messages to nascarchic3:
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from xsweetamberx :
Home is the same...don't have the cell anymore.
from xsweetamberx :
I'm ready for that kamakazee right about now...hell, I'd settle for some bud light too. But anyway, things are gradually getting come u never update on here anymore...damn u. :) But anywho, I'll call ya one of these days...just not in the mood to talk to anyone really.
from xsweetamberx :
Hey chickie, sorry about your grandfather. It'll get better with time. Hope your time in Florida will take your mind off of it and you have a great time! :) Luv ya!
from xsweetamberx :
Hey chickie, what's new? Noticed you haven't updated in a while...miss chattin' with ya.
from xsweetamberx :
yo chica, he's cute and the kids are are things now? Can't wait til u update! :) I'm here.
from xxbeam23xx :
yo chickie, long time-no speak...yo, check out the diary...I just changed the shall like it...hehe. Anywho, not much new...just miss chattin' with ya missy!! I work a lot though and don't have the internet at my I get on at Mom's when I can. Well, check ya lata! *boo*
from dalejr8fan :
Hey! I'm from Michigan. :) Thanks for stopping into my diary!
from dreem-on :
Thanks for adding me to your faves!
from xxbeam23xx :
Been a while since I sent you a note...We really haven't talked for a while. I've been really busy though. Either email or call me sometime!! I'm home for the next 3 days...Lata chickie...Luv ya!
from xxbeam23xx :
Oh gurlie, it's me again. I'm about to watch some tv, but wanted to chat with ya. Hope tomorrow is great...I'm sure it will be. Yo, I'll have to send u an email too here shortly, so check that. Um, I guess that's all for now...I'll catch ya later! Luv ya!
from clauren :
Thanks for your note. That stinks that you broke up on Valentine's day. I am sorry to hear that.....
from clauren :
Hey. Thanks for answering my survey, Valentinesday....I am sorry that your boyfriend is far away. I do hope you get your roses...
from xxbeam23xx :
Hey girlie, Happy Valentine's Day. Hope you have a great one. Miss chattin' with ya...let me know what's up.
from sylviashadow :
Thanx for taking my valentines survey! Visit my web page at and sign the book!--Sylviashadow
from xxbeam23xx :
I think it's rational. Go ahead and call...find out what you have to. Make your move girl...Get to him before that other girl does. Later chickie!
from xxbeam23xx :
I'd call him and demand the rest of your convo. **good luck**
from xxbeam23xx :
Hope all goes well...That was sweet, the thing Keith did for you...but then about Matt, hmm. All those things he said are nice, but yo, is his whole concern about going to bars? Doesn't he know that you can go on dates to places other than bars to have fun? WTF?! Anyway, I hope you get things settled. Wishin' you luck. Go with your heart.
from xxbeam23xx :
p.s.) hope u got his #...
from xxbeam23xx :
*hehehe* Good luck with Chad...You go girl...*smile*...
from xxbeam23xx :
Oh I just don't know what to do. I did't wanna bug you with all of this. I just am running out of things to do. Really.
from xxbeam23xx :
LoL, life is crazy. Anyway, the bitch has been callin' me the past 2 days telling me to call her and all...b/c she still wants to be friends. *sigh* Well whatever. I hope she knows she can never trust her little 'boyfriend' around me. She knew that b4 though. She shouldn't have fucked with me like that. Anywho, life is peachy now...and I have to get ready for a basketball game. Might see Kurtis, u prob. are like, 'who the fuck is that?' lol, I'll clue u in lata!!
from xxbeam23xx :
Hey, I have just been finding out a few things the past couple of days that kind of put me in a mood where I just didn't want to get on the internet and interact with people. I guess it's ok now. Still kind of mixed emotions goin' on. Check out the's too much to list here...Later chickie!!
from xxbeam23xx :
Girl, if your ever looking for a drama story or just have a few hours to should check out my other diary:'s definitely drama. I've been working on it. It just tells how my summer was spent. It's also not completed yet.
