too, it's fun to have a famous namesake!
from peytonsplace :
It's like the scene in Swordfish and Halle Berry's breasts. "All right, Halle, we need you to lay out by the pool, without a top. And can you drop that book and flash your rack? Thanks!" To me, it would have been sexier if she had a barely there top on. But what do I know, I'm a straight woman.
from tithonus :
Have you seen the film "State and Main"? It's not a very good film but there's some funny material around William H. Macy, playing a director, trying to persuade Sarah J. Parker, who's the leading lady, that a topless scene is absolutely *artistically* integral to the movie...
from augustdreams :
Have I mentioned that I'm a vegetarian, too? Except for cheeseburgers, and roast beef and stuff. *snort* That's too funny. Happy Valentine's Day! You've got a card on the way. :)
from liadlaith :
Those "vegetarians" deserve a post on livejournal's mock_the_stupid : )
from molzo :
Differential voting sounds really fucked up to me...but no more fucked up than an Electoral College.
from tithonus :
The infamous tithonus quick and easy guide to preferential voting: first we divvy up all the votes between parties based on primary vote. (The party you put down a "1" next to). If someone has more than 50% of the vote, they win the seat. If not, then you take the votes of the party that got the smallest number of votes (because you know there's no way they can win) and you re-apportion their votes according to their second preference. (Whoever they put down as number 2). If someone now has 50% or more of the vote, they win. If not, you take the party that *now* has the smallest number of votes and re-apportion their votes according to second preference (or third preference, if their second preference was for a party that has already been taken out of the running.) This process is repeated until somebody has more than 50% of the vote, at which point they win. Uh, clear enough, or further clarification necessary?
from bassclargrrl :
meh. I'm no better than Keiko. my roommates must hate me.
from datura93 :
Hi there! Just wanted to let you know that I finally got an Ani Difranco cd, although they did not have the "up up up up up" one. I bought the one called "Not so soft" and I certainly love it. Just a feisty girl with acoustic guitar. Wonderful. Hey, if you are still into numberology feel free to look up mine, will ya? My bday is Sept 23, 1974. Thanks!
from heidiann :
Hi there! Welcome to the Bibliomaniac ring. Thanks so much for joining! =)
from la-the-sage :
I can't do my own cards, I know too well what I WANT them to say. ~LA
from tithonus :
I'm sorry to discover I was wrong. :( Also, anyone who teases you for being an environmentalist is probably just trying to defend themselves from their own sense of guilt at living environmentally irresponsible lives. ;)
from euphorically :
Hello there. I will be returning your gorgeous email very soon. I just wanted to say, don�t feel too disgusted at yourself for using videos. I swear by exercise videos. I think they are the only way to go.
from la-the-sage :
I just bought a Pilates dvd. "Pilates for Dummies". More than aerobics, I need stretching. Is Pilates as good as I've heard? ~LA
from sidherian :
I've been using the calico bags now for, hmm, at least a year. Very good they are. Try sniping the auction,
from la-the-sage :
A red wallet is a good idea. My bag is a bottomless well and I've learned to buy accessories in happy visible colors. I spent far too much time sifting amongst black glasses cases, black checkbook, black make-up bag, black... You get the idea. I love red and can't wear it at all. I look like a gigantic boiled beet. Wear some red for me today, okay? ~LA
from orangina21 :
hope you are well... happy belated new year!
from augustdreams :
Your thoughts and friendship are worth more to me than any amount of money. :) Aph sends you fuzzy tail wags. She's doing so much better tonight! *hugs*
from molzo :
Don't rush off to read Moby Dick. I bought you a copy at the thrift store last time I was there. I'm sending it to you, whenever I can send you a package. I'll probably mail you a package in February.
from tithonus :
I've heard rumours that when you turn 50 you stop worrying about "what will people think?" But it doesn't seem to happen to everyone. I think so long as you acknowledge that you have it and that it's just a fantasy, it's probably not such a bad fantasy to have.
from datura93 :
Hey, thanks for the recommendation. I'll let you know what I think when I end up getting the cd. Oh, and your last entry has me wanting to go to the's been far too long since I've seen one on the big screen. Have a great day! )0(
from datura93 :
Hiya...quick question! Which Ani DiFranco cd would you recommend I try first? I want to bid on a used one on ebay, but want to choose the best introduction to her music. Any recommendations? Thanks! )0(
from datura93 :
Hello there! I accidentally stumbled upon your diary today and found myself hooked. Nice layout by the way...very earthy. I'll probably drop by from time to time. Bright blessings to ya! )0(
from omorfia :
Merry Christmas, Sif! I was thinking about you today - my mum and I were discussing 'high tea' :)
from euphorically :
We were in the daintree for three days, and we saw four cassowaries! One with a baby and two others individuallly as we were driving. It was incredible.
