Do you know where the power lies?

My name is dot. I'm 24 years old. I suck at writing descriptive paragraphs about myself, which is why I have a diary, so that others can form their own opinons.

I have another one:

My favorite diaries:

cryinemoboy profile - diary
comments: I (heart) Kevin like BURNING. I also like to sex him up on AIM.
hotrod profile - diary
comments: I (heart) her and you should too.
ashadeofred profile - diary
comments: I (heart) a lot of things. Renate being one of them. Yes, I'm a dick for not putting her here sooner.
inkdragon profile - diary
comments: Y is my favorite. Ever.
drunkadelic profile - diary
comments: He digs ninjas ... punk rock ninjas and JTHM and punk rock and puppies. And I'm strangely drawn to him.
gertierouge profile - diary
comments: Wendy. W.E.N.D.Y. WENDY!
everfrost profile - diary
comments: Matt LOOOOOOOOOVES Ben Affleck ... who wears a toupee.
service-dog profile - diary
comments: Rest in peace, Gentle Giant.
livefan91200 profile - diary
comments: I totally realized that she's not here ... Je regret
xero-by-xero profile - diary
comments: Xero's super awesome ... I've "known" him/her forever and I didn't realize s/he wasn't in my favorites.
slashrgrrl71 profile - diary
xnotlikeyoux profile - diary
doombilly profile - diary
thought-riot profile - diary
meowth2007 profile - diary
grottonymph profile - diary
nothingone profile - diary
comments: She appreciates my wide assortment of flannel PJ pants. She rules.
kaiba profile - diary
comments: Old daily blog. Locked, so HAH!
vramin profile - diary
deadthyme profile - diary
comments: Nothing but adoration for the dead.
callmedoll profile - diary
comments: Hope everything works out for the best.
srch-n-dstry profile - diary
fallincloser profile - diary
viciousheart profile - diary
herebutgone profile - diary
comments: Wicked.
rabidkiwi profile - diary
comments: Kiwi has permission to crack me with a 2x4 for forgetting to stick her up here ...
lovely-freak profile - diary
gyka profile - diary
forty-plus profile - diary
comments: Y's second place on the web. :D
jadedmax profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: You know I'm a radical
Death By Stereo
comments: There'll be hell to pay
comments: I refuse to believe the released anything after "The Art of Drowning."
The Faint
comments: Confident with your back to the audience
Elliott Smith
comments: And you think I ought to shake your motherfucking hand ...

My favorite movies:

Reservoir Dogs
comments: Of course.
American Psycho
comments: Blood + Guts + Gore + Christian Bale Naked = One HELLUVA divine movie.
The Brave Little Toaster
comments: ... is the best movie ever made and if you say different may your arms fall off.
Donnie Darko
comments: "You're the fucking antichrist."
Fight Club
comments: First rule of Fight Club ....

My favorite authors:

Jhonen Vasquez
comments: JTHM is fucking great.
Koushun Takami
comments: Battle Royale
Bret Easton Ellis
comments: American Psycho. Enough said.
Darby Conley
comments: GET FUZZY!!!!!!!
comments: The Divine Comedy

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diaries which list jayde-havok as a favorite diary
last updated: 2006-09-06 22:44:53
this user's total entries:
user since: 2001-02-26

AOL IM name: within divinity
ICQ number:
Yahoo Messenger name:
MSN Messenger name: revenant628

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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