messages to gtafreak:
(click here to add new message):

from ibtil2003 :
DIARYLAND!!! Haha. checked it today on some WEIRD WHIM and you had UPDATED. Bizarro. I love you and I wish I was a boy so I could marry you. Except, I don't take it in the butt, so.... I'd be a sucky boyfriend. LOVE YOU! MWAH!
from uclafan87 :
hi! been reading your diary..and i love it! are you sure your gay? haha. (ps..john mayer is super cute!) hee. TTYL.
from curvereviews :
your review is finished and has been posted at curvereviews gtafreak.html
from boobo :
I love you, Lane and you can cry in my arms anytime you want to. Do you remember that day at rehearsal when I was crying in your arms and I was afraid to get mascara on your shirt and you said you didn't care? Do you remember that, Lane? Because, Lane dear, I will take your mascara stains too. I will take them anyday.
from boobo :
Did you know that the Double Tree hotel is for lesbians?
from rckstrreview :
Your Rockstar Review is done. Thanks for waiting, hope you like it!
from ibtil2003 :
Lane. I'm going to speak slowly, and anunciate. Because you apparantly don't read the notes i send you fully. You were supposed to erase the note I sent you about Mark. I specified IN THAT NOTE that you were to erase it. And you did not! Which prompted someone to comment about the note. Which was embarrassing! And I hold you completely responsible!!!! hahahaha
from review-world : Your review is FINALLY up at review-world!! Sorry about the wait!
from boobo :
Lane... I love you. You've already given me answers... does this sound familiar: "It's the little things that make you happy, so it only makes sense that it's the little things that make you cry."
from ibtil2003 :
LANE! You arse! You were supposed to ERASE the quote! Can't you do ANYTHING?! That's it. I am not giving you your own continent anymore. You have FAILED. *dies of embarrassment*
from boobo :
Hahahaha... does someone have a crush on Mark? Cuuute. Anyhow, Lane, our day for talking WILL come, I promise. It needs to be more intimate though. :) Love ya!
from ibtil2003 :
Jan 31, 2003. Holy Toledo Firecracker Man! We gotta do some template work. Saturday morning would probably be greatness for me, but it totally depends on my Mary Kay stuff too, not to mention what time you are willing to get up to get over here and fix my diary. I am refusing to update until I get a new template, so, yeah, the fate of the universe rests on your sleeping patterns. Hehe. Gimme a call. Love, Amy
from alanna01 :
If ya like McCaffery, you may like Mercedes Lackey. Ever read anything by her? The Last Herald-Mage series is the BEST thing she's written, I believe. Then again, I'm acutally going to continue through the rest of the series' this time around. lol. First book's called Magic's Pawn.
from bootyqueen17 :
yeah it is. you're such a smart boy :) thanks for not telling...i thought you guys were friends so that's why i was worried. he's just so adorable. but alas, i'm too chicken to do anything about it. :) by the way, congratulations on doing well on your acting!
from bootyqueen17 :
yeah it is. you're such a smart boy :) thanks for not telling...i thought you guys were friends so that's why i was worried. he's just so adorable. but alas, i'm too chicken to do anything about it. :) by the way, congratulations on doing well on your acting!
from maidenmoon :
happy birthday! say the words, and i'll take u to brothers for 80's night! patti
from ibtil2003 :
January- uh..25th? I dunno. It's the SuperBowl. 26th? Whatever. I've FOUND IT! Finally! Lane, I have my dream template. And now, I need you to fix it. There's the addy. I loved hanging out with you buddy. I'm sorry I failed at coming up with bday party plans. I was waiting for you to be like "so i came up with something and it's scheduled for saturday" but it didn't work. About that Chicago soundtrack I'm bootlegging...hehe.
from bootyqueen17 :
hint: he doesn't have blonde hair, but brown. and great blue eyes. this should be easy! come on..guess :) i probably won't ever tell you though cause then you'd tell him and then he'd act all weird probably...
from candid-revu :
Ever thought of having your diary reviewed? Try candid-revu, for your reviewing pleasure ;) *this isn�t spam, we�re just letting you know we�re open*
from alanna01 :
I'm not quite sure how you would take down an emotional wall, they're built slowly, but surely. Maybe that's how you take them down? I wouldn't know, because mine's still surrounding my heart. I do know that a good friend is a vital part in getting over the wall. One person you can say something like I love you too. Maybe not even say it, but know it's true. Because then you'll have a tiny little chisel to go at that wall. lol. I'm ramblin on. Sorry.