from cielamara :
Sif, You disliked my layout the first time you saw it. Do you like it any better now? ^_^ Bright blessings and a Merry Yule to you. ~*Cielamara
from lost-prodigy :
Hi, found your diary when I was browsing through the diaries in the Lawstudents diaryring...thought I'd say hello :)
from tithonus :
Maybe your dreams are expressing those "nasty" aspects of yourself that are repressed in your waking life?
from offence :
Hey, thanks for the nice message you left in my guestbook. I won't be reading you till I get to your review though. Don't ask why; it's just something that I do. Oh well. =)
from tithonus :
I solved the problem, at least for the moment, and all the important stuff is now backed up. :)
from molzo :
After seeing so many feminists choose to replace the "a" or "e" with a "y" in woman or women, I looked up the etymology of the word. As it turns out, the spelling comes from an old version of the word, "wife". In actuality, none of us is a woman unless we're married. I find this new spelling hilarious and telling of a person's intelligence.
from tithonus :
Crean has been in trouble for a long time now, basically because opinion polls have had him as the preferred prime minister of fewer than 20% of voters for... well, since he started, as far as I know. This means that when people have been asked who they want as prime minister, even people who are intending to vote labour have said they'd rather have Howard than Crean. This is really bad news for labour. If Crean is stepping down, he's doing it so that Latham can replace him (because Latham is loyal to Crean, and wouldn't challenge for the leadership without Crean's approval) and the other options are Beazley (who has lost a lot of credibility through losing the previous leadership challenge) and Rudd, who the public know nothing about. So, I haven't actually heard the news myself, but if Crean has stepped down it's probably good news for Labour.
from euphorically :
romancing the ordinary is one of my favourite favourite books. i hope it makes you feel as decadent as it makes me feel!
from augustdreams :
Hello, my beautiful Forestdreamer! :) I'm sorry you've had bad dreams. I wish I could lend you a sleepy Aph to snuggle! Be careful sleeping right near the A/C. I got a wicked sinus infection once from doing that. A question! Do you have a wish list? If you do, could you send me a link? Or just drop me a note with some things that would make you smil. I'm going to do some Christmas shopping next week! :D **hugs**
from tithonus :
Well, in the sense that you say it, that there are some aspects of ourselves which are not yet apparent, then we're all always unfinished, and I don't think what I'm talking about with depression is any different to that. I probably should have made that clear, too; depression won't "finish" a person any more than any other transformative experience will. I guess what I mainly want to argue against is the idea that depression is a *waste*, or that it's an *illness*. Rather I think, it's something that gets chosen for us, against our apparent wishes, because we need the kind of changes it works on us... if it hasn't chosen you yet, then it's because you don't need it yet. :) If you see what I mean...
from euphorically :
i am sure you found out by now, but you were wondering back in like, june, how to pronounce that bad dude from 'tomb raider' s name. its celtic and is pronounced keer-ron. like kerian with a ron at the end. those wacky celtic names. my boyfriend's best friend's name is eoghan. this is pronounced owen.
from blackweb :
Hi Sif, hows it going? Im really enjoying your diary as always. I was wondering if you know why Weds (avalonia) has shut down her diary again? I hope she's ok
from tithonus :
Nah, if she's bad, she's bad, and you should be allowed to say it. Many fantasy writers are dreadful - I have to admit it, even though I love fantasy.
from tithonus :
Yeah, he rocked. Did you watch Grassroots? I thought the actors who played Bullet and Jamie did a great job - brought back a lot of memories of growing up in rural NSW...
from tithonus :
Yeah, I watched marking time too and really enjoyed it. But unfortunately I doubt that many of the people who really should have watched it - the people who believe that all Arabs are terrorists, or that boat people are queue jumpers - would have, which is sad. Incidentally, you do know who John Doyle is also known as, don't you?
from euphorically :
just tell me this, did you get the internship?
from idiotreviews :
Like getting reviewed? Check out Idiot Reviews!
from ocean-review :
Hi! This is ocean-review, if u'd like a review, plz visit!
from euphorically :
photos not working! oh no!
from tithonus :
Yeah, I sympathise with her too, I think Star was overstating the case because she was cross at me for incessantly underestimating women's power, women's capacity for agency, and I think she has a legitimate complaint against me there. Um. But, yeah, I think you're right, she's just having trouble meeting people and making friends, which I can completely understand.
from tithonus :
I don't know exactly how these things work, but would "you know what happens when you lie, don't you?" be an appropriate question? Because it's rhetorical... the lawyer isn't seeking information, since *he* knows what happens when someone lies. I had a thought about the CCTV interview - you could have a social worker or someone else expert in child psychology in the room with the child, wearing an earpiece, and when the cross-examiner was asking their questions, the social worker would relay the question word-for-word, but could moderate their tone so that it wasn't as frightening or traumatic for the victim. ie, "You know what happens when you lie, don't you?" would sound different when spoken softly by a compassionate intercedent than when said by an aggressive and hostile trial lawyer. Just a thought.
