messages to poetinthesky:
(click here to add new message):

from swordfern :
Hi! I have more or less stopped actively trying to get pregnant, and now I seem to be able to write. I think that I need to look closely at that. I miss writing here, and I miss reading your entries. How are you doing?
from swordfern :
It's really nice to hear that you are doing well! For what it's worth, I've never thought you sounded stupid. I've related a lot to your entries and your situations.
from tenderpoison :
from swordfern :
Welcome back....
from aryssa90 :
Oh hey! I’ve never met a diarylander close to me! What part of La are you in, if you don’t mind my asking of course :)
from aryssa90 :
thank you for your note! I just read your entry and it really spoke to me. I'm hoping to do some untangling this year as well.
from swordfern :
Thank you! ❤️
from swordfern :
Thank you. It's easy to forget what we deserve when uncertain and afraid. xoxo
from lust- :
Thank you. If there is one thing that everyone can relate to, it's mending a broken heart.
from swordfern :
Monterey in the autumn sounds beautiful. I'm still reading along. Xoxo
from in19seconds :
I started a "no strings attached" relationship with a man because I was so unhappy in my marriage. I read somewhere that women always find a replacement before they get divorced. It was so in my sister's case when she divorced her first and second husband. I told myself I wasn't going to be that person, that I wasn't going to follow in my sister's footsteps.. but it took me being respected by the other man to realize just how awful my marriage was. I distanced myself from the man for a very long time to make sure I was getting a divorce for the right reasons and not because I had him on the side to pick up the pieces. However, the man I was in an affair with never refused me. He never played the cat and mouse game. People who play games like that will always play games like that. It's hard to let them go, especially when you feel things so deeply. It's almost as if they KNOW it, too. Like they have this power to manipulate your emotions for their benefit. But you have to remind yourself every time they contact you, every time they say the things you want to hear, every time your body reacts to their touch, it's just a game to them. That's what hurts the most... the knowledge that you are just a pawn. Divorce is a lot harder than ending an affair. It's like death warmed over. In my case, my husband was the manipulator and still is. As hard as it is, and from the little I've read about you in your entries, I think you're strong enough to get through the emotional pain and come out better on the other side. There are a little over 7 billion people on this planet. Odds are, there's someone out there who will treat you the way you deserve to be treated, who will love you the way you desire to be loved, who will fill the void we all feel when we're missing the piece that completes us. Just.. and you don't have to listen to me on this.. take time to yourself to love you, to love yourself so much that, moving forward, the people you bring into your life will love you for you and only you. When you find those people (and yes, they are out there) your whole world will change and this path you've been on to get there will be completely worth it.
from argentum :
Would you still get divorced if there was no one else waiting?
from swordfern :
One of the turning points for me was when I came to truly believe that I deserved better and was worthy of love. When I shifted my paradigm, when I set boundaries for how I knew I should be treated, my relationships all shifted. I purged toxic people who didn't accept/love me and brought in people are available to connect and care. Before, I always accepted whatever scraps of love were thrown at me. Now, I know that I deserve a three-course meal of love. Truly deserve. And that the people who discarded me in the past had their own issues and it was nothing to do with me. I've also found that since I started respecting myself more, others also respect me more. Unfortunatelly, the change was not acceptable by my longtime partner - he found it confusing and uncomfortable and called me selfish and arrogant. So I don't know how to apply this to current relationships, only know how it applies to building new ones. People don't like to have to shift their assumptions/beliefs about you. Thinking of you lots. I know the tender ache of loving someone deeply and feeling that they are always just slightly out of reach. xoxo
from swordfern :
You do. You do deserve happiness. xoxo
from in19seconds :
I love the flow of your words, the beat of your soul. Your entries move me. Thank you for sharing your expressions and experiences so poetically.
from swordfern :
from swordfern :
Oh my god, I can't believe that all of that just happened to you. I am panicking and angry right along side of you. Hurt can maybe come later. You don't deserve this. Sending love.
from swordfern :
Thank you! To add a photo, you need to upload it to a hosting service that allows linking (there aren't many that do this for free anymore) and then you add the photo to your entry via html (simple code, easily googleable!). Your dream sounds achingly beautiful. I wish that it happened for real for you.
