messages to glitteraloft:
(click here to add new message):

from hbaybee :
Lookin for a diary review? Don't be silly, of course you are! Come to Hitlar Baybee Reviewz for the best review this side of the time-space continuum =D x
from meme0014 :
Robyn? wow, didn't think I'd ever be hearing from you again. I know what you meant though. It feels like forever and ago that we spent SO much time together. I'm glad to know you still try to check on me though. That brings me a nice comforting feeling, and I thank you for that. I miss all of you so much at times, but then I just push all those thoughts to the side when I think of how happy it sounds like you all are. I've gone through some tough times the last 6 months, and still going, but I'm hoping that soon it will all finally work out. I'm going to court this coming tues., and after that I think I'm going to retire my title as a rebel. It's gotten me in a little too much trouble for my meemzy liking. I do miss you though. thanks for the note my dear friend the robynator. good times, good times... and i'll never forget them. you're a gem robyn, still a gem. hope to hear more from you again. good night
from azure-iis :
Hey Robbie! I miss u too! Try giving my dorm room a call. Or cell phone. You've got to come stay down here with me one day! I have so many questions to ask! Like are you going greek? Do you like your roommate? What food is in your commons? ect... :)
from shoppergal06 :
hey robyn! omg... i miss u! And i can finally come visit... b/c i FINALLY got a new car! ya, i know.. it's about time! anywho... I'm looking forward to seeing you sometime soon! So, you better plan something exciting.. i'm just kiddin! i hope you are having an absolute FABULOUS time at state! i'm sure you are... i'm jealous! love you lots! ~your fuge roomie
from azure-iis :
Yes! I'm still crying! The whole book was flagrantly sad. "He" should definately not have died! But now, I can't wait for the next one! But it is a little sad to know that the next book will be the very last. Wonder what J.K. Rowling's gonna write next?
from azure-iis :
Hey Robbie! You know what I'm thinkin'? I'm thinking STARKVEGAS HERE I COME!!! Give me a call on me cell-phone chere!
from azure-iis :
I LOVE YOU ROBBIE-WOBBIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss you LOTS! *harry potter RULES! (shhhh! it's a secret..) =)
from silent-songs :
'05 stangs are only cool enough for me. lol But I'm really sorry about that.
from ea-kyle :
Hey Robyn! I'm really not looking forward to being away from you all summer... I've never been away from you for so long, and I don't think now is a good time to start. We've been pretty much inseparable up until now... and I like that. haha! I still say you should come stay with me sometime in Memphis this summer! It's ok... really! but... I'm really going to miss you, baby. I don't like when you're not in my reach when I really need you to be. I hope you will look forward to seeing me on the weekends as much as I will you. I love you, Robyn! Keep in touch.. haha! :)
from maryeliz :
robba! what the bum. we haven't talked in way too long. must... catch... up. love!
from pennylover47 :
Yeah, I assume that it won't be that bad. I guess that band camp just has a bad reputation. I'll survive though. Thanks!
from pennylover47 :
hey... thanks for reading my diary. I know who you are now too! Your diary is nifty also.
from killingkarma :
hey robyn! i dont know what's got you so down and out lately, but i hope you cheer up. i just wanted to say thanks for being a part of my highschool experience. you taught me, showed me things, and introduced me to important people that i've grown to love. thanks for being so brilliant. i wish you the best of luck in the future. by the way, you did a great job in the play today. -brady
from psychoticl-s :
Hey Robyn! This is Liz. I hope you are doing alright! I was thinking about you earlier and our childhood memories. oh what fun! I hope everything is going alright this year.. i hate i do not get to see you. Anyways, have a lovely week.
from ea-kyle :
Hey Robyn! Happy 13 month anniversary! This past year has been awesome. I'm so happy to have found someone so much like me that is always so good to me. JACKPOT for me! I love you.:)
from stopsign08 :
Yeah its all cool! We finally figured out a name for the boobah today...Its name is Emily C. Jr. Because they look just alike don't they? haha...but I have to go for now cause I just got home and I have to go to bed and get ready for tomorrow! And there is only 10 more school days until Disney!!! Whew hoo!!! later
from stopsign08 :
Oh my Gosh Robyn!!! I love the dress!!!
