messages to nepenthean:
(click here to add new message):

from browndamask :
Just saw your note. Thank you! 45 has been good to me so far.
from browndamask :
Tony Clifton & Zmuda. Your brain got its Tonys mixed up :) I enjoy these entries.
from babyhead :
Just wanted to say congratulations on hitting that 1000 Mark. Funny to think of all that work done in your sleep.
from babyhead :
FYI,"The old razzle dazzle" made me bark laugh so loud, I raised questions from coworkers in the room.
from dangerspouse :
Just returned to the land of the living - glad to see you're still among the populace! Equally glad to hear Marn is still among us. Thanks for letting me know!! Merry Christmas, kiddo :)
from babyhead :
New winner for me is "work vs social". I want there so maybe it was just amusing.
from babyhead :
"Chicken on the Stairs", sounds absolutely terrifying. Good God!
from dangerspouse :
Hey listen, I'm awfully sorry I didn't get back and answer the question you left at my diary a while back. I've been out injured. Anyway: yes, sadly, Hissandtell died a few years ago. It was either breast or ovarian cancer I believe. I don't know about Marn, and I've wondered about her also. Hope you're doing well, meanwhile. Great to see you're still hanging on here!
from bangetsavoha :
I like that no matter how long I go away, when I come back there will be a relatively new post from you.
from dangerspouse :
Er, make that a "big" straw. I should have dreamed I knew how to type....
from dangerspouse :
You should have dreamed you had a bit straw :)
from dreamcapture :
I just now saw your comment at my new dream journal. I don't know why I didn't get the notification. I'll have to look into that. Well, here's my reply . . . nearly a week late : - - - The redirect is easy. Just use this in the <head> section: <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url="> - - - You can change the number to a bigger number for a delayed redirect if you have a quick message you'd like the visitor a chance to see.
from dreamcapture :
"the fade out" -- Okaaay, THAT was seriously messed up! :D
from wilberteets :
Dude. There IS an Avalon, PA. I googled it.
from journalmine :
Hey, this is raen/dreamcapture. I looked up the aaliyah story. That is horrible and scary! Some people say it's not true, though. Surely there will be, or is, an investigation underway. How could there not be? That's horrible. Might give me nightmares, too!
from stardumb :
whoever did it no longer exists as a layout designer. he or she is nowhere to be found, i'm sorry, i know there aren't alot of layouts out there i tried to find a layout too, to see if there was anything better with a pic, but not much out there. try raging pistachio designs.
from raen :
I'm about to read through YFB (what a name!), and catch up on some of your dreams. I read several last night. Good to see you again! :-)
from dreamcapture :
Whoa! That was creepy! You're scaring me. I'm joking and yet not. That was weird. What in the world inspired this demon-torture dream?
from sweetmachine :
It's true Paul Dano was overshadowed by Daniel Day-Lewis (Christ almighty who wouldn't be? The guy WILL NOT break character and it's rumored this behavior intimidated the actor who was to originally play Eli Sunday so much that he left the film--yikes), but the lad's on the up-and-up (don't forget Little Miss Sunshine), so I don't doubt he'll earn his fair share of renown in good time. IMDB reports him as having a role (albeit rumored) in 2009's The Stanford Prison Experiment, which I anticipate will make a whalloping good (and horrifying; wikipedia it if I've lost you) drama plotwise, but astounding actors like Dano will really bring the movie together, and maybe net them some awards. My only concern is the fact that the nature of the experiment and film will probably not be palatable for most American audiences, but even if it is a flop, he's got several other films between now and then that I'm sure will keep a watchful eye trained on him. Okay, this is about the longest comment ever so I'll just be going now. Nice to meet you.
from hellraising :
I only have a psychiatrist now, and he basically just says, "Hi. How are you?" then prescribes me my meds.
from hellraising :
I wish I could, but I can't.
from hellraising :
Nice guess, but no. :)
from raen :
I wish I could've seen "screaming". Strange...
from hellraising :
Thanks! :D
from raen :
Maybe in-between holiday blues, I don't know. Just didn't feel it in me to get online. But I'm back. Needed a break, I guess. Felt like reading a couple books and such. :) Then when I would want to come back, the elves would have gotten on the computer and removed my modem and such. Thank goodness for System Restore, or I wouldn't know what the hell to do. :-S
from hellraising :
Thanks for noticing my disappearance and leaving me a note! ~Lots of love, Claire (Hel)
from raen :
We'll still be here waiting for you! :)
from hissandtell :
Hi again, darling - I'm enjoying catching up on your recent entries that I've missed while I've been gallivanting around the state and neglecting DL. Love, R xxx
from mydreambook :
Hey nice new desgin!
from weetabix :
Not me!
from mydreambook :
Oohh, ok. Haha. It just seemed so real and it all happened so logically, so I was confused as to whether it was a dream or not. If it was real life, then that would have been totally weird.
from mydreambook :
Oh my god, that's weird. Wasn't she embarrassed?
from hamiltonian :
hahaha... I agree...
from gumphood :
I agree. The Pats Cheerleaders aren't as sexy as they are there.
from hellraising :
Hey you were right. It was caused by a lack of oxygen. I woke up to find that my nose was blocked.
from gumphood :
Hey I'm glad you liked my entry. You gotta think Jon Voights got more money than he knows what to do with. I'm guessing its for the mistresses.
from evababy777 :
thanks for the kind words. :)
from gumphood :
For that I can't blame you. Most really good ones SHOULD have their own domain.
from gumphood :
not many people on your favorites list and yet you have been writing for a long time. Very interesting.
from gumphood :
weekk was it sexual?
from vanoonoo :
I feel similar about pauls.
from mydreambook :
Oh god, sexual? It was a nightmare to me.
from hellraising :
Sorry, I didn't get your email. I just sent it to [email protected], have you received it?
from mydreambook :
Wow, you have dreams almost everyday. That's interesting. I wish I could dream as much as you do.
from mydreambook :
Hey, nice dream journal you got there! I myself am also keeping a dream diary, but I had only just started. I found your journal on the dreamdiaries ring. Anyway, keep up the regular updating!
from hissandtell :
Hi - thanks so much for your comment at my place. I've read a few of your dreams and admire the fact that you're so prolific in your record-keeping of them - I too dream constantly, and remember them vividly the next day, but I can't condense them as effectively as you. (Oh, I also admire someone who uses the word "verklempt" with such nonchalance!) Love, R xxx
from cdghost :
hey stumbled across your words and enjoyed reading them

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