messages to hucfinn:
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from murnshaw :
Welcome back. Hang in there, friend.
from murnshaw :
I'm pretty sure they interview you when you apply to medical school. What does it cost to file an application? I think in order to make a better decision, you'll probably need more interaction in that particular field? File the application, head to their campus on a free day, look around and talk to the people there. I'm sure if you spent 12 hours there speaking with people you'd have a better idea whether or not medical school is worth the plunge. If the general consensus is you'll hold your own, I say go for it. The longer you wait in life, the more risky any endeaver becomes. Financial security is a necessity few of us want to come to terms with, but that can't stop us from striving for it. On the other hand, if after spending a day there interviewing and being interviewed you find out you're way over your head, you should probably look elsewhere for that career change. Just my two cents. ;)
from persimmon :
Hi. Is it fair that I get to still leave you notes? Anyhow - I have not in recent memory or perhaps ever (too tired to check and make sure so forgive me) heard you mention love. It's always rather a very mature explanation of the circumstances between you and someone else. Don't get me wrong, mature is good, despite your buffer of loving drama. :)
from murnshaw :
I've never agreed with the ends justifying the means when it comes to happiness. You are in essence saying you're willing to give up happiness now for more happiness in the future, but you're saying that like you will definitely find more happiness in the future. It always amuses me when I listen to people tell me that, because it never occurs to them that happiness in the future is a gamble. It's no different than putting a dollar down on black and hoping to get two dollars back. There is no such thing as a sure thing when it comes to happiness. I gambled once and lost. I would not do it again. Just some food for thought. ;)
from persimmon :
Hey, so mold problem aside (which as nasty dirty girl archaeologist I don't so much understand anyhow. I mean, I breathe dead people) the issue about dirty fighting I can explicate so: most people shouldn't ever be so in practice as to successfully carry this stuff out. So a half-power kill move can just be like a blow. Although I assume this as someone who took a swing at my boyfriend once and was almost negligently brushed off. Iva
from murnshaw :
Yeah, I don't think you should do anything with this guy. He was probably confused about himself and anything you do would probably make things worse... Have you ever thought about moving somewhere else? Up here in NY we have plenty of eligible men. The rent is insane though. ;)
from persimmon :
yes, ice cream and stolen kisses - and date rape, and racism, and really boring dress codes, and on and on. And what those couples sybolize isn't even available to every het couple, just the ones who are marketable.
from persimmon :
Wow. You should totally write drunk more often. Not to be weird. You DID write it yourself.
from murnshaw :
Who said that you don't know what you're talking about? That person does deserve to get a beating. I keep up with your entries because you're an insightful guy who doesn't talk out of his ass. If your "friend" doesn't see that then maybe he doesn't deserve to be your friend. Or he could just be angry at something I suppose. But you're totally right, dude. :)
from murnshaw :
I don't think you should be insecure. I've read your writing, and you are a strong confident guy. Just let it all out, we won't judge. Well, I won't judge. I promise. Btw, I agree with you on the whole transition thing. But if death is a transition to something completely different, if we could not conceive or detect it, what part of us could we truly believe will pass on through death? You are trying to think like a blind man when you should be thinking like a man without eyes. There is no transition through death. We both know it. We just can't accept it for some reason.
from soulstyce :
OMG Edward Gorey. You are my favorite <3 :)
from snow666white :
*smiles* i am honoured! oxox -Snow.
from ook :
i love your writing.
from snow666white :
never, have I come across such stimulating words... I will return to read your entries -faithfully... Snow white oxox
from persimmon :
can you send me the 'icky list,' please?
from persimmon :
hey, so I totally emailed you from the link you left in my guestbook. If you were sleep-deprived or drunk when you left the message I understand - I've never done it and I've been on this site three years. Take care.
from costumer29 :
I miss you, too. One could also ask what is a hag to do when all her fags are out of state? I'm not going to sleep with jon. i'll call you soon. becca
from persimmon :
Needy is as needy does, Usually, needy picks up the telephone. Maybe though your needy is less needy than mine. Cheers and feel better soon. Beer and chicken soup? Iva
from persimmon :
What?! I read you, I do, and what was that?!
from persimmon :
We science types may be a mixed-up bunch, but just think of the hybrid vigor.

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