messages to kimeminem:
(click here to add new message):

from michael37 :
i have seen elliott twice. both times were unparalleled and the best experiences i have had with our science called music. sorry you haven't..and i'm sure you know they broke up. how's college?
from michael37 :
i haven't heard 'the conversation'...i'm glad you like elliott as much as i do. have you had the chance to see them live? and how is the u.k.?
from rosadavies :
you even have a really cool "be right back" thing! the girl's got vision ;) happy christmas honey, i hope you're okay :)
from ohsoxpretty :
you have and awesome taste in music as well. xoxox
from rosadavies :
But you ARE trustworthy, dependable and honest. I can't find your gbook :-/ I hope you're okay, I forgot to work on my mum about seeing you, so I will do that tonight. Promise! Much love xxx
from candy-clouds :
Hi Kim! How are you! Hope things are ok? *spreads love* x
from xcreepygirlx :
new journal! (miss-morbid is the old one) add it, read it, whatever! true fucking love
from candy-clouds :
Your guestbook hates me to. I was just popping [Or pooping as I just wrote] by to give you a *BIG HUG* I don't really care if you didn't want it, you're getting it anyway! ;-) x
from laura-baura :
Your guestbook hates me! I was trying to say... I dunno what's gone on but I care. Whatever you do please keep in touch xx
from miss-morbid :
Hey! It's a new journal because of many unwanted visitors. I'm now True Fucking Love,Kittee
from rollerqueen :
i think your guestbook hates me. anyway. yes, kim, you will. its girls like you that are set to change the world - despite your doubt. and you are an amazing person. and that last entry made so. much. sense to me that i had to say something. i guess, that i know how you feel, partly. xo xo xo.
from jekylandhyde :
You would make a great person in the crowd! You could mosh to our acoustic set ;-) You do get a lolly, cause i'm soft ;-) Hope you ok :-)...oh btw, could you check my site again? I tried it today and it worked :-O! Hope it will for everyone else too! *hugs* xx
from vibrant2001 :
I just found your diary...I dunno how...But yeah. It's pretty cool. I like it. :) Keep up the good work.
from candy-clouds :
well i think ur dairy is great and dont listen to anyone who says otherwise!
from candy-clouds :
from r-e-v-i-e-w :
Thanks so much for you patience. Your r-e-v-i-e-w is now up, head over to the site to check it out. Once again thanks.
from laura-baura :
Humph, I forgot to type my name in the guestbook (I'm tired ok?!) and it won't let me sign again, so it was me not a secret admirer, sorry to disappoint you! ;) Take care x
from punkoddity :
locked again. boohoohoo. *is a hypocrite*
from laura-baura :
Hi Kim! I can't read my guestbook cos of the SMG problem but Jim told me you signed! I've not listened to it much yet but the new album sounds good. "Bounce" is already stuck in my head! Hope you're doing okay (and I will send you that pen pal soon, there's been noone to match you with yet!) Take care. :) xxx
from liannesy :
Hi ;) I hope you're Ok and I really must phone you soon! Otherwise you'll probably forget about me and we can't have that ;)
from jekylandhyde :
I thought i'd follow your orders and leave a note! ;-)
from rollerqueen :
ARGH I've had way too much trouble trying to get this to you. OK. Seventh attempt now. Your guestbook won't work. I hope you read this. Anyway. Dave Soloway from Saves The Day - believe me, it's not just you :). He rocks out so damn hard on stage too. It sucks how Ted left. Now Chris plays guitar he can't do the 'leaning into the crowd and singing to people' thing like he used to. I miss it. xx
from yoshi-c :
You remind me of me when I was a little bit younger. My dream job was to work in HMV...
from kll :
"And now, I keep on going through phases of depression/happiness. One minute, I think I'd be better off dead and the next, I realise I have everything to live for." I was just reading your diary and was compelled by how similar we are in thoughts. Love is not dead, it's just lost. And we wander on our goose-chases looking for burried treasure. X marks the spot, I guess. KLL

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