
To keep you from the loneliness of yourself

The hurt you call your own

Random psychotic violence of the mind

My boredom has outshined the sun

bring me down

bring me down

Part suicidal, part comedian. You're all a part of me now.

Some day I'll follow you, see you on the other side...

My favorite diaries:

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My favorite music:

Smashing Pumpkins
comments: memories of what never was
comments: maybe we were born to love
comments: PS you rock my world
comments: we are accidents waiting to happen
comments: + R.E.M., Nirvana, Counting Crows, The Smiths, Weezer, Silverchair, The Raveonettes, Blur, The Frogs, The Marked (seriously), Muse, Manic Street Preachers, Psyched Up Janis, JJ 72, Kashmir, Saybia, Outlandish, papa m, Starchildren and more I'm sure

My favorite movies:

Star Wars
comments: May the force be with you
The Big Lebowski
comments: You're entering a world of pain...
The Nightmare Before Christmas
comments: + American History X, The Matrix, all movies seen in MST3k vision, Vieuphoria, Austin Powers
Fight Club
comments: + The Labyrinth, Blade Runner, Alien(s), Go, Indiana Jones, The Crow, Fucking �m�l, Shrek, Movies where Jim Carrey goof off and then it all ends happily
The Shawshank Redemption
comments: + 12 Monkeys, Girl Interrupted, Everything Monty Python ever did, Groundhog Day, That Scrooge thing with Billy Murray, Bill Murray in general, really bad movies (especially with hot chicks in 'em), and many more I'm sure

My favorite authors:

Stephen King
comments: Keep the wolf from the door
Douglas Adams
comments: thanks for all the fish.
Timothy Zahn
comments: Want to buy my old star wars books?
J.R.R. Tolkien
comments: I'm a hobbit. Don't tell anyone.
Billy Corgan
comments: + Dennis J�rgensen, Lee Harper and more I'm sure

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last updated: 2023-11-25 13:12:51
this user's total entries: 1862
user since: 2000-08-09

AOL IM name: it's a secret
ICQ number: I don't seek you
Yahoo Messenger name: for email notification only
MSN Messenger name: it's in the past, let it go

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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