messages to lucretia-21:
(click here to add new message):

from starting-gun :
I'm sorry to hear you have cancer. I hope you have someone who is supporting you through this tough time.
from phluid61 :
Doesn't really work, highness. It's all in your mind. I've tried. I hope you do well from it all, though. And I better get the new addy. PS. where's my letter!?
from phluid61 :
No need to share highness, you can keep him all to yourself. But I'd hope for both your sakes you'd take longer than one second.
from phluid61 :
Just wanted to point out, highness, that I still read your diary. Well, I skim it, because it's always so long.. but I still take note. I even have it set up to email me when you make a post! How's that for dedication? I'll miss your absences, highness.
from phluid61 :
Oh, and highness, I agree, 1979 is way too old for you. 1980 would be *much* better. ;)
from phluid61 :
[quote]Have you ever forgotten how hot you were, and then you passed by a mirror, and couldn't help but lose your breath?[/quote] Only if, while staring at the mirror instead of where I'm going, I walked into something. I know exactly how hot I am.
from starting-gun :
Unlocked now :)
from leishastar :
Your latest entry sounds exactly what I've been going through with a guy in my life. It's eerie; almost like it's the same guy. I had to make the same decision to cut him off because he just didn't give me everything I needed, and I wasn't going to settle for less. I miss him and it's hard, but sometimes hard decisions are the best strengthening experiences. More power to you! It sounds like you handled things very well.
from gumphood :
survivor was its just BORING! I like eye candy too...hahha
from sanetwin :
I have to say, despite the fact that we've been "buddy listers" for a very long time, I find your attitude about welfare (about different classes period) very intolerable. You have no idea what its really like to need help and not get any. to have children that need food that you can't provide for them and you have to get help for it. You preach so much about your friends that think because they have money they are better yet you look down your nose at people that get assistance.
from artofliving :
do you have ANY clue how much i would have loved to sit next to you at the bar last night? although i have a feeling you and i would try to outdrink each other with disasterous outcomes. I also believe that putting the two of us together in a bar-like scene with horny males that we could torture would ruin our karma for the rest of our souls' existance. We're totally Maneaters. Totally.
from artofliving :
two things. 1. i still love your bar stories no matter how many i hear. 2. thank you for making me feel not-so-crazy about yesterday. you're right...i've got to let it go. i thought i had and i have to accept that i didn't and try again. love you love you love you!!!
from artofliving :
thank you for my new favorite quote, "when all else fails, blame the booze" thank you, thank you, thank you. sigh....i soooooo love you. uh....are we alcoholics, cuppycake?
from artofliving :
my limit for Kamakazees is exactly 4. although we both know i'm done by 2. i the most horrific girlfriend in the univers?
from sanetwin :
I split a pair of my favorite pants once too. They were huge on me.
from gumphood :
hey. I just wanted to say that never ever ever pay off a loan early until you've started paying it off. What a disaster! I'm sorry!
from phluid61 :
Highness! You better not be dead. We miss you and love you. At least, someone must, surely..
from sanetwin :
welcome back!
from gumphood :
from gumphood :
where did you go
from gumphood :
girls aren't horrible dancers.
from like-it-is :
Just doing your review now - thought I should check - do you still want your special entry to be If not, just let me know what you do want to be your special entry - or if you don't want a review any more, let me know that too. I'll wait on your reply before I post your review. :)
from like-it-is :
Hey - just a note to say, wow, I can't believe you still have me linked! That's a good thing. No, really. Anyway, just to let you know that as improbable as it seems (since you did request your review over a year ago), I may actually get around to doing it. Not right now, because I'm busy. But I'm hoping to get this site started up again, and even if I don't - just wanted to say you rock, and thanks for your patience! :)
from gumphood :
Glad I gotr you thinking
from gumphood :
you've never emialed me!
from gumphood :
tell me I am number 25!
from gumphood :
My banner? How nice. Hope you clicked it. Just to note, I like making girls laugh. Thats a pro in my book.
