messages to orangina21:
(click here to add new message):

from acorn :
How are you? Forgot where you moved to...I'm at, now. Hope you're doing OK...
from haberdasher :
i had a dream last night that i saw you at a fugazi show. i hope that this is a premonition that they will tour again, though i doubt it since they are on different coasts and stuff now. adios.
from haberdasher :
the show was awesome. i didn't expect much from the place we played at, but it was really really good. probably the best sound guy i have dealt with, and he played sonic youth between sets. but yeah, you missed a good one. i'll have video and a ton of pictures very soon.
from acornotravez :
Heya, just got back from Mexico. Where'd you go? email me...
from stupidshit :
dan sucks
from stupidshit :
hey you might not know who this is. but you signed a guestbook of mine way back in the day and I stumbled upon your liking of fugazi. btw. It also just so happens I live in boston now. What part of mass are you residing in?
from haberdasher :
thank you thank you thank you so much for coming to the show last night, even if you didn't get to stay for our set, it was awesome to finally meet you and stuff. hopefully we will be playing a show closer to your neck of the woods soon so you can get to see it. what a wacky mix of bands last night. again, thank you for coming. and next time i'll have to get you a copy of our newer cd. the one i gave you guys was the old one with crappy recordings.
from lesthanjill :
thanks hun! my boyfriend said it was ugly.. haha but i like it too
from lesthanjill :
haha i know what you mean about being the oldest one there, i am only 19 and i have noticed i've been on the older end of the crowd a few months ago i went to see less than jake and felt so old! i hate it. haha.
from lesthanjill :
haha i know what you mean about being the oldest one there, i am only 19 and i have noticed i've been on the older end of the crowd a few months ago i went to see less than jake and felt so old! i hate it. haha.
from lesthanjill :
big d and the kids table! (i was browsing your links) i love them and usually don't run into people that have even heard of them. hah* =] also like fugazi v. much. yaye *
from haberdasher :
i just assumed you knew that
from malraux :
re: back -- better believe it!
from moonshine76 :
I can really relate to that entry. I'm all ready to go too. I just have to figure out exactly where that "somewhere new" is :)
from cadmium-red :
aye, a new layout ;) for the 1 year anniversary, i suppose, which i'm sure i'm late for anyhow. hope weather warms up in your part of the globe; it's been miserable here as well, but not quite in the same sense.
from cobratized :
i had to let you know that they were some beautiful pictures. i never knew there was actually areas like that in Maryland that were that pretty! I used to live in Maryland but now Im a Delawarian.
from cobratized :
Hey thanks for your help! Bad thing is, I dont have the Membership, aint that just some crunchy kritters!
from cobratized :
hey, i just read your newest entry, i have been trying to find this out for myself for a while now, but how did you get the pictures on it? i cant seem to do it, please help! [email protected]
from lesthanjill :
your diary is like a novel =] i think i am addicted.
from cdghost :
you are alive and word
from lesthanjill :
are you named after the drink? bcuz i haven't heard or seen it for years, prolly bcuz i moved from the east coast -i love orangina! anyway i quite enjoy your diary too! -les
from greytanit :
Thanks for the New Years wishes--ditto to you, as well. I took a beginner's ice skating class in college which was more fun than I imagined it would be. Now that I'm up north in the icy cold, I'm very glad I did. I'm wicked jealous of your zoo job.
from cadmium-red :
cheers :) i noticed you joined up, i'm looking forward to seeing you on the forum soon! take care x
from notanissue :
Aw, I'll miss ya. I would ask for your new journal URL, but your life isn't really my business...I just liked knowing that there was another Fugazi aficionado out there on DiaryLand...and a Guy fan, too! Best wishes, and many more Fugazi concerts to come :)
from haberdasher :
might be seeing rocket from the crypt. giving you the heads up.
from notanissue :
Aha! Thanks for the Fugazi info. Yep, I have most of the songs from the Argument, but since I bought it at a CD trade-in place it didn't come with the sleeve. I love the new-but-cool sound, too :)
from notanissue :
"Do You Like Me" makes me swoon, in a weird, happy/jumpy way...Who says Fugazi only sing about politics? ;) Speaking of which...I was wondering where the pictures of Fugazi from your old diary layout came from? Don't ask me how I came across one, it's a long story...but they're great pics. Well, keep on, er, rockin' out. Ciao :)
from recentlylost :
for the record I never supported the war, I just could not think of an alternative. -dan-
from crazysoul :
I was just looking at people's diaries in the ( I think I am in my hard rain diaryring)<--- yeah and I was reading yours. I am so sorry to hear about your relative. At least she died without pain.:0)... yeah and now that I have made a fool of myself I am leaving.
