doombilly diary

Welcome back to WTF Central.

It doesn't matter, I am in love with a beauty and no matter what happens I have that to take with me to the gulag.

My favorite diaries:

heidiann profile - diary
comments: Velvet Kenny so belongs here.
revoless profile - diary
comments: Too bad I find it easier to burn brightly and then rest a while, than to follow an easy schedule.
darklily profile - diary
comments: Once we'd gotten the tunes more or less right and a lot of the dynamics sorted out, we moved on to four movements of the Requiem.
sassers profile - diary
comments: I think I could win.
kittybukkake profile - diary
comments: The pink spots in this washed-out photo are scars, from blister after blister after blister.
rumblelizard profile - diary
comments: Okay, let's call a spade a spade: it wasn't insanity, it was gibbering psychosis.
jayde-havok profile - diary
comments: The thing about bands and their cute members is that they always come back.
proofrok profile - diary
comments: I'm a fairly enlightened man.
lovely-freak profile - diary
comments: this is the difference between the implant that i have (the hp's) to regular implants...
pazzobello profile - diary
comments: I will blink my eyes and she will be here before I know it.
fancyfinn profile - diary
comments: I gave him a massage while we were watching TV (it's my secret weapon!)
scanzilla profile - diary
comments: So there I am surrounded by Sexy Ladies and Magical Fruit Wizards when I realize, fuck I am bored out of my fucking mind!
porktornado profile - diary
comments: There is only one set of circumstances that will cause a man to willingly hit himself in the nuts.
prostituee profile - diary
comments: I shower. Or bathe. I use soap. I've never had crabs or shit like that.
lucretia profile - diary
comments: I feel content and relaxed and loved and happy.
weetabix profile - diary
comments: "When Mama�s happy, everybody�s happy.�
egort profile - diary
comments: my girl

My favorite music:

The Blots
Patti Smith
comments: and Television, Ramones, Iggy Pop, Blondie, Talking Heads, VU...
John Cage
comments: & John Cale, the NewYork Dolls, the Buzzcocks, the Police, the Beatles...
Laurie Anderson
comments: Magazine, New Order, Joy Division, X-Ray Spex, ATV, REM, Wire, Sex Pistols, PiL...
David Bowie
comments: too numerous to list, see:

My favorite movies:

Citizen Kane
comments: still a badassed movie, take that cgi!
comments: I work for information retrieval in Central Services
Monty Python's The Holy Grail
comments: nee!
comments: white trash chic
comments: see Authors... I also like a lot of old DeNiro and Peter Greenaway flix.

My favorite authors:

Thomas Pynchon
comments: Gravity's Rainbow, V, Vineland, Crying of Lot 49, Mason & Dixon
Joseph Heller
comments: Catch-22 (not a bad f*cking movie either).
Jack Kerouac
comments: On the Road, Dr Sax, Subteraneans...all those beats, they really made me SEE art.
William S Burroughs
comments: Naked Lunch etc...the whole cut n paste editing schema...finally art out of my ADHD...
Sara Vowell
comments: and Ira Glass, and David Sedaris...oh I am in love with T.A.L.

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last updated: 2009-10-08 02:30:52
this user's total entries: 297
user since: 2002-05-10

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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