messages to princesstosh:
(click here to add new message):
from chickpea981 : |
and then I went so far as to leave the note at the wrong diary - yeah I'm smart. |
from chickpea981 : |
lets not even discuss how long it took me to put two and two together and let me just say I'm sorry it took so long. Would you mind letting me in? [email protected] |
from anita-girl : |
Hi!!! I noticed that you and I have a lot of the same favorites! I would love to read you! Please email me the info [email protected]! |
from elliemay23 : |
You're locked? Do you have a new diary? Can I read if you do? xoxo, Ellie |
from horseshoes : |
username:horse password: shoes |
from krugerpak007 : |
Hi! I am sorry I have been such a stranger. Thanks for all your beautiful notes hon. I didn't find the comments or notes section on your diary. I had to get to it through your profile-is it just me? Ok, great pictures. Mmm. I would like to see a picture of where you sit at work? Boring but its where we spend most of our time-right? Take care! xoxox Kathy |
from idleness : |
I would love it if you read my diary! And I would like to read your private one, as well. My email is [email protected] if you want to send the link there. It really makes things easier talking to other people about these things, really. So read away! I have another diary, too at which doesn't really deal with those issues. It's more of a day-to-day one. Thanks for reading! |
from rdhdprincess : |
That was fun. Let's see...what would I like to see pictures of? I'm a nosy woman! I think your desk at work, your favorite thing in your house (not your husband!) and the contents of your purse right now, not after you clean it out. I can't believe that I missed your birthday!! Happy Birthday honey! |
from manda-d : |
I came here from aliboomboom... you guys are so cute. I must say, the i love my pussy shirt (inferno) is really cute. Wonder what other stuff they have? |
from barbiewoman : |
I had to lock up so e-mail me at [email protected] to get the password |
from aidawrites : |
I'm a day late, but Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great time yesterday! |
from neangel : |
Happy birthday from the DFW!!! =) |
from horseshoes : |
Happy b-day from Missouri! |
from ava-reborn : |
Hehe!! Thanks so much for your sweet note!! It made me giggle! Happy birthday lovely! I hope you're having a wonderful day!! *hugs* |
from vegasmommy : |
How ya doing?? |
from singlegirl : |
Thanks for your note. I agree - I don't think Jeremy is a malicious liar, I just think that he doesn't *think* sometimes. I think he understand now that life is just much easier if you tell the truth. And if you're doing something you can't tell me about, then you probably shouldn't be doing it. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and happy early birthday! |
from avalonte : |
Happy birthday for Monday! (It is Monday right?) Have a great day! Spoil yourself!! |
from heylee : |
Oh, I noticed the strawberry shortcake stuff coming back and it seriously tanned my hide! No way! Uh uh. |
from aidawrites : |
Is your diary locked? (the other one) |
from heylee : |
Thanks! You guys have a great weekend as well! |
from tommy212 : |
diaryland is stupid and won't let me unlock my diary. for now, username is tom, password is tom. |
from vegasmommy : |
You are the SWEETEST! You always make me feel wonderful! Thank you *kisses*. What do you think of it now? Different, I know... |
from singlegirl : |
Tosha, I lost your email address, and I have a question for you. When you get a chance, can you either email me (so I can respond) or leave it in my notes? [email protected] Thanks! |
from aliboomboom : |
Yes John always carries a gun. I wasn't really aware of this fact until yesterday and apparantly it's common knowledge. I've been around John a lot and I've never seen a gun. I know he is quite the avid hunter. I know he has guns. I know he likes them. Those things are all fine with me. I find it kind of sexy for a man to have a gun. But carrying one kind of freaks me out. Of course when you are running with the kind of people that he likes to run with, it's probably a good idea. Don't you think? As for the guy that he got in a fight with, he abuses his wife and John doesn't stand for stuff like that. They are separated and live separetely so it's not like he was at this man's house. I don't know. It is odd. I think it was in his bag and he grabbed it. AT least he didn't do anything with it. And yay for Robert. I hope he doesn't get assault charges. |
from vegasmommy : |
OMG I MISS driveins!! Jason and I used to go to the one in Fresno before they shut down :( Now, I don't know of one anywhere nearby we can go to. Which would be so much easier with Zack. It's not like we can bring him to a theatre. Missed you too... I'm trying to keep updating but it's so hard when I have people over constantly LOL. My company leaves Tuesday though... :D |
from heylee : |
Awww...that sounds so fun! I'm jealous. ;D Hope you have a great weekend! |
from starlight42 : |
Thanks for the note. Ya, I guess it depends on the type of tomato here, but they're around a dollar a piece here. The other day though I got roma tomatoes- two of them for a quarter or something. It's just hard to know if what we're spending is too much, or is it average, you know? |
from aliboomboom : |
Thanks, Tosh. I know that you know how I feel about Brandon. It just seemed like he was it. I feel so sad now. Maybe it's stupid. I just thought that fate had finally intervened to turn my life around but instead it seems it was another cruel joke by fate. Ha Ha. Fate sucks. As for the bunnies, yes they are real. the one in the white basket is huge. Scary, glad I wasn't there. |
from aliboomboom : |
Tosha, I am so sad about all this Brandon stuff. I think I'm too optimistic and romantic for my own good. What do you think? It was so wonderful on Friday. I am so hurt. I really shouldn't make any more attempts to contact him, should I? And as for your beloved mother in law, at least she's state licensed and she's honest on her taxes. Tiffany wants the best of both worlds. |
from heylee : |
I can't even describe how beautiful the first site was. Just gorgeous. Brian and I sat down at dinner and started our list, but never actually finished it... We weren't able to talk to the coordinator since we didn't have an appoitment, but on all of the paper work it said minimum of 150 for Sat. evenings and a minimum of 100 for Sat. days. I don't know, I wish we could pay a little extra if we're under the count, but I don't know if they will bugde. My Dad jokingly said as we were leaving their house, "Don't worry, we'll pay for everything in Vegas..." What a dork! |
from sweet-cynic : |
i second the letter to the weather. i know ina month or so we'll be melting under the texan sun and we'll probably be pleading with the weather god then too. alas, we can never be pleased. thank you for the wonderful note. diaryland has such sweet people sometimes i dont know how my head doesn't explode with all the kindness. |
from starlight42 : |
Awww, thanks for the super sweet notes!! I really appreciate them :) I love your letters- esp. the one about the women's duties! Amen!! |
from heylee : |
Amen about the weather. Today feels like a santa ana here and the sun is just sitting in the sky all happy. Yesterday was rainy. What is up with it?!?! |
from aliboomboom : |
Put a notes link up!! As for letters that I need to write: one to the weather because I hate it, one for my body for not losing weight, one to my job for being so boring, and one for Brandon's schedule because it sucks. |
from starlight42 : |
glad everything is going well for you. :) it's great to be able to sit down and list all of the positive things once in a while. |
from sweet-cynic : |
hey sweets. i haven't been reading in a long long time because for some reason you don't turn red on my buddylist. but isee you've been updating, and now its my turn to catch up. i'm sorry for being a bad buddy. |
from aidawrites : |
haha, that headline was great. I always think the worst too, and make up headlines in my head like that. my last one was when i was almost attacked my wild pigs at the school campus, my headline would have been: "college student eaten by wild pigs" |
from starlight42 : |
Hey there- thanks for stopping by! I read your entry about the bike- that's funny. I thought the same thing last summer when we were out riding! It's amazing how much of a work out you get. I love it though- when we get around to it....I'll post the answers to the movies later today, but here's a few you were wondering about #5 as good as it gets, #24 Falling Down (good guess though!), #42 Picture Perfect, #54 Tommy Boy |
from vegasmommy : |
Of course I got your note. But, my new email address is [email protected] My new yahoo messenger will be that shortly too. After cutting that playgroup bitch off, I just don't want her to know my email anymore LOL. Link me btw... you're linked so I see you update. Hugs and kisses! |
from neangel : |
i sing that song occasionally and bring it back some respect.. or so i like to think! =) i heart jessica but she did go overboard making it too much her own. |
from sweet-cynic : |
okay, im a firm believer that when you try something new and exotic you MUST make sure you go to a decent/better than decent place. that way you wont have the chance of having a shitty first experience because the food itself was shitty. so find a sushi lover and have sushi with them :) i tried sushi for the first time for my birthday last summer and it was great and i ahve been hooked ever since. |
from kris-tee : |
It's almost refreshing to hear you say you guys fight the way we do. I try not to post Brad's and my arguments on this thing, because sometimes, I hate him and sometimes, I love him to death. I don't want people to think we have a bad relationship because we don't we just have a lot of things we need to work on. I try not to post my marital issues on here too much because I don't really want people commenting on it alot. I figure if you post it on your diary, your just asking for insight and with Brad, I would feel like they would need to "know" us to comment. Anyway, thanks for the note and I will send you the pics! |
from sweet-cynic : |
thank you for the sweet note. it really was sincerely uplifting. i've been feeling down in the dumps..especially this week. you've made me smile. thanks, sweet. |
from improvingme : |
This is an amazing site!! You can plan, keep a private journal, and update as much as you need. Also, download this: It is wonderful! It keeps a chart to track how much you weight, and how much you're losing. Your BMI (you can find out how to calculate that at and it also keeps track of your meals, your measurements, and so much more!! :) I Love it!! |
from classygirl83 : |
I don't really know. I thought that I wanted a little dog, but I don't really know. I don't even have a name for her now. I think I want a girl dog, but I'm not sure, cause if I get a boy dog it would be easier to name him I want to start looking around though, cause my plan is to buy her on May 2nd. HOw are you? I hope that you have a great weekend |
from improvingme : |
The one thing I'm learning about nutrition is you have to enjoy it. I'm struggling here too. If you don't enjoy skipping the brownies for the wheat bread with jam... you'll alays struggle. LOL That's why my meal chart says small brownie. I only had half of one ;) This diary might work for me. I'm so determined to see my step #'s go up and the quality of food improve... Kisses! |
from betchy : |
i got the e mail with your new URL, but i have been a terrible buddy lately and have been having a real hard time keeping up with diaries so i havent been over to take a look yet. please forgive me! first thing Monday i am there. i swear! i love you still xxxxx |