from notanissue :
Dropping by again....can you tell I have a lot of time on my hands? This is like, my 43rd note of the evening...anyway, I'm sorry to hear about your aunt. And I'm also sorry you had a tough time breaking up with your boyfriend. In the end, tho, you have to trust yourself that you made the right decision. And, not to make light of things, but you have to remember that he didn't like Fugazi. Eek. And remember, there's always Guy, right? :) Feel better.
from cadmium-red :
sorry to hear about your aunt :/
from notanissue :
Just dropping by...and wow, what cracked out roomates. Glad you can have some privacy now, anyway. Heh, and I thought growing up with four siblings was a mindfuck...anyway, back to the daily grind. Ciao :)
from cadmium-red :
phew! glad to hear you'll have some privacy now. take care, mlle. orangina.
from upfromashes :
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about all of this, and I know, quite well, how discouraging it is when one thing just piles up on top of all the others. I'm so sorry -- you deserve so much better.
from cadmium-red :
sorry to hear about the university falling through - hope you're OK though.
from cadmium-red :
all this time and i've never left you a note. how bizarre. well i'm glad that you've managed to escape a roomie & hope your interviewing goes alright. :)
from the-distance :
Hey thanks for leaving a note for me. It's nice to know someone out there cares and these diary things aren't a complete waste of time!
from notanissue :
Muffin films? Lol, that is hilarious. Small world ;)
from haberdasher :
let me know if i can be of service. i do the analog thing on a daily basis. see, i really AM valuable.
from notanissue :
Please ignore the fact that I am a total stranger :) but I was browsing through fellow Fugazi fans and came across your diary. I love your template! On another note... I'm glad to see that I am not the only other, ahem, Guy Picciotto fan. Well, there, I guess that's all I've got, lol.
from frozenchaos :
from amelindasue :
haha! I forgot that I ever wrote that about the pope. :) keep on truckin :)
from joshhartlvr :
congrats on the review! you deserve it! i know you don't know me and i probably scared the crap outta you with this note. my name is alicia but my friends call me leesha. i love your template. i have close to no idea on how to make a template! if you have any advice for me ( then please tell me. aight, bye now. thanx, leesha
from malraux :
Don't worry about asking for that recommendation -- I'm sure he'll give it to ya.
from malraux :
You all right?
from histamine :
i just bought fugazi tickets for october 30th and 31st, and it reminded me of you. ex oh.
from malraux :
Well. um, if it happened in the waiting room of a mental health clinic, maybe you just hallucinated it? Um, that was supposed to be reassuring. Well, funny, at least. ;-)
from iamen :
i hop trains, can i be in the adventurers ring?
from cassey2007 :
from malraux :
You play Vampire? (Malraux quickly drags out about 15 White Wolf books...)
from sierramoon :
Hi! Thanks for caring enough to write me a note. Things are fine now. I'm just not used to ups and downs and that was a serious down. I've just got to stay positive.
from sierramoon :
Hi! Thanks for caring enough to write me a note. Things are fine now. I'm just not used to ups and downs and that was a serious down. I've just got to stay positive.
from haberdasher :
actually, the show that wasnt in boston was at some war memorial and the tickets were supposedly available via the mail if you sent in cash or whatever. the problem was that the show wasnt listed on the dischord website until the tickets were already gone and the deadline for mailing in for them was only like a day away. basically it was the people who were organizing the shows making it sort of an insider thing. for people like me or maybe you it isnt as big a deal as it is for people who havent seen fugazi 6 or 7 times. i'm still overwhelmingly surprised at how they handled it all, if it indeed is their fault which i doubt it is. but yeah, i've emailed dischord about a few things and it's hit or miss whether you'll get a straight answer about almost anything. they're busy i guess. pray for the summer tour. adios! ~eric
from malraux :
Damn. I'm sorry. (*Hugs*)
from malraux :
Hey O. Speaking as someone who's often more angry and withdrawn than is good, I say I appreciate it when people I care about try to be there for me. I suspect it's the same way with Dan. It's hard to be strong, but he's in a bad place. I know I'd want the help, even if I was so crazy with pain I was swatting it away. You're a strong person for reaching out no matter how much it hurts you. The fact that you say that you love him would help him out. You're doing good, kid.
