messages to palindromic:
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from pixieleigh :
i just found you...i adore your writing. its delicious and real. you are wondrous..
from love-drew :
No, I'm not a girl. I'm a woman. Is that bitchy-feministy enough for you? :) Heh. Take it easy. --love--
from love-drew :
Thanks for signing my guestbook, and also for adding me as one of your favorite diaries. You only have two, so I do feel honored that I am one of them. I didn't expect you to, and you're under no obligation to buy. Heh. You will not have to worry about reading about my pregnancy, because I too find it eerie to read about. Oh, and that fact that I'm not having kids. Thanks for starting the silentfilm ring. There's just something about them, eh? Well, take care. --love--
from roapearl :
Thanks for joining the ring. Eccentricity is wonderful, innit?
from ladyriddle :
Yeah, what is the problem with Kentucky? I live in Kentucky and it rocks. I don't sleep with my cousin and I am no redneck. At least I don't live in a place where the people are rude and have egos that you can bounce bullets off of. Thanks and have a nice day.
from sylviashadow :
Thanks for taking my psych101 survey! Sure, I'll take one of yours--just give me the name of the ones you want me to take okay?--sylviashadow
from sylviashadow :
Thanks for taking my survey-you are now an official bookwhore! Go tell your friends...--sylviashadow
from suede-head :
a couple of friends and i are thinking about going to the field day festival...but i'm wondering if at this point, it's just a dream. it's such an awesome line-up, but a bit pricey, considering we'll probably drive out there, and we've got to figure out accomodations. so right now, i'd say 50% chance. are you?
from suede-head :
hey, just wanted to tell you you've got great taste in music. i've read a few of your journals, and i find them interesting to read. oh, and btw, i've also been playing too much of the new zelda which i think is totally fabulous.
from sukirella :
go hang a salami i'm a lasagna hog! (there's a good one for you.) I read your whole one diary entry and I liked it. That's all I have to say right now.

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