tabatha's diary

tabatha is the my fake name at the bar, i am 24

My favorite diaries:

lynrc profile - diary
comments: my diary, im a little concieted.

My favorite music:

the beatles
comments: happiness is a warm gun, mama- nobody can touch them
comments: and anyone who tried to deny you must be out of their mind
wu tang clan
comments: ya best protect ya neck - best rappers alive
comments: wish that i was bulletproof

My favorite movies:

natural born killers
comments: its so mesmorizing
pulp fiction
comments: it never gets old
menace II society
comments: best 'hood movie. i can recite every line in every scene while im watching it. "i dont want no cheeseburger, i just ate"
sixteen candles
comments: its so funny
united states of leland

My favorite authors:

jane green
comments: i read a lot of different books i dont just stick to any one auther
christopher pike
comments: i read all his books since the 7th grade, and now i read his adult books
paulo coelho
comments: i cant believe im 24 and ive only now just begun reading the Alchemist. shame on me.

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last updated: 2005-03-21 14:06:18
this user's total entries: 19
user since: 2004-04-26

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