from jam06 :
hey robyn! yay! laser tag tonight! i'm so excited! i LOVE LOVE LOVE your prom dress! it's totally cute! anyway, i thought i would leave you a note! love ya, jam
from stopsign08 :
Thanks for the support Robs!=)
from hadalamb :
hey love - - - i miss thee. once i lose desired amount of weight i would LOVE to cheat and eat lacaba with you! and afterwards we can ride around and be silly and such. how's that sound?
from elainegolden :
thanks girl.. i hope so.. im gonna miss you so much next year.. love ya -lizzie
from loveangel404 :
hey, i think it's neat that ur a Christian b.c well, I am too. I need some Christian comments on my website's message board so visit it @
from nccountry :
Hi. I just wanted to stop by and welcome ya to the tacobell diaryring.
from hadalamb :
i hear for every night that you stay up though that it takes a day off of your life. we're -so- gunna die when we're 30. but we'll have our fond memories of 5 am deliriousness and enlightment. and the art-work we create that's always better than the daytime poo. maybe that ones just me. though i'd be surprised if we DIDN'T have something in common. haha :)
from ea-kyle :
Hey Baby! I love you so much! You're beautiful.
from thrsdaychild :
Hey again. The username is noparents and the password is allowed. Thanks for reading!
from thrsdaychild :
Hi there. Don't know if you read juskidding, but if you did, it's shut down. I now write in thrsdaychild. If you'd like the password, please leave a note. Thanks! Have a great day.
from hadalamb :
i love thee! and we will hang out sometime this week! hoorah!
from hi-phi :
Doy, I got you on there already. I just couldnt remember your name. Beyond this point I have run out of things to say. I'm realy starting to feel the four hours of sleep I got last night, maybe thats why I cant think of anything. Anywho, stay cool Robyn, and keep it pimpin.
from ambergurl :
ha ha ha... i needed that one.. that was a fun trip.. but also a very tiring one... lol.. i hope you start feeling better! see ya tomorrow!
from renewedgrace :
Nevermind, I'm being weird. Hope all is well...?
from renewedgrace :
That's very hypocritical.
from hadalamb :
i type like someone who has no hands. arg...
from hadalamb :
rob. feel important and confident and all that jazz. becuase i'm completely envious of you (in a nice way!) becuase you're super smar and are involved in so many fun things and you have great friends and a wonderful boyfriend who treats you wonderfully. so you have a lot to be secure and happy about! smile and know that's you the coolest! i'll find your david bowie pin one day. haha
from ea-kyle :
Hey baby! I've missed you a lot this weekend... COME HOME! You're needed here with me! You don't need to be at MSU.. you'll be there plenty for the next 5 years!:D
from silent-songs :
Yes! It reminds me of Mardi Gras too.
from silent-songs :
Haha! I love your diary temp! You always seem to get my old ones. lol!
from myst1cangel :
well Hi there to you too. I hope to see you at church sometime too.
from death-munk :
Hey... You left me a note and I've never gotten around to adding you to my favorites or leaving you a note... Eh... my computer sucks so I tend not to use it. Don't take offense. I usually update from Brandi's comp. I've been thinking about things lately. And since I said this to someone else I had to think the same things about you. We used to be fairly close (as friends) and then we just stopped talking. That tends to happen a lot to me... Is there just something wrong with me?
from stolen-fate :
That's SO my favorite Hawk Nelson song. Rock on.
from melody03 :
You know you and Katie are my # 1! LOL...hope you are doing great, and I miss you!
from silent-songs :
Didn't you just love our singing in band today? I bet that is why you left... wasn't it? Haha j/k. So are you feeling better? ♥ Your friend Em
from ea-kyle :
Hey baby! I'm just leaving a note to tell you I missed you tonight. I'm on the phone with you, too. haha! I love you! I can't wait until Friday! It will definitely be a good day... finally no stupid Mock Trial!
from stolen-fate :
I tried to find you on your birthday to tell you happy birthday and such in person, but at the end of the day I still had no sign of you, so a text message had to work. Just know I was thinking about you! <3
from ea-drew :
from killingkarma :
your folks are opening a restaurant?! you have to tell me these things!! oh, happy 18th.
