Moody Melinda

....just some writings about my days and the thoughts that swirl around in my mind....

My favorite diaries:

cassiopeia- profile - diary
comments: happy family of three, not counting the fish, cats and fancy rat or sea monkeys!
sleepymom profile - diary
comments: just came across her diary today....and some of the things she wrote were things that have swirled around in my mind too.......i need to read more
komachi profile - diary
comments: A womans thoughts
sexyoldman profile - diary
comments: "Step inside the mind of an average man walking down the street" ( not so sure about average......but he has some interesting thoughts swirling around in his mind)
maxxdogg profile - diary
comments: cant wait for him to post an entry.....the first one i added before he even wrote one......because i like him
dangerspouse profile - diary
comments: "I have nothing to say. So naturally I've decided to set up an on-line diary." Well, if he got nothing to say, then he sure has a funny way of saying it.
leonmcphelps profile - diary
comments: This guy is awesome, at least that's what he says. I think he's funny
randomfacts profile - diary
comments: There are more molecules in a teaspoon of water than there are teaspoons of water in the Atlantic Ocean.
chaosdaily profile - diary
comments: I am like her, or she is like some ways..
ohswim profile - diary
wench77 profile - diary
comments: she is very different from me i think, but i like her lots
sunnflower profile - diary
comments: A female suburbanite trying to face each day with a smile in this place she calls Suburban Island
im2qt2kr profile - diary
res6564 profile - diary
comments: Rick "Just doing the best I can with what I got. "

My favorite music:

comments: Michael Learns To Rock.........
comments: Ride On

My favorite movies:

comments: well i am not really a movie person.....

My favorite authors:

Isabel Allende
comments: House Of Spirits
John Irving
comments: A prayer for Owen Meany

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last updated: 2007-03-31 17:13:24
this user's total entries: 328
user since: 2003-10-05

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Yahoo Messenger name: moody_melinda
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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