messages to gracielou345:
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from dangerspouse :
Wow, almost 10 years! Welcome back!! Are you still a court reporter? Give an update!
from forever-dork :
hi! i came across your diary because i saw one of those banners, dont take this the wrong way--but your family life reminds me ALOT of what my mom goes through. haha, please i'm not trying to make you feel "old" or anything, its because my mom vents to me all the time, and when you vent its like hearing her talking. but anyway, i really like your entries, especially the one about your "problem". i have that SAME one! im obsessed with journals and i also have to to write with a certain pen-preferably a gel one. ha ha, and geez you should see some of my pages, it's totally decked out! anyway, sorry for the super long note! hope to hear from you soon! -nia :)
from lediarydeliz :
hey,just came across your diary and thought i'd say I love the way you write :-D Made me want to read every entry! Liz x
from giannarazi :
i left diaryland and am over in wordpress now. i still check in diaryland to read everyone's entries. i know you can lose weight. they say the first step is admitting it and then the next was a mental issue in getting ready, all the while trying for healthier foods and options.
from giannarazi :
Hey if bribery works... go for it. Ha ha ha.
from itwasalwaysu :
Wow, I really understand your most recent entry .. I've lost a dear friend of mine .. and I don't know if I'm even thought of in her mind .. yet not a day goes by when I don't think of her ..
from imissfriends :
.. my son at age 7 is getting curious as well .. he's been interested in 'boobies' lately ..
from giannarazi :
Well from my perspective kissing a doll seems better than what the wee one pulled two years ago. He got into trouble at school for kissing a girl and he was only 6 years old. Dunno if it is worrisome or too early etc, but it was a shock that is for sure. I was 8 when I got my first "real" kiss and I was in 1st grade.
from imissfriends :
.. no worries .. I've been committing adultery for years with Jennifer Aniston ;)
from giannarazi :
Welcome fellow paper/pen fetish buddy!!! I certainly understand this SO well. I get so scared Uncle Sam will come knocking on my door for my supply of papers, pencil, and pens. Now I don't have to worry, as he can come knocking on your door too ha ha ha.
from giannarazi :
As for keeping track of all the passwords/log in names that you have to keep, if you don't want S.O. finding it - I actually keep my stuff in an email account. An email account that no one else knows about too ha ha. As for not cooking dinner, there is such a thing called a microwave. He has two hands and two feet. He can do it. But I hope today finds you doing okay.
from giannarazi :
Yay!!! You are finally back home!! I had taken you off the list, as I thought you were not coming back. I saw you leave a comment in Tracey's notes and I was like OMG she's home again?! YAY!!! Welcome back!!!
from mspsyched1 :
Glad you're back. Cant wait to hear about all that is happening with you.
from mspsyched1 :
My Christmas wish is that you'll come back and do an entry. I would love to know how you've been and what you've been up to. Hope you have a great holiday.
from giannarazi :
I'm sorry your friend did that to you. *Hugs*
from ahwell :
thanks for adding me, and im with you re: the weight thing. although no one calls me funny.....
from giannarazi :
Hi there stranger!!! **Hugs** So glad to see you back. You can start another journal if you need too. I wondered how you had been doing. So it's great to see you updating. Everyone needs a good friend, even one to their Will to your Grace. Too bad the two of you can't keep in touch thru emails and meet up once in a while to chat. We all need friends period. Have a nice weekend.
from neangel :
that's too hilarious to envision!! sorry you feel asleep i can totally do that myself right now. i'm just hoping i can hold out on doing that until AFTER i get on my plane heading to CA.
from mspsyched1 :
Please, please, please dont tell me that you've left d-land. I was getting really hooked on your journal. I hope you'll come back :)
from dangerspouse :
Hi! Forgive me if this is way overdue, but I just recently noticed you've added me to your Fave List. Thank you so much, that is very flattering! Anyway, I've read through a number of your past entries - I hope you have a wonderful New Year, and that 2005 will bring you peace and resolution to your quandries. Take care, and thanks again! Tom :)
from giannarazi :
**Hugs** Sorry about the journal! **Hugs** Happy Early New Years!! I hope it's great and truly blesses you beyond your means.

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