messages to plumwin:
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from randh :
I love your diary. I loved the rant on Wal Mart too. I'm SO coming back!
from teachin-usa :
Oh- I don't watch that. Well, still there are enough people out there thinking Jews are taking over the world (media, etc.) when I read something like that it bothers me, that's all. But thanks for explaining it to me.
from teachin-usa :
I would worry it could be misunderstood. Seems to smack of anti-semitism.
from teachin-usa :
What is the meaning of your banner? When Jews Speak, you listen? What does that mean? Are you Jewish?
from djarumgurl :
ya wanna talk shit about Loomis? Listen here, buster! Loomis is so much better than Logan, Utah where I'm from...Loomis used to be very podunky then they kinda turned urban...because of all the Bay Area snobs moving in. They brought money, and Loomis/Rocklin/Granite Bay became all starbucksy, and strip mallsy. What do you do? What's yer name?
from djarumgurl :
I used to live in Loomis, California. I moved to Utah. I found you by your banner, and I love it when you make references to things that are Sacramento and reminds me of home.
from imru :
welp, Natasha (my hamster) wrote her first entry today lol this is kinda fun... : )
from imru :
lol that would be awesome... then when everybody did it, we could say that we were the first! lol
from mycafelatte :
I concure. Tom is a joke. Now, he gets squirt in the face with a phony mic in London. He ruined his already tacky image.
from refusal :
I'm probably the blueyonder person showing up on your stats, since that's my ISP and all. Which must demonstrate that I read your diary.
from ladroitsu :
Kudos to your current employer for providing online learning opportunities for the under-employed. These links aren't lacking in creative applications.

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