.scarecrows and disease.

and from pulling you down with me, here / i can almost hear you scream.

My favorite diaries:

plume profile - diary
comments: he might think he's boring, but he's had an amazing life. swirling from the bottom to the middle to the top. kind of like a toilet in reverse. :)
perfumekiss profile - diary
comments: i miss my prom date... :*(
declawed profile - diary
comments: used to be the roommate
saishu profile - diary
comments: all spiderman and shit.
smithiechick profile - diary
comments: aubrey's the greatest...all hail groupie #2!
cherryonion profile - diary
comments: a very lovely person that you'll never catch in a speedo.
listlesstide profile - diary
comments: now rob dun gone and switched diaries!

My favorite music:

The Smashing Pumpkins
comments: beauty, disgust, enchantment, emotion, apathy, love, hate, desire, life. billy i bow to thee.
comments: the aural barrage...couldn't live without the feeling behind this band. more than just sound, more than just words...
comments: i'm still gonna marry daniel johns.
Sonic Youth
comments: as i've said, if you don't like kim and thurston, you're just satan and that's all there is to it.
Hadassah Wax
comments: yeah i put my own band. i'm a loser. but i gotta say, even if i wasn't in the band, i'd still listen to em. hahahahahaha....

My favorite movies:

The Nightmare Before Christmas
comments: "He's all alone in there, locked away inside.." "Never says a word," "Hope he hasn't died."
The Crow
comments: "Victims...aren't we all."
comments: "Fine by me, but you're living in denial and suppressing rage, motherfucker."
Natural Born Killers
comments: "Jesus Harold Christ on a fucking rubber crutch, is this happening to me?!?!?"
The Smashing Pumpkins Greatest Hits
comments: yes, a collection of sp videos. but dammit, i love them ever so much

My favorite authors:

Edgar Allan Poe
comments: ask me anything about him...i'll know it. i did my term paper on him in high school. i own just about everything he published. i taught my senior english class the entire poe session because i knew more than my teacher. i love his writing...
Sylvia Plath
comments: gives you that warm fuzzy feeling.
Aldous Huxley
comments: how many times have i read brave new world? too many to count.

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last updated: 2017-05-08 02:57:52
this user's total entries: 234
user since: 2002-12-14

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