messages to miss-megan:
(click here to add new message):

from ofenchant :
Love and magic this Christmas xoxoxo
from gavin-joel :
when all else fails they always get up off their arse's and move to melbourne!!!!!! me? i moved to canada, silly boy!!!
from sunnflower :
I found your diary through iwantoomuch's favorite's list. Your writing style is amazing but you write too well to wait so long between diary entries. Looking forward to reading more.
from psychodyke :
miss megs... i do believe you are indeed drunk. rawr.
from gavin-joel :
i still love you miss megan!
from psychodyke :
dance with me... plastic druid robes... dreams dripping like snot from our nares... oh, do dance with me, she with stars in her hair...
from psychodyke :
dance with me... koolaid lips... candy dripping from our eyes... and cocaine sneaking out from under our breath.
from diamond-road :
I like, I like, especially the description of old lady skin. I love old lady skin. I don't see what's wrong with having skin that feels like it could just slide off...
from diamond-road :
"It all felt like a scene in a movie as he turned his head, and our eyes met for the first time. I looked into his eyes. He looked into mine, and for a moment, time stood still, our gazes fixed on each other." Wanna know what happens next? Walk with me down diamond-road!
from kabaret :
miss you, dollface --cole
from alkalinetrio :
im the prodding kind
from psychodyke :
always popping up at strange times with brilliant comments... will i never be a favorite? ;)
from plastic8tree :
100 days before the command.
from plastic8tree :
it helped me to return as the mind was lost
from jadis-kali :
I love you, oh my god, we are sisters, you and I. Connected by our mutual loves. I throw kisses at your words, I do. Do you understand? There is hardly any poetry where you are, I seem to be the only embodiment of it when I look around . . and I realize I am alone, but I read you and I see you and I am you. Just a bit, of course, never will I take away. I just stumbled upon you, a minute ago, counting, counting, now, I do. Jadis.
from plastic8tree :
from psychodyke :
I'll give you the moon if you take away the rain clouds... I'll find you a star if you could just make it all stop.
from psychodyke :
I am better than she is better than I am better than this... *sits under your chair* play with me.
from psychodyke :
*hug* that's all I know to do... you should email me, my dear...
from ventricleboy :
hey miss-megan! mutual friends hey? i want to know who. tell me tell me tell me. i'm looking forward to the festival heaps. hmmm...maybe i'll see you there!
from psychodyke :
You're fucking brilliant... I had planned on sleeping sometime tonight... but I don't think that's possible now... You've given me approximately 2 years worth of reading to dig through...
from iwantoomuch :
Happy Birthday to you! *Present* lol. *pictures of balloons*. It's better than an e-card. Except not ... yay!!
from darlingalex :
oh you bought ladytron? *jealous* they are too delicious. 'playgirl' is too delicious a song to resist. me want!
from alkalinetrio :
hly shit! aer you ever goign to send me sekiden as well as other recordings?
from cruise :
Thank you for your kind words, you are a wonderful person.
from submarine :
your diary is absolutely positively gorgeous!
from weatherking :
hi. you're great!
from iwantoomuch :
Thank you. :-)
from iwantoomuch :
I just wanted to say I loved that entry. :-)
from alkalinetrio :
i think its so cute how you and your friends all refer to each other as miss. its just adorable, like you're at a tea party or some such
from darlingalex :
Speaking of Marcs friend Maureen bought one of the little pleated denim cheerleader skirts the other day. It is highly adorable. Meanwhile, I put money on a super-soft light blue corduroy skirt.
from darlingalex :
*lots and lots of hugs* i think you need lots of those at the moment. things will work out strawberry ace in the end, don't you forget it. xox a.
from alkalinetrio :
thanks for the valentine sweety cakes
from alkalinetrio :
You hung out with ATOM?????
from seethingblue :
that's so beautiful (2-06-02) and quiet like the night except there are a hundred sounds to be heard and a hundred ways to read between the lines
from submarine :
you are on my favourites lists that is all. >>>>>>>>>>.
from iwantoomuch :
Whoo! Heh. See, :-D with the smiley face? Rock on and thanks again!
from iwantoomuch :
(((((big, exaggerated hug for miss-megan))))). Thank you so much for your note ... I feel THIS much better! And if that didn't work, I'm gonna leave you notes until it does, so testing ...
from missdiamonds :
hello :) I've had a terrible day and I'm feeling sorry for myself, and sad and lonely...and then I turn the computer on and there you are...thank you - I will never find enough words to describe what your words meant to me tonight and what incredible timing you have. take care xoxoxo.
from darlingalex :
miss megan - - have a super christmas! and don't let work get you down - think of all the super after-christmas spending money, because that's all that's getting me through :)
from alkalinetrio :
i got the cd, portishead is on it, im listening to it now. Does that please you?
from iwantoomuch :
That was sooo beautiful. I loved what you wrote about your Christmas Tree. Lovely writing. Amz.
from alkalinetrio :
This girl is going to send me portishead! you still have to send me sekiden
from iwantoomuch :
Oh oh! Where in Brisbane is this 1930's-50's themed thrift store?! Because gush. Btw, I love what I read ... Amz.
from iwantoomuch :
I love youuuu! Thank you so for that beautiful, beautiful, beautiful note you left me!! Ack! LOL. I'm off to read your diary ... Amz.
from alkalinetrio :
ensemble? Yer cute
from miss-megan :
hey he heee
from alkalinetrio :
from alkalinetrio :
i like your new entry, the one about accessories and hearing about someone who is in love you never thought would be so lucky.

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