from heavenlyging :
Hi there! Just saw your spark unique sentence, and wanted to say that I'm also kinda pagan - I'm non practicing, but my beliefs fall within the Goddess line. I'm not bringing this up to destroy your unique sentence, simply because I think that you're perhaps the only practicing one, but just to share. Take care.
from jomelchaton :
hey :) I just found your diary through a review site. I'm a law student as well(actually I should say was) so I can completely understand about the manic photocopying. Have added you to my favorites. ;) Hang in there...
from tithonus :
Ah, that's nothin'! I'm 27, and think nothing of teaching a class, many of whom are older than I am, while wearing a Winnie-the-Pooh T-shirt and a Draimon watch. Beat that! ;)
from truth-review :
Your review is done, sorry it took so long.
from liadlaith :
Oooh! Congrats on your spiffy review Siffy!
from frtnckiervw :
Hey-lo there Sif, me again. Your review's up. Oh, and I'll have to check out Douglass' other series. If they're half as good as the Wayfarer Redemtion trilogy, I'm bound to love them. :)
from tithonus :
Ok, open up the bottom of the mouse, take out the ball, and look inside. You should see two rollers which are perpendicular to each other, and a little one that is at a 45 degree angle to the others. Ignore the little one. The other two probably have gunk on them, particularly in the centre part. Scrape that off with your fingernail, trying not to let the gunk fall into the innards of the mouse. Then put the ball back in and close it up, and away you go. :)
from frtnckiervw :
Just checking out your diary before I review it. :) Anyway, if you're stuck for authors, you might try Sara Douglass' Wayfarer Redemption trilogy (Wayfarer Redemption, Enchanter, then Starman), if you haven't already read them. They're a little more fantasy than sci fi, but they're excellent nonetheless. Will get to your review ASAP!
from tithonus :
So, stuck for good science-fiction authors, huh? *rubs hands together gleefully* Ok, I could list about twenty names for you, but that would probably not be very helpful. So I'll kick off with a few and if they're helpful I'll give more... So. Isaac Asimov: Highlights incldue his short stories, especially "Nightfall" and his robot stories, and his "Foundation" novels, especially the first three. Start with "Foundation" or any collection of stories that has "Nightfall" in it and you can't go wrong. (There's also a novel-length version of Nightfall, but it's a pale shadow of the original) William Gibson: highlight is probably the first one, "Neuromancer". Larry Niven: great ideas, terrible execution. Highlight is probably "The Integral Tress". Neal Stephenson: amazing ideas, execution is a mixture of the brilliant and the banal. Best work is probably "Cryptonomicon", but it's very long. Best starting point probably either "The Diamond Age" or "Snow Crash". Uh, and that's probably more than enough recommendations for now...
from tithonus :
Hey, thanks for listing me! And, as a very comma-conscious person, I have to say I've never noticed an excess of commas in your writing, so I can only think that the marker must have been having a bad day or something.
from avalonia :
*glares at* How the hell did I manage a double post? Those guestbooks are always so anal about signing it too often in a short space of time. *siiiighs again* I look like a fool.
from tithonus :
Why not just write to your history teacher about it? If you don't have contact details, just write a letter (a letter!) care of the school - I'm sure she'd be thrilled that a former student remembered her, her interest in poetry, and was interested enough to follow it up.
from sprung :
Hope you're doing well. :)
from dork-reviews :
Your review at Dork Reviews is done.
from liadlaith :
from j-gal123 :
hey, really cool diary, I see you made your own layout too huh? it's really fab...well, just thought I'd drop a note since I just surfed in and wasn't disappointed w/ what I saw :)
from poppyfish :
Good points about the Beatles and (shudder) N'Sync. Thanks for reassuring me. ;)
from kymee :
In all honesty - you're going to have absolutely no use for about two thirds of the stuff you learn in law school and will have to relearn that which you thought you'd learnt in law school once you're working within a great big law firm. I've been told that time and time again be various attorneys I've worked with over the years. I remember a particular bloke who attended the University of Sydney telling me that half of what he learnt was utter bollocks. Which isn't that surprising when you think about it.
from kymee :
I once failed real estate - real estate of all things! And my new job, starting next Monday is as a title underwriter, so now I need to learn this real estate shite all over again, in another state. It's nothing to leave law school over - I did that and sorely regret it. Me and law school will cross paths again, just in Sydney this time.
from tithonus :
I think a lot of people who do law fail a few subjects along the way. You're not worthless. What kind of lawyer do you want to be?
from ind2006 :
Happy 4th of July!!!