from natty-kate :
Hey, I've been reading your diary for a last couple of weeks and felt compelled to write. I know you prolly don't need advice on how to help your b/f because I think you already know how to help him. Instinct tells me you should just be strong. Seems like you're the only stable person in his life. As hard as it might be, you'll have to let him work things out, yet at the same time let him know you're there for him, if he needs it. People take their pride seriously (I'm a classic example: I want to help everyone else, but don't want it myself:) and as you've already mention, he's become more open with you because of your ability to open up. Keep that going, offer compassion and empathy, and eventually he'll come around. See? I want to help, but now I'm starting to sound like a frickin' Ann Lander's column... Anyway...just a shout out...hey! :)
from histamine :
i'm really really sorry you aren't able to read my journal at the moment [not that its that special, ha]
from heartshaped :
i'll say a little prayer for youuu. <3
from malraux :
Maybe your roommate has food poisoning from all the bullshit she spews out. :-)
from bluesky83 :
hehe, yeah i noticed your interview as well. i started to read your journal and bookmarked you after i noticed you linked me. i love fugazi also... :o)
from malraux :
Do the volunteering thing. You never regret the intention, come what may.
from heartshaped :
from malraux :
as is true with many stories, the emergency room thing didn't turn out bad in the end (it wasn't even me who needed to be in it) -- but the concern is truly touching. thanks, K.
from malraux :
Yea interview!
from fuschiashock :
&that's the way it is, sadly. I'd like to change this, too.
from shoobydew42 :
Hey, I love your diary! I especially love the whole guys quit dating annoying girls around 20 quote. I couldn't stop laughing for a good five minutes. You seem like a really awesome person.
from sparklejaxie :
oh no, that's horrible about your poor fish! I'm glad he's okay though. =) When I was younger, some 10 years ago or whatnot, I had a tank full of goldfish.. We didnt have a top on the aquarium, and for some reason, the little bastards kept jumping out out of the tank! I'd find them next to my dresser, under my bed.. *sigh* Sad times. At least your fish wasn't suicidal. :P [[**jAxIe**]]
from malraux :
re: internship -- yea! feels good to be in the same boat, doesn't it?
from stats01 :
please don't worry...i dont know what is going on with interview. i haven't even got an interview for this week. so i am not sure what is going on!
from stats01 :
well, i know i did your interview some days ago. i am not sure when it will be posted. i just wanted you to know that we didn't forget. have a good week! =)
from malraux :
re: crappitude -- <*hugs*>
from stats01 :
Just thought I would leave you a note. I love your layout! :)
from tchotchke :
I had a dream the other night that Rob died and I was Jimmy Fallon's new girlfriend :)
from malraux :
re: Eric and Karen -- I've found myself in the unenviable position of counseling my ex-girlfriend's ex-then-not-ex-then-ex-again-boyfriend while interested again in said ex-girlfriend. Life is strange...
from malraux :
Hehehe -- did you know that I've visited Tibet? Lhasa is an absolutely beautiful city -- the Tibetans are an extremely friendly people and seem to go out of their way to make every square inch of temple and fabric a unique work of art. And the Barkhor Cafe overlooking the market is definitely a great place to have a mango lassi and check your email. =)
from pythonesque :
classes off campus in a city w/no public transport? how odd... and they don't tell you this until the semester begins? yes, it is a good thing that you have your own car.
from orangina21 :
thanks malraux, trust me, I am quite happy about it!
from malraux :
I think we all agree that no cancer for Orangina is a very very good thing indeed. Stay in there, girl. -- M.
from tchotchke :
I've been having 'jewelry bad luck' for too long now! ;) I had a jeweler say the same things about some earrings my greatgrandma left me as that other guy said about your mom's ring. Sometimes I think these people don't realize how sentimental these items are to us! We don't care if they are not priceless! How's life besides that dear? Oh, I have a favor to ask you when you get involves plants.;)
from raissa :
hey sweetie! just wanted to wish you a wonderful 2002. hope it's full of only good things! :) mwah.
from pythonesque :
right - thanks for letting me know, and if you do want to join, just let me know. you don't have to hate religion, just question authority, which i noticed you do :)
from pythonesque :
oops - which form? the one to add your site or to contact? i just checked both; i knew the contact one is dodgy, but i just checked the entry form. is that the one you had problems with?