from vegasmommy : |
Oh, I hate wax. I clean my ears every time I brush my teeth... which we all know is excessive LOL. Zack's gets his cleaned daily. And, I scold Jason for not cleaning his enough. He waits weeks and then it takes like 8 qtips to clean them. Ugh. |
from neangel : |
i'll be here in april hun - for at least 6 more months at least. i am the same way with the wax thing - suisse hates it cause of my nails but i love to get that and any pimples/whiteheads/blackheads etc. he is such a baby with it too - i don't think i ever hurt him but he squirms so dang much i think he hurts himself while i am doing it! lol |
from jess1976 : |
Thanks for leaving me a note. I'm so far behind in reading diaries and catching up with everyone that I'm making myself take the time out of my busy work day to catch up - what a chore huh? :) Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I'm at the stage where I wake every morning (for the past 5-6 morningS) with a sore throat and chest cough and then it slowly goes away. I wish I would either get on with it and get sick or it needs to go away totally - it's very annoying. I'm also happy that you are sticking with your working out - I'm actually pretty envious, I wish I had that motivation, my weight would probably come off fast. I joined WW yesterday with Dan's mom and 2 sisters so let's see if this time it works for me. Well, hope all is well. Glad to hear your Valentine's Day was nice too - you're right our guys are good for somethings! |
from aliboomboom : |
Okay, I missed One Tree Hill although after the ear wax thing, I'm kind of glad. Let me know what happened when you sign on this morning, K? |
from soverycherry : |
Your earwax OCD is hilarious. I'm the same way - I can't believe I didn't notice! Then again, I was trying to feed the baby (and probably messing with his ears!) while watching the show at the same time. Hee! Also, I think Jake is SO HOT! And Nathan hitting Dan ruled! |
from sweet-cynic : |
weirdo :) |
from vegasmommy : |
Psssst... on the Oxygen channel at 6 every morning, Inhale's on! It's a GREAT yoga workout that's MUCH easier than regular workouts and it's doing wonders for me!! :) Hugggggssss... What happened to your template?? |
from neangel : |
Happy VD!!! sweating, especially when you first start working out, is a great sign!! it's healthy! ;) |
from aliboomboom : |
Happy Valentine's Day, I hope you and Michael enjoy your first V Day as a married couple! |
from heylee : |
Get well soon Tosha!!! |
from krugerpak007 : |
Shame, I hope you are feeling ok, it seems this flu is going all around... Let hubby spoil you this weekend. Keep warm drink tea, and feel good! xoxox Kathy |
from aidawrites : |
Im sick too sister, hope you feel better, sucks to be sick before a weekend, especially a valentine's weekend. |
from heylee : |
My email addy is budderfli13@hotmaildotcom Have a good day Tosh! |
from robochick : |
Thank you again. I know he has it pretty darn good with me. I'm a really good person..I think anyway. So, I guess I just don't know how to continue this broken heart feeling, especially since he's "not willing to give up the friendship" of inernet girl. It's tough. We have 12 years together. I want to tell him to go **(***( himself, but for some reason I can't write now. Any thoughts? Thanks agian :) |
from robochick : |
Hey there. I'm piggy backing your note to science-boy. I just wanted to say thank you for your encouraging words about remembering why he loved his wife, reading the script and all. It just so happens I'm that leading lady whose heart is breaking. |
from jess1976 : |
Hey there- Sorry you are having a bad day. I am too and yesterday wasn't much better. In fact it's been a crappy week, but enough negativity. It'll get better right?! My e-mail address is [email protected] or on the weekends I use my yahoo account [email protected] Hope your weekend is great! |
from krugerpak007 : |
Shame, you are going through a bad time now. Your gran, your mom. No wonder you are feeling a bit down and negative. Its totally natural girl so stop beating yourself up about it ok? Promise me. You are always giving and giving. You need to do some taking too, so take my words to hurt. You are wonderful and deserve to be spoilt and taken care of and given attention. Wish I could be there to give you some attention. Instead I am sending you hugs and kisses from far away. I hope everything goes well with your gran. Take care. Kathy |
from classygirl83 : |
I forgot to tell you somethings in my last note. I'm sorry. I am praying for your grandma and I'm hopeing that her surgry was ok, and Happy Birthday to Tosha's Mom! ANNNDDD I LOVE the canopy bed. It's very pretty! I hope that you have a great week! |
from vegasmommy : |
That's a beautiful canopy! I love them! They're soooo princess-like. But, sigh... Zack would start climbing it, I'm sure. I know the next question btw!! After marriage and a kid... it's "So are you planning anymore?" and after that it's "are you looking at buying a house?" LOL People will forever remain nosey. |
from heylee : |
The canopy is so pretty! And what a deal too! Just wanted to wish your mom and aunt a happy birthday and I hope all goes well with your grandma's surgery. And also, just think, Monday is almost over...hehe, that's what I've been telling myself all day. |
from sweet-cynic : |
proud of you as well. i'm slacking this week cuz i hate working out while on my period. i usually dont do it at all during the week, but now i have a work out class 2 days a week. so going 2 days this week. better thanusual no? the canopy bed is hot. it reminds me of the sex scene in original sin. yummy. |
from classygirl83 : |
Yay for working out! I'm proud of you! Keep up the good work! I hope that you have a great week this week! |
from vegasmommy : |
Definitely feel free to call me this weekend (or anytime lol). I'm usually bored out of my wits :) And, never worry about waking the baby. I turn my phone on vibrate when he's napping! Hugs and kisses! Hope the weekend goes well!! |
from rdhdprincess : |
Awwwwww, now that's more like it! Yay! |
from krugerpak007 : |
What an amazing husband! You deserve it! xoxox Kathy |
from vegasmommy : |
I have advice for walking every day!! :) Have a baby LOL... I only walk every morning because Zack loves loves LOVES being in his stroller! LOL Wait, don't have a baby quite yet... Wait for about a year to start trying because that's when we're starting again and we can be pregnant together!! LMAO |
from vegasmommy : |
LOL Oh dear... You know, maybe (just maybe) it would do Michael some good if you had another "private" diary where you only put things that are okay for him to read in there. And, occasionally add comments like "I really wish..." or something and make it so he accidentally stumbles across it LOL. Jason has my link to my open diary (nobody reads this one except Diarylanders now LOL)... So, I know I can casually mention how neglected I feel ;) and things will be made better!! Glad your Thursday night was wonderful! Heres to a happy Friday!! |
from aliboomboom : |
Yay!! Go Michael!! I'll definately let you know about the date ASAP! |
from singlegirl : |
I love romance! And I love a clean apartment - especially one that I didn't have to clean. Sounds like you had the perfect night. |
from betchy : |
Tosha, you dont have to reprimand yourself for being upset. your husband yelled at you! that might not upset some people (the hard-faced bitches like me), but for someone like you, who is goodnatured and sweet, and wouldnt yell at someone for no reason at all, then of course its going to be upsetting. you're not being silly for getting upset. i think all it is, is that you can be quite sensitive at times (which is fine, actually a quality i wish i had), and he probably isnt. which means at times he will say something that he doesnt think is much of a big deal, but you think it is. please dont feel bad about it though Tosha, because you are one of the most wonderful people ever, and i love you. yes i do xxx |
from rdhdprincess : |
Yuck, fighting sucks. You will get thru it dear, and never stop dreaming! You will have that house someday. Mwah! |
from sweet-cynic : |
i've never read a nicholas sparks novel because.. well I've seen his movies and they are good (my favorite being the notebook) and the idea that it's a MAN who's writing all these romances.. just... turns me off.. i realize this makes me a freak because i would love for doug to be that romantic and in tuned with how girls work but it jsut.. freaks me out that someone actually has it down?! as for marriage.. of course i know nothing personally since i've never been married but my married ex coworkers who's 23 and been married for 2 years says that the only thing they REALLY fight about is money and it seems comparable to your fights as well. money's a sticky thing. do you clue him in andtell him he was hurtful? i've been feeling the same about doug and how he's been just ... not sensitive enough to me but i also realize i'm pmsing and i dont know if it's just me or him or both. i feel you, babe. |
from vegasmommy : |
It's not just the first year of marriage, hun. You will get defensive about a lot of what Michael says up to (as far as I know) at least the 3rd year. Jason and I are beginning the 4th year next month and he still hurts my feelings at least once a day. I believe he makes me cry 6 times a week. At least. Maybe it's just breastfeeding hormones, but it happens. Often. I think the best thing to do is understand men just aren't in tune with how women feel, no matter how long you're together and concentrate on the good things he says most of the time :) As you said. Men are men. Hugs and kisses! |
from krugerpak007 : |
I dont think you are overreacting unreasonably. I would behave the exact same way if I was in that position with my husband. marriage is not easy. Its all about give and take I guess, but you two will be fine.Hang in there sweety and enjoy picking a new novel. xoxo Kathy |
from horseshoes : |
I felt that way after I lost my aunt and grandpa. I wanted to make an impact. But the fact of the matter was I can't sacrfice the time or money right now to do that. However, I have noticed how I impact people around me. The fact that when I'm good to people it's contagious. I think you're making an impact already here at Diaryland. I guess it's a matter of how big of an impact does it have to be to make you satisfied. |
from alwaysaroura : |
Thanks for the note. I know it's hard for people to find words for me right now. This is a dark period in my life but I have nothing but hope that it is leading me to the light. As for you and Michael, hold onto him tight, it seems like you guys have the real deal. And he's doing the dishes and the laundry and all that, way to go Tosha! |
from krugerpak007 : |
You are such a honey. Thanks for making me smile....and already ready with his Valentines day gift! Wow! Take care! xoxox Kathy |
from krugerpak007 : |
Glad you had a good weekend! Thats it girl make him wash the clothes! My kind of girl you are! lol. xoxox Take care. Kathy |
from rdhdprincess : |
Hey Sweetie! I loved Curves. It was a little under $30 per month. It took 30 mintues to do the circuit 3 times. I liked it because even I can follow directions and do what the woman in front of me does! I would recommend it. The time seems to go by really quickly and then you're all done! Hmm...maybe I should go back! ha! |
from classygirl83 : |