from nebulous615 :
I'm testing the waters of whether I should just do a general unlock or not. In the meantime, try this on. It should fit. ying/ling
from prettykay :
I am not pagan, but I'm totally into the astrology/star thing and I think it's amazing that you do too! I've been reading your diary for awhile, and I just wanted to say that it's just great!! :-) Anyway, maybe you can stop by mine sometime!
from tithonus :
Which subject was it?
from tithonus :
UH, speaking as a man, I don't get the painful nipples thing. But I do get woken up in the middle of the night by agonisingly painful cramps in my calves when it's cold, so, you know, um, yeah...
from astera :
everytime i come back here i am reminded of how beautifully you write. for me, charlton heston will always be clad in a loincloth cursing monkeys. i think i need to see this movie.
from smileyreview :
Hi! I'm Amby from SmileyReview and I'd just like to notify you that you have been placed in the queue and we're terribly sorry for the long wait, but we'll be getting to your journal in no time! Thanks for waiting patiently! :)
from elliorange :
I absolutely love your layout! I think it's so beautiful! :)
from alithiel :
Oooo Pavlovas... Yummy... I believe there's a bit of a tussle between the Kiwis and Aussies over who invented it;) Heh, but I don't really care, they taste good. But oh yes, I didn't know what lamingtons were when I first saw them, they look very similar on the outside to one of those sticky cakes back home, i.e. until I bit into one of them!
from buffyslays :
What you said about your father was really beautiful <sniffle>
from wonlay :
Dear Forestdream, Hi! Thanks for being the first one to leave me a note! ^_^ To be honest, I never thought anyone would leave a note there because I did not tell any one of my friends about me having an e-diary...and I guess you would know why...if you have read my journals... However, I thought, since I wrote it, I don't really want me being the one person who reads it~ So I decided to join some diaryrings here~~ ^o^ I have been reading other people's journal as well, including yours. It's really interesting to read a day in a life of another person on the other side of the planet. All the best with your uni~ ^_^ I'm enjoying mine too @ Melbourne. =)
from sprung :
I believe the actress who plays Cordelia was 27 years old around 1997...I couldn't believe it because Sarah Michelle Gellar was very young, the youngest of the cast. 20 maybe?
from augustdreams :
I love you! ~Nicole :)
from euphorically :
i think its such a shame you are not going back to your singing group. i have enjoyed reading about them all. i think you are taking far far too much on - relax, bake some muffins to tori amos and eat them after a spell of yoga.
from euphorically :
congratulations on your newer slimmer form. it feels nice to notice a slimmer waist, i have been through from size 18 i know where you are coming from, my sweet.
from mylifeat15 :
happy valentine's day sis *hugs*
from euphorically :
thank god you're home. it seems everyone has stopped writing, and so i have been reading your old entries missing you!
from wood-elf :
hello...I have added you to my favorites list because I love the way you write. Your name "forestdream" really suits your way of writing, because it is so natural, and so effortlessly written, yet one knows that not everybody can write like that! I am from Canada, and I was wondering: are you from Australia? Anyways, just wanted to let you know that your diary is beautiful and I enjoy reading your entries. Keep it up :-) the wood-elf
from soap-box :
Sif: Your mission, should you choose to accept it - immerse yourself in the most recent works of Michael Moore, and write us all a lovely long entry on your opinions of it : )
from tithonus :
Hear hear! (for the anti-wat thing)
from tithonus :
Sorry, I didn't mean to embarass you. Um. I've read Madame Bovary and it's... I guess I would rate it about a "medium" on the scale of indigestible literature. Uh, meaning, you may struggle to stay interested in parts but there is a genuinely engaging story in there if you stay with it. Also a lot may depend on the translation.
from tithonus :
It's "grammar". ;) However, the proper use of the comma is just as you describe it - just put it wherever you'd pause in a spoken sentence.
from euphorically :
thank you so much! i have read joanne harris, they are so easy and sensual. you should try 'la cusina' or even moreso, 'like water for chocolate.' its along the same line, but even more sensual, i think.
from euphorically :
i need your help! i have exhausted my reading options, and i need new ideas for when i get home and go travelling! i was thinking about some fantasy, any ideas to ease me in?? i would love to broaden my reading, so just any of the best books you have, please let me know! thank you thank you thank you!
from tithonus :
Maybe we become adults once we become so disdainful of children's thoughts and ideas that we stop listening to them.
from sprung :
That little brown mouse makes me want to cry.
from fmorrigan :
Thank you for leaving me a note. My first so far, wow! I would definetely recommend reading her fiction stuff first, and even that is a bit heavy if you aren't expecting it. I would recommend beginning with reading 'The Fountainhead', it most clearly outlines all of her beliefs. She's a philosopher who manages to write it all in a fiction form, which makes it a great deal more interesting. Have fun!