from ibtil2003 :
AAAAACK. Lane, why is my diary being retarded?! Please fix it! WHY is it aligning like that?! Freako diary!
from ibtil2003 :
I would totally LOVE to email you, and I would too, had I in my possession your EMAIL ADDRESS! Lane, please don't banish my from reviewing diaries because I'm failing right now. Please please please.
from ibtil2003 :
I diiiiiiiiiiid it!!! I finshed the review. And I was NICE too! I didn't say anything offensive! YAY! But now I have a new problem. I saved it to a Word document, and now I don't know what to do with it. So, yeah, she's probably pissed since her freaking review took two weeks. Hehe. I'll do better next time! I swear!
from ibtil2003 :
LANE! I SO want to do my review, and I feel like such a failure because I TRIED to find where you were telling me to get it,but I was tired last night and now I don't remember! I'M SO SORRY! HELP
from our-views :
Hi! You've been reviewed by Katy at Our-Views. Visit
from ibtil2003 :
January 9 - Lane, all joking aside, I'm so very honored by your latest entry. You mean so much to me as a friend. Secondly, I am so very proud of you. Your statements indicate, to me, you are one step closer to breaking down your walls by admiting to the people you care about that you indeed value them in your life. And, finally, I don't understand the list. LOL. You should've expected this one. So, OK, I may not always be #1, but I will never leave the list? And the list can grow to be more than 12 people? I'm confused. Honestly, I get the sense that this is a great honor, but I don't understand the mechanics of it. Like, I know my car goes vroom!vroom! and plays cd's when I feed them to it, but that does not mean I know what's under the hood. :) I love you Lane.
from ibtil2003 :
January 8th- Oh my nelly!ROAR! I'm a tiger!!! Not only am I a tiger, I am a #1 Tiger!!! Heck yeah! Lane, I love you.
from boobo :
Wow... #1... I assume that's me, Squash, you're talking about. If not, well, I'll just pretend like it is. But why a list of 12? That seems like... so many. I can't think of 12 people that I even <i>like</i>. ;)
from boobo :
I agree with the previous note... it is your right to have walls. I have a wall, but it's quite different - I'm sarcastic with people, and often times I hurt them without realizing it. It's just a part of life, completely accepting yourself... but I swear, one day you will. I doubt this is the most awe-inspiring note you've ever read, but hey, I'm just letting you know. Oh, and by the way, Lane - you're one of the coolest people I know. ;)
from ibtil2003 :
January 6th - I think. So, a couple of things...#1. *hands gtafreak the official wall-smashing sledgehammer* This was useful to me. It takes time. A long time. It's not a fault, you know, the emotional walls. It's your way of protecting yourself. It's your right. But now you have to find a way to take day trips to the little hamlet outside the big walls occasionally or something. At least if you're comfortable. Start with day trips. Then work on overnight stays. Hehe. #2. About the help with the template...yes, I definitely need help. But I don't know what I want yet. I have so many specific things that I want. We'll talk. I'll make a list! YAY! OK, this'll be fun, for me at least. #3. Not only am I a tiger, I am also Cambell's Chunky Soup, according to Wick Wick. *claps* #4. HAVE YOU SEEN THE BILBOARD THAT SAYS "I AM A FAJITA, HEAR ME ROAR"?!?!?! Cause I almost peed my pants. That is all. Much Love, ~Me
from rundmb :
hey lane! happy new year!! I miss you, kid....we really need to hang out before school starts. you could introduce me to these loony lincoln kids of yours.
from boobo :
How could you forget to write about the beating the drum? Rim Shot?!? ;)
from bandchick182 :
dude, another RENT lover! awesome! and you get to review my diary...ok, yeah, way too much happiness there, but i really like your layout and you write well, so yeah, keep it up.
from ibtil2003 :
EEEWIE! WHY did you REpost that scary underwear thing?! *dies* I'm going to remember that EVERY time I'm in the laundry room of my residency hall! *CRIES*
from prncsaimee :
Happy new year!!
