messages to minibarbie:
(click here to add new message):

from flacabp3 :
Hey Minibarbie.. Hope all is well. I used to live in Queens, I'm soon going to grad school and I'm also a Pisces. I have read many entries and people's favs... You were recommended to me but your diary is locked. Let me know if it is possible I can have access. Send me a note sometime. bye bye
from asitwere :
Craigslist. Aprilslist. Village Voice. (Broker!). Why live in QNS again?
from raven72d :
Remember: grad school can be the best ten years of your life... It certainly kept me off the streets for a decade.
from bellacambio :
happy birthday from one pisces to another ;) you and I have the same birthday!
from frail :
on behalf of the 2% of MAC users everywhere i THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE NEW LAYOUT!!!! ahhhhhhh!! i can read you now!!! :) nice!
from frail :
wellness month. ok. deal. :) !!! i had no idea you were so knee deep in this crazy deprivation stuff as well. b-t-w, i am a MAC user and my browser can't access your diary!! (i can only see half of it!!) which really sucks. but when i use labs at school i get to read the whole thing. but, it's something to keep in mind, knowing 2% of the population may not be able to view all your words. :)!! maybe theres a way to fix your template. good luck. keep in touch and all that fun stuff.
from rae-babe :
A friend of mine had her daughter run away and she might be in the New York area. Please take a look at the picture. It's right at the top of my page and it will only take a second. If you have seen her the contact information is below. Thank You for your help, Rae-babe
from asitwere :
Locked!?! Will u e-mail me?
from frail :
i was kinda sad to see your diary all locked up today. is everything ok with you? take care, cathy-ann
from frail :
i was kinda sad to see your diary all locked up today. is everything ok with you? take care, cathy-ann
from frail :
i just wanted to let you know i SOOOO appreciate hearing from you and recieving notes with all your wonderful insight. it really makes my day. thanks.
from asitwere :
Indeed I am soo feeling like I'm the only one who leaves you messages here. As if people must point and giggle from afar :-). Qual 'lesson'? Uh oh. May have to dust off some books. But a chat, highlighting its relevance in real-world scenarios, well I could so totally do that.
from asitwere :
Oh I'm so psyched about your shoutout. By the way... I spent 2 careers analyzing Qual. data for corporate marketing and opinion polling purposes. It gets cool. Very cool. Get in touch with me, and I'll tell you all about it over some Tide-shopping downstairs :-)
from asitwere :
It's the most boring life ever. I'm an understuffed Accounts Receivables whore. :-)

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