from fmorrigan :
Thank you for leaving me a note. My first so far, wow! I would definetely recommend reading her fiction stuff first, and even that is a bit heavy if you aren't expecting it. I would recommend beginning with reading 'The Fountainhead', it most clearly outlines all of her beliefs. She's a philosopher who manages to write it all in a fiction form, which makes it a great deal more interesting. Have fun!
from sidherian :
I really hope you enjoy (5 quarters) and I am going to look for that gardening book you mentioned.
from sidherian :
If you are interested in alternative views, try reading this website
from tithonus :
Well, it's true that it would give the government a vested interest in the sale of things like heroin and cocaine - but currently it's the leaders of organized crime who have that same vested interest. The way I see it, one way or another that money is going to be spent on drugs. The question is what happens to the profits - is it better to have them spent financing other criminal projects, buying guns and paying thugs, or financing our schools and hospitals and roads and welfare system? So long as the demand is there the profits inevitably go to someone - if you banned tobacco tomorrow then it would not only greatly reduce tax revenue but you'd make a lot of money for a lot of criminals...
from tithonus :
Politically impossible. Firstly, America would never allow us to do that - we're actually signatories to a treaty with them that forbids us to make recreational drugs legal. Secondly, whoever proposed it would lose the "mindless bigot" vote, which would be political suicide. And the third and most important reason why it would never happen? Because it's a really, really good idea. :( *cries*
from tehuti :
Re: "Spice Cabinet"--what wonderful gifts! I thought for a moment you were describing a dream you'd had because people are rarely so generous. You're very lucky. :)
from tehuti :
You have a very beautiful diary. I've always loved the forest. Your entries are thoughtful as well.
from thevelvet :
it was pleasing to look at your serene green diary-design. and the words on it weren't uniteresting either.
from quixoticalia :
Hi! Thanks for the note you left me! It's always nice to know people are reading your stuff. I just started reading yours- I like today's Starship Troopers commentary =) I don't have a guestbook because I have no clue how to appropriately adjust my template. It's giving me problems. *sigh* One day I'll figure it all out...
from tithonus :
You're WRONG!!!! Um, ahem, excuse me for putting it like that. Um. Maybe what I should say is, uh, um... right, the part where you say, "either you interfere or you don't", I disagree with that bit. Because, you're part of the world, so when you do things that have an effect, that's not "interfering" - because that word implies something from outside stepping in an changing something that isn't in it's domain. And similarly, because you're part of the world, then whether you choose to or not, you're participating in it. Choosing not to do anything has an effect, too. So, yeah, basically that was all I had to say, um, I just wish I could say it in a way that made sense.
from augustdreams :
{{{My wonderful Sif}}} We're celebrating Thanksgiving here today, so I thought I'd let you know that I'm thankful for you. :) I'm thankful to have such a brave, smart, witty and wonderful friend. Yay for you for growing out your hair! Mine's hip-length now and I love after I get out of the shower and sit on the bed, feeling it's weight against my back as I'm combing it out. It's a very relaxing, sensual experience. (One of the things I love about Mr. Right is that he enjoys brushing my hair for me.) I thought about that after reading your "human touch" entry. Our sense of touch is amazing, and I think we could all benefit from more human touch. If I ever get to meet you in person, I've got plenty of hugs for you! :) Give those adorable g*pigs of yours some snuggles for me. Love ya, ~Nicole
from orangina21 :
what a beautiful journal you have.
from euphorically :
my gift is absolutely still coming, but after my exams in the next week! am sorry, its been so hectic right now!
from euphorically :
i can't believe it, i sent you a big long email thanking you ever so much for your parcel, and it didn't send again! thank you thank you thank you so so much, it was glorious, and i shall send one ever so soon. i hope it makes you feel just as lovely.
from euphorically :
i know this is a bit late, but i have eight cavities. i have very sensitive teeth. they certainly begin to hurt if you leave them too long, and the drilling in your head is kinda weird when they are being fixed up!
from augustdreams :
{{{Sif}}} I'm sorry you had such awful nightmares! :( I go through periods of having vivid, gruesome and disturbing dreams. It takes a lot out of you, I think, because sleep should be a time to relax and re-charge. Want me to include a stuffed Dolphin for you to snuggle at night in your care package? :) Oh! And oooh, I love your idea! I've always wanted to know more about Samhain(sp?). Blarrgh. I'd better get to bed. I've got to see the doc tomorrow. I'll find out if they're going to do a second surgery or not. :-/ I'm wishing only sweet dreams for you tonight! Love, ~Nicole
from euphorically :
did you get my email? my email account is being very difficult, but I sent you my address and lots and lots of thanks, i would love that.