from gumphood :
I'm gonna go as Napoleon Dynamite
from gumphood :
I think you need a change.
from gumphood :
gosh lu, I am sorry that things are hard right now.
from gumphood :
You really wouldn't want carnations? I would think that the gesture if was real that they could be pretty. I guess if you think its a sign of cheapness...but if a guy was just buying flowers for you and didn't know any better, I think it would still be sweet.
from gumphood :
tonights entry should be good.
from gumphood :
I'm amazed at how many people can't make change.
from badmj :
I know how u feel. I broke my ankle and three of my toes when I was 15 and my mum accused me of trying to get out of school and refused to take me to hospital. It all mended wrong and now I will have a fucked up foot for the rest of my life, because obviously mums know best.
from gumphood :
I like teh Shadows in that last pic.
from gumphood :
You like the spotlight? Nothing wrong with that.
from gumphood :
closing in on 500 entries. Incidentially, I would like to point out something. I forget. I read your entry and my computer crashed. I forgot what I was going to say but it was about fincial indepencance being important.
from sanetwin :
I love learning new things, which I suppose is the smae as not knowing things. I'm always asking what words mean or for someone to clarify what they just said.
from lifeasme66 :
Hi there! Just wanted to say thanks for dropping by and leaving the comment =). Much appreciated! I liked your current entry, and don't worry. Eventually those young pups will be legal, and then it doesn't matter if you're 6 or 7 years older ;) But don't listen to me, I'm a bad influence! **HUGS!!**
from sanetwin :
Stupid Scott. grrr.
from sanetwin :
OMGD that puppy is SOOO cute. Whats its name?
from gumphood :
Do you like Star Wars? hehe
from gumphood :
How are you doing lately? Better or worse than a few months ago? Just curious.
from gumphood :
i didn't drink until 18. 14 boys are lame. I mean they just aren't attractive at all or cool. At least girls mature earlier. guys just look awful.
from sanetwin :
First of all - when did they ask what your income level was on a job application? From my experience that was NEVER. And secondly, its people like her that have such ridiculous notions about income that keep our society the way it is - the richest in the world with the highest poverty level as well. Ridiculous.
from gumphood :
thats the right response. "I'm not better than everyone!" (just most people)
from sanetwin :
ugh. I would HATE to have to share a bathroom again. When I was growing up, one bathroom three teens and two adults. Not enough at all.
from sanetwin :
glad you made it home safely!
from gumphood :
Are you going to keep it the same color?
from gumphood :
you never lose that feeling you have for someone like that, I just hope that it never gets messy.
from phluid61 :
Oh and by the way, it is a pretty common thing for guys to do. Except for the really good ones. (eg - not me)
from phluid61 :
Er, that should say "I shouldN'T have to" ... My typing sucks.
from phluid61 :
Sorry highness, I got as far as the 'notes' page the other day.. but something must have distracted me, because apparently I never posted the note I was meaning to. And now I can't remember what it was. But you already know I can't see the menu on your page properly (and even if I could, there's no "notes" or "comment" link that I can find when I do search) - so its not my fault I don't always slough through the member profile pages to leave insignificant posts to let you know I'm still here. I am, by the way, and I still read what's going on. Besides, I should have to write you notes. I wrote you a whole story one time. You still owe me for that!
from sanetwin :
gah. what do you mean he was saying all of that to other girls/????? I'm so sorry :(. If hes hurting you so much over and over again perhaps the best thing is to walk away.
from gumphood :
you handled the dumping really well. I think its gonna be for the best, and I think you have a ton going on in your life right now. You must be somewhat excited!
from gumphood :
don't die girl. We all get sad. You just need to find someone who wants to get sad with you.
from gumphood :
Betty! Anyway. I just wanted to say I've read alot of entries and frankly, I have no desire to insult you.
from sanetwin :
*lol* I have the hugest crush on gump too.
from gumphood :
money = good
from sanetwin :
what does that translate into in miles? because it sound spretty far to me. You can talk to me if you want!
