messages to jackoffgia:
(click here to add new message):

from jackoffgia :
Ugh.. I have people doing fucking google searches on me, so I locked it because the people I know are fucking nosey.
from selfbiased :
locked out? what gives?
from selfbiased :
new template is up.
from selfbiased :
i know i said a week... but the muse struck. let me know what you think.
from jadedcrow : Copy, paste and read. Dammit, I can't believe you got that fucking close to MM!
from selfbiased :
hey... i like the layout of your page and was hoping you could help me out with mine... i'm a bit html retarded... or [email protected]
from queen-tasha :
You have an interesting profile...sounds much like me. I <3 Jack off Jill too. In fact, if you look in MY profile, you will see...I can't wait to hear Scarling either!
from xenorevlis :
just wanted to say happy valentine's dayhun. or just happy evening. hope we get to talk again sometime& it'd be killer to chill at mess studios. maybe we can do some music or they can draw you or hell, we'll take photos with ninja swords & fireworks! hah, who knows...
from lemongashes :
y did u lock ur diary??? i really liked reading it!! un-lock plz or something...
from flippie :
Don't stay locked for long! I'll miss your hilarity... Maybe you will let me in since I don't know you?? I know that makes no sense...
from ugotsoul :
eh? what happened? I have to say... I've enjoyed reading you entries quite a bit... is it closed for good?
from scorp :
No way to view your journal without a password? Can you send me one to [email protected]? I would like that. L8r, Donny
from mroutt :
u r so cute. i would marry you in a second.
from ladyjanie :
You *ARE* a celebrity, doll! I've been on Diaryland since January and I can't go a single day without some other diary referring to you. :) And yes, that corset is very hot. Lesbians rawk.
from futtbucker :
i used to post on the manson bbs back before it started to suck ass, and i noticed your little ad on the top and remembered that you used to post there too. just thought i'd say that, heh. nice diary, it's refreshing to find people in the world who have views similar to my own in a lot of respects. anyways, have a nice day.
from sarahdope :
psssttt... I love you, and I miss you...
from euphoria21 :
Just read your profile and I'm going to read your diary now, I'm sitting back listening to Lycia and I was intrigued by you. I'm goth as well. Been into the life for about 7 years and you should read Neil Gaiman's "Neverwhere". It's a weird gothic-sicko version of Alice in Wonderland.....Laterz
from jenjenmaria :
I wish I had an interesting name such as yours. Damn my suckness. Well, hi and bye from Nebraska. ...I am deprived.
from cockheadjoe :
Sell sex and curse the buyers.
from duke61 :
Read my notebook entry
from callmedoll :
haha... your comment about my comment made me smile big and bright... just to let you know.
from wark :
you wouldnt even jack off your boyfriend if you really loved him? Or jack off for him? come on now.... i bet you would.... you know what true love is? taking it up the pooper for the enjoyment of the one you care about. Brings a tear to my eye.
from withspike :
i'm in love with you...hehe. just thought i'd let you know. sorry, i'm drunk and in a strange mood. i love the diary- and think you're spunky as hell- so you're on my list now.
from spidersoma :
goth scene? i don't think we have one of thsoe here in austin. we are all the art-house/coffee-shop variety. thrift clothes and sandals seem to be our trademark. that or the high tech yuppies with their bmws and starbucks coffee. anyways. did i tell you that you are intriguing? i dunno, i feel like one voice among millions. i don't suppose my opinion really matters, but i think you are a special woman. i hope that someone can see that and make you happy indefinitely, you deserve it miss gia. i dedicated one of my entries to you. go look on my Older Entry page and look for te entry entitled "For Gia" i didnt write it all for you, but i just thought you might like some of the niceness in there. take care of yourself.
from cockheadjoe :
"She was the color of T.V." Don't ever think that you are pretty or special.
from cockheadjoe :
"She was the color of T.V." Don't ever think that you are pretty or special.
from raven72d :
Wickedly clever, girl! I like the site vur'much!
from girlincrisis :
oh sorry 'cause that question wasn't meant to be offensive or anything...a lot of people at my school worship the devil. and they're my age:12. it really scares me, but who am i to judge them? your layout's really cool. and have you seen the movie gia? well you look like her. :) in other words, angelina jolie.
from spidersoma :
you arent around much.
from autumnal :
your pictures made me smile.
from girlincrisis :
are you a devil worshipper?
from spidersoma :
hey. i hope you dont mind but i added you to my favorites list. i finally found someone else on this fangled diaryland mess that likes manson as much as i do, if not more. the guy has spoken into my life in so many ways. his words, his music, they have changed my life, changed the way i see the world and the people therein. i do not need to tell you that you are beautiful, you see it everyday in the mirror or the big store windows. i am enthralled by your words and your general being. is this weird? i think maybe a little. minor infatuation is never a bad thing, though, is it? i look forward to more of your words. btw, do you own any manson boots? i have crucifixtion and ejacula. i recommend both. old-school manson. hopefully we can chat sometime on aim. i am SpiderSoma on aim. anyways ... kudos.
from cywyllog :
naw, i don't think that's the name of the mic stand. my friend was just joking and i fell for it because it was like 4 am and i was tired. jon got the mic stand built for him by h.r. gieger, a famous artist who lives in california. i have a magazine article about it, but i can't seem to find out if the mic stand has a name. have you seen pictures of it? it's basically an over-sexed female form with a mic holder for a head (it's offensive to women everywhere. i like jon, but i Hate that mic stand). in the article, jon describes it as a "big ball of sex." so i was taking your survey and i had forgotten your name at the top, so by the time i got to the bottom i was like, "Who's jack off gia?" so i think jack off gia, and then i think sex (jack-off), and then my friend is like "oh, the mic stand. right." it made sense at the time. this magazine article has lots of pictures of it, so if you're curious i could email you a picture. i personally think the mic stand is Way over the top, but whatever. i'm turning into a feminist, hehehe. thanks to responding to my note. i really enjoyed your survey. i put in a korn cd after i was finished with it - i felt inspired. i hope you had a nice 4th of july!
from cywyllog :
i did your korn survey, and you know that new microphone stand that jon got himself? my friend here told me the jackoffgia was it's name, so don't think i'm weird when (or if) you read that part of the survey i filled out. i assure you, my friend will be yelled at for embarassing me in front of a complete stranger. (i growl at her menacingly...)
from punk-loser :
since your guest book wont let me rock it.. i guess i have to rock your notepad... i loved reading your diary... and i think you have awesome taste in music... all 5 of your fave bands listed fuckin rule... well i'll be back for more... checky later -CHRiS- (oh and i hope you don't mind that i added you to my aim.. cos i really wanted to chat with you)
from greypoupon :
oh yeah... just go to
from greypoupon :
Oi! Just a lil' suggestion, I think you should get guestbook. I personally prefer them to these silly little note thingys. And I don't blame you for not wanting to do that hair modelling thing. They wanted to hack off my hair (I'm sure you've seen what my hair is like) and dye it bright red and fortunately, the day I was supposed to go, I slept in so no harm was done. lol
from lashygirl79 :
Hey I got the note that you sent to me, Thanks. I read some of your diary entrys..I like them..very interesting. Well I just wanted to give you a reply back and acknowlede that I received your message. I enjoy reading your entrys and knowing that someone reads mine.
from virus100 :
Thanks for becoming a part of the Trent Shrine!! I thanks you for it. 0_o *twitch twitch* ~~Miss Omnipotent, Trent no Miko, Keeper of the Trent Shrine
from greypoupon :
Aah that's so nice! I've read your first entry and I've bookmarked your diary so I can check back. =)

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