messages to mizisg:
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from shewhowalks :
Send me your email address again and I'll forward the picture to you.
from shewhowalks :
It's been ages since I've heard from you! I'm not ever online at night any more. Just here at work. You can always email me or pop in here. Hope all is well!! M.
from shewhowalks :
things are deffinately looking something. thanks for the note and the thought!
from shewhowalks :
talked to your sister last night.... hope you're well
from shewhowalks :
I got scared again. Email me and I'll get you in.
from summerbreath :
where are you sugar?
from summerbreath :
Hey--leaving for ny tonight. hope you're doing well. haven't heard from you in ages. have a great week!
from summerbreath :
Thanks sweetie.
from summerbreath :
Hope things are well. Just over 2 weeks to NY!!!!! I'm so nervous, I feel sick constantly now.....
from summerbreath :
3weeks to NY. Can't wait. All is well at the moment. But it's getting stormy outside....
from summerbreath :
I'm doing well, considering....
from summerbreath :
That is very wierd!
from summerbreath :
Hello? Anybody out there?
from summerbreath :
Hope all is well, haven't seen you around in a while.
from summerbreath :
Life is life. We live, we die, and some where in the course of things we have to make sure that we take care of the ones we love. Ashes to ashes....
from summerbreath :
I've been running around like a chicken after a june bug all week and most of last too. It's been crazy, and the fact that I'm leaving for the day in what? 2 min, has never, EVER made me happier!
from summerbreath :
It's funny, she's one of those kids that you just cannot get mad at, so you end up just laughing. How are you?
from summerbreath :
Yeah, we go at least once a year if not twice. Marks from there, and all of his family is still there. Scott lives in New Jersey. My best girlfriend is an intern at a PR firm in NYC so, I'm going to stay with her in NYC for two days and a night, and Scott, will be joning me.
from summerbreath :
Yeah, you're a nut because of the "oath". Hilarious nut, but nut in general. Ohhh...I think we may have discovered a new kind of nut! Wonder what it tastes like......
from summerbreath :
Yeah, things are going REALLY well....
from mizisg :
testin the waters..
from ciaramyst :

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