messages to lumenatrix:
(click here to add new message):

from fifidellabon :
Oh, Lumey, I am sorry for the sadness. If it is of any help, sometimes I feel sad for no apparent reason. Also? My last birthday was like a wet firecracker. Sort of an afterthought. Also, it totally sucks when someone else co-opts your plans and does what THEY think that you should want. Now I shall lecture. Lumey, don't ever let your self worth depend on what others think. I've made that mistake and it isn't worth it. Don't get daunted by life's onslaughts. You are totally worth it, and I mean it! You are here, are you not? Well, then, that in itself is totally worth celebrating. It sounds (and I speak empirically) that you might be a bit of a late bloomer, just like Fifi Della Bon Bon. I truly think that it is much better to be that way. Then you get to think a lot and when you do the things that matter, they are worth so very much ore. I don't regret a bit being a late bloomer--I still played with dolls when I was fourteen! Can you imagine!! You are a wonderful girl, so just remember that the sadness will pass, and that you have a drunk, pink poodle named Fifi in your corner. XOFifi
from fifidellabon :
I have no idea of what I am good at. Or else I am good at the things that I don't think of and am not good at the things that I wish that I were. Cruise-azy, huh? I think that the only thing to do is to march forward, hoping for the best, and controlling what we can. XOFifi
from fifidellabon :
You sound much like I do when I haven't had enough sleep. Do your best and know that no decision is permanent. Well, permanence is rare. What I mean to say is that even if you take another job and it is not exactly right, you can get another one yet. Well, it is far too early and I have---not gotten enough sleep. Best to you! XOFifi
from fifidellabon :
The "perfect linear background" is non-linear. Linear knows less. Keep the faith, and let us know how things work out. XOFifi
from fifidellabon :
Oh, boys can really act like penii, can't they. One thing to remember, you did nothing wrong. Even if a boy is wrong, he can't seem to admit it. I always give up the fight and get on with my life, but then again I have always been a firm believer that most friendships have expiration dates. But SOOO good to hear from you again! XOFifi
from punkedupqt :
the past couple of days ive been really fascinated with your username haha. i always stare at it when i see it over there-->
from fifidellabon :
It was neither preachy nor twee. It was honest and brave to stand up for what you believe in, a quality that is getting to be more rare every day. Go Lume! XOFifi
from fifidellabon :
I've been thinking about your entry, and what I have come up with is that two of your strengths are honesty and the ability to ask for help when you need to. I can't say if they are marketable, but they are indeed admirable! XOFifi
from newmillenia :
Wow, I know exactly what you're going through. Nearly all the time I spent in Alaska was me, rummaging through my head and trying to figure out what to do with my life. I ended up submitting my resignation with the TV station I'm at and will be starting another job at my ol' college with less hours, but more pay. I'll be freelancing for the other money..but, yeah, it's scary. It's good though..trying to figure out your life is always good, no matter how frightening or tense it can be. =) Keep yer head up, you'll hit on something.
from newmillenia :
Ugh, this cold is like the annoying friend you just want to leave you alone, but instead keeps calling you all the time and WON'T stop. But, anyhow, the lighting job must be pretty neat and you must be good at it - if something's not lit right (or at least on camera), it looks like shit. Thanks, by the way, for your reassuring note. =)
from newmillenia :
Woo hoo indeed for small steps! You know, I never asked you this, but I'm curious now - exactly what do you do? I know you're involved in lighting..
from fifidellabon :
All right! Ned just let me know about that! Good job! xoFifi
from fifidellabon :
Thanks for the tip! Yes, this sewing apparently IS all that difficult isn't it?! XOFifi
from fifidellabon :
Yes! Unwrap the erasers! And let it all pour out. No self-censorship. Just have some fun!!! XOFifi
from poolagirl :
Cool pics!
from fifidellabon :
Lume!!! How exciting!!!! Wow, things are never boring Chez Vous, are they?! xoFifi
from newmillenia :
Si verdad, I shouldn't discount myself. =) And yes, he's a pretty good boy. How about yourself, missy? How's life treating you?