from rockbaby14 :
lol, I wrote "thanks so much" TOO much. hehe :) Oh, by the way....HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! })|({
from rockbaby14 :
Thanks so much for the review and what you said about it! I'm going to work on the things you told me, cuz I still have some work to do. :) Thanks so much!! })|({
from prncsreviews :
Hi there! Your princess review is up at this URL: Take care ;)
from bootyqueen17 :
hey, lane! my life is pretty great actually. i miss you at publix, but many co-workers are really nice to me (randall's still there of course :)) however im a little tired of mopping and cleaning bathrooms. Of course PGOS is still working! man is he a hottie! Hey, he went out with a girl cashier named Amanda since september, but they broke up recently. so he could be bi.....never know :) umm rickards is still ok, but IB is stressing me out. just have to deal with this crap until may though. where are you planning to go after highschool? still interested in pursuing an acting/singing career? we need to hang out some time. i will try to update more often, im just a tad lazy. ;)
from ibtil2003 :
12-29 1. ROAR! I'm a tiger!!! 2. I LOVE your new template. Good job! 3. I don't have a number 3. Whoops. Anyways, yeah. Congrats on finally getting the cd player in the car. Were the sexy guys still there? Cause damn. They were sexy. And I have decided they are brothers. Which meant they were potentially kinky sexy guys! WOOHOO!
from sashita :
i don't exactly understand what's supposed to happen when i mouseover the title. . . .. nothing happens!!! anyhoo, go here
from ibtil2003 :
Oh My Fucktard! I saw LoTR II afterschool! Next time I'm retarded and not home when you come a-courting, leave me an angry note on my door or something! And Julie hates me! HAHAHA! Gotta go study The Spanish thought. I love you!
from boobo :
As far as JJ goes... I couldn't tell that you had a crush on him. I mean, I know you do, but only because you told me. However, because I know, I can see hints that it's a crush... but there's no way that anyone can tell. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but it is a thing. I think it's cute when you're around him though. Awww.
from bootyqueen17 :
Hey, Lane! I miss you. THat guy in your fitness class seems like a dumb jerk...probably insecure with himself. Your car is cool. Hey, which Travis are you talking about? There are 20 of them i swear.
from rundmb :
lane, i love you dearly, but your font kills my eyes. have a nice thanksgiving! love liz
from boobo :
About that whole "having a crush for 4 months" thing... it is healthy. I had a crush on a guy for 24 months without him every showing any returned feelings, and without my feelings diminishing. But life works out. Your time will come. Tomorrow is another day. Hrmm... what other cliches can I use in this moment? Haha, life's a bitch... so punch it in the face. ;)
from ibtil2003 :
Lane!!! I'm sorry...tell her I had to cut my guest list down cause my mom found out, so I can only have 10 people. Totally tell her that. I'm so sorry. Wait, I'm calling you...
from ibtil2003 :
Lane. We gotta get in touch brotha. Homecoming plans! Homecoming plans! CALL ME!
from ibtil2003 :
OK, I think I speak for EVERY SINGLE PERSON ALIVE and even for those that aren't when I say Please, Please, Please never again mention Jock Itch EVER. That is so the same as talking about erections while handcuffed to...oh WAIT. Hehe. We'll save that story for another day, eh Lane? OK, back to the point, please. No more Jock Itch again EVER. Thank You, Mngmnt.
from bootyqueen17 :
Lane! I'm sad that you're leaving my Publix!! :( THere will be no one to "flirt with" muahahahah Stupid Jeff! By the way, your car is the cutest thing ever.
from ibtil2003 :
Lane, we SO nead to get corsages and booty-nears! I looked them up on the Internet and they are SO PRETTY. Call me, we'll talk.
from ibtil2003 :
So, it's about 6:30 and I am AWAKE on a saturday morning. Why, you might be asking...stupid funkernanny SATs! Why can't they be at, like, 10AM. For Christ's sake - it is not even light out! *grumbles* WHEN are you bringing the new car by to meet the Amy? ( It's like Meet the Parents, but BETTER!!! )
from ibtil2003 :
LANE! Where the heckernanny are ya brotha?! haha. Leave me a note. I'm so bored.
from boobo :
BAHAHA - I just got that Marshmellow is Marshall. Oh wow. And HEY! You need to change my name to SQUASH on the castlist, young man. And also, why does he come before me? I mean, I AM your better half and all ... *Sara*
from bootyqueen17 :
LANE!! So sorry duder about the chad party. We met for dinner at Gordo's before you even got off work and then i forgot to call you after i thought you would be home because i am stupid and a horrible person!! can you ever forgive me? :(
from sashita :
hey sexiness :c) how are you? how's lincoln treating you? you will not believe who is at FSU taking theater. .. WALTER! yup you heard me right. walter is in tally now. Boston raised their prices too much. Ana freaked. luv ya!