from whystinger :
You might not have the right user name and password. Send me an email at whystinger"at"yahoo... and I will give you a good one.
from whystinger :
...someone to love, someone to be passionate about. No, that is not too much to ask. It is something that will take a while to find and not be that easy to find, but they are out there. I need to start looking again too.
from swordfern :
Thank you for your comment about writing a book. It really got me thinking - writing a book is something that I've always dreamed of. Maybe now is the time, before I'm tied back down into routines and real life. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It's a blessing when others can see things in you that you can't see for yourself.
from swordfern :
I like the approach that your T is taking. Learning to set boundaries will have benefits in all aspects of your life, not just with him. This is something that I am working on too. Also, timekeeping in a therapy session is not your responsibility. The therapist is responsible to set boundaries around her time! I'm so glad that you had a positive experience. I use up all of my therapy benefits and wish for more. For me, it's so great to have someone truly listen and empathize with my situation, face to face. I use those tissues all of the time; you may not be going deep enough if you don't need them!!! xoxoxo
from swordfern :
I hope the therapy session helps you as well. Your sensitive soul deserves so much love.
from swordfern :
Your connection to him is intensely beautiful.
from swordfern :
I'm reading a book, 'Conscious Uncoupling'. It describes how, for the brain, the primal part of our being, a negative bond with a person is better than the hollowness of no bond at all. It takes great courage to walk away from someone to nothing - the courage to override your most primal survival instinct. Most people start to build bridges with other people so that there is something to cling to before severing that vital artery. I think of you often.
from swordfern :
You will get through. Without a doubt. Stay strong. The clarity that you have now may fade but try to remember this moment.
from swordfern :
Thank you. I hope that Cancun offers you some joy despite the sad circumstances. I am enjoying reading your entries and experience happy anticipation whenever I see your name in red on my buddy list.
from peggypenny :
Yes I record songs Music videos on left side of site Just posted new song with a friend of mine. Do you record music?
from swordfern :
You capture the essence of love with such grace and beauty.
from swordfern :
Oh, man, Poet, I feel for ya. Feeling numb in a 'committed' relationship is exhausting and sad. And then the excitement of finding desire again, but with someone else that you can't be with, is agonizing and highlights what's missing in your primary relationship. Sending you love and strength and courage. We only get one life - I decided that living authentically was worth the risk. I added you to my favorites and am looking forward to getting to know you better.
from peggypenny :
enjoying your poetry. Peggy
from vintagepearl :
Congratulations! I wish you the best of luck with everything! <3
from worldinabox :
Congratulations on having a baby. ^^ After you have the baby the swelling in your legs will go down. Our family friend's daughter was pregnant last year and her feet were really swollen! So don't feel bad. It'll go away.
from sabrrrina :
Wow, you are a great writer. I also like your layout.
from poetscene :
focus ur emotion - i luv ur poetry!
from poetscene :
hello - it's poetichealth, i got a new name and diary, wanted to let u know since u added me as a favorite! and you're one of my favorites - ooh! i'm putting more poetry on this diary, becuz people seemt to like it. i must be good at writing poetry. o.o
from fan4 :
LOL Now I know who one of the writers (aside from me) over at unsentletter is! I like going there, and sometimes I'll post. I'm not gonna say which ones are mine though.
from fan4 :
Thanks for adding my diary to your favorites list too. :)
from musicgooroo :
I love your poetry. As an avid Poet myself it's kewl to see someone else w/ the same crazy passion. Nice painting too. ; )
from poetichealth :
tht is an AWESOME painting! i can't paint, nor draw for that matter. i just write.
from falleninlies :
Awww, thanks :D It's always nice to know people like my poems, because I always think I'm bad at writing. Thanks again. *hugs tons* Phil xxx
from goldylockz22 :
Loved Red Fox! are you? how is work? I have to say I don't miss wouldn't believe how obsessed I am with the Sims2 game. Remember when you used to go home from work everyday and play Sims and I'd make fun of you? I DO THAT NOW!!! I even have a paid membership to the stupid online website so I can download stuff!!! IT'S INSANE!!! anyway, how is Leo and everything going? what's this I hear about BB doing away with EVFs? I got a letter about it through the mail since I'm such a devoted customer... HA! talk to you later!
