messages to motherofian:
(click here to add new message):

from motherofian :
I soooooo didn't change the password. Diaryland is being a bitch. Where's the link for that new server thingie? I think that's the problem. Take care! XOXO
from brokenbits :
gimme the password. puleeeeeeeeeeese. love ya! xxxx
from babicharmz :
You changed your password! Email me woman! :)
from meg-cntrygrl :
can i have a password please? :)
from deigratia :
Wheres my password honey?!?! Miss ya and love ya!
from candace8 :
Hello!! Wheres my password!? hehe love you.
from meg-cntrygrl :
like duhhh...of course i want a password. Lol. I miss you!!
from babicharmz :
I'd LOVE the password hun!
from boogiebeep :
a password would be fantastic my dear lori :)
from meg-cntrygrl :
Stupid guestbook again. But woah girl, that was WAY too much for me to handle at once! lol. But if you feel he's changed, I guess you should know better than anyone. I just hope everything works out for you and Ian. Oh and I think you should write like a more detailed entry cause you're kinda leavin me hangin here! And how come I never see you on MSN? Love you. XOOXO
from meg-cntrygrl :
(stupid guestbook. Grrr...) *waiting patiently for you to find time out of your crazy busy schedule to update* hehe...Hope you had a good weekend. *muah!*
from vickiediablo :
Oops, you've added the code to your diary already. Sorry I didn't check.
from jjslair :
hey you! thanks for the note...that is so kick-ass that you are from the QC area! I would love to be able to meet up sometime when you are in town, so I'll try and get in touch with you on the IM sometime tomorrow if I don't see you online this afternoon. Have a good one! xoxo~ jj
from perfect110 : i used it to show how much weight i have to lose before im perfect, i got a fucking lot to go
from hrec :
yay! you faved me :-) love you big lots xxxxxxxxx
from boogiebeep :
Yes Im certain, the only thignt ath bothers me is my Mum, she affects so many of my decisions..... thanks for your support i love you too :)
from boogiebeep :
well no actually in my dream you were like 45 with blonde hair and a big ass, you are much prettier than you were in my dream!!
from smartepants :
yay! i got a text message~! That made me smile while @ work...thank you! xoxo
from jjslair :
hey babe! sorry i didn't get a chance to write you back, but first i was depressed and hiding out, and then when i finally came out of it and reopened my diary, i got buried under in school work. but i really, really appreciate your support. i hope things are going good for you too. me - i'm way better. yes, i've been venting in my diary, but i don't plan to keep that up. i'm going to be starting a new one this weekend, so if you want to know where the new site will be, you can join my notify list that's at the bottom of my entries. have a good one! xxx~ jj
from fuckingfat :
Thank you for leaving those notes :) It's nice to know that there's someone I can go to if I need it..
from thisisjohn :
honesty is a killer.
from sxb :
you seem so happy these days. glad to hear it...
from sxb :
thanks for your kindness. i'm actually doing ok. i get most of my sadness out in my writing and music so i can be otherwise happy. you are so sweet though.
from rumblelizard :
You dated a self-righteous, judgemental vegetarian who had no fashion sense TOO?? My god! They must mass-produce them under some giant slimy rock somewhere and then set them free upon the unsuspecting women of the world! Now we know their diabolical plot!
from sxb :
i thought i'd take this opportunity to thank you for thanking me for thanking you. and thank you for your naughtiness in general.
from sxb :
thank you for your very flattering entries in my guestbook. love to ian.
from witchmedic :
Hey you - thanks for signing my guestbook. So sorry I couldn't get back with you earlier but I seem to be days behind on everything I need to do. You sound like a very lonely person from your writings :( Hope things get better for you!
from iremainyours :
i want the same things you want: friends and a husband. that love me. sometimes i feel like i'm getting somewhere with the friends part, but then i usually realize i don't love them. regardless, i like this and i hope you have a nice day.

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