from silent-songs :
Well I already sent you a text, but Happy Birthday!!!!!! and I'll tell you again when I see you today.. -Em
from azure-iis :
We are SO awesome. I mean it. We are too cool for most anybody else! I hope that your 18th birthday was filled with lots of fun and cake!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) Loves and hugs from claire
from stolen-fate :
Hawk Nelson is an awesome awesome band. And you are an awesome awesome person. So have an awesome awesome birthday. ♥ Wouldn't it be awesome if I could think of something other to say than "awesome"? hahaha
from s1lk :
hey! I really like your diary and I love Reliant K too...they're so awesome! Happy Bday, by the way...♥
from azure-iis :
Robbie!! I've missed you bunches, friend. I hope that someday soon my plans will go right and I will see you and your significant other for a weekend of fun and misadventure! I really have missed you,dear! I hope that everything is coming up peaches in Grenada! Call me and we'll laugh at everybody and send them postcards from Rome! Ciao, bellisima! -claire
from blade05 :
someone call my lawyer im in trouble, are my What's up Robyn, Good luck this weekend at competition
from ea-drew :
Good job, Robyn... You've got a great heart, and don't let that ever change. God is going to do even more cool things with you than he already is! Keep caring about things of the sort. YOU ROCK! -Drew
from qt06chick :
robyn you are the coolest! the last entry reminded me of this verse i like: "Am i now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am i trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ." -Galatians 1:10. anyways, i think you are an awesome person and i really look up to you!!
from killingkarma :
Robyn that last entry was great! It convicted me. You are such an inspiration and great friend! Talk to you later.
from ea-kyle :
hey baby! thanks for still being so perfect for me in every way. you're SO cool! you always did like all the same things i did. lets stay perfect.:)
from meaganblair :
I think I might cry after your last entry I just read. You have such passion for God. I'm so excited cause He will use you in ways you will never imagine if [& I'm sure you will] you let Him. I love you Robbie. It's the end times & it's getting harder & harder to live for God. We have the Holy Spirit to guide us. The people who have never lived for God in the first place, it's extra hard on them. Don't care what other people think. I had to figure that out on my own. People will only slow you down. & whatever you do, NEVER give up. Let God's light shine through you. I look up to you & I'm praying for you. God is doing His work in my life also & here lately it's just been sooooo awesome. I can't wait to see what happens next. I gotta go now. Text me if ya ever wanna talk... <3
from zpower38901 :
Hey Robyn! What have you been up to? I am so ready for next Wednesday! Well, just thought I would say Hey. Talk to you later. BYE! ~Zach~
from lizsummers69 :
hey robyn. how are you? you are a very interesting person. I hope you have a lovely senior year and a lovely life ahead of you.
from hadalamb :
i feel regret for things all the time, too. it sucks to know you're incapable of re-living a part of your life you feel like you deserve a second chance on. everything happens the way it does for a purpose. you know that sweetie. BESIDES! you are queen of AP. so rest easy. love!
from silent-songs :
Are you a fan of the 90s? If so... do you remember the Spice Girls? Haha. They are so cool. I love my flashbacks!
from zpower38901 :
Let me it Robyn? What have you been up to? I have just been chillin and being bored. Well, I guess I will talk to you tomorrow. Have a great day! =} Zach
from silent-songs :
Thanks for answering the questions, even though some were a little... odd and maybe strange. But you did a good job.
from azure-iis :
You MUST go check out homestarrunner again!! Click toons and watch the teen girls squad! It is the reason life is tolerable! Im serious, it is. *Oh Bret Bretterson, you've filled out nicely too.* Love ya - Claire
from brief-lives :
I don't "drink", I "drank." i'm sorry if i made it sound like this is a regular occurance in my life. and i'm not sure why you would think that your opinion of me doesn't matter unless someone has been feeding you fodder of me having "changed" into someone else recently. i'm still jacob and you still matter and i still care about you. don't ever let anything i do, or anything anyone says ever make you doubt that again....okay? i love you Robyn (as a friend, Kyle...haha)...and you can trust me when i tell you that my drinking is not a regular happening...
from silent-songs :
I went bowling last night too. But I didn't cosmic bowl, but I bet it is fun. lol. Anyways maybe we can go sometimes. I'm looking for some people to go back with me.
from hadalamb :
robba-LIN-duh. hi. you're sucha cool friend. we are the only children. we understand. and we absolutely MUST go eat la or watch cool movies together. have you een garden state. it's pretty. hang out session. soon. love. me.
from shoppergal06 :
hey! send me a txt msg!!! i need your number! anyways... i hope you do GREAT on Lions Band tryouts... I'm sure you will! Good Luck!
from shoppergal06 :
hey! send me a txt msg!!! i need your number! anyways... i hope you do GREAT on Lions Band tryouts... I'm sure you will! Good Luck!
from stopsign08 :
I will give you a password...
