messages to poopiebitch:
(click here to add new message):

from readnglst999 :
Where is clarity25? Recent vacation blog - "Eric's" Photobucket account -
from cardiogirl :
Where is my Poopie? I actually dreamt about you last night Poopie, your name was in red and you put in an entry that calmed my worries.
from cardiogirl :
Thank you for the awesome salad recipe. I couldn't remember everything so I just had lettuce, avacado, red onion, walnuts, blue cheese and balsamic vinagrette dressing and it was damn tasty. I'm going to try it with cucumber and tomato next. So delish!
from cardiogirl :
I miss you Poopie. I hope things are going okay.
from cardiogirl :
Wherefore art thou Poopie? Hope you have a Happy New Year!
from cardiogirl :
Wherefore art thou Poopie? Hope you have a Happy New Year!
from cardiogirl :
Hey poopiebitch, so glad I found you!
from coldandgray :
You are tagged, but only if you wanna.
from gumphood :
no comment yet.... do I have to earn my stripes to get one?
from puter-chique :
ha. we've apparently started a game of piddle-tag.
from puter-chique :
bwaahahaha! piddle.
from coldandgray :
I Miiiiisssss my poopie friend
from abittergirl :
Your cakes are gorgeous!!!!
from coldandgray :
I was so happy to see your note, Hallowaiian? Funny! I hope you wear the coconut bra. I want details of the treats you make.
from coldandgray :
I accidentally my this in MY note section. haha: Yes, move to Seattle! We are also due for a major quake and Mount Rainier is ready to blow, but the weather is so pleasant (it is 61 & sunny right now). I keep seeing footage of the impending hurricane & it just looks so damn hot over there.
from imaphatpig : - imaphatpig part 1.5
from coldandgray :
: <
from coldandgray :
hope you are ok. not too windblown.
from coldandgray :
I am pregnant, send cake balls! (I am not ashamed to lie about such things if it gets me cake balls).
from justamephit :
Go you! Wow, I don't think that flakey at all, I think it takes courage and I'm impressed. And, secondly, fantastic cake! Such artistry!
from coldandgray :
Hey Darlin', word up.
from coldandgray :
u ok, poopster?
from beckers-j :
Hey! I just added you based on the Pig's raves as well as the fact that several other people I read also read you. :)
from justamephit :
Sorry for delay on tagage - been having London Adventures. But I will ponder this morning...
from redtoaster :
can you e mail me the pass words again... I deleted my e mails... der... sorry.
from coldandgray :
Scary yes, but worth looking in to, eh?
from retailharlot :
Does your husband make house calls? I am seriously going OUT OF MY MIND. I actually invited a male friend to drive 1500 miles to spend a week with me so he could rid my house of rodent invaders. He hasn't responded.
from timespace :
OK, so the dorkus actully admitted that he "did it" after denying it a billion times & was home free. Sick of this!
from melwadel :
glad to be of service, pb! ;-)
from justamephit :
Oh come on now m'dear, I think you write a good blog - it's eloquent, well-spelled, makes me laugh, makes me think, what more could a blog-reader want? You're going to reach perfection in November 2008? Good goal. Good time. :) And keep writing, I'll certainly keep reading.
from imaphatpig :
i'm eating unintentionally like the way I THINK a french woman would eat actually so maybe i don't really know anything. Hmm.
from imaphatpig :
poop! i am eating like a french woman now and it SO works - you should try it!!!
from justamephit :
Sorry I'm a bit belatedly but ... *shows you the comment love* There, feel better? xxx
from betchy :
who decided that the week should be five days and the weekend only two? who said we should work the week and not the weekend? who made all these decisions without asking me?
from onyxpurr :
Ummm, like the new design, but where is your comments link???
from coldandgray :
Tee hee! Your comment made me laugh HARD, because it is SO true. My car is killing me.
from rickscafe :
Hey poops, if I'm gonna show up at your door in my batman costume, I fully expect you to be wearing the skin tight, leather catwoman costume...
from aimeelori :
Yo Poops...don't you live somewhere near the forrest of dreams of which I am taking off for? I'll be way crazy north western AL. Give me a shout.
from coldandgray :
I am sorry you feel lost. Moving to Seattle is exactly what I did when I was having a hard time & it has worked out for me; could for you, too. It is a calm 65 degrees today & after work I am going to the park to sit by the lake. I am glad you are going to quit working for your Dad. You are such a good worker, seems you can find that ideal job or at least wiggle your way into it once you get your foot in the door. I hope it all works out. Let me know if there is anything I can do.
from coldandgray :
I was going to leave you a comment, but they are temporarily SHUT DOWN. Yipe. Anyway, you are right, managing a restaurant eats up all of your time and does not seem worth the pay when you break it down to how many hours you put in. Write down a list of things you want in an ideal job & go from there. That's what I did & I got it exaclty, right down to the free food.
from tubbytoehead :
Shel Silverstein in the "Favorite Poets" area? Gotta love it! ("...a man for all formats...)
from hippychickie :
sent me an e mail... will explain it... I'm not saying anything on DL
from coldandgray :
Vitamins will for sure help. Maybe try a One-A-Day for Women multi-vitamin taken in the morning with food. Maybe you have an iron deficiency??
from retailharlot :
thanks :)
from justamephit :
I've been catching up on your archives, sweetie, and I'd just like to say, on the behalf of British people everywhere, we're really not that obsessed with, errr, toilets etc. That's just your husbands family. Now how scared do you feel? :)
from imaphatpig :
Yes. Great minds do think alike. In case you were wondering or anything y'know.
from justamephit :
Hmmmm...I'm not sure I can favourite you anymore. Whaddya mean you don't like marmite!! 'Tis the stuff of the gods, you foolish foolihs person you :) (Sorry, Mephit: leaving profound and world-changing notes since 2003 =P)
from coldandgray :
Hear, Hear! I hate being a domestic stereotype.
from theflyingrat :
I added you to my favorites, I hope you don't mind!
from completeliar :
not poopie not bitch
from coldandgray :
I was trying to delete one of the 3 dupe comments left by Aimee about almond roca & I accidentally deleted your nice comment. ARG! I couldn't undo, dammit! Sorry. I appreciate your comments always.
from redtoaster :
thanks... I sent you an e mail love. xxx rt
from herdarlinsin :
You, my dear, are a fucking riot. Freakin hilarious....
from coldandgray :
I probably should have married my English Pen Pal, but I married a different pen pal instead. That ended badly 3 years later. Now I am married to someone I met in a pool hall, so it all worked out.
from coldandgray :
Wow, what a cool story, that would make a great post. I almost married my English pen pal.
from imaphatpig :
Oh wow! I am so fucking powerful! This is the coolest thing that I have discovered all day!
from imaphatpig :
I didn't. Sometimes I suck like that because of pure old fashioned laziness. That's also why I don't go to the bathroom sometimes.
from coldandgray :
I thought you would like the giant human toilet segue.
from tmb :
Thanks for the note you left and the nice comments on my diary. Even though you've just started, yours looks like it will be interesting to keep up with. Hope you've had some relief from the migraine. Ugh.
from coldandgray :
YEAH! WOO HOO! The notes can be fun, too. No, YOU rock!

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