messages to ilikesquares:
(click here to add new message):

from tsulnagrom :
Ha. That's at least a few years old. username: star pass: wars
from tsulnagrom :
What's the question mark for?
from tsulnagrom :
locked diary: username: username. password: cheerup
from compclass :
Hey I haven't heard from u in like 10 years!! Well write me back!!!
from compclass :
Hey, haven't heard from you in a while. write back kay.
from tsulnagrom :
my diary is working normally again! woot!
from tsulnagrom :
hi...just letting you know that my diary is not updating when you go to read my updated doesn't show the recently updated you have to hit next. you may already know this...just letting you know. :)
from compclass :
Hey, you finally got your computer up!! That's good. It's like 2 degrees here. It's windy and cold. UUURRGGGHHH!! California isn't what it's all cracked up to be!!! LOL!!
from compclass :
Hey, what's up. Nuthin much here. it got so cold all of a sudden. I miss the warmth!! LOL!! I can't wait till Y2Y!! It's not till after spring break!! Urrghhh but NE ways Write back ~k~ Bye
from punkispink03 :
Hey just wanted to tell that i was just reading your favourite music and all of it is good but GOOD CHARLOTTE i cant stand them they are sooo fucking annoying
from compclass :
Did Caila Tell u we r going to go see The Used in Long Beach? I'm so excited. Last time was sssssssooooooo much fun!!! We R also going to y2y up in Big Bear, which will to fun too, but thats in April.
from punkispink03 :
yeah me and jenny have the whole bands signatures it was soooooo much fun! i was online yesterday and we got tickets to go see them in long beach!
from compclass :
Yeah, that sux about Rachel But NE wayz We haven't had Spring Break yet. It's coming up next week. SO I want that to come up. But we get out of school @ 12:30 for the next 3 days!! W/B ♥
from punkispink03 :
yea they are really good in concert they are playing in long beach like next month and i am going to try to get tickets..have you ever ben to a concert?
from compclass :
Hey sorry I haven't been on lately, my computer wasn't working for awhile. So I have like ten years of catching up to do lol!! Well Rachel is out of this class so u won't here from her NEmore. Well W/B ~K~Bye!
from punkispink03 :
Yes i love the used i went to a concert like 6 months ago it was so much fun i remember ONLY the show though!lol have fun in michigan
from punkispink03 :
Hey it has been so long since i have entered an entry in my diary so i finally did! seriously it has been like 2 weeks
from punkispink03 :
willungly: never.........................................................................................against my will: like a week ago
from licious409 :
cause I am sinful 409... Yeah... I wasn't trying to be rude but its true.. b4 u go postin stuff bout pple get the story straight... Catherine aint all big n bad.. she didnt win that fight.. noone did..And thats all there is too it.. But then u had to come off callin me a bitch..
from licious409 :
What do u mean Sinful409 didn't reply to ur notes... They did.. It said something like "If you knew who this was u woulden't be callin me a bitch.." And another person commented u too... Saying that you did need to get ur story straight
from ilikesquares :
whatever. look, sorry about all that. it's just that the freakin carnations were gettin on my nerves and i was really stressed...but anyways, who are you?
from shobie :
I like squares, too.
from kissoncheek :
I moved and forgot to tell you. Blogger rocks, you can upload pictures onto the site for free and have comments sections for every entry you write, check it out.
from punkispink03 :
yea i can read diaries too and thatnks for the site.. i found it on yahoo too! it is great
from punkispink03 :
Hey so i lied our school is catching on and now i cant read diaries either!
from compclass :
Hey sorry that I was in a bad mood the other day.It's ok that you didn't get to it, I was just a little pissed at everything. Sorry. I'm not mad at you so I hope you aren't mad at me.
from punkispink03 :
So Sorry our school is to stupid to do anything like that. but yea friday was crazed... like 5 minutes after 1st period the evacuation alarms went off and the whole school had to evacuate because there was a bomb threat! so yea we were standing outside for 2 and a half hours because they had to call the bomb squad cops and the fire department to the was nuts and to top it all off i didnt even get to talk to kelly until the end of the day!! i like him sooo much! but yea that is what is up!
from punkispink03 :
That is good. so it is a little late but what did you do for x-mas break? as you already know we went to Australia! but anywayz keep readin my diary and ill read yours -k-
from punkispink03 :
SO HAW HAS STUFF BEEN FOR YOU? everything is good here ! me and that guy are still not going out but it will happen sooner or later...hopefully sooner ♥ later tater
from punkispink03 :
dont even worry about it its no problem
from punkispink03 :
hey! no dont worry sbout changing it i changed my password anyways! but yea australia was wicked awesome
from compclass :
No that's ok maybe later, I'm busy right now....
