messages to jdknght:
(click here to add new message):

from gurlsmiley :
Your profile came up on my searches three times when I was looking for friends on here! We have the same taste in movies - HUGE! Stinks that your diary is locked because I'd really like to read more. I'm new to DiaryLand and it seems everyone I'm interested in reading is locked! If you're feeling crazy and want to send me a username and password please do! girlsmiley (at) live (dot) com Thx! Kisses! :)
from jesseggplant :
Hey! I actually already applied for that. HA! Doubt I'll get it. The only aircheck I had was one I made on the road after the Hurricane. I'm living in Seattle. Worked for KISW for a bit but have decided to retire from radio since I'm.....wait for it....married. Letting him support me for the moment. Have a job in marketing for a chemical company (sounds complicated. it isn't) starting in January. Hope you're doing well.
from bornhabits :
It's cool that the link to your diary is in latin, I didn't know a lot of people knew it. Anyways, I know your journal is locked and I can't get in so I'll just leave a note! <3 Shelly
from jesseggplant :
I don't have your email addy anymore. yes there are people still there from the christmas party. And from my most recent party. Which, btw, was not near as nice as the one we went to. right now, I'm sort of in limbo, several job offers and still getting a paycheck. Can't broadcast the details understand.
from bubbles76 :
Hee hee hee! :) I so smart! :) Too bad I can't hack into your log without you knowing... I am quite curious! :) Are you as smart as I? -"littledosie" :) Happy New Year! :)
from jesseggplant :
does this mean you're going to give me access to your diary? or should I be afraid of what it says about ME?
from laura-diane :
mind handing over your password? my email is [email protected] .. if not i understand :)
from laura-diane :
thanks for adding me to your favorites. are you from LA?
from kimnsrv :
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." Oscar Wilde Would love to read your diary.
from watercolored :
Would be happy to do so if it didn't mean posting it here for the general public. Thanks for the consideration though. Hope things brighten for you.
from watercolored :
I'm not exactly a stranger to personal tragedy myself, have a look. Call it hunting for creative ways to overcome hardships, or just simple curiousity. If you decline I understand completely.
from watercolored :
I've no other reason but morbid curiosity, may I have a look around?
from shortst101 :
hey, hope your feeling better
from shortst101 :
Just ignore me....jeshhh, i knew the name and password, must have had a brain fart! Man, I swear I wasn't drinking last night!
from shortst101 :
awwwwww a password needed :(
from shortst101 :
Just wanted to say Hi......
from shortst101 :
I want to tell you thanks for trusting me enough (even though you don't know me) to allow me to read your thought and words. Hugsssssssss
from meism :
um, could i get that password again? email to: [email protected] thanks!
from meism :
thanks for buddylisting me...that's always a cool thing...if you don't mind my reading your diary, email your password to [email protected]

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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