I'm soo sorry that you two are fighting. I wish that I could take the hurt feelings away from you. Iwould totally be pissed too. Why would he tell you to pawn off your wedding rings? That's crazy. I know that he loves you though, I know that he loves you more than anything. He would be crazy not too. You're wonderful. I think that it's a great idea that you give him some of the responsibility for awhile. I hope that your day gets better:)It always could be worse. |
from sweet-cynic : |
oh my!!! men can be so dumb. why are you mad? i hate it when they shrug it off and want to know why you're "SO' pissed or "SO" mad and give you the "whats the big deal" eyes. I sympathsize but from reading your journal, i also know despite being male, michael is a great guy. so hope the light turns on in his head about his boo boo QUICK. for your sake. *hugggs* |
from betchy : |
aw Tosha, dont be sad, you know how cross i get when people upset you! it was probably just a bad day, you guys are so in love most of the time. just let him stew for a couple of days. please be happy again soon! love you x |
from betchy : |
aw Tosha, dont be sad, you know how cross i get when people upset you! it was probably just a bad day, you guys are so in love most of the time. just let him stew for a couple of days. please be happy again soon! love you x |
from krugerpak007 : |
I am so sorry you guys are having a fight. I know marriage can be difficult, but each fight brings you closer together. As they say, the best part is the making up part. Give it time. You are totally right though. Of course I take your side.Totally. But men are funny creatures I guess. I wish I had something more clever and helpful to say to you. It will work itself out and you guys will make up. Just hang in there. you are a sweet, wonderful person and we are all crazy about you. And so is he! xoxox Kathy |
from jess1976 : |
Sorry to hear things are rough for you right now. I agree 150% with what you are doing though, give him a taste of what your life is like and then maybe he'll start to appreciate you. The whole wedding ring comment would have sent me over the edge too. Why are guys so freaking stupid?! Hugs!!! |
from heylee : |
Man Tosh, your day did sound crappy yesterday. The wedding ring comment would definitely put me over the edge. (((Here's some relaxing vibes))) for your reponsibility vacation. Maybe he'll understand the money thing better after he has to deal with it all by himself. So sorry to hear about your friend's Dad. hugs. |
from betchy : |
ok, you need to get some close up pics of him then you need to post them for us. there will be security, but just say you're his sister. i'm sure it will work! |
from sweet-cynic : |
hot damn!!! he's hot! |
from aliboomboom : |
Wow, Tosh. He is hot!! Make sure and get some of his sweat on you!! |
from heylee : |
Yay!!!! I love pictures. Thanks for posting all of them. Your maroon/romantic/paris bedroom is a very cute idea! I just recently got rid of my canopy bed. I had the sheer curtains and sashes on it and it looked awesome, and with your theme, it will fit perfectly. Just make sure you get a canopy set that doesn't squeak! LOL! Brian made me get rid of mine because it squeaked like crazy just sitting down on it. Hope you start to feel better soon. (((TOSH))) |
from liquid-mojo : |
Thanks, you feel better too. :) |
from krugerpak007 : |
I love that picture. It made me smile. I hope you feel better soon sweetie. Drink lots of tea and take care of yourself! Glad you had a good time with your friends! Have a good weekend! xoxox Kathy |
from barbiewoman : |
I LOVE the pic! Its cute! But it DOES look like the tongue is up the nose! HAHA! I'll eep em crossed for ya with that car- I think I am getting a new Solora. |
from betchy : |
gorgeous gorgeous as always! mwah! and yes my cheeseburger was fine. good job too, i had only had one bite when she started kicking off. i would have been MOST upset if anything had happened to it. |
from aliboomboom : |
The picture of you and Michael is adorable!! I love it!! The wedding pictures are cute too!! Oh and a fancy schmancy digital camera has gotten me nowhere. It's far easier to scan the picture in!! Hope you are feeling better! |
from aliboomboom : |
The picture of you and Michael is adorable!! I love it!! The wedding pictures are cute too!! Oh and a fancy schmancy digital camera has gotten me nowhere. It's far easier to scan the picture in!! Hope you are feeling better! |
from vegasmommy : |
Anytime ;) The pictures are absolutely beautiful! You look so happy!! xoxo |
from rdhdprincess : |
I love that! The bridesmaid dresses were gorgeous, cute picture! And your Mother is almost as beautiful as you! More pictures!! |
from sweet-cynic : |
you two ARE darling and that was such a sweet picture. thanks for sharing. |
from krugerpak007 : |
With all the hard things you deal with you amaze me with your bright outlook and you give me strength. You always manage to see a brighter side. Thanks for giving me that little bit to help me feel like carrying on. Congrads on the car. And have fun with your friends! xoxox Kathy |
from heylee : |
Yay!!!Glad the car thing worked out! |
from krugerpak007 : |
I am thinking about you guys. I am sure it will work out. You are right about negativity. I have to work on myself. Its your diary though and you can be as negative as you want... Take care and I hope it all works out, and thanks again for that amazing e-mail. xoxox Kathy |
from heylee : |
Hope you feel better soon. You're right, you all need to stay positive on the whole car situation. *hugs* |
from jess1976 : |
Love the pics you posted! The new car looks really nice. So, I'm considering dates for my wedding, yes I know I'm obsessed because I'm not engaged yet, but trust me it's a matter of time. ha ha :) Anyhow, I'm seriously looking at September 16, 2006, which I just found it only 2 days after your wedding date! There is something special to me about having a Fall wedding, I think it will be beautiful! |
from barbiewoman : |
DUDE- I have a 2001 Olds Alero- and I HATE it! Its a piece of crap- Its really falling apart. But then I really didn't take care of it. There is a recall on my car- I dunno if its for your year but there is a short in the blinkers and emergency lights- can you imagine emergency blinkers NOT working?! And Olds. is out of business, they were bought out or went bankrupt or something. Sorry- I didn't mean to up-set you, I know you just got it- maybe it'll do you better than it did me- Mines Gold and a 4-door and did I say a PIECE? Good luck! |
from krugerpak007 : |
Love the pics! |
from almost-grown : |
awww pretty new car! |
from aliboomboom : |
That picture of Michael is great!! |
from classygirl83 : |
Your car is sooo nice and pretty! I love it. When you wrote about how you washed it and stuff last night, It reminded me that I need to wash my car too! So, thanks! Oh, and I loved your story! Oh, and Micheal is pretty cute! I hope that you have a great week! |
from heylee : |
Thanks for posting your "story." It was nice getting to "know" your life. The car looks awesome by the way, thanks for posting that pic! Oh and my parents are selling their house because the market in So CA is at the highest it has ever been so they want to make some money off of it. My mom and sister and I love that house, but my Dad thinks it is just too big for them now with only one kid at home. :( I'm gonna go take pictures of it before they move out, I'm such a goober! :D |
from aliboomboom : |
Well you know my story. I was leaving you this note for some peticular reason but I can't remmeber it now. Damn it. I'll get back to you. |
from krugerpak007 : |
Congrads on your new car! Pictures baby!!! Glad you had such a good weekend and that relations are on the med. xoxox Kathy |
from heylee : |
Yay!!!! New car!!!! Congratulations! Don't ya just love the smell of new cars? |
from betchy : |
oooh, new car! groovy! you will have to post pics of it soon. anyway sweetie, hope you are ok! |
from betchy : |
oooh, new car! groovy! you will have to post pics of it soon. anyway sweetie, hope you are ok! |
from betchy : |
oooh, new car! groovy! you will have to post pics of it soon. anyway sweetie, hope you are ok! |
from almost-grown : |
we want pictures! |
from sweet-cynic : |
congrats on your new baby/car! talk about great owners! and thanks for the kind note, you are such a sweetheart. i'm sorry about your grandfather and i'm taking what you said to heart. thanks again, sweets! |
from vegasmommy : |
Oh, I get the cheating suspicions too LOL I think it's a woman thing. Not just a woman thing but a perky woman with an older husband who worries she is viewed as childish and the man would want an older, more mature woman! UGH! LOL Jason's currently working at the Venetian. And, if you know anything about porn, there's a HUGE porn convention at his hotel. Now, everybody who's ever spread her legs for some man on camera is WALKING AROUND THE SAME DAMN BUILDING HE WORKS AT. I heard his friend talking about some hot famous celeb walking around wearing a skirt that was so short, her cheeks hung out the back!! CRY!! I COULD JUST SCREAM!! I know he loves me, but he's used to me. And with a baby at home, I'm just never in the mood for anything so... UGH... Anyway, I meant to say Michael will be fine. LOL |
from jess1976 : |
I swear the more I read, the more I realize how similar we are. I always am a little curious about cheating too. Dan works with a lot of women one on one in his profession and from time to time he'll work for a friend's private ambulance company and those small companies typically don't have stations where they go to when they are not on call (Dan is a paramedic by the way in case you didn't know). One day I called him and he was at this girl's house that used to be his roommate and is also a paramedic. I had no clue what he was doing there and immediately thought the worst. Come to find out, he picked up an extra shift for a friend's company and got stuck working with this girl and the ambulance was stationed out of her house. Oh my goodness, did I feel stupid for overreacting, but I think it's just a woman's instinct to think that way. Plus guys like Dan and Michael... they're not like that, they are one of the few good ones out there. Have a great weekend! |
from krugerpak007 : |
I love this template. I cant remember if I have wished you and Michael yet, a Happy 2005. I was at my folks and access was hard. So happy 2005 to you both. Wishing you only good things! xoxox Kathy |
from alwaysaroura : |
I'm so glad that you had good holidays too. I read you all the time but I never note. Sorry. I'm glad that you guys got to visit your family. I can't imagine being away from my parents at Christmas. But I guess that's what marriage is about, right? Compromise, compromise, compromise. |
from heylee : |
What is it with boys(grown men) and Homies? I don't understand this obsession at all. My fiance has a BOX full of Homies. He was pretty much heartbroken when he found out our local hang out stopped carrying them in the quarter machines. LOL! We went to Vegas last year and in one of the casinos, there was a display of Homies and their cars. Guess what we looked at for a good half hour? Yep! I guess I'm not surprised. Your weekend plans sound like a good idea. Maybe I should try them! :D |
from jess1976 : |
Ha ha ha... I'm laughing my butt off at this entry. Dan has all sorts of little figurines that pertain to his interests in life. He has Simpsons figurines, golfer guy figurines and a little firefighter bobblehead that my cat loves to knock of the table and break. It's so funny that a guy would have "figurines". He's so obsessed with the Simpsons that he's trying to get me to use this cake topper for a wedding cake Not going to happen my friend. Well, I'm glad things are going a little better with the in-laws. Enjoy your relaxing weekend... I know I will. |
