messages to orangeslush:
(click here to add new message):

from toastcrumbs :
Hi slush! I am puttering around dland so thought I would say hello. Ok I am off to leave notes for other non-updaters on my buddy list.
from toastcrumbs :
I'm still here (as I answer your post 5 months later). Guess I was feeling a little nostalgic today too.
from toastcrumbs :
Slush, you are alive! Can I have your livejournal address?? To answer your question, I do sell Golden Girls magnets on my website. Let me know if you want a set, I will give you a BIG discount. ;)
from johnguinness :
Thanks. It's just the timing of things that gets me. Have a great weekend.
from swirl-girl :
I know! I wouldn't have known about it if I didn't read a tiny, TINY blurb in US Weekly. Fox SUCKS, they can't even let the show go out with dignity, they aren't promoting it at all. Enjoy tonight, my friend, and taste the sad...
from marilynnv :
I sure do hope Spike is home raising hell really soon! It is so hard worrying about our little guys.
from marilynnv :
I sure do hope Spike is home raising hell really soon! It is so hard worrying about our little guys.
from theswordsman :
Happy birthday! And great job with the workouts. Take care. John
from chubbymum :
I know what you mean about eyeswideopen... I can't get into her diary either. I hope all is ok... if you do find out can you please leave me a note... and I will do to you too.
from gonzostar :
thanks for the tip. unfortunately, my school doesn't have them. :( poo on them!
from sarahsundae :
OMG! Someone else who loves donnie darko like me. that movie is the best. I love "mad world". The special additon didn't come out around here either (of course) and I'm glad the whole bunny thing scares people away. It did the same to me at first but I took the plunge and now I can't get enough. Plus Jake is hot! Anyway...I'm sure the DC will come out on DVD at some point because the movie has become some sort of cult classic. I'm glad it's pretty underground though. It is a beautiful movie.
from imabrat2 :
Hi. Thanks for adding me. :-)
from fat-to-thin :
I come back after getting married, and you've locked up! Sheesh, girl. :) Can I have the password, pretty please?
from rdhdprincess :
Hey slush! Can I have your password? Carrie
from friedonions :
thanks for your note, it definitely made me smile...and feel better about this whole school thing. i can deal with the surreal world, just as long as i can put off the 'real' one just a few more years. =P
from sarahsundae :
just remember we all go a little crazy sometimes. //hugs sweetie. i'm here if you need anything.
from losingtogain :
I know you didn't send me that email. Don't sweat never even crossed my mind as someone who would send something like that. If you ever need to talk to someone email me @ stressedoutmom2(at) - take care
from cornnugget :
I just found your diary and wanted to congratulate you on your weight loss. I know that struggle all too well. How long has it taken you to get where you are now?
from steph19 :
I came across your diary and I thought I could recomend you a good book. Try the Eye of the World by Robert Jordan. They are awesome.
from vintagegurl :
You're right, I can't sign yr g-book either. yay for the cute crush getting closer and closer!!! woohoo! I hope things will work out your way ... and happy hannukah!!!
from barenaked500 :
I love watching the older people at my gym! It's so cute seeing two 80 year old men teach each other how to use the weight machines. Hehehe. :)
from randomsnark :
you are gorgeous. don't let anyone else tell you differently. keep up the good work. :)
from orangepeel21 :
OMG!! That was so sweet what you wrote about me in your diary. I've been on vaca and havent been able to update but I have AOL messenger if you ever want to chat!! Just go look at my diary if its not on there its [email protected]. Just keep in mind ORANGEROXOURSOX!!!!!!!
from one15-2go :
Thanks for the Birthday wishes and Happy Early Birthday to you as well!
from barenaked500 :
Great pictures! I can see a big change!! :) To make pictures smaller do this - <img src="URL OF PICTURE" width="300" length="300"> You can change the 300 to whatever number if you want them bigger/smaller. Hope that helped!
from aboutmarysww :
Love the A-1 idea! I usually just ask my kids to eat it with me. That way I get hardly any and I dont have to worry about it hehehe.
from orangepeel21 :
I will, Thanks!!!! I'm sure I'll buy one!!
from barenaked500 :
whats the ww-babes challange? do tell...
from orangepeel21 :
Yes, Friends is my favorite show, and I love his sheets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw an orange somforter at the It's awesomw!!! I'll give u more details lata!!
from orangepeel21 :
from orangepeel21 :
I love your name!! I love the color orange and I love your diary!! Come check out mine.

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