Welcome to the Rod Blog. Can You Handle It?

It's been fun but this diary is closed. See you around...

My favorite diaries:

fargahar profile - diary
comments: "Every 5 years or so I look back on my life and I have a good laugh."
captvfirefly profile - diary
comments: "Lately my diary is focused on life after my divorce - personal ads, dating, me becoming a total whore. *ahem* But, I do occasionally talk about other things. Like my cat. And my entry level "fag hagness". Enjoy."
devian profile - diary
comments: "This is where the cunty bitches come to play..."
epeter2025 profile - diary
comments: "[...] because it�s Memorial Day weekend, we�re all going to JR�s for 1 dollar Skyy drinks. Last time that happened we witnessed someone getting a rim job at the bar. That does not constitute a repeat...but the 1 dollar skyy drinks do."
love-rains profile - diary
comments: "Written in poetry and prose; various analysations of the different aspects of my love."
leonmcphelps profile - diary
comments: "I am a real cool and awesome guy, and everyone should love me."
davemarr profile - diary
comments: "A wannabe Buddhist who practices yoga, meditation and life in San Francisco. I'm also a tattooed, bi-sex, fire friendly, ex-punk who'd give up walking if I could snowboard everywhere."
html/clinic profile - diary
comments: For ALL your diaryland HTML-related issues.
good-evil profile - diary
comments: "This review site was started on 14th June 2004 with the hope of recognising and linking the talents of diarists around the world. So go ahead, send in your requests or apply to become a Reviewer :)"
purplebanana profile - diary
comments: "Me: grossly inappropriate, lesbian, living in London, writer, PhD student, wears cool purple glasses, foul mouthed, spiritually curious, honest, blunt, and a white girl with soul. Hi."
tiernsshadow profile - diary
comments: "Fighting crime - doggie style!"
plopphizz profile - diary
comments: "I have a sense of humor and will make fun of things on special occasions, such as days when I am upright and breathing. I do, however, have limits on what I will make fun of."
notme2000 profile - diary
comments: "This diary is about me, Dale. It's about me trying to stay true to my beliefs under the pressure of society."
kilowatt profile - diary
comments: "I am a student, a teacher, a searcher of truth, a lover of beauty, a friend, a spouse, and a passionate devotee of living a rich and creative life."

My favorite music:

comments: "You wouldn't let me say the words I longed to say/You didn't want to see life through my eyes?You tried to shove back inside your little room/And silence me with bitterness and lies."
Jann Arden
comments: "[...] Or drive your car all night/by just star light/ to Canada/ That's where I'll be waiting."
Dave Matthews (Band)
comments: "I love you oh so well/ Like a kid loves candy and fresh snow/I love you oh, so well/Enough to fill up Heaven overflow and fill Hell/I love you oh, so well"
John Mayer
comments: "I worry I weigh three times my body/I worry I trow my weight around/But this morning there's a calm I can't explain/The rock candy's melted/Only diamonds now remain"
Sarah McLachlan
comments: "I have a smile stretched from ear to ear/ to see you walking down the road."

My favorite movies:

The Laramie Project
comments: The true meaning of art is to serve a purpose. This film will change your life if Matthew Shepard's Life and Death haven't already.
comments: The baby on the ceiling?! Thankfully, there's plenty of eye candy in the form of Ewen McGregor and Johnny Lee Miller.
The Hanging Garden
comments: A beautiful and haunting film and Canadian to boot!
Donnie Darko
comments: I love bunnies...
Harold and Maude
comments: A love story between a kid who's obssesed with his own death and an old lady who's waiting for hers.

My favorite authors:

Patricia Cornewell
comments: The Kay Scarpetta Series. Second to none.
Sylvia Plath
comments: The Bell Jar & other works
Mariane Keyes
comments: Quirky English Humour. Better than Helen Fielding.
Christopher Rice
comments: Dark and Exestential. Rice proves that human nature is more frightening than the supernatural.
Amy Tan
comments: Familiar and reflective. Crosses the boundries of race.

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last updated: 2004-09-07 20:39:01
this user's total entries: 101
user since: 2003-12-18

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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