messages to lovemyfriend:
(click here to add new message):

from oceans-tide :
8-9-06 Hey Handsome, I hope you're having a good day! ;) Hugs, Me
from oceans-tide :
I'm Home, I'm Home, I'm Home...I can't believe it!!! YAY ME!!!! Hope we talk soon...I have missed you ;) Hugs, Me
from janeygirl7 :
I recovered from an eating disorder. Good luck with it all. Stay positive.
from oceans-tide :
Thanks for the notes =)
from annachan :
just saw your diary randomly and i like it. maybe i'll come back..
from oceans-tide :
Hope you have a better day, today! Hugs, Me
from taken-by-you :
The thought of cutting will probably always creep up sometimes. I won't lie to you - sometimes I still get that feeling. Sometimes I get so far as to have the knife in my hand, close to my skin - but stop myself. 'Strength' is not defined, in our situations, as not having the urge or feeling - it is defined as acknowledging the feeling, and denying the action. :) You are strong. I believe in you. Take care...
from sallydallydo :
Hi again! Hey, wanna do something fun? Join in on the music meme! Pop over to mine, copy and paste with your own answers for as many categories as you like, and pass it along. :) Nothing like some good mindless fun every now and then! Good for you for keeping busy!
from minstrelite :
Keep up the good running. In my experience, it's a life saver.
from camera-girl :
Thx for the kind note :-) I will check out your friends site. I love looking at pictures.
from bigdog70 :
Hi MC. I got your message the other day. Sorry I haven't returned your call yet but my work has been extremely busy and i'm back to my traveling mode again. I've been home maybe 2 days a week and on those days i'm so busy working around the house. I'll give you a call this weekend.
from oceans-tide :
Thanks for the note ;) I can't wait to talk to you tomorrow. Hugs, Me
from evababy777 :
thank you. that means a lot to me. how are you?
from sallydallydo :
Clicked on your banner, what a NICE layout! Dropping by to say "Hi!" Hope you post a bunch more! :)
from flicka :
I was just thinking the same thing about friends. Instead of the friends from "Friends" I was thinking about the friends in Sex and the City. I wish I had 3 ladies who made my life feel more complete. I feel alone and empty a lot.
from oceans-tide :
I always need a friend like you ;)
from oceans-tide :
from camera-girl :
I clicked on your banner and thought I should leave you a note just to say hi! - Hi there! :-) So now you know at least one of the banner-clicker! ;-D
from hip2bme :
lol! Poor you! Good luck! I'm sure it will all go according to plan and great! Hugs!!! Anele
from oceans-tide :
;) I LOVE BEING YOU FRIEND! Once again you call & we had to cut it short...SORRY!!! I left you a note at your guestbook as well, it's pretty lengthy. Is that even a word...lengthy...LOL. It's 3:00 am my time...I'm just a wee tired. Heck if I knew you were awake I'd be dialing your number so fast =) Hope you have a good day, talk to you soon. Hugs, Me
from grt8f84me :
I care about you....I just want you to know that...
from hip2bme :
Hi! Congrats on lasting that much on the step class (I know most step classes are hardcore) and congrats for trying! Some people don't even try. But you did, so it's more important than lasting the whole class! Hugs, Anele
from oceans-tide :
This diary doesn't have to be about her anymore ;) Cause you always have me! I know you will find your way, and figure everything out. I Heart You =) Thanks for calling today. Hugs, Me
from grt8f84me :
I was just thinking about you yesterday when I was updating my template. I was not sure which one of your diaries to link since I have not seen an update recently. I really wish you happiness...your entry just resonates with a feeling of abandonment...or something. I'm glad you're back...I really missed you.

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