messages to maggies:
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from delintesque :
my cousin just died last week, and i went home for the funeral on i'm doing the same, going through joy, sadness and anger, and trying to get through it. hang in there :) and keep's very theraputic
from delintesque :
yay! i was wondering when you'd reappear :) the studio sounds wicked. i'm jealous. and ani difranco is my goddess....i swear we are the same weird.
from delintesque :
thanks for the comment on your 'favorite diaries' list :) it IS always nice to meet people you connect with. and who knows...maybe we were seperated at birth (or before:P...can souls seperate?)
from delintesque :
hey, just stumbled across your diary. you sound like a reflection of me! it's kind of creepy. your username is maggies, my name is maggie s. charles delint is my favorite author, and i'm studying photography. hmmm....
from elsworthy :
Oh, heck, I go nuts about it on a regular basis! I have come to the unfortunate conclusion that I hate machine sewing, but I like having new outfits. I am too picky to cut corners, though, so I just gnash my teeth and whine.
from elsworthy :
Welcome to the hive mind! I didn't know you were into photography - what kind? And if it's what you want to do, go for it - anyone who doesn't understand why you're pulling back on other things can get over themselves. :)

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