Anton Cire...

AKA...Eric Anthony

My favorite diaries:

perceptionss profile - diary
comments: "You can hear the ocean in a paper cup."
wench77 profile - diary
comments: I see so much of me in her.
elliorange profile - diary
comments: Hearts :)
sunnflower profile - diary
comments: I enjoyed visiting her island.
smartepants profile - diary
comments: Very much enjoy.
shesajar profile - diary
catpewk profile - diary
comments: First because of the name but now the read.
fan4 profile - diary
djmarionette profile - diary
cosmicrayola profile - diary
wendyloo profile - diary
trulypoetic profile - diary
comments: Kristy.
prissy-pants profile - diary
groovebunny profile - diary
comments: Not your average groovy bunny.
lousrose profile - diary
cassiopeia- profile - diary
abacinate profile - diary
scorpi07 profile - diary
comments: Good read.
starzero profile - diary
neshachan profile - diary
comments: She's cute and smart.
shortst101 profile - diary
comments: Sandy.
mangofarmer profile - diary
comments: Hopefully doing well...
gumphood profile - diary
dana-elayne profile - diary
comments: Enjoy her updates.
chadmuska profile - diary
clairecav profile - diary
common-tegus profile - diary
viciousoreo profile - diary
angellivia profile - diary
biensoul profile - diary
comments: Good times.
sistercookie profile - diary
pumpkin144 profile - diary
jayde-havok profile - diary
neon7c profile - diary
nikitrubl profile - diary
sarahsundae profile - diary
comments: She's okay with her decay.
boogabooga profile - diary
comments: Funny girl.
invisibledon profile - diary
comments: Not really there.
andrew profile - diary
comments: The Creator.
aloka profile - diary
roxyelliot profile - diary
comments: Roxy!
thepeachtree profile - diary
blakkrayn profile - diary
lovingmysky profile - diary
chadin profile - diary
offence profile - diary
cindie-loo profile - diary
plume profile - diary
comments: I'm flattered.
kidneygurl profile - diary
tom-seb-jak profile - diary
comments: :D
demi-orphan profile - diary
comments: Likewise, my wheels are spinning.
sleepyzoe profile - diary
moodymelinda profile - diary
evanescences profile - diary
bl00dyshad0w profile - diary
elfychica profile - diary
dkb4ever profile - diary
alwaysinhim profile - diary
aesthetica87 profile - diary
comments: Very nice...
fuzzyhoovle profile - diary
icomeundone profile - diary
chickenabuse profile - diary
mywayhighway profile - diary
shes-tacky profile - diary
taya-wolff profile - diary
jt12s-4ever profile - diary
shmeder profile - diary
boy196 profile - diary

My favorite music:

The Dave Mathews Band
Sarah McLachlan

My favorite movies:

The Matrix
Office Space
American Beauty

My favorite authors:

Douglas Adams
Albert Einstien
Larry David
Dennis Miller

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last updated: 2004-04-08 16:49:41
this user's total entries: 91
user since: 2003-11-08

AOL IM name: [email protected]
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MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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