from katrina03 :
Robyn is a Jew and likes to play with dreidels.
from janie-marie7 :
Ohh. Okay. Thanks. Lol. -Janie
from meaganblair :
Merry Christmas
from melody03 :
I love you Robbie! Sorry I didn't tell you, I couldn't really call anybody when I was in the hospital, and I've just had a lot going on, but I miss you!!! You have to come stay with me and Katie when school starts back!!!!
from ariza :
from ariza :
um, sorry about that
from ariza :
Yeah, I know who you are, but do you know who I am?
from ariza :
Yeah, I know who you are, but do you know who I am?
from ariza :
Yeah, I know who you are, but do you know who I am?
from katrina03 :
RRROOOBBIIEE I got your Christmas present. Come visit me! I'm going to be here until January 9th! NO MORE MARCHING BAND FOR YOU YAY. Now you can spend some weekends with me and Mel in Starkvegas.
from ea-kyle :
I'm looking so forward to Christmas! I'll be in my cool car (better be!), with my cool/hot/attractive/sweet/humorous/perfect girl without a care in the world. That... This is the way life should be. Me with you.
from meme0014 :
God, I love you Robyn... I'll make an attempt to fix my links. But yeah, the point of all this... I love you. I hope you have a great day, as great as you are... love you and our yummy little bunnies! -meemz
from ea-kyle :
Hey baby... I love you.:)
from stopsign08 :
Hey Robs! That umbrella waa already badly wounded I just made it worst!lol. Love ya.
from eafan-whit :
hey robyn...i never thought you didnt care...i promise...and i hope that you dont think that i dont care about you because i love you very much! my life just kinda changed ...and one day i woke up and realized that i hadnt talked to you or alot of other people in a very long time....then i just thought that yall wouldnt like me anymore i just ...i dont know. i guess you know the rest of the story..but anyway...i still love you and consider you one of my and me and devyn need to do something together very soon! i love you VERY much...besides...we're twins remember? how could we ever really be apart...haha. i love you. -whit
from silent-songs :
Hey! I haven't tlaked to you in a long time. Don't you just love the rain. It's getting worse. Well, have a great Thanksgiving!
from ea-kyle :
Hey baby... I was just online and thinking of you, so I decided to let you know. I'm sure you won't read this for days... haha. Anyway, just a little reminder.:D I love you.
from twistdfaerie :
Sorry, but that is my one bad vice...Smoking...its a bad thing i know and i am trying to stop
from melody03 :
I texted you yesterday :( I miss you! Call me sometime...and you need to come see me and Katie!!!!!!
from azure-iis :
Chere Robyn, �a va? J'aime, mon ami!!!! � couer valliant, rien impossible! Betcha don't know what that means!!!! Love, Claire
from silent-songs :
Hey Robyn! Hope you do good today... wish me luck too. -Em
from renewedgrace :
I just realized that I spelled your name wrong. I know too many Robin/Robyn/Robinns.
from renewedgrace :
But you know, dear Robin the Rocket, if you came to MUW you would see ME every day. JOY!
from meaganblair :
I miss you too. :'( Wish we could have gotten closer. We had so much in common. <3 Good luck senior year.
from melody03 :
I miss you lots Robbie. Come see me :( Things aren't the same without you.
from maryeliz :
you being in love makes me warm and fuzzed all over. thanks for being a friend. love you much robba.
from silent-songs :
I want a senior picture... please... Love you much... now I have to go to school :(
from meaganblair :
I miss you Robyn. I wish we would have gotten the chance to hang out more often. I'm gonna text you later. Be sweet. <3
from maryeliz :
"The Seventh" - - - - robbalindas... if you ever call me again (and plaese do because we must become close thing year) and i dont answer please text me. As i said earlier in class, sometimes my phone is retarded and wont let me receive calls. especasilly if im at home (village of coffee) yay! hope things get better in band. we need to hang out soooon!
from ea-drew :
Hi there, pal! Unlike Mary, I am the sixth to sign this little creative note-exchanging thing. No one takes as much pride in being the sixth as I do. I know that you can appreciate that about me.
from elyricsa :
Hey Robyn! thank you for being so awesome... you mean a so much to me.
from silent-songs :
Robyn! How are you doing? You are so cool. See you soon!-Ems
from eafan-whit :
Robyn! i love you. can't wait to see you. have a good day!
from renewedgrace :
I luff you Robs the Rocket! :D
from maryeliz :
i am the first. :)

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