from sanetwin :
What a suck ass day :(. I hope your ankle is okay. I'd get another job if I were you. They are taking advantage of your kind nature there!
from gumphood :
get your notes link and comments up girl
from artofliving :
there is nothing more that i would love to drop everything and go see you in fabulous canada and drink until we forget everything that sucked. The time is slowly on it's way, love...don't give up on me!! hows the love life? i've missed talking to you terribly!!
from sanetwin :
I think it's great that you're too proud to do what your dad wants to get money. If he doesn't want to be a part of your life than you shouldn't put yourself out for him. I never have for my dad. He doesn't give a cent either. Has your mom ever thought of sueing for back child support?? Anyways, just wanted to let you know that I really identified with that entry and I'm sorry :(
from sanetwin :
Merry Christmas.
from phluid61 :
You say it like it's a bad thing, highness. But yes, I get told all the time that I look like I did 22 years ago. As if I didn't know it already. I also look almost exactly like my father, and his father. I'll have to get some photos from the family to compare.
from sanetwin :
Happy thanksgiving!
from sanetwin :
oh no no no. I'm in shock. I can't believe what Scott said to you. I didn't see it coming. I thought that you guys had a fairy tale romance. Shit, i'm probably not helping. i'm so sorry. (((HUGS))) it IS his loss!!!!
from sanetwin :
my commetns aren't posting for some reason. anyhow, glad the wekeend was good.
from sanetwin :
((HUGS)) I'm sorry things were bad last night :(. I'm glad you are still here though! *fingers crossed* for word from Scott!
from gumphood :
Hey. YOur comments are fucked up. I couldn't leave one. And your boyfriend should see a at home movie with you. Just my opinion.
from phluid61 :
>Anyone know a solution to this? Any >suggestions would be nice... I've got a suggestion. Don't do the international thing. It's too icky all round. It's all much better (well, for better or worse) when it's face to face, permanently. Believe me. I'm not saying move. I'm also not saying don't move. I'm just saying, you have to do something. I'll still like you no matter what. (K)(F)({)
from sanetwin :
He's a cutie !! Where is he at? in the states?
from sanetwin :
No I haven't seen pics of him yet!!! I wanna seee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
from artofliving :
you.are.FANTABULOUS! and i put the bitch comment in jsut to make you laugh! TAKE THAT! smooches!
from r-y-r :
I am the silent reader, I read everytime you post... glad things are going so well for you!!!
from sanetwin :
I still read EVERY single update. (sniffles*) you never read me anymore.
from artofliving :
awwwww!!! thanks for advertising our religion! you're awesome!!
from artofliving :
do you know why I love love love you? Because we talk alike and that's so hard to find. Have you booked your ticket yet? What ticket? Why, the one from there to here to join in the drunken debauchery. I'll send you a picture of the tattoo if I don't chicken out. Smooches
from artofliving :
"only a little while" my ass!! I'll see your punk ass next week when you recover from your hangover! =)
from artofliving :
dude. That's such a good idea. Screw all this "go stock up on water for the storm" crap. all we need is the vodka. Keep it chilled for me, I may need it soon.
from sanetwin :
I'm not sure if you have checked your comments since they aren't showing as being posted. I think I know what the problem is. In the HTML snippet there is a little section that looks like this 'blah blah' you want to change it to read '%%short_description%%'. I know the blah blah probably didn't help much LOL. Sorry but if I can help any more, please note me and I will. I know exactly what the problem is with your comments, I had the same one with mine. Anyways, the point of this note was to congratulate you on how you handled Keith. You've come a long way from when I first started reading your journal and how you would react to his phone calls. i'm so proud of you!
