messages to imdeadtoyou:
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from dangerspouse :
Epee when you're SAD? Why doesn't that sentence make sense to me? I started out in foil, but after I busted my knee and couldn't lunge far/fast enough I switched to epee. Still fun, but not the same. Anyway, I hope you never have to fence epee again, as that would mean you're sad. Seriously, I hope your crazy love-life quandries resolve themselves - and soon. Best of luck to you, and thanks for returning my note :)
from dangerspouse :
Wait - you're a fencer? What weapon?
from crazy-raver :
Miss, You are gorgeous. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. The grass seems green on the other side, but when you take a look at whats you have its pretty awesome too. But then can always take some of that grass you have now and compare it with whats over there.
from stepfordtart :
Sorry to hear youre having a tough time. If your grandma passes, may it be a peaceful passing for her. I am sure she knows how much you love her. s x
from svenhard :
nicely put, i had an argument with a teenager recently because he was convinced that n00b means knob, and would not accept under any terms its correct meaning, fucking infuriating. Kids are a thick as rocks these days
from blahdeedah :
Be free.
from neeeeek :
Good luck. : - )
from imdeadtoyou :
fuck off.

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