messages to indy1212:
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from purplemama :
New password...please? :-)
from xratedfuture :
I haven't been on d'land in quite a while, so I wanted to send you a belated congrats on your upcoming addition! :)
from sparklylv :
congrats on your upcoming child! I'm 22, I cant imagine having any children at all or even by age 24, although I'm sure I will someday. Have a good moving day, and remember that being a mom is the most important job in the world. Scary.
from mamaness :
We should try to get together one last time before you leave. Maybe plan something on the 8th, somewhere, with us tx & oklahoma girls. I'm willing to drive a couple of hours to see ya. As long as someone else is with me. Although K might be too close to baby to go far. heh.
from disassemble :
Oh I was talking to Blake's cousin on Christmas Eve about the pediatrician and his idiocy regarding "phony phimosis." And her boyfriend was like, "Oh, I'm glad my parents got me circumcised, my BIL isn't and it's gross." I was like, "Well, you don't know if you're glad you were circumcised because you've never been uncircumcised." Bastards. My boys are fine the way they are. FORESKIN AND ALL.
from mystical76 :
I love you more & more every day!!! We're not getting our son circumcised either! And you're right...all penises are ugly. As an aside...I hooked up with an uncircumcised guy in college and when erect, they look EXACTLY the same! You know, cause the foreskin pulls back & all.
from disassemble :
Oh, I've had those panic moments before. Our bank has an automated toll free number that you can call to check your balance, make transfers, etc; and one time there was a glitch and it said we had a balance of 0.00! I was sobbing thinking we'd been . . . robbed or something, I don't know.
from mystical76 :
Oh, jeez! It seems that my family is getting ever-so-Christian lately. Like, my sister is friggin Mennonite now! This is the chick who was wiccan in high school. What happened?!?!?! I'm constantly getting "touching" e-mails from my sisters and step-mom about Jesus and God and all that crap. Blech! Thankfully, the brother that I see often is not so Jesus-crazy. I think he's the only sane one left. Oh, and what's wrong with turning your diary into a pregnancy diary? I mean, it's the most important thing going on in your life now. Right?
from thecrankyone :
from mystical76 :
Oh my fucking god!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!
from mamaness :
I feel the same way about being HOME on Christmas!
from xratedfuture :
(((hugs))) Stress sucks! Hope things improve for you soon. :D
from disassemble :
not a bad liberal. :) I tried to read The Da Vinci Code and couldn't get into it. I'm all about Anton Chekhov at the moment, though.
from disassemble :
No death penality is a liberal thing. I'm totally against it too, always and always. my husband and i take reverse positions to you and yours on that issue. I'm with you on everything else, though!
from enchancea :
Beautiful layout and I hope things get better for you
from xratedfuture :
You're heading to Ft. Carson? We might be too! :D *krie*
from onecrazylife :
hi just came across your diary and wanted to say hi!
from mystical76 :
Oy vey. I knew nanowrimo was around the corner, but my brain wouldn't let me remember it. I've watched it from the sidelines for the past 2 years and now I think it's about time I do it. So I joined up, too. Now I'm scared!
from xratedfuture :
Stumbled on your diary in the army-wife d'ring...I've quite enjoyed your entries and look forward to reading more. :) *krie*
from kitchenwitch :
I don't care if my family or friends read me, but I have found that I am a bit bothered to write negative things lately... because I know that the people who AREN'T my friends anymore will get a kick out of my pain.
from mystical76 :
Oh, my goodness. I was just catching up on a couple days' worth of your entries and I came upon your boys. What cute little guys!!! They are so adorable!!! Oh, wow, can you tell I'm kid-crazy?
from mystical76 :
Oh, yeah, husband has been VERY understanding about the decreased libido. He's been amazing! Of course, that makes me feel even worse. Isn't that horrible? Hahahaha! I remember when Motherwear first came out (like, in the late 80's), my mom was nursing one of my brothers and she bought several shirts and she LOVED them. Of course, the styles have come a long way since then. I like how they look more like normal clothes that they did 15-20 years ago. What the heck would nursing moms do without Motherwear? I went to a LLL meeting a couple months ago and I swear, all the moms were wearing Motherwear, too. It was sooo funny!
from mystical76 :
I'm so surprised at how many moms are so supportive of my non-traditional birthing choices! Especially the pagan mommies. What's with that? I know having Tricare sucks...I've heard horror stories. Luckily, I have commercial insurance in a state that heavily mandates insurance coverage. For instance, woman 16+ can choose a midwife as her ob/gyn, whether or not she is pregnant. Isn't that great? I love that one! I just wish my insurance would pay for a doula!!! Oh, and pay the $200 for the Bradley classes I want.
from gypsy-poet :
I am crossing my fingers for you that you get to come to Ft. Carson. We have bene ehre for about 6 months and it is one of the nicest posts we have encountered so far... good luck to you.
from kitchenwitch :
I know! I don't think I can stand a whole 'nother month of... leaky-ness!
from purplemama :
I'm so glad to see you back online, and I hope this new home will provide you with the "safe haven" that you're looking for! *HUGS*
from thecrankyone :
cool I'm the first one to leave you a note. Welcome aboard the Mom's with boy's diary-ring. I love your layout btw, I think we've all felt that way at sometime!! Look foreward to reading more.

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