from fifidellabon :
Lume, Happy New Year! Wishing you every good thing! xoFifi
from fifidellabon :
Oh Lume, I couldn't tell you, but your archives indicate that you started the whole NaBlo thing on 2 Nov, but I just didn't have the heart to tell you. I am personally not in it for random prizes, more just to see if I can do it. I have been so happy to have you posting so frequently, though. I hope that it continues. xoFifi
from poolagirl :
Your meme answers were so cute! "U" is not the easiest letter in the world to work with!
from fifidellabon :
You are welcome! Personally, I think that we should not let boys make us suffer so. They are big and strong, let them be the sufferers! xoFifi
from fifidellabon :
Well, when you see that ex, just know to yourself tht he is prumbling along, with a dull, neverending ache! xoFifi
from fifidellabon :
Dude, I LOOOVE the tech talk!!! It's awesome! xoFifi
from newmillenia :
Happy belated there, chick! =)
from fifidellabon :
2,3,5 and 7. Yes they sound familiar! xoFifi
from fifidellabon :
ooh! Do you know how much I love that name? How are things with you? xoFifi
from fifidellabon :
That was a great rant! And I totally agree about Gwynnie the Hypocrite. xoFifi
from newmillenia :
I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa. =( How old was he? (And p.s. yes, you're right about boys.)
from newmillenia :
Funny how it takes just one guy to screw a person up. =) Take it easy, hon' and look out for number 1 - you.
from fifidellabon :
Ooooh! Kittens! Seriously, I hope that your grandfather gets to stay for a while more. It sounds as if you have been incredibly busy!
from newmillenia :
Aww, thankee. =)
from newmillenia :
Whoo-hoo for the awesomeness of YOU! =P
from fifidellabon :
Hallo, Lume! I answered you in my comments. hee! Must be the medicinal alcohol. Yes, that was exactly the word that I had forgetten! I'll make it tomorrow. Roadside stands = cheap + delicious! /xoFifi
from newmillenia :
Well, my own money woes aren't exactly joyful, but hey, whatever. I'm still living at home, if things get really bad, my parents will help me out. =) Other than that, I think I'm doing good. I've got my little bumps in the road as always, but I'm okay. =) You've got warm wishes coming from this side of the country, so I hope everything works out.
from newmillenia :
Well, if it's any comfort, you can't take it with you. (Uh..I'm talking about money.) =)
from fifidellabon :
ehrm...that should be "although"...
from fifidellabon : about being a phone sex actress?! Just teasing! Althought I hear it's quite lucrative. But how does one keep from laughing?! /xoFifi
from newmillenia :
Don't worry, you're not the only one who wants to go on a murdering rampage when someone brings up their significant other/partner. =) But hey! At least you got a nice massage!
from fifidellabon :
Oooh! You cross-stitch? Me as well! But I have to have the stamped kind, because I am unable to count. Nor spell, judging (sp?) by my notes to you! /Fifi
from fifidellabon :
Your second paragraph made me think "Oh, how English!" Perhaps the problem is that you have spare time that you don't exactly know how to fill? Thngs do just tend to sort themselves out no matter what you do. And the partner situaion? I met Ned only after I had truly discovered that I didn't have to be pair-bonded in order to have a meaningful life. So, begin validating now! And I don't mean to go to work in a parking garage! Seriously. I know how hard it is in this country to even be able to feel good about oneself. America sometimes seems like an enormous, carping mother whom you can't even please. Well, I'm blethering, so feel free to ignore all this! Wishing you the best of luck! /Fifi
from fifidellabon :
Lume, I've decided to keep things as they are. This way at least it is only half a mo to deal with it, and it shows up in the same place. Also, I do send the spammer's address to Andrew. And then I personally ban the address. "I BAN thee! Perdition take thee!" I cry. hee! /xoFifi
from fifidellabon :
Thank you for your kind words. It's a hell of a thing, but we will move through it. /Fifi
from poolagirl :
Glad to see you back!
from fifidellabon :
I can get those tikka masalas for you. I'm sure of it. if you trust me, of course. My e-addy is [email protected] How's the flatmate sitch coming? Well, I hope! /Fifi
from newmillenia :
Hopefully I get away scot-free with the ticket! We'll any case, keep your head up, you'll get through the month. =) And if all else fails, there's always prostitution/stripping/drug dealing! (Don't worry, I AM kidding.)