from lynrc :
i was just going to take your survey to name the movies that the actors played in, but a couple were too hard so i didnt. the one w/ girls just wanna have fun was really funny though. and i liked that you had the doors. one thing i noticed wheni looked at your answers was that you said tom cruise and ethan hawke were in interview w/ a vampire together. this is one of my favorite movies, and i have to tell you that the only other main guys were christian slater and brad pitt. you may want to correct that if you are able.
from dreamer2003 :
Congrats on your new home! Happy belated birthday and I hope you have lots of fun in San Felipe!
from crimsonqueen :
I'm glad that your so happy.
from goldylockz22 :
alright. I know you are talking to me. Anyway, I finally saw the movie sleepy hallow..hehe...congrats on the new house...take a picture of it! I wanna see! Also, I HATE MY JOB!!!...ok bye...
from dreamer2003 :
I'm so happy that you've found a house and that your married life is so blissful. :) You both definitely picked the right person for one another. :)
from good-evil :
We need a link from your site back to ours before we accept your request for a review.
from dreamer2003 :
yes..thanks anyway!
from dreamer2003 :
lol haha, I wish.
from dreamer2003 :
Ah you are so lucky! You get to see cool people like Madonna and The Cure. Take me with you. lol.
from dreamer2003 :
I really enjoyed Gone. :) Great work.
from dreamer2003 :
lol I am kinda glad that the lakers lost.
from good-evil :
Hi there! We're a new review site and we're currently looking for diaries to review. If you'd like to submit your diary in for a review, pls feel free to visit us and request! Thanks and have a great day! - Good vs Evil Reviews (
from dreamer2003 :
Well, as the saying goes "Love is blind." Maybe now after she reads this, she'll reconsider. I don't know..either way you're a great friend for caring so much. :)
from dreamer2003 :
LUCKY!! lol. Grrr..I'd love to see her in concert. Enjoy!!
from dreamer2003 :
I'm jealous! lol. Awww, thank you. :) That makes me all smiley for some reason. haha.
from dreamer2003 :
lol I totally agree with you. You poor thing!
from goldylockz22 :
Please tell me that wasn't about Leo...
from dreamer2003 :
That was good. I liked it.
from dreamer2003 :
Yay! Adrienne is back. :)
from crimsonqueen :
I can't wait!
from goldylockz22 :
Whoo hoo!!!
from goldylockz22 :
Your eye STILL twitches...go to the doctor...where did you apply for another job at? ok bye
from dreamer2003 :
Hey hon! Glad to see you back and updating. :) I'm glad things are going well. I hope you get that job you applied for! LUCKY! I miss Vegas. :( You don't have to have a baby RIGHT after getting married..geez. Patience is guys will find something. All in the right time. Anyhow, take care and when you have a chance do come back more. :D Love ya!
from crimsonqueen :
Happy Easter!
from dreamer2003 :
You're welcome. :) Wow, that sounds great..I hope you guys get to. I can't wait for my fact, I had a dream about it last night. lol. Everything's fine, thanks. =D
from dreamer2003 :
Wow! You made a beautiful bride in a stunning, gorgeous dress! And Leo was handsome of course. You guys are such a cute couple! :D See, I knew it would work out. Sounds like a honeymoon out of a storybook..something many would dream about but never get to experience. You lucky thang! i'm excited to see pics of the honeymoon. You're now a wife! That is so very cool. I'm ecstatic for you.
from dreamer2003 :
Congrats darlin. Rain isn't such a bad thing..I think it's good luck on your wedding day. It's your WEDDING, you're sure to enjoy it! Make the most of it. Have a GREAT day..I'm sure it will be the best one of your life. :)
from crimsonqueen :
I hope your wedding is awesome! I like rain, too. Don't worry, your wedding will be cool, whether it rains or not! Go you!
from crimsonqueen :
Happy Valentines Day! <3
from dreamer2003 :
4 weeks! wow! I'm SO excited for you. :)
from dreamer2003 :
hey! welcome back! wow, 6 weeks huh? What an exciting time for you! I can't even imagine it. haha..i babies for me for a long time, too. That's cool! I'm glad everything is moving along and going smoothly for you guys. Take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend.
from crimsonqueen :
Happy New Year!
from crimsonqueen :
Merry Christmas!