from bootyqueen17 :
Oh my. Publix God Of Sex #1 has the BEST smile. It makes me smile really big and giggle like a little school girl. I was priveleged enough to bag for him today. *sigh* I completely know what you mean about the smile thing. It makes me melt. Yay for happiness
from ibtil2003 :
*grumbling* Lane, what's with the lack of calling/emailing that's occuring? Unacceptable. Fix it!!! I do not udnerstand the Sexy Community Grading entry AT ALL. *shrugs* what's new, right?
from rundmb :
im sorry lane. but really ana was yelling too. were they amused that we like to flirt with you? and you never you have a damn boyfriend yet? ps roy is coming next weekend when we hang out.
from rundmb :
hey there cutie. well you used to be cute, until you said something along the lines of "jump his bones." LANE! how many times do i have to tell you, YOU ARENT SEXUAL!!! and if you ever make a crude comment like that again I think I will fall over and die. no really I will. and if I died, who's back would you promise to massage and then not?
from sashita :
hey lane lane!! sasha is very busy modeling, teehee! i've done a magazine shoot, a print ad (700 bux for one picture bay-bee! of course dont get any of it since i owe the agency. . . but now im debt free!), and a runway show, i also have two more runway shows coming up, and i may possibly become the image model of either naked (bags and accesories) or freeway (clothes). cool huh? if you wanna see some of my pictures, not product pix but just studio work, e-mail me for the addy! [email protected]
from blonde32810 :
Hey Lane, I think you are the one I need to talk to about designing a Nirvana template for me :) By the way, I did want to stop by, visit, and say HEY and THANKS for visitting my site andlisting me as a favorite. I meant to do this right after my 200th entry, but I am slow sometimes. And I am jealous xcause you got a puppy. RRRRRR I have puppy fever
from bootyqueen17 :
lane!! publix god of sex is such a hottie, i can't deal with it! he came in today to shop with his mom *hunch* and checked out in the line next to me *hunch* if he is gay you need to GET some of that, for real!!! *hunchhunchhunchhunch** ahhhh there are so many cute boys i want one
from bootyqueen17 :
Lane!!!!!! Hellooo!!! By the way, I love working with you. It's like Spanish class all over again but we aren't singing. WEll, not as much. Yeah about the rating journal thing i don't know much about html, but it would be fun. I'd tell them if it was "pretty" or not and if their entries made me laugh. hehe
from rundmb :
lane the reason you havent seen some of your friends in months is becasue you dont listen to your conscience!!!!
from ibtil2003 :
Um...OK diaryreview, what the funk ever. Lane, here's the response to your message on my notes. I posted it there, but then realized that didn't really get it TO you, so here ya go again: Lane, as much as I love and adore you, I think that is a stupid idea. HAHA. OK, that sounded harsh. But seriously, let me give you reasons why I hate your idea ( hehehehe ): 1. I do not want people critiquing my shit like that, which leads me to believe that nobody else really wants a RATING on their personal, or at least semi-personal business. 2. I only want to read the diaries that I have bookmarked. There are reasons why I have very few diaries marked - I don't care to read everyone else's. 3. Lane, I don't remember any of the other reasons why I hate this idea. Most of them stem from laziness due to the fact that I have just gotten home at 1:30ish from babysitting. Please forgive my inability to keep up the facade of liking you or your ideas. BWAHAHA. *ahem* Sorry....whatever. I wonder if Real Sex is on HBO...*wink* CALL ME LANE! I should probably post this on your What the hell.... However, now that I know you didn't make up such an idea on your own, I forgive your stupidity ( haha) and now I would likely to publicly criticize diaryreview whatever for dedsignating themselves Reigning Harem of Diaryland Gods or something and RATING other people's mess. *grumbling*
from diaryreviews :
Hi I'm Ali from Diary Reviews and I just wanna let you know that your diary has been reviewed!