from fifidellabon :
Lume---please keep posting! I love your diary! What may seem boring to you is fascinating to others. And can you really say that you are boring after reading my last entry? Bah! You go! I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for a good flatmate for you! /Fifi
from newmillenia :
=) The relationship's a little strained with my parents today..I love them to death, but maybe it is time I leave, regardless of residency or not. =\ When did you move out of your parents' place, if I may ask?
from fifidellabon :
ouais, bien sur, soeur! /Fifi
from poolagirl :
Love the picture!
from fifidellabon :
Oh, that is sooo CUTE!!!!!
from blueavenue :
hey, no worries on feeling like your entries are low or whatever. we have ALL been in that bad place we hate to be in. you write whatever you need to write. no one minds, and no one thinks it's boring, either! it's just real life. i hope you're feeling a little better. i will never know why we have to go through things like that or why relationships (men) have to be so shitty sometimes. hang in there.
from newmillenia :
Ouch..I think I would be approaching confrontational time if someone did that to me. Kick his butt! - maybe it'll make you feel better and get your stuff back in the process. =P Or maybe not. Jeez, if he had a shred of decency, why wouldn't he make it a point to return your things to you??
from newmillenia :
I know what you're feeling. All I do is bitch about my love life in my diary. I just try to make it as interesting as possible to compensate. =P I don't know..writing it down sometimes makes it more real for me. And I really don't know what to say concerning some issues. Remember the guy I was stuck on, Ant? Yeah, he text-messaged me on Sunday. I didn't reply..but, damn, why'd the fucker have to do that?! I was doing so good! =P Oh, well. Hold it together over there. Hopefully there's some decent eligible bachelors your way to help you forget this dude. (And hope you get your stuff too! What's keeping you from it?)
from fifidellabon :
You SHOULD be able to talk about all this horrid stuff that has happened. That's what a diary is for! And all us virtual homies are here for you. He's a dope for not dating you, but...he was your dope. And now he isn't and that hurts. And I thnk you have to let yourself hurt in order to heal. Plus, you're never boring. Oh, and get a girlfriend, have a pint, then go on over and get your crap back. Or better yet, buy new crap! Now I shall soon be posting a horrid, whiny, self-indulgent post and then---you'll see what awful is! xo/Fifi
from fifidellabon :
Bah! BAH I say to BoyToy. Excellent name, though. Boys, they are simply unfathomable, are they not? I was SO excited whilst reading your archives when you quit your job! Bloody marvelous. Everybody should have a nice big pair of balls like that. /Fifi
from newmillenia :
Meh, I say give him the card if you really want to. I would. I love giving people things, especially when they've been horrible so that I feel like a completely decent person and view them even more so in a you're-a-dumbass sort of way. =P
from fifidellabon :
Thank you for signing on! I am always touched when that happens. And no, you are definitely NOT boring! I have to actually condescend to show up for work today, so I have to wait until tonight to read more. But I'm midway through 2006! /Fifi
from fifidellabon :
Hello, Lumenatrix. I'm the one who has been reading your archives. I quite like your diary. I am still in 2005 with you, so I am not up-to-date on your breakup, but you definitely have my sympathy. Life goes on. Love roams free. Oh, and I do admire that you get up on ladders even thought you can't abide the things. Neither can I! /fifi
from newmillenia :
And yet another example (although we've had countless ones) of how men suck. He should have told you that from the get-go. =(
from joiedv :
I just can't wait to hear how much fun you are going to have giving up all that good stuff! Had to add you as a favorite sinceas a reward :) ha. Anyway, we are in a similar place as I am giving up some of my favorites and am out the door to go to the gym for the first time in a while myself. Good luck!
from blueavenue :
lol, that entry about your cold that won't die, cracked me up. possibly because i've been sick, off and on, for about 3 months, and eventually the only thing you can really do is laugh about it. you need to get comments from haloscan so i don't have to log on to dland to leave you notes. ok, you should definitely do that for me since i clearly leave you notes all the freaking time. plus you should just do things that i ask you to, because that makes a lot of sense, doesn't it? doesn't it??? =) kidding. hope you're feeling WAY better by now.
from newmillenia :
I think your answer to 38 by far related to me the most right now. =) I'm on the verge of doing that currently, but sometimes the parachute just really slips my mind. =\ Good answers to everything though - yours is one of the few surveys I've actually read top to bottom.