from xxbeam23xx :
Hey, what you told me about your godfather was quite interesting. I've been bored lately. I need to get out. I think I'm becoming an alcoholic though. I will be if I don't slow the hell down. *heh* Mom left alcohol and me in the same house over the weekend. *hmm* Well...And yo, your weekend sounded interesting. Good luck with this *matt* dude. He sounds like fun...haha.
from xxmizeryxx :
hey! Thanks for filling out my survey *lifeissh*t. I really need to delete that one, its a downer! Sorry if I totally made you depressed. I made that during my mod stage in life> which sucked. Okay life can suck but it can be beautiful too, I think. Oh and I get the "go to the gym" thing a lot. Funny because I kickbox almost everyday. Oh well rock on femme!~brit
from xxbeam23xx :
I don't even have to leave my name, u know who it is...again! Hey, Just wanted to let ya know I changed my diary a little bit. Actually got a place to host some pics and fixed my scanner, so now there's a pic of me there! Hehe, I'm all happy. What's been up lately, chica??
from xxbeam23xx :
Happy New Year, chickie!!! Hey, all this *non-updating* is leaving me to imagine what's going on...haha, and you can just imagine. *lol* Anyway, what's been up??
from xxbeam23xx :
Just wanted to stop by and wish u a *late* but still genuinely meant 'Merry Christmas'!! Hope yours was a great one!! You deserve it!! Hope you got everything u wanted!! I did...all besides someone to share it with, but it was great otherwise...let me know how u'rs went...or I'll just keep an eye on your diary and find out...*lata chickie!!*
from xxbeam23xx :
I meant to say that I felt the same way as you did about that one entry. Cause you asked me if I was serious (or somethin' like that). Your crew sounds like Anywho, have a Merry Christmas!! I doubt I'll be on any I hope yours is great!!
from xxbeam23xx :
Holy hell woman! I feel so deprived after reading the latest entry!! *frown* However I had to laugh when I read the part that 'was kind of like my dream'...haha. Well what drama you have!! Glad to see things are well with u and keith tho (that prep!) haha. Oh well, we all have to have our fun...I think it's cool that u were with both of 'em and there's like no problems with it--may be some confusion or whatever later, but its cool. Reminds me of my summer. LOL...(oh and yeah, I do agree with ya...about the other thing...*smile*) later!
from xxbeam23xx :
It's me, yet again. I just re-read your last entry and it sounds like I could have written it myself...I feel exactly the way you do...only about my grandmother who died. Your aunt, however, sounds like someone I'd never want to meet. And your grandfather, everytime you go to visit him, I bet it lifts his spirits. It has to make him overjoyed to get a visitor...esp. someone who cares as much as you do. *smile*...lata chickie!!
from nascar520db :
hey... wow you met jr?? thats so cool... my sister is convinced that she;s gonna marry him... its really kinda sad... my name's danielle... im 18 from MA... if ya wanna talk my sn is nascar520db... ttyl... ttfn
from xxbeam23xx :
hey hey, it's me again! I prefer this thing over email...definitely. So, how'd the dart game go?! You gotta let me know...or I'll check out your diary to find out. You haven't updated yet though, so I'm on the edge of my seat with, j/k. Sounded good tho'...*smile* K, well catch ya's late...
from xxbeam23xx :
Hey thanks for writing me back. I always love getting your messages. Glad to hear that what I had to say, helped in any way. I really didn't know what to tell ya...because if I did, I'd try to help myself as well. You're an awesome person...and I'm glad we met so that we can talk through our problems together. *well, I gotta go--goin' out with the girls tonight--"trying" to have some fun* ~Lata, Boo
from bi-n-proud :
Thanks for filling out my survey. When I wrote it, I felt the same way you do. My diary is locked but if you'd like the password, email me (its on the bottom of my profile) Sorry you're having a crummy time.
from nascarchic3 :
whats up

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