poor girl

my gold membership ran up and i'm too poor to buy a new one :( so sorry if my photos don't work.

My favorite diaries:

thereeve profile - diary
thintowin profile - diary
julesspeaks profile - diary
britneypink profile - diary
soultonic profile - diary
myhappiness profile - diary
aloneidream profile - diary
visiblebones profile - diary
maverick1018 profile - diary
vodkatonic profile - diary
vla profile - diary
Jaggedvision profile - diary
lancesroom profile - diary
paintedgray profile - diary
bigmonayho profile - diary
science-boy profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: www.anomalyonline.com; liquid sand, spank the monkey, anisette, chris leblanc and other local baton rouge bands
Counting Crows
comments: radiohead, fuel, cake, pearl jam, nine inch nails, korn, disturbed, 311, tool, a perfect circle
Tracy Chapman
comments: john meyer, jason mraz, the roots, DMB, goo goo dolls, beastie boys, portishead
comments: their acoustic stuff, their live stuff, and their studio stuff. i love these guys.
britney spears
comments: christina, avril, all my girls. yes, even *I* like that cheesy stuff.

My favorite movies:

boondock saints
comments: the professional, unusual suspects, how to kill your neighbors dog
requiem for a dream
comments: blow, traffic, 54, go, training day, girl interrupted, kids
comments: goodwill hunting, the bourne supremecy-- can you tell i like matt damon?
Virgin Suicides
comments: dead poet's society, white oleander, american beauty
old school
comments: office space, vanilla sky, the recruit

My favorite authors:

sylvia plath

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last updated: 2007-07-12 08:35:17
this user's total entries: 447
user since: 2002-05-11

AOL IM name: lsutigergrl14
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MSN Messenger name: lauradiane14

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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