messages to kumav:
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from randomsnark :
(In response to my survey...) Yes. 23 is a nice number. It suits my family and I well, if that makes any sense. I was born on June 23rd, my sister on August 23rd, my 2 dogs both on February 23rd. My parents started dating on December 23rd. It's the year 2003 when my parents had the 23rd anniversary and my sister turned 23. If that doesn't make for a good number, I don't know what else to tell you. And as for 'the thing that you love but everyone else hates?'..I love doing it too. If you love a song, play it as long as your heart desires. Sorry about my "grammatical" errors. I have just learned to actually hit the shift key..(It bothered the hell out of people.) I have also yet to complete high school and can't spell. Eh, meh. Once I do, I'll let you know, Ishmael. :P
from randomsnark :
Oh, you would enjoy her life much better than mine. She's older to say the least.. (Never wiser..No common sense, but I guess that makes her interesting.) We both have the same humor, her entries a little longer, but whatever trevor, she's cool.
from randomsnark :
My sister and I have renamed apple juice, "Crapple Juice." No, we don't not like it...We drink it all the time. I don't know WHY we call it that, it's just a random thought I thought I would share. Also, be as biased as you want. As long as it makes us look good. :P
from cdghost :
eggplant so good...
from randomsnark :
Ah, so you're the one from who read like 170 pages? You crazy goose. I write when I feel dumb, so wait...ok..Be expecting like hundreds more.

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