from tithonus :
Hey there, thanks for your kind message. The song wasn't by me; I think that would have been just too scary for words. It was "It's Hard to be a Saint in the City" by Bruce Springsteen. I have written a couple of little songs but nothing that I'm pleased with; I think I'd need to take some time off uni to really get into it. Anyway, thanks for your message - it's always nice to be noticed. :)
from euphorically :
i have some questions, but these can be answered all short note style. i was interested in reading a little about paganism, could you recommend a book? also, i was wondering if i could read your old diary, it is online too?
from stats01 :
aw, thanks sif! i appreciate it very much. your words of kindness mean so much to me. lots of love to you.
from no-answers :
My hair is really dark, almost black like my dad's, so I have to bleach my hair quite severely before I put bright colours on. I always, ALWAYS do it at home because hairdressers will always have some excuse about why you shouldn't do it :) I use products from this range: - I use the bleach and the 'B Funky' colours!
from sprung :
See, not very expensive. And that's $14 Australian, yes? Now you can go to or something like that...Have you ever seen
from kymee :
Jung writes a great book all about Sychronicity. I bought my first vibrator last year, very useful little thing, a friend took me to buy it because I was so nervous, gawd only knows why, I mean the thing rocks.
from euphorically :
i have one. it costs me $25, and alec and i use to together. i strongly suggest it, amazing amounts of pleasure can be had.
from soap-box :
Once you knew me as Liadlaith, now you can know me again as Soap-box. If you want to.
from augustdreams :
Awww, that's so sweet that you're putting a blanket over your piggies to keep them warm and cozy. :) They've got such a wonderful mama in you! I love your entry on friendship and connections. Aph, Woodstock and I are so honored to be a part of your "tribe", and we're always here for you. Love ya, ~Nicole
from holdasecret :
p.s. [so i lied about that being all] i love that paul simon song.
from holdasecret :
i liked your entry today [8/13]. i always liked to sing alto. it was a fun challenge- because i used to have to always sing first soprano, and it got SO boring. But maybe it's because harmony was always easy for me [god knows why]. Anyway. That is all.
from holdasecret :
from chasingastar :
hello doll! so can you read my diary in netscape now? it might look ugly as all heck, but I think you should be able to :) let me know!!
from amoosie :
Sweetie, you will LOVE SIP! Definitely save up your money to buy if you can. I recommend reading the "I Dream of You" Tradepaperback book first. IT's the best at getting the feel for the entire comic, plus you get an entire story line all in one book. No cliffhangers or confusion. There is a book prior to this one, but you won't miss out on anything, plus it's not as interesting as "I Dream of You." I bet if you are real nice, Molly might loan you her copy!
from sidherian :
There is also a lot of chicken, beef and pork in Thai recipes, so no need for crustaceans if you don't like them. Although I'd recommend eating Thai at a restaurant first, so you have that taste memory that helps with cooking :)
from sprung :
I'd like to visit Australia to answer some of the questions I have about the country/continent. But I'd have to visit it 4 times in one year, so I could experience each season in contrast to the climate in the U.S.
from iwantoomuch :
It's just the local library! Ah, the many musical tastes that it has shown me ... LOL. It's odd. But there are young people running it so that must be why!
from holdasecret :
i think neil gaiman is the guy that tori amos is obsessed with. she even talked about him in a few songs. just some trivia for ya there. love claire.
from augustdreams :
Thank you! :) I can't wait to start the new job. I've always loved marine critters, so I've done a lot of reading about them. Can't wait to learn more! Your entry about Paganism and enjoying the beauty of nature was wonderful...and I like the idea of you as a cork bobbing up to the surface and finding joy in the sunshine on the waves. :) *heeheehee* My friend Ant is Australian and he hates Steve Irwin, too. I should really keep quiet about how much I love his show or you guys might start throwing stuff at me! *grin* Love and Florida sunshine, ~Nicole
from holdasecret :
hey. nice to hear you are well. hope you are seeing these notes i write you. love your diary. i'm just sitting around the house today. trying to get things with macklin patched up. anyway. talk to you soon! -claire
from holdasecret :
hey you! i like, no, love, no ADORE, traditional irish music. went to a sf folk festival and watched tons of traditional irish bands. it rocked, hard. ;) nice to have you in the "band," btw. ;)
from lostnfallen :
I havent put the mouse plan into action yet, trying to get ahold of one of those traps is not exactly "easy" but im looking and in the meantime I watch him scamper around, hehe... sorry about my layouts not showing up in netscape.. i think that will be my next project.. trying to make the layout visible in both browsers.. dont know if its possible but Im going to give it a go for K. I still have to talk him into it.. as he told me he hates being the guest first but once I explain the situation a bit further I am sure he will understand (I imagine alot of begging and pleading will be involved too! hehe) Well I hope it all works out in any case. Thanx 'gain
from augustdreams :
*HOORAY!* I updated BoB to say Happy B-day to Amy and Yahooooooo for you being a member now! :) I just read your Bio. *sniff* You know what? You're one of MY heroes, too. {{{{Sif}}}} How do you celebrate Yule? I've always thought celebrations of the seasons are so beautiful, and really spiritual. It's the Summer Solstice here today...even though it's dark and rainy. Talk to you soon! Love ya, ~Nicole
from lostnfallen :
thanks for that! i shouldnt of thought of it myself *hits myself in the head* im a dolt though, haha...... excuses excuses...*l*
from lostnfallen :
hey i have a question, though not sure if you could help but have you any ideas how to remove mice from your house, without the use of mouse traps?? there is only one left now (i think), already 2 have died, one from unknown causes, the other was living in the vacuum cleaner (dont ask! it was messy *shudders*) but yeah. I dont want to use traps and Ive made sure that no food is left out for them to feed on in hopes they will move on by themselves, but not sure if this is working. If you have any ideas they would be greatly appreciated!! =)
from enidhere :
thank you for your message...that is so cool..and thanks for encouragement and inspiration, too.
