messages to mindsleight:
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from stardumb :
mindsleight- thanks for your kind words, you know i can't say that i'm always worthy, but someonetimes mercy is involved. as long as we keep going, in patience, and a ridiculous need to succeed and win... haha lol... write me again!
from stardumb :
thanks for the note... i'm 29, up there. hope your holiday season goes well! i'm hoping for a lot this christmas... i feel i deserve it if being good for a year is actually a deciding factor.. haha. RESULTS would be nice. x
from stardumb :
how old are you? i'm wondering if your my age, to get what you're doing better i guess. xo
from stardumb :
i'm back to stardumb, just caught your last few entiries... sounds like your taking your shit seriously, obviously sucess has many lenders and it's not problematic to ask for help. until tomorrow. x
from orderwine :
my new place.
from stardumb :
from stardumb :
hey someone's back
from stardumb :
Good luck on you new job!!! you'll be great at it... keep the faith, run the race, :)
from stardumb :
hey, no problem! so i'm exciting you're reading thru my diary.. i think you'll find out some actual stuff about me that isn't just poetry.. as some people like to know the mediocre things, not that my life is mediocre-- but no wait, yeah, it probably is! i was reading thru your journal also, i got to the part where you said it's been five years later and i was like whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? interesting that you came back after so long, but i guess that's what made your diary kind of unique.. you could tell some of the processes you were going thru and it was an interesting read! i'm going back to reading the last of your entries as well! thx for the notes! :)
from stardumb :
aww, you're very welcome! looks great.. especially fond of the light grey as you can tell from my own template. if you wanted to upload some images try i uploaded images there and have a page that i link to as my "photos" page-- or you can just randomly put photos on an entry page since they host photos for free! till the next time... :)
from stardumb :*
from stardumb :
hey there again, since i like reading your journal.. and you seem to always be trying to make time to post new things, i thought it might help to get a new template, instead of the built in ones... has LOTS of templates! if you want something simple, maybe like this one.. or this or maybe more along the lines of... or or or .... since blogskin templates are a pain in the ass to diarylandize if you don't have alot of experience with web-design, you can also try going to these places, specific for diaryland templates: or or and there's others if you google "diaryland templates" --- just a thought, to maybe authentize your blog a bit. i think you'd do really well at diaryland, you seem to be an interesting person... hope you get that audience!!! ttyl --ella
from stardumb :
i like your "2010-08-21 - 5:50 a.m." entry.. i'm curious, i enjoy a similar task, what book is this? and is it just business-oriented?

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