from newmillenia :
Ooh, I gave you happy visuals, huh? Haha! Sorry, that was your own sick mind at work! =P No, things are cool..and I'm glad it happened. =) And I agree on the whole mind games thing. Damn, I can barely handle just dealing with people straight on - how the hell EVER would I be able to do the whole screwing-wit-your-head thing? =P I'm just not capable!
from poolagirl :
Do I have your email? Send me one at [email protected]. I made a Santa Hall of Fame icon for you!
from poolagirl :
Ummmm......I just remembered something.....I never got a picture of you in your Pie Rat hat! Whazzup with that?
from poolagirl :
You crack me up! Chasing Vivian Leigh with a butcher knife! OMG! Whatever was Rhett thinking? YOU are FUNNY!
from newmillenia :
Ugh, yeah, I hate the whole "persistently-obsessed" kind of guy. Makes you wonder if he thinks of you late, late at night.. (you know what I mean?) o.0 Well, anyway, can you reject him straight up? I know I don't always get the memo when someone doesn't like me. =)
from poolagirl :
Excetionally cool template! And good luck with the roommate search.
from newmillenia :
Hope that's a good attitude to have, haha. =) Thank you though.
from newmillenia :
Bleh. Gen ed. In a way, I do respect the courses and the teachers for the information that I probably won't use (but only in a "you never know sort of way".. =) ). Good advice though. About the boy: I'm sort of wishing he remains an asshole. Imagine having a relationship with him. o.0
from newmillenia :
Yeah, I'm having trouble with the homework thing too. My problem's just apathy - I'm really starting to not give half a crap about some of my courses. Which isn't good, I suppose. Damn general ed classes. =p
from poolagirl :
Oh, sweetie. Hugs to you at this time. I know you will miss your poochie, and my heart goes out to you!
from newmillenia :
Yes, you are correct! My birthday's the 12th. Whoo-hoo, 18 finally! Ahh, so many privileges.. Oh, and I think you were also right about the guy.. Maybe he was just down about his family that day, because he was a little better last time I saw him, a few hours ago. =) Mucho gracias for the reassurance.
from newmillenia :
Wow, that's the best present I ever heard of a person giving to herself. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, YOU! =)
from poolagirl :
Congrats on quitting your job! Hoo-Rah! What a good birthday present! Speaking of birthday presents......did you check your mail?
from poolagirl :
I have a present for you! But I need your snail mail address. Please email me! And also know I am not a stalker or serial killer or anything. Five Diarylanders were in my house last fall, and I didn't kill a single one!
from poolagirl :
Oh dear! The unemployment thing is not good news. Holding you in my thoughts....
from newmillenia :
Argh! Damn Brits! Did his accent add to his charm? =) If so--BASTARD!! =P (Kidding, kidding..) Yeah, it's quite a distance..but hey, it's worked out before. Also, major sympathy points for your impending unemployment. =(
from poolagirl :
YAY! I'm a stage manager! I think the drill question tossed me out of the running for techie.
from newmillenia :
Exactly what I was thinking on the karma thing. So, he's off the hook now. By being in that car accident, he saved himself from my campus-wide inquisition. (And let me tell you, that's meant to be a helluva lot scarier than the Spanish Inquisition.)
from newmillenia :
Mmmm..minestrone with bread sticks..damn, I hate when I get my braces tightened and can't eat much! =P See, you're not the only one who complains.
from hissandtell :
So, are you and the new roomie getting on like, well, a house on fire? (Oops - bad choice of simile.) Seriously, I hope it all works out well for you. And have fun with the new tattoo! Love, R xxx
from poolagirl :
Oh, for cute! I hope you have lots of fun with your MP3 player!
from newmillenia :
Wow. Quite an article you linked to. Glad I gave up the whole meeting people online thing. Or..rather, meeting men online thing. =) It's pretty ironic about the stalker thing happening on J-date though, especially with all the Jewish stereotypes out there that concern money. =)
from newmillenia :
Hm. So, do we get to see this R-rated picture? You know, to better understand the situation. =P I'm an ass, I know.