from artofliving :
i have messenger, aol to be exact. However, I am at work and therefore the fun little filters they employ won't allow me to chat with you. I shall save you the pain of note leaving and will look for you online when I get home in 2 hours. Do remember to look at yourself in the mirror at least once tonight and say, "I'm the shiniest apple in the tree." It does wonders for you, even if you are tipsy. Smooches
from artofliving :
"satisfactory"? hmm...I'm thinking this is a high compliment from you? I haven't ever been to Canada but my marvelous brother just got back from there. Said it was gorgeous; free healthcare and a low drinking age? Could one possibly ask for more? I would LURVE to join you for a drink and you can bet your sweet ass if I found out that bastard is cheating, I'm going on quite the traveling excursion so rest assured you will be visited. Side note: Do you think it's possible to be completely without a backbone where love is concerned? Also, do you know about Lucretia Borgia? I think that's how the last name is spelled...In any case, she was part of a terribly crazy family waaayyy back in the day and was known to wear a ring that opened and held poison. When having drinks with her enemies (who thought they were in good regard) she would discreetly pause her hand over their drink and deposit the poison. I learned that in 9th grade and I've loved the name Lucretia ever since. Feel free to call me Miranda although I deeply enjoyed the Ms. Art O. Living thing.
from artofliving :
Do make it a point to stop in and check the new comment for you. I hope you find it up to par. If you would like to slosh some of that vodka over here...lemme know. Additionally, if you're going to be in the Southern US from Nov 7-9 and want to go to a seminar about bloodstain patterns and ballistics, do let me know. Only $200 for the seminar and $55 a night for the hotel. There is a group of 4 kids that wanna room with me (oohhhh, dont I sound popular suddenly?!) so I'm sure we could get that down with division. It's going to be one hell of a time but I've been elected to buy the liquid because I'll be the only one of age in the consider joining, no?
from artofliving :
Dearest Lucretia, How I'd love to tell you that my day is brightening as we speak...but alas, no good news to relay. About the money? The $20 that I lost is gone forever...I just hope it was picked up by somebody who needed it and not some punk who is going to piss it away on a bottle of Malibu (which is what I would do if I found a $20). The money that I need for the conference? I'm trying to beg money out of people I know. If that doesn't work, I shall start a brothel. Simple as that. Lemme know if you wanna be vice president.
from artofliving :
OH SWEET GIRL!!!! I'm so happy for you about the job!! To Europe to go on fantasmic shopping sprees where designer products are ridiculously low priced. beautiful a day!! Congrats!! On the other hand, I failed a trig test, almost got caught snooping, got behind in computer class and lost a $20 bill. Oh! and found out I have to come up with $300 but November to go to this TOTALLY awesome forensic science seminar. The good news is you had a really nice day that you really deserved and your entry made me smile.
from artofliving :
see?!?!?! I told you we were like two peas in a pod!! it was weird enough when i thought it ended with catcher in the rye but i too was thought odd because of my liking to the shining. fascinating. you're the bizzity-bomb, yo. heheeh!!
from artofliving :
It's been a little rough lately but it's nothing I can't handle. The great news is there are only 23 days until my 21st birthday and my brother is coming to stay for a week and that makes me happier than I can tell you. I'm super excited about posting pictures but really despondent over this whole ordeal with Ddot.
from artofliving :
additionally, your entry today was stunningly beautiful. It was absolutely marvelous
from artofliving :
I'm sure I can figure out a way to do that. Thank you so much for telling me how to do it though. I'm really excited about trying it. By the are you feeling today? Any better? We've both had some suck-shit days lately and I jsut want to make sure you're feeling good. By the way, I totally jsut went dislexic and said "Dotcor" instead of "Doctor". What is that?!
from artofliving :
ok TOTALLY get the awesome possum award for the week. Thanks so much! You wouldn't happen to know how to get pictures off of my cell phone on to the computer would you???
from artofliving :
i LOVE LOVE LOVE this entry. we really have a ton of shit in common.
from artofliving :
thank you for sharing your own stinging insect story with me. but jeezus! it found you in the shower?!? AHHHHH!!!
from artofliving :
HOLY SHIT! Catcher In The Rye is my favorite book ever too! AND I used to be a gargantuan fan of LTJ. wow.