from tsulnagrom :
from tsulnagrom :
haha..i found you when i clicked on "browse members" and i am glad i did. woot woot
from punkispink03 :
WE went to australia!!!!!! it was fun i wanna go back!!!! rachel has an online boyfriend!!
from compclass :
Oh whatever.....
from compclass :
Hey hope your vacation was good, or whatever. Mine was really great with all my good and close friends. Hey checked my diary and nothing was on it. mmmmmmmmm I wonder...
from tsulnagrom :
isn't it terrible how sucked in everyone is by computers and technology? i'm exactly the same way as you are about this all.
from applecoregrl :
hey hun! i love the layout. glad to hear your're doin ok.
from iluvursmile :
Hi! You left a note on my thingy. Thought I'd do the same. rock! Lol...sorry. I say that to everyone. Just in case that freaked you out...
from kicker12s :
sry about that kristina...tell u what, im gonna be home on monday...i think becuz i think we dont have school monday...but anyway ill try to get on..hope it helps..john john
from kissoncheek :
I sympathize completely, I started journaling online late this past August and I convinced myself that I was doing it for ME. However, as time wore on it's become very much more than just something for me. There's a certain validation that you get from knowing that other people read what you write or take interest in your life. I guess it's like internet celebrity for those of us who will never be in movies or huge rock stars. I know part of it for me stems from my degree in English, I have the compulsion to write but at the same time, I'm my own worst critic. The journal I have going now is my 4th attempt. I had 3 others that I deleted because I was disappointed in my writing or because of a guy who became slightly obsessed with me and would psychoanalyze EVERYTHING I wrote in my journal and relate it back to him. It gets kinda weird sometimes though- there's one journal/blog/diary that I read and as it turns out the guy is my neighbor- like 3 blocks away from me sort of neighbor- and I feel like I know him because I read about his life every day. If I ever approached him though, I'm sure he'd think I was a psychotic stalker and feel very uncomfortable. But anyway, having these online journals is very fufilling- it creates an entire world where you can have friendships and interactions that perhaps wouldn't be possible in "life," and also have the ability to turn off complications when they arise and just walk away. A diary is a symposium of life where you have more control over the variables- in simpler terms- it's kinda like playing The Sims... if that makes any sense. Alrighty, I've rambled up enough of your notes space for now.
from barbieiscool :
Krissy, I'm so so so so sorry. There are NO words to describe how crapy I feel about this. I've never meant to hurt you in ANY way. Patrick feels the same way too. This is probably not the best place to write to you about it so I'll send you an e-mail. OMG :0 Katherine
from kissoncheek :
I work 12 hours a week and job hunt for the remainder of the time, so I read about 60 diaries/blogs/journals, yours included. ♥ ♦ ♠ ♣ As for the AIM, it crashes my computer, I have an old school blueberry iBook (mac) so it's a little fickle and only runs yahoo messenger.
from kissoncheek :
If you like the Used and the Killers (all hail the Killers), you should check out Jet (only one album out so far- Get Born). Their sound is different but reminiscent of the older bands that are timeless today. Right now they're kinda trendy like Franz Ferdinand is, but they will still have air time in a year or two because they're that good.
from loser-ed101 :
yeah i do have the "in love and death" cd. My friend got it for me. It's awesome, but not as good as the first.What's with your username? Sorry it took so long to respond.. barely check my e-mail, and that's the only way iknow if someone writes me a note.
from so-far-gone :
read my diary.
from rachel-what :
hey can i have your e-mail so i can write you. i'm so mad because xxxwannabxxx wrote me and I wanna wright him back but he doesn't take notes.
from compclass :
cools I will, do you want me to leave my password on here or email you?
from kissoncheek :
I am calling a truce with you kids, as long as I don't get snarky messages from you, I will not leave you snarky messages. And as a measure of good faith, I am extending myself in a kind act: to find cool diary designs that you only need to know minimal html to use, go to: or to Both sites give you instructions on exactly what you have to do to make their designs work in your diary, and there are over 100 designs between the 2 sites.
from rachel-what :
give me your e-mail 2. 4 i can write you and give you mine and we could write stuff 2 each other and no one will be able to read our stuff. And i'll still talk to youon diaryland still.
from punkispink03 :
give me your email and i will give it to you there -k-
from rachel-what :
oh, And he told me to call him my brother also so no one on this site would know him at all. But my real brother doesn't live hear with me.
from rachel-what :
Hi, How are you? I Wan't to tell thanx! And that I really didn't write that note to you know who. Ok this is what happen... I was going to white her to tell her to stop writing me, and then this kid tommy, his name isn't really tommy its something else but he told me not to use his real name. Anyways he got on my computer and wrote that thing to her and pushed the button on my mouse. But seriously I didn't know it was going to be that bad. And He doesn't Just say that stuff to her, he says it to every one. thanks for listening. ♥
from punkispink03 :
Hey i read jennys notes and i wondering if i give you my password will you change my bakround thing?