from jess1976 : |
Ha ha ha... I'm laughing my butt off at this entry. Dan has all sorts of little figurines that pertain to his interests in life. He has Simpsons figurines, golfer guy figurines and a little firefighter bobblehead that my cat loves to knock of the table and break. It's so funny that a guy would have "figurines". He's so obsessed with the Simpsons that he's trying to get me to use this cake topper for a wedding cake Not going to happen my friend. Well, I'm glad things are going a little better with the in-laws. Enjoy your relaxing weekend... I know I will. |
from classygirl83 : |
Hey~ I LOVE to shower at night, it really does do wonders for you. It just seems like the night time seems to go really fast. By the time I look at my clock it's already like 10. LOL. I've tooken a bath everynight though since then. I hope that I can ge t in the habit of doing it again. Also I need to get i nthere earlier LOL. How are you doing? I'm sorry that I missed your IM yesterday. I was probably looking for a job. If I'm online today when your on I'll definatly IM you though. Hope that you have a great day today:) |
from heylee : |
I know there are about a bazillion wineries within 45 minutes where I live, so I think they are kind of competetive as far as pricing goes. I think it just depends on the package we want. I know they make you buy a case of wine minimum, and since Brian and I don't really like wine, I don't think we will be buying anymore than the minimum. LOL! I don't know, it's just an idea at this point. We both really like the scenery at wineries, so we thought we'd check them out. We're hoping to save money on a DJ and photographer since Brian has a few friends who do that on the side. I never fully realized how much work goes into planning a wedding! :D Glad you had a good holiday, but I'm sorry your car was taken. Hope everything works out! |
from betchy : |
oooooh i'm so glad you liked it, but you have got me worried now, did i put it just to you, or to you and Mike? i meant to put Mike's name on iy, so i hope i didnt forget. if i did forget then tell him I'm sorry that i was thinking of him too. hope you had a good Christmas and New Year, i have sucked with keeping up with diaries over christmas. i will be back on form soon i promise xxxx |
from aliboomboom : |
I can't believe the movie sucked. I really wanted to see it. Was it scary at all? |
from jess1976 : |
Thanks for the note! I'm so totally the same way when I stay at home by myself. I leave all the lights on and I sleep with my TV on, like that's going to save me or something. Plus I have a dog - a golden retriever - who we have to lock up in a cage at night because she eats everything. So, if she hears a noise, she barks like crazy and really scares the crap out of me because what is she hears something or someone that I don't. I guess I'll just have to get used to it. I understand what you're saying about friendships too... it's just hard to go through though. I'll be fine though... I just need to hang out with them more. I wish you lived closer, then we could go to Buffalo Wild Wings together - eat some wings and have some drinks. Glad to hear you had a nice new year and a relaxing weekend! |
from vegasmommy : |
I'm sorry this past year has sucked for you too... And, I'm sorry the family is trouble. You know... You could pull a Beth & Jason... meaning just move to Vegas and see family only on holidays... :D Now, THAT could be a resolution! Love you tons, Tosha! Thanks for being here for me for the past... hmmmm... since before I got pregnant so... hmmmm... year and 3 months? Maybe 4 months? LOL Anyways, thanks! And, I expect you here for the next year too :D Hugs & Kisses!! |
from vegasmommy : |
Sorry the day seems to suck! Runny nose on this end too :( I always get a cold at Christmastime. Always always always! Ugh! And, don't drink so much water! Or everyone will hear you pee :p |
from classygirl83 : |
Hey girlie, I'm soo glad that you had a great Christmas. You definatly deserved it! That is sooo crazy about your car. What happend? Was it your fault or the banks? I hope that you have a great week! What are you doing this weekend and for New Year's? I hope that your doing something fun! |
from krugerpak007 : |
Wishing you two a very Merry Christmas and a Happy new year. My dads internet is muderous. So slow I just can not....Take care and I will have to catch up when I get back. Hope you are doing ok though. You are being thoought of! xoxox |
from feesticka : |
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Have a great day. I hope that your holiday is filled with good times and good food! Cheers! |
from vegasmommy : |
YEAH! I'm attached to my lil roll too. Hmph. And, the stretchmarks. Yeah! LOL I wouldn't be disappointed if I was chosen for The Swan. Only, I don't really hate the way I look and the few episodes I saw... the women seemed to really hate themselves :( Poor things. At least they're beautiful now. Yay for them! I'm bad when it comes to soda too. Definitely not Dr Pepper... ugh. Yucky. Do you know that flavor comes from prunes? LOL I like Coke. Cherry Coke. Mmmmm. It's my weakness. I think they drug soda with more than caffeine. Why else would it be EVERYONE'S weakness?? |
from betchy : |
my gorgeous Tosha! just wanted to wish you a very happy christmas, and tell you that i love you, and i hope yours and Mikes first married xmas is wonderful, and i dont know if you got my card yet, but i did send you one. phew. merry christmas my lovely xxx |
from aliboomboom : |
MERRY CHRISTMAS, TOSHA!! Thank you for all the kinds words and encouragement that you have given me in the past year. I feel so blessed to know you even if it is only via IMs and emails. You are a wonderful, wonderful person with one of the kindest hearts that I have ever seen. I hope that your holidays are happy and that you are surrounded by people that you hold dear to your heart. Enjoy your first Christmas as a married woman!! |
from betchy : |
yeah i am very attatched to my roll too. and you know what? cokes arent a bad addiction. at least you're drinking cokes, not snorting them (that was quite a bad joke actually) |
from krugerpak007 : |
Just a quick hi. At an internet cafe and trying to rush. Everything is so expensive here....I am running out of money...So wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year, hope you are well! xoxoxo |
from sweet-cynic : |
you and michael are perfect together :) i thought i already left a note about this yesterday but i must have forgotten to submit it. whoops. and i agree about the swan... i shudder at what kind of example we're setting for the youngun's... honestly, i hope the backlash on designer plastic surgery will be stronger than the craze. |
from heylee : |
Awww...that entry brought tears to my eyes. What a guy! |
from feesticka : |
What an awesomething to do! You've got a good one. Merry Christmas! |
from aliboomboom : |
How sweet!! I know we've talked about it before but please remember how lucky you are to have found the real thing at such a young age. The rest of us will be searching for it for years to come. |
from almost-grown : |
Awww how sweet! your right, you have truly found what some people never find. Merry christmas! p.s. take pictures! |
from tommy212 : |
Sounds like you had an awesome weekend. I thought I was giving a compliment too when saying that she looked like Bridget Jones, but apparently not. I should have said that she just looks like Renee Zelwegger, but not Bridget Jones, I guess because Bridget Jones is fatter. Some girls can be so fickle sometimes, geesh. |
from avalonte : |
Oh, and lastly, your assumption about the "conch"!!!! What a dirty mind you have girl!!! Hehe!!! Don't worry, a needle is the last thing I'm going to let go down there!!! |
from avalonte : |
Oh, and have a wonderful Christmas! xx |
from avalonte : |
No apologies necessary!! I'm just as bad!! Thanks for your note lovely! |
from heylee : |
Thanks for the wedding advice! There is definitely a lot to learn and do. We should definitely book stuff well in advance. I put the ticker up with this tentative date because we had to pick a date to tell everyone for an approximate time. I know it will be around that time or a few weeks later. Thanks for all the advice! Keep 'em coming! |
from heylee : |
So happy you get to spend Christmas with your family. Surprises are the best! |
from singlegirl : |
You and your husband are so sweet to each other. It's amazing (but true) how the littlest things (like a note or kind words) can make someone's day - everyone should do it more often. The world would be a brighter place. |
from horseshoes : |
It sounds like you and your husband are getting through the family issues. It's hard to realize that people don't always feel the way you do. It's good that you have each other and these things only make you both stronger. I hope the holidays continue to be happy for the both of you! |
from heylee : |
Yay! I'm so glad I didn't miss well...anything! Thanks for filling me in. |
from neangel : |
ya know i've been equally as bad with noting & such but all w/ reason. thank you so much for every word you wrote to me. it means so much to hear it, every single time! *hug* |
from aliboomboom : |
I'm glad that you appreciate him. So many times wives and husbands stop appreciating the little things that the other does for them. Remembering that he doesnt' have to do those things is one of the best gifts you can give him. I'm sure he feels the same way about you! |
from heylee : |
Awwwweeee....Ain't love grand? :) |
from vegasmommy : |
LOL I scored just as high as your hubby! All because I didn't know what damn candle you like... Sniffles... |
from tommy212 : |
Hey there! i took that quiz, but didn't do so hot on it. I guess not too bad for only reading your diary for a little while. I think that you're very very cool though, and you seem like someone that would be fun to hang out with. |
from rdhdprincess : |
HA!You are a lovable dork. You're right, they should be paying tons of attention to you. You are still a newlywed afterall! |
from vegasmommy : |
Awwww that sucks... I hate having to share Jason's time. Wait til you have a kid. Then you disappear into the background completely LOL. Ugh. Here's to hoping it all ends soon! Hugs! |
from aliboomboom : |
Well...the email was effective. HE CALLED!! But now I'm too scared to listen to the voicemail because what if he sounds like a big redneck on the phone or what if he's not as cute as I remember? Or what if he just called to tell me that he met someone else? Tosha, I wish you lived here so you could just listen to the damn thing for me. I'm making myself nauseous. Oh great, I get what I think I want and then all of a sudden, I don't want it anymore. I am such a girl!! |
from cracked-rose : |
Wow, its been awhile since I've left anyone I note, I'm sorry! Thats crazy about dinner and how the guys were so rude. But like you said, when a guy has a beer in his hand, you never know whats going to come out of his mouth. Hope you have a good day tomorrow! PS-I'm getting my car tuesday! Woohoo! |
from sweet-cynic : |
you're not a loser :p i always always get the same impression when i read your journal. you have a very full life :) can't be a loser with a full life |
from classygirl83 : |
Hey girlie~ Mike is one very lucky man that he has a wife like you! You care alot. I'm sorry that his family isn't being that nice right now. I don't really know wht to say except that he has you and you love him dearly. Hopefully one day his family will realize what a great man he is.~~~~~~~~~~~ That is creepy about your old house! I would be scared too. I'm glad that you moved! |