from dreamer2003 :
Hey hon. Ugh, what terrible dreams but they are totally normal especially since soon you'll be MARRIED! wow. But don't worry, all will work out well! I'm sorry about those assholes who broke into Leo's car and stole his stuff. :( what losers. Unfortunately the world is made of vandals and criminals and all that. Ugh. :( Well, take care sweetie.
from crimsonqueen :
Lucky lucky you! Luv Johnny Depp in Sleepy Hollow!
from crimsonqueen :
Happy Thanksgiving!
from dreamer2003 :
Hey! really cool new layout. Johnny Depp looks smokin in it. :) heheh. And Christina Ricci is an amazing actress. Well, I hope your world gets better. *hugs*
from crimsonqueen :
I hope you don't completely hate this world. I like your new layout. You like Johnny Depp. That's one thing in this world you like, at least. One thing I do too. And not the only thing.
from crimsonqueen :
Happy Halloween!
from dreamer2003 :
Wow, LUCKY GIRL! lol. You got lots of money right when you need it, lots of people aren't so fortunate. Me, I'm always broke..ha. Hopefully you'll be able to get that new job position and your boss will let you go..I doubt she can stop you anyway. Alrighty, well take care!
from dreamer2003 :
lol wow, you had lots of anger to get out there, huh? It sounds like you do need another job after what you wrote. That job sounds brutal! I hope you find one that you like. Take care. *hugs*
from dreamer2003 :
Hey hon..aww..I love your updates, and miss them a lot. Your b-day was in Aug? Crap! HAPPY BELATED B-DAY!! lol.. WAYYYY belated..haha. Better late than never, huh? :) Time does fly..I've been writing for over a year too. lol We all I think have some things we'd like to change about the person we're with. I am sure they'd like to change some things about us too, EEEK!! lol. Take care babe. *hugs* I hope you write more in the coming weeks!
from dreamer2003 :
Awwwww you don't sound cheesy, just in love. You're lucky..I can't wait till me and my b/f move in together, in our own place. I am sure it is a very exciting time, and the excitement will only build. That's so great. :) I have that same kind of relationship with my b/f..we've been through everything there is, but are only stronger for it and overcome it all. I'm so happy for you. Best of luck with finding a house..with everything! *hugs*
from janysdrkpoet :
Hi!! Somehow I was lucky enough to stumble across your diary and was blown away by your poetry! Amazing!! I would love to add you to my favorites on this,my main diary, and on my poetry diary (veryraven). Thanks!
from dreamer2003 :
I'm glad everything is going so well. =D Congrats on the awards you're nominated for and the one you won! That's awesome. I'm glad you enjoyed the regional meeting. =) Wow, 4 months huh? Damn! That's great. Take care and I hope you write more soon. *hugs*
from dreamer2003 :
Wow! You've gotten a lot done!! I hope you guys enjoy the retreat. It's down to the wire now! heh. Take care. Have a great weekend!
from dreamer2003 :
I think the letters look great..and I know in time they will look even better. :)
from dreamer2003 :
Wow..VERY interesting. I know a lot more about you now. Very cool. :)
from dreamer2003 :
awww..i'm sorry about what's going on. Me and my boyfriend are going through some stuff too. But I won't even get into that. Anyway, I guess he's just folding under pressure and that's why he's picking fights with you. :( I hope things get better, but that's just how he's dealing with it by taking it out on you..stress does odd things to people. You poor thing. It won't last forever though, just hang in there and think of all the positive stuff that will happen. *hugs*
from dreamer2003 :
I agree with Goldylocks! You CAN'T LEAVE! NOooooooo!!!!!!! We'd all miss you WAY too much!!!
from goldylockz22 : can't leave....ADRIANA WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!!!
from dreamer2003 :
Hey hey! Congrats on the dress and all the other great improvements with the wedding. Sounds like everything's coming along perfectly. I'm so happy for you! :)
from dreamer2003 :
No one's forgetting ya anytime soon. :)
from dreamer2003 :
Wow..Six months!!! Very soon!!! You must be nervous but also excited as all hell. lol I need to clean my room too when I feel better. Aww you should come around more often but that's of course all up to you. Take care. *hugs*
from dreamer2003 :
sad, sad poem. :o(
from dreamer2003 :
I am truly sorry for your loss. :( Unfortunately death is all around us and a part of life. I try not to think about death either. One of the worst things in life is to lose a loved one, and I even worry about my own self dying. Yes, she is no longer suffering and she's happy now, in a better place taken care of. It's ok to be's part of the grief process. Let it alll out babe. Take care and hang in there. [[hugs]] I'm here for you if you need to talk.