from artofliving :
Dearest, I just found you and I LOVE LOVE LOVE you. I'm adding you to my favorites right this very second. you, my dear, are an awesome possum.
from sanetwin :
AH! your hair is gorgeous! Don't you dare ever ever cut it! It's so beautiful!
from sanetwin :
Glad you're back!
from blindessence :
I just found your diary, and then I started reading it.. and I really like it!!! I think I may add you to my favourites!
from sanetwin :
Dude, I'm a note leaving fool. I love silent apologies. It's all my best friend Sarah and I ever do, the few times we are upset with one another.
from sanetwin :
I miss you *sniffles*
from sanetwin :
It sucks Matthew is leaving :(
from sanetwin :
I wouldn't even work the extra shift if they were calling and bitching at me about the work I had done!
from typelove :
hello. i saw your link on the love-online ring and i was wondering if you would like to join my diary. it's a place for people who are involved in online relationships to write their feelings and support each other.
from sanetwin :
I suck :(. I always try to leave you notes and I guess I missed your birthday and didn't leave you a happy b-day message. I suck I suck I suck. So you're on to bigger and better things?! I thought being a philosophy major was pretty friggin cool actually.
from sanetwin :
AHHHHH! I love accents. *throws a book at Jess* I'm so jealous!
from sanetwin :
I'm locked out. *sob*
from sanetwin :
I wear nothing but boy shorts all the time. Okay this comment seems completely random, but it's in response to a comment you made lol.
from sanetwin :
At least he tried to call you back, that means he does want to talk.
from sanetwin :
Did you call him?
from sanetwin :
My mom is completely nuts too. I think there should be a special award for kids like us who survived nutso parents.
from phluid61 :
I once called Manda 'Melissa', because I was tired, but also because I was a stupid prat. I don't think that has anything in common with your thingy though. It was probably just habit. I rearrange words these days, but not names.
from sanetwin :
You called him KEITH????? *shakes finger under Jess's nose*
from sanetwin :
I think that sometimes too. That I just really want to do something to be remembered for a long time for. We need to come up with a GRAND scheme to be remembered. We could invent something?
from sanetwin :
Being a young mother is so hard. People just don't understand. They always look down on teenage and young mothers and just expect them to be sluts or bad parents. I had Analise when I was 19 and people treated me so awful. I'm certainly not a slut and I'm a great mom! Yeah, it's so sad that people still act that way!
from sanetwin :
ughh sounds like you've had a really long week. First, your mom has NO right to take your money. Stand up to her, say no. She sounds sort of like my mother :(
from sanetwin :
Hey Jessi. I just read your last entry 4/25 about Keith. First let me say I'm so proud of you. Not many people could have handled that situation as maturely, as empathetically as you did. You were able to take a bad situation and learn from it. You got to say good-bye, You got closure. Not many people get that. Plus you did it in a way that you still have his friendship. I'm so glad that you had that last night and that you feel better about it all. Second, I can't believe people would actually read you diary and complain because you talk about someone that you love(d) and having your heart broken. If they don't want to read about it, don't read it. You have every right to talk about him and how he made you feel in it. I hope that they would be more supportive.
from justreviews :
Your review is up!
from lime-reviews :
Your review is up! Thanks for your submission!
from sanetwin :
I'm so glad you're over Keith. He didn't deserve you and I"m glad you realized that. You are such a beatiful, intelligent woman. A man should only ever reinforce that in you!
from gumphood :
Hey there. Thanks for the note. I checked out your diary, and I found an entry that I though I could do which would be funny. So, I am going to...and I will link you. You okay with that!?
from sanetwin :
Ugh I'm so sorry that those jerks did that on your tagboard :(
from sanetwin :
everything you just wrote is so completely on target and right. It's so hard to explain love to others. And if they've never felt it you never can explain it, because they just won't understand. And as to internet friends, I know how that feels as well. Some of my best friends are online people that I have never met or seen. A few I have met if they are close enough. And the friends I feel like I have gained since I started my diary is great. I feel like these people really KNOW me and how I feel and what I'm going through. I'm glad you are one of those people.