from heylee : |
Ohhhh... I feel so bad for your hubby. Hopefully it helped you both to talk about it. Get well soon! |
from aliboomboom : |
Oh my gosh, One Tree Hill was AWESOME last night!! I love love LOVE that show. I can't believe Jake is finally back. He is so good looking. I think he's pretty much the best looking guy on the show. But what the hell was he doing down in the ghetto where Peyton was? And why oh why did Brooke agree to be with Felix? I really want her to be with Lucas. I was so excited about that. But at least we know that Lucas still likes her so that leaves it open for possibility in the future. And is Hayley really going to go to NYC with that idiot? I mean her husband is only 100 times more fabulous. And I'm so mad at Lucas's mom about the whole heart condition, shouldn't it be up to him rather or not he wants to know? And why is Dan still harassing Keith? What is up with that whole situation? I don't want the mean Dan back, I was just getting used to nice Dan and I like Dan. Oh it was so good!! Surely Lucas and Brooke will end up back together, don't you think? I'll just die if they don't and surely Jake will stay around, right? I don't want to lose him again. Oh I'm sad but I adore that show, no matter how cheesy it is sometimes I live for episodes like last night. Oh well. I hope that things are better wtih Michael. I'll hvae the internet at work tomorrow so maybe we can catch each other then. |
from feesticka : |
Hey, here's a thought. My friend had the same thing happen to her, and she sort of went on strike. She didn't do the dishes, wash the laundry, make food, go grocery shopping or anything for three weeks. Her husband caved, heheheh. If you can handle a pigsty, it may be worth a try.... ;-) |
from classygirl83 : |
Hey~ I hate it when you have a hard time, because you soo don't deserve to have a hard time. I hope that you get to feeling better soon. Girl you work soo hard. I am impressed. I'm sorry that Micheal doesn't do anything to help you out around the house. My sister complains about the same thing from her husband. I hope that he starts doing better soon! You should talk to him, and tell him how you feel, and ask him to help you out more around the house. I hope that things get better for you because you deserve only the best! |
from jess1976 : |
Thanks for the pics! They are lovely! As for boys...well they suck sometimes. Dan tries to pull that crap on me all the time and I do the banging of things, like dishes and doors when I'm irritated with him so that he knows I'm irritated. The best is when he eats and leaves his plate that is caked with ketchup or BBQ sauce on top of the kitchen counter -- he refuses to put dishes in the sink... heaven forbid he might throw it in the dishwasher. Or he'll leave a 2 liter of pop in the living room on the table uncapped all night. I ask who the hell he thinks is going to pick up after him and sometimes I don't just to prove a point. You probably need to sit down with Michael and tell him how you feel before you get so tense that you beat the crap out of him. We've all been there before... it's not just you. good luck! |
from heylee : |
Yep, let's whine and complain together. Maybe the boys will actually notice and take a hint. Get well soon. |
from heylee : |
You did not over react, trust me. You had every right to be irked when you got home from work. Hope today goes better for you. :) |
from betchy : |
aw honey :( hope tomorrow is better for you x |
from sweet-cynic : |
oh tosha, thank you muchly for your note. i didn't mean to throw a pity party for me.. i just feel so helpless. i want things to move faster when it comes to paying my dad back and giving him the life he wants.. and im terrified that something bad will happen and ill never get that chance. im proud of you for standing up for yourself and i second what ali said. |
from aliboomboom : |
I'm sorry your day sucked. There are going to be good days and bad days though, that's how it is with everything. YOu love Michael and he loves you, talk to him about how you are feeling. Maybe it will help? |
from feesticka : |
You are totally right in taking a stand against doing a double shift -- work at work and then work at home. Stand firm! You don't want to set a precident this early in your marriage, lol. Good luck.... |
from betchy : |
you are most welcome miss Tosha i meant evey word! glad you had a good thanksgiving, would love to leave a longer note, but i am halfway out the door, just checked mine as i was leaving and saw one from you and wanted to reply! have a good weekend lots of love *mwah* |
from betchy : |
i wish i had a friend like you Tosha, that is so sweet of you.i think the first two ideas sound like the best. you are a genius. and thank you for your supportive notes over the last few days, they are much appreciated *mwah* |
from feesticka : |
You ARE an evil genious :-). Heheh -- just kidding! All of your plans sound great. Keep us updated! |
from rdhdprincess : |
You're not evil, you are sweet. I think setting up another knight in shining armor thing next time you see him is a good idea. Or YOU could have a little party and invite them both. Happy Thanksgiving sweetie! |
from heylee : |
hmmm...I like the idea where you catch him outside taking out the trash or whatever and tell him about Melissa. The pajama one would be a good idea too during the holidays. Either way, you sound very willing to help your friend and the situation along ;) |
from classygirl83 : |
Deep breaths girl. I'm soo sorry that Micheal and you have to go through all of this. You're soo right though, you just need each other and it's not the quanity of people but the quality. of people that love you. You love micheal whole heartedly and I'm sure that he knows that. I'm praying for you both! Keep your chin up:) |
from avalonte : |
Sorry you're going through that! Deep breaths now!! *hugs* You're sooooo right about it being the quality of love from those around you not the quantity!! This is so true for K. She has a dad who doesn't want anything to do with her, and his parents and siblings who also don't see her. I have a sister who isn't interested in her, and no aunts, uncles, cousins, or grandparents! And my dad died 3 years ago. So K has a mum and a grandma, and that's it! But I love her so totally, and my mum is devoted to her. And my friends adore her, and would do anything for her! I don't think she loses out at all! We love her so much that she doesn't suffer from not having lots of family members to love her. And I only have my daughter and my mum, as family, and I don't think I'm lacking in love. So you are so right! It's definitely quality, not quantity! And Michael is blessed to have you in his life! You make up for a million parents and brothers!! xx |
from horseshoes : |
Congratulations on getting the heck out of there. You already sound a lot happier and relaxed! When we moved away from my grandparents it was such a relief. It's nice not to be under thier thumb and indebted to them anymore! Enjoy your freedom and your new nice friends! |
from krugerpak007 : |
Michaels family can be so harsh. It shocks me, its her own flesh and blood.Trevors parents are taking our break relatively well, it was the main thing I worried about. Anyway enough about me. I am glad you had a good weekend, and I hope you have a good week ahead! xoxox |
from betchy : |
are you sure that someone watching over you didnt mistake you for me? therefore making it rain on you all the time? |
from jess1976 : |
OMG, I LOVE Buffal0 Wild Wings. Dan and I eat there once a week. They have the best sauces - I love spicy garlic. mmmm... I'm getting hungry! Sorry to hear the in-laws are being such jerks... you guys did the right thing by finding your own place. Just think in just a few short days your mom will be here!!!! Have a great Thanksgiving. |
from krugerpak007 : |
Yey! Your mom is coming. At least you have that to look forward to! What good news! |
from betchy : |
aw Tosha, sometimes you are so sweet you nearly make ME cry! and i am a hard faced bitch! i love the entries where you write about Michael. it brings out my romantic side (that i dont normally have). happy two month anniversary to you both, thanks for the birthday wishes, and i just looked out the window, and i think therain is going to sweep me away on the way home from work. so if there is no entry tomorrow you know why! love ya chicken x |
from heylee : |
Oh...such a sweet entry today. I know what you mean about the "ONE." Its like you don't even need to think about it and all of a sudden you are planning things with them for the future without a doubt that they would be there. Hope your moving is all squared away. Oh yeah...I searched through your archives and read up on your engagement and wedding. Very sweet! |
from classygirl83 : |
Thanks for saying "Gotta Love Lane":) In your note to heylee it made me feel special. I appericiate taht. I hope that your haveing a great week! I hope that you're all moved in now too!:) |
from heylee : |
Thanks for adding me! I'll be sure to do the same! have a good day. |
from neangel : |
I've gotta admit I've been nothing but sick since I moved to the DFW area. my allergies are kicking my booty and all this cold and rain isn't helping... but pray for me to get a job soon! I am so broke! ;) |
from jess1976 : |
I love pics so send them on!! You can send them to [email protected] Thanks! |
from vegasmommy : |
Once you do have a baby, you'll learn every name of every toy, super hero, and Boohbah... LOL I'm learning it all a lot better than I thought I would. I'm sorry moving is such a pain in the ass! My thoughts are with you guys tomorrow! Good luck on moving! |
from betchy : |
aw thank you miss Tosha, but still not as gorge as you i am afraid x |
from jess1976 : |
Oh gosh... when it rains it pours doesn't it?! Things will get better and just think, soon enough, you and Michael will be in your own place. By the way, if you have more photos from your wedding... I would love to see them... I'm a picture junkie :) |
from aliboomboom : |
Ah what a bad least it's only thirty some odd hours till Friday. Yay!! |
from sweet-cynic : |
i read your note to singlegirl and just like to remind you that i think you're sweet. |
from vegasmommy : |
11/10 - LMAO Yes, you have to stick your hand inside! I um... think... Well, my mom always did. And, then she fried the gizzards (or whatever they're called) for our cat. Yeah. I might be picking an already cooked Thanksgiving dinner up from Vons LOL. Or, um... Jason DID mention the Hard Rock... |
from betchy : |
i really hope that when you are all moved you and michael get some peace and can enjoy your lives together with out all the worry and hassle that his family cause you. grrrr. hope you are sweetie, leave me a note or something soon xxx |
from vegasmommy : |
11/9 - Turkeys are easy to cook. I think. I'm pretty sure they are anyway. Um. Hmm. Well, it seems easy anyway. What do you do? Stick your hand up it to pull it's inside stuff out, rinse it off, throw it in a pan of um... juicy stuff, toss some butter on top, season it, and put it in the oven on... a temperature warm enough to cook a turkey! Oh, but do remember to put it in a pan first. LOL I have to learn to cook one this year too, I think. I'm pretty sure Jason can't get off work for us to head west for the holiday so we're going to have our own little dinner for 3 Thanksgiving here. Good news... LOTS of leftovers! Good luck with your Thanksgiving dinner, Sweetie! And, congrats on getting some packing done! I always wait til the last second... Hugs and kisses! |
from feesticka : |
Turkeys cook themselves, baby. I can send you my "recipe" (more like cooking guidelines) if you'd like. Good luck with the move! |