from blueavenue :
hee. lots of my entries are shams. =) no worries! new roomie, eh? YUCK. i'm hoping my roomie days are over forever. good luck on finding a gem! don't you hate when someone calls someone a "gem"? i do. =)
from newmillenia :
"I don�t even know what I would do if I had a kid that started pulling that, especially since the last I heard drugging them or getting them liquored up is frowned upon in most circles." Now that's what I call writing, hehe. =) Thank YOU!
from newmillenia :
It's people like Giggles that you yearn to tie up to a chair and torture for many hours, "Swimming with the Sharks" style.
from newmillenia :
Aww, how wonderful - we can bask in the joys of mouth surgery together! I get one of my teeth out on the 19th. And guess what? My sedative virginity is going to be TAKEN! (I'm not thrilled about that, I swear.)
from newmillenia :
Thank you, friend! I don't deserve to get shit on, and for once, I know it! =P
from dangerspouse :
My god - "vinegar, not dog poop"! Why didn't I think of that?! Thanks babe, I'll have to try that next year. Hey listen, I'm glad my tragic holiday made you laugh a bit. Sure sounds like you could use it. Sounds like you could use LOTS of alcohol also. That's my recipe for when things get tough. Hang in there :)
from newmillenia :
Let's say it together. "People. Suck." But as for all the shit you're getting lately and you wondering why..well, why not? =)
from blueavenue :
Reading Rainbow! yay! i freaking loved that show. was it because i loved books so much or because of the lovely theme song? hard to say. take care!
from newmillenia :
Jeez, everyone has had to deal with the metal things of hell? Makes me feel a little better. =) I don't eat ice cream, but I'm a real pudding fiend these days. =P Hehe, hope you're holding up well.
from dangerspouse :
Good Luck! Good Luck! GOOD LUCK!! There, that should do the trick. Good luck :)
from newmillenia :
... Yeah, I'm not sure what you should or even can do about that one. Sheesh, he's a lovely person! Well, I'm guessing you don't want to be a parent any time soon? Go ahead and smear that snot on my shoulder. =)
from dangerspouse :
A kid?! Sheesh. Have any of those chocolate cigars left? Either eat one, or ram one up his ass if you do. Both will feel good. Hang in there, babe.
from newmillenia :
KICK. HIS. ASS. Oh, wait, he's currently not in physical reach, isn't he? Hm..funny how we're both having some guys problems. =) Well, the smart and practical and totally not our style thing to do would be to just let it go. But, if I were you, I'd strangle for an explanation. And yeah, he did do that whole Haiku thing.
from newmillenia :
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Now I know another person I can smear snot on as I cry on their shoulder. =) Seriously, thanks. I'll live.
from blueavenue :
lume! i'm clearly way behind! what class is on saturdays?? where are you swimming?? hope the one act festival thingee goes well! take care!
from newmillenia :
My first day of school was today! Aww, man, the people are great, but English 2 looks kind of intimidating..Good luck with your academic adventures.
from dangerspouse :
You scofflaw! How DARE you have your sticker stolen. People with such a blatant disregard for the laws of our land should be deported to Sweden. Or wherever. Maybe Belgium. Anyway, hope you get totally trashed tonight and forget all about it. Happy New Year babe - sticker or no sticker, you're still a cutey!
from newmillenia :
Funny you should mention the Narnia books. I just saw the movie today. =) It was good, but I'd recommend reading the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe before seeing it, if you can. I liked the first book the most - nothing like a good beginning. And Fledge was nice too.
from newmillenia :
Eek! Jeez, yeah, I'd let my employer have some grief about that. Thanks for the happy b-day!
from newmillenia :
Whoa - what the hell could have happened? In any case, good to hear you're okay.
from newmillenia :
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you! I don't know what you look like and have never met you! (But Happy Birthday anyway.) ^-^
from newmillenia :
Ahh - CLIVE BARKER! I love his work. Not the creepy stuff like Weaveworld (okay, okay, it's a guilty pleasure), but the new series he came out with for 'young adults' - Abarat. Check it out if you can - he's done some amazing pastel drawings for it.
from blueavenue :
i hate when my days off are packed. eww. and i'm glad you liked connie & carla! lol. the dopey russian guy singing "mame" totally cracked me up.