from augustdreams :
Congratulations! :) If I lived closer, I'd let you practice on me anytime! I had a friend in college who was learning and practiced on me and it was really amazing to feel that energy. As always, I love your diary! Take care, sweetie! ~Nicole
from holdasecret :
if you think the prayer is beautiful, the sung version of it will knock your socks off. download it if you can- seriously. "the prayer of saint francis" -Sarah McLachlan. And yes, it is expensive. Very much so. I attempt to buy things that are relatively enviromentally sound, but it's hard to do so when I'm not sure how I'm going to afford more basic things!
from holdasecret :
Yeah. I mean, I'm all down with leftist ideas. But I just get annoyed at people who make others feel bad for things, and make judgements all the time. I guess I get frustrated because I noticed that at my school all of the "lefties" who made all the judgements were extremely wealthy, who could afford to eat only organic food and wear only "entirely natural" clothing. Meanwhile, they'd jump down the throats of those less fortunate than them, who couldn't afford all of that stuff. So anyway. I guess it just seems sort of unrealistic to me. So. [BTW, I'm totally digging this conv. we're having!]
from holdasecret :
hi there [i'm from bob]. i was just perusing ye old diary to see what you were like. when i was in high school,there was this entire group of "communists for revolution." what was weird was this- before i went to that arts school, i was totally the most liberal person i knew. but everyone there was so freaking annoying, i almost wanted to go join the republican party. not enough, of course. i'll always be a democrat at heart. wanna know what my favorite thing they did was? [this is kind of gross] they made reusable tampons! they were seriously diehard enviromentalists. they kept stealing the paper towel rolls out of the bathroom and replacing them with real towels. oh. high school. anyway. you seem cool. i'll back later.
from liadlaith :
No you didn't, not really, it's just awful Sydney weather. I have to remember to make gloves, scarf and umbrella my new best friends and take them with me everywhere.
from lostnfallen :
that is interesting and i dont find it morbid at all..~l~ thanks
from lostnfallen :
I can understand where you are coming from. After seeing a few of the results of some dog attacks on small children and not long ago I was walking my own dog when a staffie came out to try and take on my dog (a husky x malamute)! I was furious! This has happened to me a few times. With different dogs I have owned and as stupid as it sounds I always put myself between them, kicking and screaming at the offending dog till it gets frightened off. But it infuriates me to no end at how owners can be so calm at letting their dogs get out of the yard. I mean its not just what the dog can get up to but what if it gets hit by a car or something? Dont ppl care about their pets anymore??
from lostnfallen :
Thanks for all your support :) Although I feel the way I do I do appreciate it none the less.
from no-answers :
I know what you mean about writing letters - I promised myself that I'd keep in touch with some people by post that I don't write to enough, but the rest of life gets in the way :/ I'm inspired to go and write some letters now though!
from augustdreams :
Sif! You're going to get Guinea Pigs!!! You'll love them. They're very sweet, affectionate pets. Fairly low-maintenance and supersnuggly. If you can't get 'em to agree any other way, just show them this: Who wouldn't love that face? ;) Love ya, Nicole & Woodstock the Guinea Pig
from lostnfallen :
hey is the george you were referring to in your entry the band with the female lead singer? i saw an ad on tv that they were coming here, playing at the uni is all..[laugh]
from lostnfallen :
thank you. I think i may need it.
from lostnfallen :
I read you entry on how to make glue & i burst at laughing at the suggestion that I go to the local meatworks and ask for some cow or horse hooves. I definately think I would get a few weird looks, but would be fun to try all the same, hehehe
from lostnfallen :
Oh i thought as much. I guess my response to it didnt come across like i wanted to either! :) But no hard feelings or anything if you thought as much.
