messages to jelligyrl:
(click here to add new message):

from dragprincess :
I have a zoo too -- and I *LOVE* it!! Your animals are freakin' adorable.
from plaidskies :
Aw Ang. Thanks. I miss you too. And thanks for the prayers. My family needs as many as we can get (for my stepdad to be cancer-free) :)
from gembrat :
Oh, I do miss "Buffy" on Tuesdays, but FX starts showing season 7 at 4 tomorrow. Besides, I'd rather end a series while it's still strong - then drag it out with bad lines like some do. And "Angel" with Spike is just wonderful! Thanks for your note. It's always nice to see who's been reading your diary & hearing from a fellow Joss's works fan, RP fan.
from ethereal-red :
Thank you for adding me as a favorite. I had no idea that people would actually want to read my diary! :)
from poeticstance :
~aka Prowlingleo~ Thanks for the note! Of course you can send me a message sometime, prowlinglioness1 for AIM, Yahoo, and MSN. *Kisses*
from dlandbdays :
Hi, I just wanted to welcome you to the diaryland birthday committee. I added your birthday and put you on the mailing list. If you'd no longer like to be on the list please let me know. Thanks. Happy Late birthday btw!
from prowlingleo :
I know this is officialy random guestbook signing week, but I'm making it a 'thank you for reading me' day. So here is me, thanking you, for continuing to read me.
from gwenllian :
Thanks so much for your note. It really meant a lot. I think you're right. When I think of the turnover rate in education... I keep comparing myself to people who have been at it for 20 years, too, and that's just not realistic.
from prowlingleo :
It's open now sweetie, sorry about that!
from prowlingleo :
I've been able to forgive him, but I will never forgive myself. That's just something I'll have to live with. Thank you for the note, I really do appreciate it. Just one of those days...
from unordinary-1 :
Yo! I unlocked it now. Just did that temporarily so I could fix something! Ciao.
from mommymartin :
hello! thans for adding me as a fav!
from amberfalls :
hello. thanks for adding me to your favorites.
from plaguegirl :
Hey, thanks for making me a favorite.
from ghostie :
I liked the part where you talked about taking a shower but there needs to be more details! I like shower stories!
from singinachau :
angelaaaaaaa!!!!!!! hehe. what's crackin' homechick?! luv yah! -aura (a.k.a. the weird one)
from jlynzee :
Hey I like reading random peoples entrys and I picked yours my nickname at school is Jelly so I chose can read my diary no one ver does!! well good luck with you cats!!!

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