messages to iglooo:
(click here to add new message):

from pallorpallet :
why are you an idiot?
from pallorpallet :
Things are alright i guess... yeah. so far so good. I'll update my diary soon and junk and you can read it then.
from pallorpallet :
Hey, are things alright with you?? you haven't left any entries lately..which could be very good or very bad.
from pallorpallet :
It's good that you have someone you feel so strongly about. I fight urges to cut myself all the time. Sometimes I Give in, sometimes I Dont. Mostly it depends on how convenient the blades are.
from pallorpallet :
things are alright, I hate people too! their so fucking pretentious. But that's life I guess. Anywho, I'm in the city(toronto) today. Job hunting, yeah! and visiting. hope to cacth you some time.
from pallorpallet :
hey, just wanted to see what was going on. I haven't seen you online lately and was wondering how you were. everyone's worried?
from milkandpasta :
of course it is.
from milkandpasta :
yeah I know. you're excentric.
from pallorpallet :
Hey, I'm totally addicted to your diary, its wierd how similar things are for us..but yet different. well. if you want to chat sometime; I have msn [email protected]. Is my email.
from milkandpasta :
yeah. a total wacko you are...
from plume :
thanks alotta :)
from milkandpasta :
nej, self�lgeligt g�r du ikke det
from reversbatman :
I'm doing pretty well these days. How about you? Yeah, we should. My e-mail address is [email protected]. What's yours?
from milkandpasta :
alt er godt
from milkandpasta :
s� burde man i det mindste kunne se stjernene
from milkandpasta :
hvad er det hos dig?
from milkandpasta :
men der er lyst, ikke?
from milkandpasta :
er der ikke koldt i en iglooo?
from reversbatman :
Cool. Sounds good. I'm doing alright, could be better, could be worse. I'm really kind of in a malaise lately. Sort of numb. How about you? Everything going alright?
from reversbatman :
Hey, is there anyway I could a username and password for your diary?
from plume :
du er velkommen :)
from plume :
Hehe. You know the cd? the one with martin strunge poetry. twas quite a compliment :)
from plume :
that's pretty good, I like the cd
from plume :
when you write in Danish it reminds me of my nikolaj n�rlund cd
from reversbatman :
Hey! Happy birthday. Sorry I'm a little late.
from plume :
rawk. Just another reason to get a dvd player. I hope I'm moving out too. Some time.
from trashpunk :
ja, helt bestemt.
from trashpunk :
nu har jeg l�st. det er specielt.
from salviated :
Haha. Det m� da v�re sk�bnens ironi. Men ja. Jeg klarer mig for nu. Og tak.
from salviated :
Undskyld. Virkelig. Jeg har lige nogle ting, jeg skal have p� plads f�rst, f�r jeg t�r dele dem med andre.
from plume :
thank you. good things come around eventually.
from salviated :
Giv mig din email-addresse, s� sker der noget sjovt.
from reversbatman :
I agree, summer school sucks. But I need to take classes to finally graduate. As for Arabic, I was sort of failing it, so I had to drop to keep my GPA up. It was cool, just too much work for me to handle at the time...
from reversbatman :
Yeah, studying definitely sucks. I have to start summer school in like 5 days. At least I'm not taking Arabic anymore.
from reversbatman :
HEY! You didn't leave! That rocks. What's going on with you these days?
from plume :
loneliness is emptiness
from plume :
Hehe I like that. Not that your mother was worried of course. That's just bonus I guess. hehe.
from plume :
hehehe. Thank for the song :) they should play THAT on viva :)
from plume :
congratulations on your choice of mix. You saw Zwan live on the telly? Now I'm jealous. It must've been German telly right? I think it's on the hub already. Maybe I will download it. Zwan rocks my socks. Who doesn't like guitar solos? Apart from boybands, I mean. Guitar solos are king.
from plume :
eep. Ich vergessen. Would you want a zwan livefest or a mixedband livefest?
from plume :
must.. resist.. you... nah, I can't. I'll make you a tape. Or a CD, depending on what happens. If that's okay. I could never say no to narko.
from milkandpasta :
hey!!! der er s�vand herovre!!
from plume :
Just make something up. "he's french" or something like that.
from plume :
narko is very sweet too. Just don't tell the cops I said that. Badabing.
from plume :
I'm sorry you are sad... there is too much sadness in the air. I just wrote about mew. mew mew mew. I like the word. I think I used it as a nickname for Young once upon a time. Mew. Kashmir. Carpark North. I want to see them sometime too.
from myrkur :
i [l o v e] you.

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