from lostnfallen :
Hey! Im not doing it on purpose you know! Im just not ready to speak of it fully yet, but I need to talk 'bout it. Isnt that what diaries are for in the first place?
from liadlaith :
Thanks for your support!
from omorfia :
happy 101 by the by! :)
from be-zen :
Did you put on weight when you started taking the pill? How long til the cravings dropped? Sorry, but its driving me insane!
from omorfia :
oh crap! I was sooooo excited about going to see Merrick & Rosso tonight, I forgot to put in a tape for the Gilmore Girls. :( Heh. I have Big Brother later tonight though!! *laughing madly* .. I luuuurve Big Brother!!! :)
from lostnfallen :
oh oh! you cant forget the BUM DANCE!!! hahaha...~cringe~ hehehe... and thanx for you note.. i also enjoy reading you diary... it brings a sense of peace... you seem so calm and cool and collected about life.. i love it..~s~
from lostnfallen :
yeah im not a big fan of big brother either. i doubt if this show will be as sucessful as the first one. its been done, move on..... oh yes. i love reading your diary.. another aussie! wOOt! hehe (cant you just tell that i dont get out much?) hehe. kiddin kiddin. )o(
from iwantoomuch :
Except for Buffy which is ... well, crap now, but still Buffy! With Giles! And ooooh Easter egg hunts!!
from omorfia :
i had no clue there were 'cheats' for the sims! *squeals* .. I try now!!! :)
from be-zen :
There is something I have been wondering with you over Easter. How do you have it all so together?! A boyfriend, a job and law. I can only ever seem to focus on one aspect of my life with any success. You are truly astonishing!
from be-zen :
I relate sex to love, and sex for me is an extremely pssionate thing, and definitely not something to be taken lightly or disrespected. It is an important part of me, because love is an important part of me, but I really don't think there is a normal sex drive. You want it when you do, you don't when you don't. Its not something that can be too readily changed, and you shouldn't feel you need to sweetness.
from be-zen :
'He just put it in.' That is one of the saddest things I have ever heard.
from iwantoomuch :
Ahhhh you crack me up. "This is what the clothes would look like on an alien - to find out what they would look like on an actual human being, you must come in and try them on." You made me giggle. Thanks :-). Amz
from omorfia :
(((sif))) I love the latest entry .. with all the links!! :) It is a fab idea!
from lildragon78 :
hey i noticed that you are from the daintree, up north, i do understand you missing the forests up there, it was amazing when i was up there..which was some years ago but i guess you never forget...
from missamantha :
Thanks for joining the Aussie Diaryring!!
from liadlaith :
Siffy - definitely change to IE! Netscape sucks, it can't do/see nearly as much spiffy stuff as IE. And can you please make sure you've made the changes to your guestbook that I mentioned in my last note? As for the lack of getting-over-the-King-of-Pain, please don't express your disapproval, it just makes me go all "I'll do whatever I damn well please!" (And even if I had got over him, I still would enjoy the massages).
from tiffni :
hey! i'm liadlaith's tiffni and decided to check out your diary. It's gorgeous... keep up the good work :)
from liadlaith :
Sif! I fscked up with your guestbook code! In the code, just below the textarea in the form, there's a tag that had this in it: value="forestdreaming". You need to change that to value="forestdream". Sorry bout that!
from omorfia :
This layout is just beautiful .. so serene! I feel more calm for just being here! And I *thank you* for that!! x0x0 <-- btw. your guestbook wont let me sign :(
from iwantoomuch :
wow, love the new layout! I have to agree with you ... Darla's pregnant stomach was just *wrong* ... I mean, apart from the she's a vampire part. I miss Giles! Heh.
from missdiamonds :
I was just thinking...a snail mail package would make my I worthy enough? (oh and g string pads are just wrong) xoxo
from omorfia :
arrrrgh!!! *omorfia does 'the pirate' soo well* .. heh. thank u for the happy birthday beatles song lyrics!! it was driving me to distraction!!! *mmwahhh!*
from be-zen :
Oh fuck, g string pads and sex during periods is laughable. I find myself listening to Tori Amos and crying and watching 'Beaches' repeatedly. I would be the praying mantis of lovers during period time. Ross is the father, my oh my, but I secretly wanted it to be the other dude. For Ross is whinging, and any babies from that other dude's body are going to be completely pacing the catwalks. Kate's rant = complete!
from diarytag :
You have been tagged!
from liadlaith :
Hello! Yes, the stickers will be put to good use - probably all over my letter to you!
from omorfia :
i realllly like the new layout. i was just saying the other day that blues are really suiting my psyche lately!! :)
from liadlaith :
Thank you for my letter! And yeah, you do read my diary ; )

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