from newmillenia :
Pfft - college is great. One more reason to get out of the house. ^-^ Thanks for the note, (wo)man. Yeah, hopefully the friend will straighten out. Sorry to hear about your back pain. Are you friendly with a chiropractor?
from blueavenue :
i finally finished harry! how depressing was THAT?? sometimes i think i am far too affected by books and far too LITTLE affected by real life. this is somewhat scary. lol. drag queens show, that's pretty cool. have you ever seen "connie and carla?" really funny movie. =)
from blueavenue :
lol! platoon. that's bizarre. i still haven't gotten to read harry. i'm trying to study for the GRE and THEN focus on it. pfft!
from blueavenue :
lol! arry pattawh. lol. yeah, don't tell me what happens! i'm only on the chapter at the very beginning about the burrow. lonnnnng way to go, haven't had much reading time these days. boo. but yeah, hi hello!
from blueavenue :
howdy! thanks for the comment/compliment! things are SO ODD right now, me trying to come to terms with the fact that i really don't live in new york anymore. i'll get used to it, i'm sure. but oh well. book #24, eh?? that's awesome. that books sounds really interesting, too. i wish i could write the great american novel one day. that would be amazing. ah. hehe. i'm reading the newest harry potter now, and it's good so far. that freaking woman is absolutely, filthy rich now. it's pretty crazy, really. hope you're enjoying your weekend, or what's left of it!
from newmillenia :
Thanks! Yeah, I'm rather excited about the privilege..and I just love seeing my parents squirm at the thought.. Too bad on the online dating. I really don't know what to do. Sometimes I think I'm a real idiot pursuing the things I pursue. Other times I just don't think at all. I just don't know. (But, that's life, isn't it?) So, you had a bad experience with online dating, huh? ^-^
from newmillenia :
^-^ Was nerdy. Was good. I hate when writers get sexist or chauvinistic. P.S. What tripped you up in Harry Potter?
from blueavenue :
your pic is showing up now, yay! pic of lume! lume in the light! ok, so anyway, yeah: i'm glad there are other people who get as excited over dorky books as i do. i don't actually know about that series you're talkin' about, but still. the fact that you wrote that whole entry about it makes me totally laugh and like you even more. lol. happy holiday weekend!
from newmillenia :
That's tough with the lighting. Well, isn't self-doubt a completely normal human trait? If you really want to be a lighting designer, boost up that self-confidence and believe in yourself! (And start listening to R. Kelly's "I Believe I Can Fly" daily.) I think it's kind of natural to sometimes wonder if you're doing the right thing - I really don't know what the hell's going on with my film-making myself. :/
from betchy :
hi, thanks for all the comments and things you have been leaving for me. i hope you dont think i am terribly ignorant when i dont reply, i'm sure you're aware i only have computer at work and can only just find the time to update!!! but thank you xxx
from blueavenue :
your pic on your profile isn't showing up. =( so hi hello! thanks for the comment today--i guess you're right. makes sense now that i think about it: the ones that get away are always perfect in your mind. HA. that's a big laugh, really. =) well anyway, hope you had a good monday. (i hate mondays, but today was pretty decent.)
from poolagirl :
Thanks so much for stopping by my diary! You are too sweet!
from bohemianlife :
That's awesome! I have one of those "Kiss Me I'm Punk" t-shirts too! I love it!
from newmillenia :
Nice encouraging warm message. I needed something, thanks. ^-^ All else in my world is good. Sorry to hear that the theater's over (or at least for a while). May you have many hours of sleep to console yourself.
from hissandtell :
Hi again - I was so thrilled to see you'd been reading me again; thanks so much for adding me. I promise to come back very soon and catch up on your older entries. Love, R xxx
from blueavenue :
just finished lost in the forest by sue miller, and i highly recommend it. (if you're looking for a new one.) that battle of the bands sounds like so much fun! have a good monday...=)
from blueavenue :
hi-lo! that last entry cracked me up (4-12). don't know why, but it def. did. i've suddenly been feeling the pull to read that book, too! i looked for it at the library yesterday, but i didn't find it. ah well, i'll get around to it eventually. but yeah, i'd like to read it before the movie, too, cuz movies from books ALWAYS disappoint me. always. biggest book to movie letdown: harry potter. 'cept the 3rd one was really good, but the first two...not so much. so yeah. good luck w/minion 2.0!