from krugerpak007 : |
Take the packing one day at a time!Don't stress! It will get done...It must be exciting for you guys though. Nothing better than a change. A change is as good as a holiday as they say? And a bit of distance from the in-laws never ever hurt anyone. So try and think of all the positive and that will hopefully get you in the mood to pack! That maccaroni sounds yummy. I am so hungry, I just finished off a packet of cookies!! Oh well...Take care sweety! xoxox |
from alwaysaroura : |
I'm glad that you and Michael are moving. I think that you will both be a lot happier if you live farther from his family. I'm lucky that my in laws are nice but they are also far away so that helps. |
from aliboomboom : |
That's great that you are moving back to your old apartments. Michael's dad is being really immature especially for someone his age. I mean come on. As for life being bittersweet, I think in a way it is. But there will be many, many moments of pure joy in your near future. I am so happy for you. I think it's a good decision on your part. |
from cracked-rose : |
Hey! Talk about not leaving notes in awhile, look at me! LOL Hope everything works out for thanksgiving, I know its gonna be tough trying to grin and bear it for however long you'll bet here but at least itll only be for one day hehe later! -chauna |
from vegasmommy : |
Zack and I are BIG readers. We have our favorite books already. I love Dr. Seuss, but I haven't gotten any of those yet. I really think if you read to a child everyday, they'll love reading later in life. My mother always encouraged me to read and now, we exchange romance novels! I've never seen "Love you Forever". Is it something I could pick up at Walmart or Barnes and Noble? |
from horseshoes : |
Thanks for the message! It's appreeciated! |
from girlygirl83 : |
I LOVE coke. It is awsome! I don't know what to tell you as to quitting, cause I'm just addicted as you are! I love 'em. THank you for your sweet note. I really appericiate it. My mom wants me to go to a concelor, b ut I don't know if I wanna go. I think htat Ican controll my upsetness from now on. I dunno though it scares me.I hope that you have a great weekend!!! |
from almost-grown : |
cant help you on the coke addiction because i'm a dr. pepper fiend myself, but perhaps me saying that diet drinks have the same chemical used to embalm you when you die will help you stop?? |
from vegasmommy : |
Hmmmmm... Do you ever get hit with the "loaded database" message? Ugh. |
from vegasmommy : |
Well, this isn't a Coke will kill you note because... ummm... I'm a Coke-aholic too. Regular Coke (maybe I should specify, this sounds like I'm on drugs). I drink Plain CocaCola ALL the time! It was Mt. Dew before I got pregnant (but that stuff can mess your baby up) so I got addicted to Coke. (hmmm). Hugs and kisses! |
from feesticka : |
Indeed I do! :-p |
from almost-grown : |
woo hoo! when do you move? lord knows it cant be soon enough. |
from feesticka : |
Congrats on your "new" place! You're outta there, baby! Whoo hoo! |
from rdhdprincess : |
Heh! That's pretty funny, but I can think of a million other words to describe you instead of retarded.....busy, for one. Smart, funny, pretty, happy.... |
from jess1976 : |
OMG- it is a Monday isn't it. Thank you for the good laugh - I needed it today. Hope your day is getting better. |
from krugerpak007 : |
I am sorry you guys are going through that, with family. I can only imagine how hard it is on both of you. The thing is, life is so short. Its awful when people block people out of their lives. Especially when you were so in the right. I just hope that things will be patched up somehow. And that things get easier for you! Love Kathy |
from almost-grown : |
run far far away and never look back. will be much easier to deal with their melodramatic escapades from miles away. besides, I'd like to see them when robert still causes problems and they dont have someone else to blame it on and they finally have to face the tune that their son is a jerk. |
from jess1976 : |
Sorry that you are going through alot of junk right now. Things can only get better right?! It's too bad that Michael's family isn't more supportive, but at least you and Michael have each other to turn to for support. Hope you find the house of your dreams soon! |
from krugerpak007 : |
I wish you guys only the VERY VERY best! xoxoxo Kathy |
from betchy : |
geez, thats too bad what going on at the mo'. but you are a good person tosh, you are doing the right thing, and its not like you really have a choice anyway! love the new layout by the way. glad that you liked the entry the other day, i didnt reallise it would provoke such a response! and i love you to death too! ((hugz)) |
from feesticka : |
Wow -- I can't believe what you're going through, and I hope that by taking the high ground and making a stand against this guy things all work out in the end. You're an awesome person and you'll be in my prayers! Take care. |
from horseshoes : |
That is really tough going through all of that drama. I feel for you and your husband. Maybe this is all happening for the better. Hang in there. SARA |
from krugerpak007 : |
I like the template. Gosh I am so sorry you had to go through all of that. I can only imagine how difficult it must have been for you to give that statement. I think though that you did the correct thing! Take care and hang in there! xoxox Kathy |
from soverycherry : |
I just emailed you back!! :) |
from soverycherry : |
Yeah, just email me - I'll be glad to fix it (if I can!). I actually think I had that layout once, so maybe it won't be so hard. |
from soverycherry : |
Oh, and also, your prev and next should be lowercase!! I just noticed that. |
from soverycherry : |
Thanks for the JS info! I'll be sure to watch. Anyway, re: your template... let's see. First of all, if you want the "comments/trackback" to show up, all you have to do before the link is do a whole <a href="linkblahblahtocomments"><font color="linkcolor">blahblah</a></font> and that will make them stay your link color instead of disappearing into your layout, you dig? Also, your archives page, instead of %%entry%%, you need to replace it with %%older_entries%% - I hope that works, I can't "view source" at work so I can't be too sure. Let me know if that doesn't work and I'll take a look at it at home. |
from betchy : |
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha i hope it gets infected and his hand drops off! oooh that was mean wasnt it. i dont really hope that, but i am glad he was in pain! |
from horseshoes : |
I'm sorry to hear that your brother inlaw is so awful. As I'm getting older I'm finding out that every family has that one person or more that just ruins everything for everyone else. Like you said the world rotates around them. Currently I have an Uncle that is stealing from my grandma's farm. He is also violent with everyone like your brother-in-law. Wants everyone in this world to be as miserable as he is. He also thinks that everyone "owes" him something because he is so special and better than everyone else (in his own world). I distance myself away from it as best as I can but sometimes you can't avoid it. But I tell you what, it bothers the hell out of him that he can't get me riled up. That's the whole point of his outbursts is to get me or my family mad or upset. When he doesn't see this happen it really gets under his skin. Yes, I'd love to slap the mouth off of his stupid face but then he would be getting a reaction out of me. That is why they do it. Like I told my uncle (in a very cool even condecending tone)to his face "I don't give a damn what you do. I know you're an idiot. Why should I expect anything better out of you than I would expect out of a complete moron and theif. You are nothing but a loser." That is how I feel. Sounds like your brother in law is the same. Nothing to offer anyone but attitude, heartache, arogance, and drama. Stupid is what stupid does. SARA |
from neangel : |
thank you tosh you are such a sweet woman. i am trying to really believe that he will miss me in a week or so & want to be with me again. i had told him that last night & he said I was right but that it was better that way. |
from girlygirl83 : |
Hey, I hope that you feel better soon. I know how much it sucks to be sick! |
from yellowrosetx : |
THX for letting me know about the name-slip! I changed it! I try to protect her as much as I can!Have a great one! |
from betchy : |
miss piggy is totally hot! as are you! but between you and me i think you are hotter! |
from almost-grown : |
aww thanks, your the first d-land person to say heppy birthday! |
from aliboomboom : |
Send me the goods~if you know what I mean...Anyways still no email. My heart hurts. I'm so pitiful. |
from girlygirl83 : |
Hey girlie~ Thanks for the note. It made me feel better. Also thank you for the shout out. I know everyone on D-land is sooo sweet and nice.I'm like you there are days that you just need someone to say something nice or just you need e-motional support and the lovely girls on D-land know just how to do it. Thanks soo much for bieng my friend. I have had my tonsils out. I don't know what it has to do with ear infections either, but they are definatly connected. I guess haveing my tonsils out didn't cure me though. I think that I'm out growing ear infections slowly but surely. How are you feeling? Last night I IMed you on yahoo, but it was Mike and he said that you weren't feeling well either. I hope that you feel better. Have a great day! |
from cracked-rose : |
Hey. I'm happy to hear that you and your husband are doing great! I'm really happy for you! Wish more people looked out at life like you, like you said in your 101 things, the world would be a much better place! -chauna |
from girlygirl83 : |
awwwwwww, he is soooooo nice and sweet. Yall sound sooo happy right now. I'm glad:) Have a great day! |
from appleofureye : |
I am glad to hear you had a wonderful honeymoon! Hope you get back in the swing of things. I already need a break, and I haven't even been "teaching" that long. Love ya! |
from girlygirl83 : |
Hey~ I'm gonna leave you a note today! Since I've left you comments this week this far. IT sounds like you had a wonderful time! Yay! I'm sooo happy for you! I have always wanted to go gambling. Rick he's my friend and he lives in Philly and he always talkes about going to Atlantic City and it always makes me want to go gambling! You soo deserve someone who's as sweet as Micheal is to you! Your an awsome person! Have a great day! |
from betchy : |
tosha you must have had like THE most gorgeous wedding ever! wish i could have been there xxx |
from betchy : |
you looked lush!!!!!!! |
from girlygirl83 : |
Hey! I can't wait to read about everything! I really hope that you had a great time! I hope that no hurricanes got you! There's another hurricane here right now! I can't wait to talk to you! Once again I'm sooooo happy for you! I better send this before my power goes out again! |
from kissssy : |
I can't believe you're married! I just can't! It's so... surreal. I cried for you when I read that entry! I wish you both the very best! Hope you got my card and do let me know what you still need... I suck at buying gifts if I don't know exactly what to buy LOL. Love you 2!! |
from betchy : |
hey tosha, congratulations! i meant to leave you a note on friday to say i hoped everything would go well but i forgot (i am a bad friend). i am so glad you're special day was all you were dreaming of. i wish you a lifetime of happiness together because you really deserve it you are such a lovely person. congratulations again! xxx |
from girlygirl83 : |