from bootyqueen17 :
Lane, you're the freaking coolest. Not only did you teach me the best way to double bag paper (cause im slow that way) but you found me a power puff girls thing! THat's the shit!! YEah, whenever you wanna come over, that's cool! i don't do anything this summer. by the way, that's great that we're working at almost the same time! that makes me happy. You still need to show me the cute guy you're talking about!!! I need to point out a "mashed potato" haha that i like. maybe you will know stuff about him. he has blue eyes. *hunch*
from bootyqueen17 :
Hey, Lane! you trying to tell me something? that i look like shit?? thanks buddy. Hahhaha what can i damn publix shirt is too big. who knew mediums were for large people. PLEH i look so tart in that uniform. like a boy or something. with a ponytail. whatever. WHO THE SMACK is this beautiful guy that you are talking about?? You need to show me him soon, k?
from ibtil2003 :
Lane, so I have this hugs bruise on my chin now from reading your damn underwear poem that made my jaw unhinge and drop to the floor, hitting with such an impact i hurt myself. it is YOUR fault! haha. seriously, let's talk about how scared I am that that shit will happen when I live in a dorm. Fuck that. I'm gonna wash my undies in my bathroom sink. I can't handle it....
from bootyqueen17 :
AHH lane when do you work!!! it was boring/scary with no one that i knew at work today. I work 3 hr. shifts on monday, thursday and friday. yeah. the fat lady who sits on a stool is slow and mean. but i met some other nice people. Do you know WAlker? he stalkes(stalked) Kacee. i don't think he likes me too much because i called him a stalker and told him to leave kacee alone...when she still worked at publix...WHOOPS! my bad. damn karma.
from bootyqueen17 :
AHH lane when do you work!!! it was boring/scary with no one that i knew at work today. I work 3 hr. shifts on monday, thursday and friday. yeah. the fat lady who sits on a stool is slow and mean. but i met some other nice people. Do you know WAlker? he stalkes(stalked) Kacee. i don't think he likes me too much because i called him a stalker and told him to leave kacee alone...when she still worked at publix...WHOOPS! my bad. damn karma.
from bootyqueen17 :
hey, lane! i go to work in an hour! poop! i'm tired, just wanna sleep. and i heard sundays are busy. pleh. nappyyyy time please! My friend from elementary school is Jason Roberts. He's really nice. On thursday i also saw some girl that used to go to our school, i think Amber? SHe used to go out with Chris Murphy (silly boy!) i believe.
from ibtil2003 :
Lane, you fixed my computer! YAY. Haha. I showed the keychain to my mom - she thought it was saying I was stupid........*sigh* Sometimes I just KNOW I was produced in a lab.....
from bootyqueen17 :
Hey, Lane! I'm going to be working with you at Publix. YAY! It will be great fun! And Randall works there too so i will actually know people. I go to "orientation" tomorrow at 6. See ya soon, playa!
from rundmb :
lane, this is your conscience speaking. listen, you really, really want to call your friend liz that you have not talked to all summer. chances are she misses you, and you know you miss her too (i am your conscience, i know these things!), so boy, get off your butt and call up your friends! Especially Liz!
from maidenmoon :
me too! home sweet hell tallahassee. How was camp!?
from ibtil2003 :
Lane, 1. "I'm Home" is the biggest waste of space entry you have ever made! 2. I want to know everything that happened and the hottie potential at your CHIRCH CAMP THINGY ( heehee, yeah, i'm hell-bound ), and, and.....EVERYHTING ELSE! You can't leave for forever and return only to announce "I'm Home! What is the matter with you. CALL ME!!!!!
from tr0tsky :
omg omg, ok i know you dont know me, well maybe you do, but all i know is u live in my city and you have me as one of your fav, and i dont know you.... so..... i just thought id say "y0" and tell you that "WHAM" is the coolest band of all time, WAKE ME UP BEFORE YOU GO-GO!!!! HAS;FKLJALSF HAHAH MAN..... ok ya good times peas
from grenjelybean :
Hi :) Thanks for clicking on my banner :) And for reading. I'm an exhibitionist geek like that :) Yes, I work at Publix. I'm a line cashier by definition, but I'm trained in the front office and am trying to transfer out to O-town(where I go to school) and be a f-o-cashier full time (well, not full time, because that'd be too much, but that's besides the point) Ok, and now I'm rambling and wishing I put this in a guestbook instrad of the notes. Oh well, you'll deal :) Toodleoo:)
from ibtil2003 :
*tears well up in eyes and bottom lip quivers* LANE! You can't leave! *grabs him by the ankles and bawls* I won't let you go!!! Lane - who am I going to call and whine to??? Wh oam I going to get to help me with the FROGS?! You're gonna leave and I'm going to get eaten and it will be ALL YOUR FAULT! Have fun at Youth Camp though... :)
from ibtil2003 :
LANE! PLEASE CHECK OUT THE MAGICAL HTML GENIUS THAT I HAVE BECOME! OK, so I cut and pasted in order to make one of my quiz links under my Guestbook Form - but for ME, it's pretty damn good! WOOHOO! But I need some help with some color stuff.......give me a call Oh Great God of! We're PONGLINGS!
