messages to persistence:
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from hamiltonian :
Hope your still here.. thought you might want to join my mlk diaryring.
from speak-out :
Hi Persistence! I've been revising Speak-Out and I'd love if you'd stop by. I hope you will begin writing again. ~ Inkdragon
from dragonbuds :
Saw that you are locked. I hope you are well. ~ Inkdragon
from inkdragon :
Hope you are well. I miss reading your words.
from timdangerous :
Good entry Rachael. Re: "Open Eyes" *hugs*
from boxx9000 :
It makes me sad that you are sad. Sometimes I feel the exact same way, depression feels horrible. What helps me the most is to just surround myself with people who love me. My list is short, that's my daughter and son. Diaryland friends have been very supportive and I am thankful for all their kind words. Hug, hug, hug, hug, hug.
from timdangerous :
*hugs* ...'nuff said.
from gemini52381 :
Yes! I guess I think morbid thoughts. I spent a whole 15 minutes deciding if I liked the scent of Lemon Fresh Pine-Sol better, or the old piney kind. That's pretty morbid.
from inkdragon :
08/30/03 Thank you for the kind words. I'm sorry your mom has to live with Lupus, that's awful. I do appreciate you stopping by and giving me some lovin'. I hope you have a really good day, Yvonne
from grimm0826 :
Thanks for both comments on my zonkboard. It's a hard line of thought for me, and I appreciate any help with it I can get! Now...who is the person you write of, that's been bringing you so far down? And why are they worth a single one of your tears?
from boxx9000 :
Hey that note from SMARTE IS a great idea, I think I will use it. I have a small fortune invested and wasted in copies and faxes at KINKOS. Good Luck on the job hunt and school and life in general.
from smartepants :
(sorry if this shows up in your guestbook, right now its not!) I saw in boxx's guestbook that you are mad about kinkos charging for faxing...I have a least, it worked for me. I went to their website and wrote a big long bitch letter to corporate about how I would think a company like theirs would be more interested in HELPING people get business done, instead of making it even HARDER to do, and I told them this big story about how the machine screwed up and it cost me a ton of money and blah blah blah..well they listened (Also, it helps if you say you are a student!) and sent me $25 in gift certificates! It kinda sucks since I am limited to spending them only at kinkos, but hell..I'm gonna go shopping for some real cute pens and stationary! Take care!
from boxx9000 :
I took Italian. It was easier than Spanish and a whole lot of fun. It wasn't practical because I don't have anyone to practice with. (sigh)
from grimm0826 :
Hee hee...I'm not even going to preach on this one...but I am going to say, KUDOS to whoever wrote that letter!
from grimm0826 :
You are not a shitty person. God gave us the capacity to hate, and I personally don't think He gave us anything He didn't intend for us to use. The Bible says, if someone smites your right cheek, offer the left one too...but it didn't say what to do after that! In my opinion, you did well. For what it's worth!
from grimm0826 :
Thank you!!! I've been waiting for an opinion on the story. I'm about to add links to the bottom of my diary, to all my stories (I think I have three in my diary). And, actually, I have been published...just not recently :-( Again, thanks for the kind words! :-)
from chinatea :
I read your entry in speak-out.. I honestly think you need to get help, When in training as a peer-counselor we learned that an empathetic counselor is an unhealthy one, put your love for those who share your hurts aside for just a little while and get help. I went through much of the same things you did and you'll never escape it unless you confront it. Love, Katie
from boxx9000 :
HOORAY for chocolate milk!
from grimm0826 :
Damn, I'm crying now. And if you tell anyone I cried, I'll deny it! But this entry was just soooooo cool! Except for the attempted murder of the little brown bunny, that is...but I will forgive you...this time!
from grimm0826 :
Sounds like Shawn might be the one...he actually let you shave his beard??? Wow...
from duckysmiles :
Unlike many, your diary makes me think. Thanks for the refreshing outlook on life. From a fellow INFJ-er :0)
from barbye-gurl :
i love your writing, for sure ill be back
from timdangerous :
You go grrrl!!! you rock!
from grimm0826 :
I almost cried, at the way you described that book. I used to collect such books, and I wonder where they are now...and does anyone know that someone once loved that book? I added you as a favorite diary I am glad I did!!!
from ravynemyst :
Thanks for adding me to your buddy list :) I will add you to my Ravynespeaks list in the morning (very sleepy right now) because the one under this name is full. Have an awesome weekend.
from wifemotherme :
I read you on speak-out. I dont know what to say other than, your not alone. ((((Persistence)))) I sware to all that is holy you can work thru this in time. You cant mend what is that broken, but you can still build on it and grow all that hurt and pain into a life more beautiful. Living well is the best revenge.
from solstice36 :
hi, thanks for joining my rings :-)
from shamsi9 :
ray, you are my hero. thanks for putting words to my sentiments.

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