Congratulations!!!!!!!!! I read your entry, and it was the most perfect entry ever! I'm soooo happy for the two of you! I thought about you sooo much yesterday and today. I'm soo happy that everything went good, and that it was the best day of your life! I'm sure that you did look beautiful, cause you are. I want to know all about everything. I'm sooo excited for you!!! Your a sweet heart, and I am really proud for the two of yall! Have a blast in Cali!!! Thanks for always being my friend. I apperciate it alot. I hope that you get to do everything that you always wanted to do while your in cali!! I can't wait to talk to you! Have a great time, and once again CONGRATULATONS!!!!!!!!!!! OH, and I can't wait till the pictures!!!!! Ok, well. I'm rambling so have a great time. Bye! I'm soo excited for you! |
from cracked-rose : |
Congratulations on your wedding!!!!! I'm so happy for you! It sounds like you had a wonderful time! Hope to see some pictures up soon of the wedding! love always, chauna |
from krugerpak007 : |
I am thinking you must be a married woman by now! Mazal Tov. Lots and lots of congratulations to the both of you! I am looking forward to an update and loads and loads of photos. Have a wonderful honeymoon too. Just relax and have fun. Love Kathy |
from girlygirl83 : |
Hey~ It's getting soooooo close! I just wanted to tell you congratulations!! Don't stress too much, It will be perfect cause you are perfect! Have an awsome time on your honeymoon!!:) |
from appleofureye : |
Hey Tosh--its getting close!!! Are you ready????? Love you!! ~Chan Banana |
from betchy : |
i'm sorry honey, i didnt mean to make you cry! i cant call him, because i lost my mobile phone back in march and it had all my numbers in it. most of them i have managed to get again,but because i havent seen him, i cant get it. sob. x |
from betchy : |
i cant believe its only a few days until you get married!!! how exciting. i hope you ate and drank enough for both of us at the festival too. i'm sorry about your car, thats really crappy. it annoys me because you are so lovely, you dont deserve to have anything bad happen to you. then there are arseholes out there that never have any shitty luck. boo. hope you're ok honey speak soon x |
from betchy : |
I want to come to the cotton festival with you! i want to eat and drink lots! but my poo-face diet wont let me :-( |
from rdhdprincess : |
Hey, I know right where that is! Lot's of Cowboy Butts, you say? If I can get K on board, we might make a little weekend trip! If you see a redheaded woman in red shoes with a 6'5 blonde guy, it's me! |
from betchy : |
ah, thats ok i was just kidding, i know how bust you must be! unfortunately i dont have gold membership so i cant post up photos of my self. but kathy (krugerpak007) e-mailed me her address and i have sent her some pics, but she hasnt got them yet. if you want to do the same i will gladly send you some pics x |
from girlygirl83 : |
That grass skrit is too funny! You both look really cute together! 2 weekes isn't far at all girl. I wish I was gonna go to your wedding. I bet it's gonna be beautiful and perfect. Cause you deserve that! Your really sweet and nice and everything! Good luck! |
from betchy : |
hey toshe, are you not replying to my notes anymore girl? god, your wedding is so close, you must be getting excited. by the way the pic of you with the little boy is really sweet! how blue are your eyes? i always wanted blue eyes, my sisters all got blue eyes but i got stuck with boring old brown ones! never mind, speak soon x |
from kissssy : |
Ohya and by the way... I got your invitation! Damn, I wish I could make it!!! Ugh!! I could really use a visit from the lottery fairies! |
from kissssy : |
I am getting SO SO SOOOO excited for your wedding! Less than 2 weeks! And, only 3 weeks until my birthday! And, less than 2 weeks until The Sims 2!! Woohoo! (game obsession, sorry). This is just the most perfect month! Glad your bday planning went so wonderfully! What a fantastic idea! Love ya, girl!! Hugggs! |
from beautyx3 : |
Hey, cute pictures. It looks like you had a blast at your bachlorette party. The big day is getting closer! are you nervous? |
from kissssy : |
LOL You're too cute. Love you guys to death, you know! Daaaamn, I wish we could afford to get me out there for your big day! Sniffles... honeymoon in Vegas. Come on. You KNOW you want to! :D |
from girlygirl83 : |
Hey, I never got around to telling you this last night, but your really pretty!! I am glad that you had fun! It lookes like it was perfect! Wish I was there! |
from cracked-rose : |
Happy to hear about your bachelorette party going so well and the pictures are so cool lol Wish you the best! -chauna |
from girlygirl83 : |
Happy Aniversery!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 years? Wow, that's sooo awsome! I'm soo happy for the two of you! Your wedding isn't long away at all:) Congrats girl! |
from betchy : |
did you realise a lot of your entries just make me well up? the words in that card are lovely, you two are so lucky to have each other x |
from elliemay23 : |
No need to apologize. I know what it is like rushing around doing last minute wedding stuff. Thanks for the compliment on the cakes. I love making them. xoxo, Ellie |
from girlygirl83 : |
Thank you for the note, and htanks for being concerned. I'm scared too. |
from sweet-cynic : |
thankyou |
from almost-grown : |
why cant i ever learn that? thats sad... the 5th grade girl knows how to play the game more than me... she probably has way more luck at it than i do to. |
from barbiewoman : |
Damn! She IS good! You know what I'll give you my friend Amanda's number so she can take lessons from her cause she needs them badly- (I dunno if you've read all my entries but my girl has problems "playing the game".) They say jump she says how high- they say stay, she stays- I have been trying to teach this girl! She don't listen! XOXOXOXO |
from girlygirl83 : |
Awww, that sucks that Micheal has to work again tonight. I know how you can feel like your house is too quite. I've never really been afraid to stay alone but lately, I have I just like lock the doors, and I close my blinds, but it is kinda scarry, but I lock my screen door, nad I lock my double lock doors,so I doubt that anyone could get in! I'm glad that your kinda getting along better with Micheals family! I hope that you get all of your stuff done! |
from girlygirl83 : |
Hey, Yeah, the storm is comeing our way. I don't think that It's gonna be that bad thoguh. Maybe just rain? I dunno? I have to work tonight, so I hope that it's not too bad. I'm glad that mIcheals family is being some what nicer. I know it's hard girl, but hang in there. I think that your great! |
from betchy : |
distracted. when you cant concentrate its called distracted. x |
from betchy : |
thanks babe, that really means a lot. everyone here has been so sweet to me, its really amazing how, even though you dont know the people here (or very few of them) you get so involved and concerned in their lives. thank you for your lovely note sweetie xxx |
from kissssy : |
Girrrrl, you're in soooo much trouble! How could you NOT invite me? :D Oh yeah, because I'm like forever far. I'm soooo thrilled you had a good time! Great pictures! Thanks for sending the ones in email too! :D Love you tons!! I can't believe you're going to be married so soon now!! I wish more than anything I could find a way out there... how far of a drive is it from Vegas??? |
from betchy : |
oh my god reading about your shower made ME well up!!! it sounded and looked absolutely lovely. i wish you all the hapiness in the world. you are a lovely person you deserve it!!! |
from betchy : |
tosha, you are just too cute!!! |
from shadyslayer : |
..verry cute. and about your question? yeah, on one hand, i am better for the bad things that have happened to me in my life. on the other hand, i'm really screwed up cause of it all. so i guess that like anything else, it's all in the opinion. |
from kissssy : |
OMG engagement pictures! I... I... I'm so happy now. How long ago did I start bugging you about those??? FINALLY!! :D You 2 are sooooo cuuuuute!! Come visit for your honeymoon! You'll be cute here too! Come on! You know you want to... ;) |
from avalonte : |
You're right, I remember having peacock feathers around the house in the 80s and 90s! So glad you liked the photos!! Have a great weekend hon! x |
from feesticka : |
I love, love, LOVE your dress!! It is so simple, elegant, classy and fit for a princess! Raally nice choice. |
from almost-grown : |
yeah i think it will all work out. not changing my mind on college or the apartment. I'm just going to go and have fun, and date him. But if he is backing down to an unexlusive relatinoship i wont just sit at home waiting on him either. |
from sweet-cynic : |
thank you for the birthday wish, hunny! and relax.. you and your love are almost there. |
from almost-grown : |
well i'm not really sure. it seemed like we really broke up. due to the attention thing and him not giving me enough attention. but he wants to date still and hopefully work back up to what we had. if that makes any sense at all. |
from betchy : |
what a cockarse!!! i am assuming that tania is his stepdaughter? am i right? and if thats the case, hell yeah i can see why you hate him!! |
from joecartoon : |
Pretty humid here, but we're so used to it, that it doesn't even really register anymore. Not too hot. 95 maybe. It's really been a pretty mild summer. I'm not even sure we've hit 100 yet. |
from girlygirl83 : |
Hey, I am home now!! I miss you! I wish that you were online tonight! That'd be cool. I love everything that you have on your registery! It is all sooo cute. I hope that your doing good! |
from almost-grown : |
yeah i agree, but my calls have gone unanswered. I called every day this week except for last night. The other night I think that i called 3 or 4 times... he never seems available when i want to talk. He only talks to me on HIS terms. But when he DOES want to talk to me, he calls every single number until he gets me. Even looking up my parents line so that he could call them and find me. |
from betchy : |
who is robert? i have only been reading a few weeks, and i am all confused, because it sounds interesting!!! plesae leave me a note to tell me. love beckz x |
from kissssy : |
It's so hard. He was a man of God. A man of wisdom. He sat there for 2 hours and listened to me tell him all about my other friends who took it into their own hands to end their lives. A friend suffered from cancer and ended his before the cancer could end it. Another friend panicked because she was pregnant at 15. He sat there and listened to me cry for so long on the anniversary of Spring's death... Telling me how selfish it was. I just... it doesn't seem like him. Something must have been bothering him for so long and ~I~ never noticed anything was wrong. Except that he lost his job. And was having marital problems. Maybe I should have known, you know? I'm sorry to hear about Stephen. Suicides hurt so much more than normal deaths because... well... if they wanted to, they could be here. Love you. Thanks for the comfort. Thanks for just being Tosha! |
from girlygirl83 : |
Hey I liked TX alot, I liked it better than any other place that I've been to on this trip, It was hot, but it isn't hot like FL, it was breezy, and whenI went swimming I got cold and had to go in the hot tub lol, Not that I mined. I really miss you and I really can't wait to talk to you on AIM again. I hope that your doing good. Oh, and I'm glad that your excited about your wedding! Are all of the plans comeing together? I hope soo. Well, I guess I should go. Oh, lastg night we went to a Super Wal-mart and I thought about you haha. I loooove wal-mart! |
from chicksreview : |