from dreamer2003 :
Hi dear! (: Glad you and martha had a fun day out. YAH! that's awesome about the centerpieces. Good for you. =D Enjoy Johanna's bachelorette party next week. Take care. *Hugs* <--sorry if this got posted in your guestbook too. :/
from crimsonqueen :
Hope you had fun at Pirates Of The Carribean! Johnny Depp is sooo cool!
from gabby8 :
I don't think you're wrong when you tell your friend to get out of the high school graduates that still want to be there. OR maybe i think you're right b/c i have one year left of high school...and I tell all my friends to grow up b/c i hang out w/ an older crowd. Either way. I agree w/ you:)
from crimsonqueen :
Happy 4th of July!!!
from dreamer2003 :
Sorry about your aunt. :( I am here for you, ALWAYS though.
from crimsonqueen :
Sorry to hear bout the nose bleed!
from crimsonqueen :
It is?
from dreamer2003 :
I'm sorry about your grandpa too hon. :( I know how that is..I've lost pretty much ALL my grandparents. But you DO have friends..I am one of them..and thanks for the compliment. :)
from crimsonqueen :
It was nice talking to you too. :) My friend Sarah was the one who introduced me to diaryland. She's the one who's going as Trinity for Halloween. Chack out her diary. horny-hobbit. C'ya!
from crimsonqueen :
I'm sorry about you're grandfather. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?
from dreamer2003 :
Thanks for taking the survey. (: Cool, cool.
from crimsonqueen :
He is very cute!
from dreamer2003 :
Awwwwwwww!!!! :) hehe. Leo's a cutie pie!!!
from dreamer2003 :
Just writing you to say hey. (:
from dreamer2003 :
Hey! I'd like to say for fooling around with words..that came out reallly good!! I like it a lot. That's a good start for wedding vows. I'm still trying to decide if when I get married, if I want traditional wedding vows, or if I'm going to write my own. Argh. Well good luck with that. Great job so far!!
from crimsonqueen :
Sorry you're feeling down. I know what you're going through.
from crimsonqueen :
Thank you so much! I like it, too! ^_^
from crimsonqueen :
I was reading you're survey/questionare and I saw that you like the name Jean and I would just like to say thank you and that I'm flattered because my name is Jean and I LOVE it! ^_^
from dreamer2003 :
Well, you shouldn't think otherwise, cos you ARE pretty. :D Really?! Cool! There's not many lefties out there. Ooh..awesome. No problemo..I stole those questions from someone else so you can steal whatever you'd Take care hon!
from dreamer2003 :
hey you. I loved that pic're very pretty. : ) You should definitely dye your hair that color again.
from crimsonqueen :
I liked the pic!
from crimsonqueen :
I've added more to my story. If your interested, then go to my diary and check it out!
from crimsonqueen :
from crimsonqueen :
I thank you kindly.
from dreamer2003 :
Damnn..that paintball adventure sounded pretty painful!!
from moo-review :
Your review is ready at Sorry for the long wait.
from halladolwen :
Hey. Your review should be up at moo-review very soon. Sorry for the wait. ~Devora
from dreamer2003 :
Thank you TONS for that advice in the guestbook entry. Everything you said was so true. And thanks for the congrats. :)
from dreamer2003 :
happy birthday to she'll see glad you had a good night. enjoy your weekend. :)
from dreamer2003 :
Cool wedding invites. :)
from dgtlyxstitcd :
hello! i stumbled upon your bannar and I own and run a poetry site...I was wondering if you would like to submit some of your poetry to it! You would be a great contribution! Just drop me a note to let me know.
from dreamer2003 :
We all have to learn sometimes, right?! lol
from dreamer2003 :
I wish I could help you..but I have absolutely NO idea of how to make layouts or anything like that. :(
from dreamer2003 :
Ooh..a scanner, huh? I have one's Definitely something to be excited about. Hopefully, everything works out for you.
