messages to inkythistle:
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from f-i-n :
that rocks...i miss sleepovers
from caela :
Yay, congratulations on your ACS membership! I agree that it's a weird feeling the first time you join an organization like that. I joined the American Water Works Association back in the spring.
from dandlioneyes :
stopped by via a banner add and thought i'd leave a note to say hi. i, too, loved loved loved madeleine l'engle. a friend of mine met her. i got insanely jealous. ;) later gater.
from caela :
How do I manage? It's actually pretty easy. The difference between you and me is that you're a chemistry *student* and I'm working full time. Once you graduate and start working, you don't have to do homework anymore. It's great! :) Still stressful sometimes, but not nearly as bad as it would be if I were still a student.
from rockboy :
pssst. sarah harmer's new cd is coming out on march 16th, i know you're a fan and i'd thought i'd let you know :O)
from funda :
This is a test. (beep) This is a test of the Emergency Valentine's Day System. (EVS) This test is to see if leaving notes around DLand will make this a wonderful day (and weekend) in spite of not particularly being with anyone romantically at the moment. (ummm) May the results be that all this love in my heart found some productive use. (smile) And maybe a giggle or few (Happy V-Day from my other persona too :)
from nightdragon :
Tried to put this in your guestbook but, this being Diaryland, it didn't go smoothly: So I'll post here ... I never said that people should be irresponsible with dogs. Your dog-owners vs. smokers analogy was a good observation. But I wasn't JUST talking about dogs, I was talking about all animals, and I can't help but wonder how some people can have such a distaste for them. And, furthermore, what exactly is so lovable about humans? They're angry, extremely judgmental, destructive ... I need not go on. Anyway, what I really want to say is, besides the whole anti-pet thing, isn't there something very disturbing about a guy who begs to spend time with people at THEIR houses while he tours the country and has absolutely NO compuction about talking whack about them in his diary that anyone can read, including his hosts? I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say that it's not something that you would do. Am I right? So why do you defend this guy for doing that? He's a total whack job; sorry, but he is. And the "ethnic slur" at the top of my page is a JOKE. You just didn't get it.
from ignacio :
Yay! I could understand your poem! Sorry about your friend... I hope he's okay. Your a good friend.
from aloka :
Hi! I checked out your cartoon & Quicktime movies. They're WONDERFUL! I really enjoyed them. You're very talented. Keep it up!
from ignacio :
hooray for you and your ability to appear French... Canadian(?). NFs of the world unite! (I'm an INFP).
from alternamnky :
i read your diary every now and then. i find you funny and informative. good times. later days.
from jane-reviews :
Your review is posted. Thank you for the request!
from teenage-mute :
uh... i liked your diary and also happened to review it. could you take a peek at mine? thanks. er, tell all your friends.

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