from maidenmoon :
u go!!!! tell him off! woohoo!!!!
from irishcream32 :
You'll never figure me out! Ha ha ha! . . . Well maybe for a price . . . no, I must resist temptation!
from irishcream32 :
You know it's fun!
from polixenes :
It would be the DORKIEST thing of all time, ever, if I created a secret identity to mess with peeps on the www. Hmm... it DOES sound like something I would do... um, carry on!
from irishcream32 :
Sadly to say, but yes I know who all of you are. It's kind of nice to go unknown, it's like I have some kind of super powers or something. Ha ha ha!
from rundmb :
IBtil2003: hm...i'm going to get some agua LlamaEmpress: ok LlamaEmpress: get me some too IBtil2003: you want ice? LlamaEmpress: AMY IBtil2003: wait! IBtil2003: *smacks forehead* IBtil2003: liz, can i tell you how i was totally bringing you water
from rundmb :
let us now discuss how today, for the second time in a month, i almost got into an accident because the person in front of me slammed on their brakes. now, normally this is no problem, as i am not a fucktard and do not tail. however, this becomes a problem when it is NIGHT TIME, and the car HAS NO BREAK LIGHTS! hel-LO, is it just me, or is it COMMON SENSE to make sure your BREAK LIGHTS WORK. fuckheads. i hear ya lane-o.
from bootyqueen17 :
drivers in tally are the WORST! aren't we like the #1 city for accidents or something in florida? and people hit pedestrians ALL THE TIME! people who tail you like that are stupid, it's not like they actually have anywhere to go because no one NORMAL does that shit. it must be those damn hicks. haha. was it a truck?
from polixenes :
Dude -- WORD. "Back the FUCK off" is right.
from whyamime :
DUDE!! i love her!!
from polixenes :
Did they shorten the name to "Avril?" I saw a video, and the name of the artist was missing a Lavigne. Strange. The first time I saw the video I was like "They are all so young! They could be us! If, you know, any of us played instruments. And had a recording contract." But I figured they were actually in their twenties and had just been grown in one of those Hollywood genetic labs. Wow, so young, so talented.
from rundmb :
lane you havent gotten me the beautiful boys phone number yet. slacker.
from ibtil2003 :
Hmm, yeah I'm awake: That first message should read: "I still want to work at Publix...", but whatever. YOU try taking care of newborn quads for a night and see how on your feet YO uare. sheesh.....
from ibtil2003 :
I will want to work at Publix....thanks for rubbing it in jerkface.....
from rundmb :
Lane, I love you. what would I do if I didnt have you to counteract all the stupid things I do? I would probably fall over and die of embarassment from your constant wait that already happens. Why do i keep you around again? OH YEAH now i remember - you do stupid things too! so this was a completely pointless post, but I was rambling while trying to think of other stupid things you have done but mainly succeeded in thinking of stupid things i have done while you were around. huh.
from ibtil2003 :
YAY! Lane, only you could make me feel smart........hahaha. Good job. I always reach up and smack myself in the face to see if my glasses are on my face when i start looking for them.....that's sort of the same thing.....or NOT. whatever. lane, we are living in my aunt's apartment. CALL ME SOON - I MISS YOU!
from ibtil2003 :
Dammit Lane! Did you HAVE to mention the locked doors?! GEEZ. And yeah, we are both moving to Liz's house. You can stay in their tazight guest room with me, since I'm INVITED by the 'rents! HA! I'm legit! YAY. I hate my family...but I have a solution. Call me. It will help us both!!
from rundmb :
hey lane, amy is moving into my house for the summer. you are welcome here also. =)
from rundmb :
hey lane. its about time for you to update this thing. lazy. wait i forgot, you are busy being a productive member of the family....HAHAHA.

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