messages to john-boy75:
(click here to add new message):
from invisiblepal : |
Hiya John!! I just read your latest post, I'm sorry that your friends aren't standing by you better. I'm with you though! I personally think that flirting is a grey area. It's not exactly cheating but it's not exactly 100% faithful either. If it doesn't go beyond that though, I don't think anyone should be questioning your morals. (If you didn't have any morals it would have probably already gone far beyond flirting.) However, I'm also not totally convinced that it's only a matter of morals, there's definitely other factors involved. Just be careful that she's not usin' you to get to her spouse, I doubt you want him to come after you. Sadly, I unintentionally got some experience in this kind of situation, if you ever want to talk, I'm here for ya! |
from allinflames : |
hey!! sorry, been pretty busy! Yeah i got your email. Cool, I usually go on Fridays, I went once on Saturday a couple weeks ago. Crazy how my ex owns it now. lol. But anyhow, sometime when you go, you'll have to let me know! |
from allinflames : |
Hey... I hope you get this! I havent been on here in forever.. but I live back in Princeton now... Do you ever go to LongShots anymore??? drop me a line sometime at [email protected] if you get this. laters |
from invisiblepal : |
Happy New Year!!! Where'd ya go? ;) |
from invisiblepal : |
Way to go, on the new job! |
from invisiblepal : |
I understand. I'm close to going crazy in my store too, and I feel sick when I have to go in, lots of fun. I went on an interview, but so far nothing has come of it. Good luck on finding a new job. :) |
from invisiblepal : |
Way to go! I'm so envious! :) |
from cdives : |
Congratulations(?) on leaving Hy-ve... I hope you get in at WalMart. |
from invisiblepal : |
Happy birthday!!!! |
from cdives : |
Ever consider just up and quitting you job and then hoping for the best? Remember, you were looking for a job when you found that one. |
from invisiblepal : |
Woooohooooo!!!! That's totally great! I've only ever done an aisle by myself, but it was during regular hours, and people kept hitting me with their carts. |
from invisiblepal : |
Yes, it most definitely does! |
from allinflames : |
I can only imagine what you are going through... I'm really sorry, John! If you need anyone to talk to, or maybe just wanna hang out..(I live in KC now, but we can work something out). You know how to get ahold of me. ;) Take care sweetpea. |
from rachelmarie : |
I am very sorry to hear about your mother...I know that this is one of the worst experiences for a person to go through. I commend you for having so much courage in sharing this experience in a such a public way. |
from rachelmarie : |
Was there any doubt the Cubs were going to win? :) |
from rachelmarie : |
Of course the Cubs are going to beat the Braves! :) |
from invisiblepal : |
Following any football teams? |
from cdives : |
Hey... I like your diary... life is so much the same everywhere. Found you because of George Strait -- he's one of my faves too! |
from invisiblepal : |
Yes, there's definitely some screwing over of things in my store as well. I just got written up the other day, for stuff I didn't even do. Bunches of fun! Way to go on the promotion!!! |
from nicedream06 : |
i was just about to thank you for adding me as a favorite when i saw that i already had. but, hey, thanks anyway. |
from invisiblepal : |
Oh my gosh. I swear we work in the same store! |
from tragic-gurl : |
its good to know that there is at least one guy out there who enjoys keeping a journal. i admire that. btw, happy 28th birthday. i hope you enjoyed it |
from nicedream06 : |
did i ever thank you for adding me as a fav? if i didn't, thanks. but now i'm at laciryl. |
from invisiblepal : |
:) Hi. I was just wondering, did ya get my email? |
from adidaschica : |
John, I almost came searching for you Friday night. I was bored, and I thought "Hey! I wonder what John is up to" But I don't know where you moved to. Anyway, you can hang out with me sometime, if ya want... I'll find you a woman ;) |
from wenoa : |
haha. back to the future and star trek... GOOD MIX! i forkin love both. |
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