from compclass :
oh yeah hey if it's not to much do you think that you could put something pretty on my diary?
from punkispink03 :
Hey girl how goez it? well i read jennys notes and if i give you my password will you change mine?
from compclass :
Oh well, it's cute. I like your guy's diaries. Rachel is so siked that you wrote that stuff, it's cool that you did that!!
from barbieiscool :
I think I know who so-far-gone is. Will tell ya tomorrow. Love ya KP
from barbieiscool :
I was NEVER mad at you Krissy, I love you! I just take really long showers. Oh yeah, OLD HIM #1 (LOL- I sound like the Chinese woman from New YOrk Minute! "SON NUMbA 1") said something to make me mad, so I didn't want to talk to anyone. At home sick :( . TTYL LOVE KP P.S. I'll have to kick your butt if you EVER think that again!! J/K love ya
from kissoncheek :
It's called sticking up for the ones you love and defending your friends. Maybe you don't practice that, but I do.
from rachael81779 :
My godmother was speaking on my behalf while I was in Greece, although I prefer that she didn't mention the print media bits. Texas huh? My sympathies.
from punkispink03 :
Hey Hey Hey what is up? nothing much here! well we didnt do eanything yesterday..well not anything crazy so there will not be anything exciting! oh yea keep listing to the used they are WICKED AWESOME ♥ caila
from compclass :
Hey, she told this one guy that his music sucked so now all his little worshipers are being mean to her, but then again, she's not making this any better. I hate shots, calia aka punkispink is like afraid of needles. Well I have to go, 2 much homework!!!
from rachel-what :
I'm so glad that i'm your friend thanx for sticking up for me
from compclass :
Hey you rock!! That rocks!!! So cool, you are awsome!1 That jnote 2 Rachel!!
from punkispink03 :
Hey wonderful girl i saw the note you wrote rachel.. i was not making out the whole time r u at school right now?
from compclass :
I know , mondays do sux!1 Well big news from Rachel, well not that big she fighting still, one thing, she's persistant. LOL!! Vaca is only (the rest of this week) and one more week, hopefully not a full one but we might because we took some extra days off for snow days.... I still can't wait!!
from punkispink03 :
Hey Hey Hey hows everything going with you? everything is pretty good here! me and my boyfriends are doing good here if you havent read my diary then i am letting you know! well i dont really like long notes so write me back later!
from so-far-gone :
i go to your school. i can't believe you like him.
from rachel-what :
i hope so too
from rachel-what :
from compclass :
cool I will add her, or I mean kp or whatever. Rachel is still going for it! I's pretty funny because she WON'T stop!! Wish vaca was here sooner!! ugghhh school and mondays just don't mix!!
from applecoregrl :
Hey I just checked my notes which aren't normally active and I saw yours. Are you a random reader or something? If you wanna chat sometime send me an email or IM. I'm always open to meeting new people from here. I'll read some of your entries when I get the chance.
from so-far-gone :
ja ja
from kicker12s :
i know
from rachel-what :
So how is your day, mines fine. besides the point that my 6th period class is having an ice cream party on a really cold day instead of a pizza party, Pizza was the one we were sopose to have. I'm sooo pissed. Well I'll talk to you later. :) ♥
from kicker12s :
thx for the note kf...sorry that i didnt check it for a while...anyway...uummmmmmmmmm.....cake!!!....amen! a great day!!!
from compclass :
Hmmm can you believe rachel- what spelled my name junny when it's Jenny,Thats why we make fun of her because she spells stuff wrong all the time and it's funny
from compclass :
this is rachel-what, for reals. ITS Jenny
from rachel-what :
caila and junny were laughing at me bacause i couldn't figure out what you said at the end of the note i believe it was (adios) which mean good-bye.
from compclass :
You had just updated your diary, and it was in members area and so she emailed you and then well you know
from punkispink03 :
That is nothing here it is like 20 degrees every morning and last night it was 16!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from punkispink03 :
Hey HEy Hey whats up whats up? no im just kidding it is sooo cold here just writing to say HIII
from rachel-what :
ignor her i will to. i'm already saying sorry
from compclass :
Hey umm yeah I feel kinda bad for Rachel-what cuz as you know she can be mean so we listend to this guys song he sings and it sucked she said to him so now all his friends are ganging up on her... and shes just fighting back *sigh* she will never learn....
from compclass :
I'm in 11th and I'm 16 like the other two. why?
from punkispink03 :
i am a junior
from rachel-what :
i'm in 11th.
from compclass :
No no no no no.... We are getting a new teacher which means more work which means probably less or close to no internet. Unless they are nice but we are not sure yet. I have internet at home which means I will go on there if I'm not 2 tired. But I still have 4 weeks before anything like that.
