messages to librasweets:
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from becca27 :
Hi, I'm trying to find new reads, I stumbled upon you in recently updated diarys, saw your locked up, I really should do that also, anyway would love to read it if you don't mind, if not, I understand.
from tallships :
I drive to the park n ride. Saves me 15 minutes plus I dont have to stand outside waiting for a bus.
from rockingchair :
I think you'd need to be open about it. But it's a two way street. How would you feel if he wanted to explore areas you weren't comfortable with? Everyone has limits. Sometimes you have to compromise. sorry. being serious for once.
from rockingchair :
Why am I not surprised you beat me?
from rockingchair :
Theres always a way. You just haven't found it yet. And I hope the not smart enough remark was ironic because you are bright. Lousy at choosing guys... but otherwise smart! :-)
from ambushbug :
Sucks having to sleep in the beds we make... I know that feeling all to well - if there were no kids it would be easier to leave but the catch 22 is that I wouldn't trade my kids for anything - not even my own freedom... Tough struggle - just know you are not alone.. :) Nolan

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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