from sanetwin :
Thank you, I think he's adorable too :). Wow, so everything you just described is how I feel for him. I'm terrified by how passionate I feel for him already. Have you ever felt that way?
from sanetwin :
great entry! It's so hard for people just to look and appreciate the world. I'm glad you had that today!
from virlomi :
i just looked at your pics, and i'm almost positive i've seen you around trent before :)
from shashondra18 :
You sexy women you, those buttons are awesome. They are so awesome, I'm glad you did that. Tee hee, now I feel like we are a real review site. WITH BUTTONS!! I'm gonna have to celebrate that! *dances*
from virlomi :
thanks for the password :)
from virlomi :
jess! you locked your diary! can you, pretty-please, send me the password? [email protected]
from wflowerrevs :
I don't know what to pick between you and Siobhan's decisions. Why don't you discuss this, because I don't want anything getting disliked or anything. Then contact me and tell me. Thanks! :0)
from sanetwin :
I'm glad they are happy tears! Wish I had some glad ones to cry.
from virlomi :
i have the opposite problem with jeans. i have big legs from swimming, and the best jeans i've found for me are "faith" by bluenotes - relaxed fit. i guess that doesn't help you . . . but i do understand having trouble finding jeans.
from emax :
you have good taste in music
from zatara :
hey - stumbled across your journal tonight looking for people writing from peterborough. Your valentine blog hit home. I too wasn't with the one person I craved the most. Instead I sat in the dark, alone, watching Clint Eastwood movies. I find it funny that the people who have someone to buy nice things for them are the ones who say Valentine Day isn't improtant. However, the ones who spent it alone are the ones who realize the only thing this holiday does is make the lonely look thier lonlieness in the face. Anyways - chin up! It'll be spring soon. Then we can all share pints of ale on downtown pub patios. Life will be good again!
from sanetwin :
omgd lol I went to read your entry for today and I was so thrilled and blushing bright read when I read what you wrote. Thank you so much *grin* Besides that, I'm so so sorry that you had to feel that way on Valentines day :(. That really sucks. I hope you went out and bought yourself some chocolate and ate it all. I always do that to feel better lol.
from teen-review :
Happy Valentine's Day from teen-review!
from teen-review :
Your review is up at teen-review. Enjoy!
from tatteredrevs :
Your Review is Up!
from tatteredrevs :
Hiya! I am promoting my new review site. Be the first to get reviewed and be the first to let others know about my review site! Thanks. Love-Tat
from sanetwin :
thanks for the suggestion. It didn't help, I think its just the layout. I guess I'm going to have to switch it again :P.
from sanetwin :
Hey thanks for the suggestion, but whatever html code you put in didn't show up LOL. Could you sned it to me again? Thank you.
from wflowerrevs :
Sorry, Lu! I'll switch them back ASAP.
from virlomi :
hey, i'm also at trent. small world :)
from cdghost :
interesting to read
from wench77 :
hey there! is this your new diary?? Nice image. I understand about your other diarypage looking different on your screen than on mine (mine had a white box, no scroll-down)... I discovered the same thing looking at my website with 2 diff. browsers on my same computer... nice on one browser, and colors and alignment all screwy on the other. Drat drat. Anyways, glad you got out of wherever CP is... yeah you'll find new friends, and hopefully people to write on your blank slate. People DO change. You will change. In ten years you'll go... mygod! That was ME at 18!! Siobhan is probably leaving behind highschool like you are, and being influenced by a diff. crowd... diff. sides of her personality coming out, or just a new environment. Yes, you can be immature forever, (notes on window bottom) but you will certainly change. Sad when friends change in ways that grow away from where we are growing. Dealing with that myself. Where was the person you knew? They are in the past, not the present, not the future. All of us live that always. byebye!

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