from rachel-what :
heee, thanks. i have nothing to wright about. well talk to you later, -k-
from compclass :
Hey cool I'll see if I can find out anything on the internet.
from ima-bandgeek :
Actually, no I don't know how to make anything but the ♥! ;p I KNOW there are others, but I didn't take note of them when I was taught in a very detailed lesson by one of my "internet friends" who no longer exists on the messageboard I talked to him on and doesn't answer his e-mail. I didn't copy the note in which he showed me how to do almost all the html I know now, so that's all I've got! On these notes, italic and bold don't work - but I've found the hearts do! So it's kinda weird... ;)
from rachel-what :
hey.... I know how to make ♥
from compclass :
Thanks so much!! Do you know how to make anything else? W/b ♥ ♥
from punkispink03 :
ooo ok thanks
from rachel-what :
hey, how did you put that heart on the note you sent me? well talk to you later . Were do you live? just wondering. see ya.
from punkispink03 :
Hey sorry i havent been writing i have been really bust or just not coming to diaryland. how did you make those hearts?
from compclass :
Yes we did!! I finally got SOME sleep but I'm still tired as heck!! I can't wait for a weekend!!!
from compclass :
Yeah it's ok! I still like his Diary
from rachel-what :
you and compclass seem to get along real well well see ya!
from rachel-what :
i know i couldn't write you cuz we hade a week off for i don't know what. well talk to you later oh yeah keep smiling.
from ima-bandgeek :
OK - this is what ya do - put "& hearts ;" but take out the spaces and the little "". Leave in the & and the ;, tho. So it's & hearts ; - but no spaces. That turns out to be: ♥
from compclass :
he doesn't have notes???
from ima-bandgeek :
Yeah, I'm a girl. A girl named �owyn. :) Someday, I'll have pictures... well, I do on my diary (, you just have to go to :) OK, I'll ask Meg - you got me curious! :D
from punkispink03 :
My name is shashina but everyone (my friends) call me caila either one goes
from ima-bandgeek :
OHHHH! Never mind! I totally took it wrong! I THOUGHT you were saying the equivalent of, "Yeah, right, whatever, her name's �owyn. Ha, what a LIE!" But I reread your note and realized you meant, "::I:: told you [her] name was �owyn! ha!" So now I get it! Sorry about that! I was a little weirded out by that and a bit hurt you didn't believe me, but then it turns out I took you completely wrong! I'm so sorry! ♥
from ima-bandgeek :
Oh... OK? Because it looked to me like YOU were saying that! Well, trust me, there ARE some �owyns out there! There's some older than me as well... try looking Eowyn Mosher on the internet - there's a lot of LotR stuff, but you'll find some �owyns - I don't think I've really found anything about me, tho. Yeah, I'll check out your diary pretty quick when I get a spare moment! :D
from rachel-what :
**HeY yOu CaN jUsT cAlL mE rAcHeL,iF yOu WaNt**
from punkispink03 :
HEy HEy whats happinin? nothing much here well i cant tmake this long cuz i have COMUTER stuff to do (**wink wink**)talk to ya later
from rachel-what :
are you on right now? n-e-ways well i'm in computers right now. sorr for not leaving you any notes i just dont have a computer a home, so i use the computers at school. well talk 2 you l8er.
from compclass :
Haha me neither are u on?
from dcirules :
heckamank is gone till thursday!luv ya!! Meg
from compclass :
California!! Well when I was in Computer classs AKA 1st period or like 7 30 in the morning what time is it there?
from dcirules :
Hey Kristina, I'm glad those girls turned out nice. I might add a new entry so I will have 3. guess what? I dont have band practice this See you @ shcool. I bet you will be reading this 2 10 something in the morning. Tell me if I'm right. isnt that when your computer class is? If anyone is wondering, K is my BFF we met in 7th grade, but didn't become BFFs till 8th-9th grade. luv ya!! Meg
from compclass :
Sorry so many messages but my frined(you've met!) Rachel-what wants to be friends with you and says she is really sorry. Shes a good person sometimes!! But if you want you can get to know her.
from compclass :
Well her real name is Caila but we just call her Shashina because that's her middle and first name is caila but there was too many caila's so it stuck to Shashina but on here we just call her caila.
from compclass :
Shashina is punkispink03, you should get to know her, oh yeah and I'm Jenny
from compclass :
Ok:) and You should know Shashina, because she is super sweet-but you don't.
from compclass :
Thank you for understanding.have a nice weekend.:)
from dcirules :
hey. i'm from a small town too.i like your entries, they are funny. what do you like? don't try to email me, i dont check it often.leave me a note instead. maybe you should ask you crush to homecoming. thats what i would do.luv ya!!

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