from dreamer2003 : another review huh? Hopefully this one will be better than the should be.
from myarmmyheart :
hey Adriana, it's keni, i assigned you to because the only other reviews are at the bottom of the list, everyone else has someone that they're doing, and i've already reviewed her. thanks :). If there's a problem with that, please leave me a note or sign my book.
from dreamer2003 :
Aww..that was sooo very sweet. *sighs*
from dreamer2003 :
I love your new poem. : )
from dreamer2003 :
aww..that was so sad. :(
from usareviews :
Your review is complete.
from dreamer2003 :
I hope you had a good night and a good easter!
from dreamer2003 :
I am glad you guys had a good time at Disneyland. (: Happy Easter!!!
from dreamer2003 :
Need a new boyfriend, huh?! Aww..I wish I knew someone for you but I don't. :( You guys will work things out! I know you will.
from dreamer2003 :
Just sayin hey..I see you're online and all. I like the poem. (:
from dreamer2003 :
Aww, that's great. :) Yeah, my boyfriend went to see that movie last night too. I'm sure it was good, though it looked really creepy and scary to me.
from dreamer2003 :
yeah..I have that feeling, plenty of times. 10 more months, huh? Are you nervous yet?
from dreamer2003 :
Uggh..tell me about it..I have no energy..I'm so fricking tired because of the hour of sleep lost.
from dreamer2003 :
good shtuff! (=
from dreamer2003 :
I'll be at your guestmap prolly later. (=
from gothangel :
yeah depeche mode does bring out the poet... as well as the cure... which band do you think brings out the poet besides cure and DM? JLG
from dreamer2003 :
Nice poem..I like it a lot.
from dreamer2003 :
lol that's funny and interesting to ponder about.
from dreamer2003 :
Hey..I will sign your guestmap sometime. :)
from gothangel :
yeah the weather is bad over here... but its rainy, good to sleep to! have fun.
from dreamer2003 :
Thanks..though I already went out for the day..the weather is crappy so I am stuck for the rest of the day..:( oh was good. I'll write about it in the morning.
from dreamer2003 :
Have fun tonight! :)
from gothangel :
hey cool pics...
from gothangel :
I love that picture of the 'eye' on your diary. it adds a darkness to it..
from dreamer2003 :
let me know how Dreamcatcher is..and have fun on your girl's night out! (=
from dreamer2003 :
hey..i like the music you do..especially madonna and sublime. (=
from dreamer2003 :
Aaah! This thing says your diary is locked..:gah: anyway, thanks for adding me and your comment. =)
from dreamer2003 :
I took the Sexual fetish quiz. It turns out I'm a virginal, pure
from dreamer2003 :'m sorry about last night. :( That sucks. I hope you guys get along again. I'm sure everything will be fine. But I guess next time, if you have an opportunity to be with your friends that you should take it. I know he'd understand and I am sure he needs some time for himself too. Like you told's ok to have's only normal. You guys will make it through.
from dreamer2003 :
I love Friends..the show too lol
from dreamer2003 :
Aww your entries are so cute. I am going to take that survey thing in the morning and then put it up on an entry prolly.
from dreamer2003 :
I care about you..just wanted you to know. No need to feel alone. Things won't be the way they are forever. I am sure your friends still care about you the way they always have. Your life is changing for the good..and of course certain things will change with that. They'll come around I am sure. You're never going to be TRULY alone. It was raining here too. God i Love the peaceful and serene. =) I hope things get better. They will though. Keep your head up. =) I'm here for you always.
from dreamer2003 :
Hey..lovely quotes..many of them made me think.
from dreamer2003 :
Nice pics!! You and Leo look great together and that's a NICE ring!! :)
from dreamer2003 :
Hey there. I am about to go and check out your pics. Awww that's great. I am very happy for you. :) You sound very much in love and it's really rare so you are VERY lucky, I think. Ah my birthday is in Sept. :) If you are feeling VERY swamped maybe you should wait till March..just so you have more time. Just a suggestion obviously. That depends also if you want a long engagement or not. No problem..i'll let you know when I have suggestions.
from dreamer2003 :
It must be so exciting to plan a wedding huh? : )
from poetinthesky :
you suck!!!

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