from blueavenue :
hey girl. thanks for all the support of late; it means a lot, esp. coming from a fellow industry-er, and i can sure use it right now! i'm a huge mess. so don't worry; you're not the only one wondering what the heck is going on in your life. so yeah. and happy friday!
from hissandtell :
Thanks for visiting, Miss Beth, and for the mouth-plumbing exploits you so graphically described. Love your work! Love, R xxx
from bohemianlife :
That's such a sweet story. That's exactly what I mean, romantic is not flowers and candy all the time. It's stuff that's more real, more true. And I think I've just come to realize that!
from blueavenue :
hey hey lume! drop me an email and i'll get bach atcha w/the info. and thanks for asking! =) take care. -G
from newmillenia :
Yeah, I really hope to find my friend. ^-^ If the desire remains strong, I just might. Ahh, feeling beat? I get like that every now and then (doesn't everyone?). Just need something to get you going! Harmonica could do, you into that bluesy kind of rock? Y'know, halfway through the song, someone breaks out the harmonica and starts playing through their broken heart or something? (Despair never sounded so snappy!) Also - WOW, THAT'S YOUR FRIEND?! Oh man, you're friends with an ACTRESS? I shall have to regard you with awe and wonder now! ^-^ Kidding. That's awesome though - she was quite good! Is she working on anything else?
from bohemianlife :
I've tried to read that book a few times but couldn't get through it...but you've given me hope that it is indeed possible so maybe i'll try again soon!
from dangerspouse :
Uh-oh, Hissandtell has found you. You're in for it now. OOo, a monkey sounding bird? See if you can find out what it tastes like!!
from hissandtell :
Hi - I'm visiting because of the "chattering monkey" note you left at dangerspouse's, and I thought I should tell you I've read all your entries and enjoyed your writing very much. I'll return for more updates. Love, R xxx
from newmillenia :
Hey, thanks. I can celebrate now - you're my first! (Person to actually add me, that is.)
from blueavenue :
hidy ho. just checkin' in. so i don't get it; what exactly were you doing wrong at the locker room? i am curious now. lol. also, it's all good. my hearing sucks, and i have to have guests repeat themselves, spell their last names, etc. etc. and many times they look insulted/confused, so i have to explain to them that i'm 'hard of hearing.' i don't think that helps the situation much. lol. have a good weekend!
from newmillenia :
Ahh, don't feel bad about not being able to see. It's only a minor handicap..*coughs*. I have a tough time with my sight also - just last night when I was swimming, I had to ask my parents what the other person in the pool looked like. -.- Now that's bad.
from dangerspouse :
Wow, I thought MY job placed a premium on irrational decisions! That's something that they didn't think to involve the FREAKING LIGHTING PERSON in on a meeting about what would need to be lighted. Maybe you should go for a swim and forget about it, lol. Hey, thanks for the sweet note at my place - you rock, babe! And I'm not just saying that - NewWifey(tm) agrees. You are TOO kind :)
from blueavenue :
i'd like a dog, too. (but not in NYC; i'm not that cruel.) but no husband, no kids. i'm with you, lume. can i call you lume? lol.
from blueavenue :
peewee's playhouse RULES. or...ruled. Giggles' new name is "Fairenough." and i love the sentence about striking while the iron is lukewarm. lol. fair enough.
from betchy :
i know its bad isnt it? even if a guy walked up to me that i had lusted after for years and years and said "i really like you Becky, how abput we hook up?" i would probably make him repeat that sentence every day for 20 days, and only maybe then would i be able to say "yeah, you're alright" while inside my heart is drumming the beat of that well known chart topper "i love you, i love you i just cant say it!"
from betchy :
hey, thanks for adding me x
from blueavenue :
hey! thanks for adding me. i just your entries. i remember when i 1st started this thing (actually i had another one before this one). it is addicting, just so ya know! and yeah, html: i was completely clueless. i sort of learned the basics from a few cheesy websites, but anything beyond that is just crazy. also, a lot of that entry about 'crossroads,' etc.--that could've been ME talking. it's weird and yet encouraging when you read on here about people who are feeling the exact thing you are. ok, take care!

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