from pearlspill :
Mmmm, America...
from malraux :
Nice job on the term paper!
from pythonesque :
oh shit, i missed your birthday... happy birthday! and you lucky sod, i wanted to be Oddjob :/
from malraux :
Happy birthday! Hope you get drunk soon! ;-)
from acorn :
How many labs, papers, tests? You poor child, I feel your pain. Happy Birthday! Saggitarians unite.
from malraux :
greg and donna should become acquainted with a big stick. take that however you want. ;-)
from pythonesque :
next time they 'friends' need a favour, lead them on like you're going to help them and ditch them at the last moment and tell them 'it's not your problem'. a little karma never hurt anyone. i'd be seriously pissed off too. hope you still got to see the show in the end.
from mechaieh :
I've read about the "raw food (only)" movement before - I think in a newspaper or magazine article about some trendy restaurant devoted to the concept. Even though I'm a sashimi junkie, I'm just not invested enough in optimizing my health (even if the theories are sounds, and I'm not interested enough to bother evaluating them) to give up steak and cocoa, amongst everything else...
from pythonesque :
crikey, what a scary customer! i've often thought of having posters w/mugshots pinned up in the breakroom to warn people of certain shoppers. but i can't help but wonder, how does their family cope? who are they and how do we contact them? ;) cheers for now
from lady-ivory :
thank you dahling.....i try. :) and those darn dark haired tormented boys, i think they're like drugs. horribly unhealthy and highly addictive.
from tchotchke :
Hey! I get those moments of nostalgia too...sometimes I feel so old *sigh* The boy is....being strange as usual. Promising me everything one day, being an ass the next. what can I do?! :) hope everything is well!
from malraux :
Your words of comfort do me great honor -- thank you. Still crawling out of my funk, but at least I'm crawling out of it. And both your postcard and your letter were most appreciated -- perhaps you'll find a letter winging your way yourself soon...
from heartshaped :
thanks. xo.
from heartshaped :
this is beautiful. i love the layout.
from malraux :
re: your Indian "friend" -- that was, without a doubt, one of the funniest entries I've read in a while. You're a wit.
from malraux :
re: daylilies -- oh, I dunno, it seems a worthwhile cause to design glaringly bright flowers the blind can apparently see... ;-)
from frogqueen :
What are your whole new set of ideas? I m interested. I m not sure how you deconstruct, and perceive music, but I would like to know about that as well.
from incessant :
hey, can you do me a favor and delete my guestbook entry from your guestbook? i'm getting really weird people at my diary from that link. heh.
from frogqueen :
How do you integrate 'Dischord ethics' into your life? do you feel jaded at all? How do you feel about the idea of living in an artistic commune where people's work have synchronicity (i.e. Geoff Farina's grange hall)?
from lament :
yes. all fugazi is my favorite. the new album is on repeat when i'm not listening to juliana hatfield. (odd combo i know)
from malraux :
re: one-sidedness... the feeling's apparently mutual. ;-) but seriously, I keep on advertising the notes section, and no one fills it out! irritating. btw, I'm looking forward to the letter. -- M.
from malraux :
"wish I hadn't bought you dinner/ right before you dumped me on your front porch" -- ha. not that i'm bitter or anything.
from malraux :
Sorry to hear about your mom getting laid off. Wish you all the best.
from sprung :
Thanks for the note about the Gold button. It's nice to know people are using it. :)
from histamine :
just letting you know the "fugazi" link doesn't work dear. how's the new album?
from upfromashes :
Love love love the new layout!
from malraux :
Reading over old entries of all the journals I missed while away... so did you ever get your Fugazi CD back? (And yes, I'm going to have to listen to them some day.) -- M.
from malraux :
thanks for the note -- am having a grand time in Africa. hope all is well with you! -- M.
from cdghost :
we r back:a dinosaur story
from malraux :
Thanks for your reply. Things are insane here right now, but New Yorkers aren't about to be kept down.
from orangina21 :
thanks, histamine. I still think there's hope for your happiness. sometimes you have to go through hell to get to heaven.
from histamine :
i'm not in paris. sigh. at least you're feeling good. i'm glad.
from orangina21 :
I'm leaving myself a message! yeah. so this is cool because my freaking guestbook keeps malfunctioning. so be cool. a new layout is in the works even though right now I haven't had anything interesting to write. I hope this works!

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