would you like a review from us at chicksreview?we are new and getting started, but we will be nice! |
from krugerpak007 : |
The best part of my wedding I think was all the preparations. I know you can not wait but before you know it it will come and go. And then it will be over. So my dear, the only advice I want to give you (take it from the wise old lady-old been the keyword here...)-enjoy every second leading up to it. Enjoy the preparations as nerve wracking as they may be, enjoy the attention, and most of all, enjoy feeling the most beautiful you will ever feel, on the day itself, because all to quickly it is over. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy and just be happy! xoxox Kathy |
from kissssy : |
Ohhhh I miss the excitement of getting married!!! I'm so psyched for you!!! We might not have money to get over there in Sept, BUT... you're 21 now... you 2 should come celebrate your marriage in Las Vegas (that means we're definitely going). There's no better spot for romance and excitement than Vegas!! :D |
from betchy : |
you are making me excited for you!!!!! i think the idea of everyone telling their fave memories and filming it is lovely. you should do that!!!!! hope you are ok sweetie x |
from kissssy : |
You could toilet paper her house. Or, pee on her sidewalk. But, there's nothing you could do legally unless you signed a contract when you bought it saying this stove will work or else. That sucks, I know. I'd go with the pee on her sidewalk idea. ~ Thanks for your support through this... well, what I like to call... hell. I just don't know what I'm going to do, but I'm almost certain I'm moving. If my family's going to hate me for it. So be it. I'm a big girl. I can take it. I hope. |
from girlygirl83 : |
hey, i'm sitting in an airport, in Miniapolis, i just wanted to say that I ate at that joe's crabshack and it was really good. I miss talk inng to you |
from shadyslayer : |
yes. and thanks for reading. it helps to know SOMEONE is, and understands. oh. and the smoking thing? um. i have like 3 left, and after that, no more. so yes. thansk for all your notes. :-D |
from cracked-rose : |
I found your diary when I left a note on sweet-cynic's diary. I hope you don't mind that I'm leaving a note. I'm sorry to hear about your 3 stoves, also about the lady who sold you the last one. Maybe she was just desperate for money since her husband had cancer. People do unusual things when it comes down to needing money. I hope the next one you get works. I hope to see you at my diary soon! -chauna |
from krugerpak007 : |
I am sorry to hear about the damn stove. I honestly do not know what this world is coming to. Why would people sell something that does not work. I could never ever do that no matter how desparate I am for money, and right now, I am pretty desparate..Hang in there, maybe you'll be able to buy a really nice one after the wedding? Take care and feel better! xoxox Kathy |
from feesticka : |
Glad to hear things are going well...good luck with all of the rest of your wedding plans! |
from snobbychic : |
If you wanna know her name..just ask her-ur such good friends right?? I cant believe you cant see thru her lameass |
from joecartoon : |
Forget the cooler tube?? Are you kidding me!! Blasphemy woman, blasphemy! We wouldn't even go on the river if they didn't allow alcohol. In fact, we're going again this weekend. |
from joecartoon : |
I live over in Bryan/College Station for the next month, but then I'm off to Kansas to go back to school. |
from joecartoon : |
Add away if you'd like... Good 'ole Tom Green County! I love that part of the country. I've got some friends out that way and I love to head out and visit them. I just love that laid back West Texas vibe... I could use a little more of it in my life from time to time. Hope you had a good weekend!! |
from betchy : |
hey you!! well the fenton thing is such a nightmare. what it is, he used to be a heroin addict, always doing robberies and stuff, always in trouble with the police. basically the sort of person i would have nothing to do with. then he went to prison, and when he came out he had changed his ways. he has been clean for ages, and good as gold. well on wednesday he realpsed and smoked a pipe of crack and a bag of heroin. i cant tell you how dissappointed i was, it felt like i'd been kicked in the stomach. i nearly cried. luckily it made him ill, he felt really guilty (especially when i said i was dissappionted, that really got him) and he has promised he wont do it again. i dont know if he will or not. and i dont want to stop being friends with him if he does relapse, because then i wouldnt be any kind of friend at all. but i dont know if i can watch him do that to himself. it would hurt me too much, and i'm not strong enough to support someone through such a powerful thing like a drug addiction. i'm really not. i dont have the power to compete against it. but i am hoping it wont come to that. speak soon lovey xx |
from sweet-cynic : |
i like the last two lines of your entry today. sweet. judy sounds intolerable. again, i don't know how you do it. |
from betchy : |
well i do like to think of myself as cute!!! do you have any? and oh, my, god, i cant believe mikes auntie said that, i mean what size are you anyway? i bet you're tiny!!! |
from kissssy : |
OMG.. she said that?? Oh, I hate people. Okay, not all people. But, the people that act like people, you know? Ugh. Ignore her. People suck. Hugggggs. Sorry I haven't been around lately. My son just doesn't give me ANY time now that he's in the I-want-Mommy-only stage! He even cries when Jason holds him now! Ugh!! Love ya. |
from aliboomboom : |
I cannot believe that Michael's aunt said that, the odacity of some people. I mean seriously. I would have been beyond pissed. People are so rude sometimes! OH and I love the new layout by the way, hope you have a great long weekend! Happy Fourth. |
from sweet-cynic : |
omg, i would have called her an heiffer right there on the spot. i commend you on your self-control :) |
from girlygirl83 : |
Hey girlie, i just wanted to tell you that I think that your beautiful, and your not fat! That was really mean of your aunt to say. I also wanted to tell you that I like your new lay out! Have a great weekend! |
from krugerpak007 : |
The shooping, the shopping. Focus on the shopping! I hope all goes well. I like the new template a lot. have a good weekend. xoxo Kathy |
from neangel : |
i am so very jealous and all i get to do is start moving again... love the new look to btw |
from elliemay23 : |
Thank you so much for the very, very sweet note. This little girl is something else. It is not even bothering her. If I had a burn like that, I would still be crying. Thanks again. xoxo, Ellie |
from elliemay23 : |
I am green with envy..not really, you just told us to tell you that. hope all goes well. xoxo, Ellie |
from rdhdprincess : |
Ok, so the ride sounds kind of painful, but there is shopping at the end! Hang in there sweetie. When your day comes, it will all be worth it. |
from krugerpak007 : |
Yip, we are DEFINATELY alike. too nice, too sweet, always willing to do everything and anything for others, always thinking of others, and then usually getting screwed in the end. I have just had it today..Anyway sweety, we are good people and I guess we should try not to change for anyone. Hope you guys have a good weekend, that no garden furniture is broken and that it is peaceful and relaxing! xoxo Kathy |
from elliemay23 : |
Hey there. Ninny and the neck are both good. Thanks for asking and thanks for the lovely little note. Hope you have a great day. xoxo, Ellie |
from betchy : |
i dont have red hair, its blonde!!! i have a few freckles on my nose and on my forehead, but they only really come out in the sun. i do like my freckles though, i used to hate tem, but so many people have told me over the years how cute they are, i would miss them if they werent there!!! |
from krugerpak007 : |
I think in a lot of ways we are alike. (Not meaning to insult you...:-) Take care xoxo Kathy |
from sweet-cynic : |
haha. ill keep that in mind :) (im apologizing about slacking on the notes with you. i still read, i promise.) |
from shadyslayer : |
thanks for the note you left me. i'm really thinking hard about this. and i may just do as ya'll say. so yeah. thanks. |
from betchy : |
well i think it is a lush name!!! its so much better than becky. there are so many becky's. but not too many betchy's!! that is not just my username, but my nickname too. |
from rdhdprincess : |
Hee! I think the wedding planning is getting to you Dear! |
from feesticka : |
MMMMMM.... warm potato salad. A summer treat! LOL. Your security deposit story has made me want to clean up a little more thoroughly before we hightail it out of here. |
from appleofureye : |
hey...I cant get into my e-mail this I will leave a note here in hopes that you get it! Thank you for the sweet e-mail..I am thankful for great friends like you that get me through the hard times. Well, Ryan-is a jerk..but, I think he still loves me deep down, I just know he is confused. I came to SA-in hopes to hang out with him, but I didn't let him know that. I let him know I was in SA-but didn't let him know that I was there to see him. He said he would call me when he found out what he was doing-never did. So, I called him-he was at South Park..said he would call when he got back to his truck-never did, so I called to say-Im heading home, I want to see you. He said-ok, I am eating now. AND WAS VERY RUDE AT THIS POINT. His friends were making rude comments..and this time he said (its like 3 am)..I don't think it would be a good idea to see you. I will call you when I get back to Jays and let you know what I decide.. What the f?? He could have told me that 4 hours earlier so I could have gone on with my business..and why the sudden change in attitude? So..I lock myself out of my sisters-and Im on the phone with Kayla, and he calls-but I don't get the message or figure out that I had another call. STupid phone. So I call him again-and he says, well if you want to drive out here, then I guess I can talk to you for a little while. So, I do..and we talk for maybe 15 minutes. I tell him how I feel-and he is drunk, and tired-so he doesnt exactly say the things I want to hear-he doesnt say much really-he just sits there, but basically doesnt give me much hope for a future. I just don't understand..I told him how I felt though. Then, I go home-and Sunday he called and left a message saying he was sorry he didnt talk much, that he knew the face-to-face meeting was important to me. He doesnt want me to think badly of him-or to hate him (that is HARD), he is just confused and he doesn't want me to sit around waiting for him. Said he thinks the world of me-and thinks Im a wonderful girl. Anyway..thats!! |
from kissssy : |
Hmmmmm... God provides for you and punishes me in the same weekend. And, ~I~ even gave him a live sacrifice... Okay, that wasn't funny. Hope the weekend's been good to you! |
from elliemay23 : |
You could have just said you were eating German Potato Salad. They eat it warm. YUCK!! xoxo, Ellie |
from aliboomboom : |
I don't have AIM at work but I can't wait to use it at home. My screen name is not necessarily original either. Alialiboomboom is my nickname from college. We all played some drinking game that had nicknames involved and that was mine, it stuck. My friend Danielle got Danyschlongschlong though so mine isn't too bad. As for your full deposit, that's awesome. I always got like $10 back or something stupid like that. |
from avalonte : |
Hi. Just read some of your diary and wanted to let you know I was here. I like your layout. By the way, is there any reason why some of your entries are duplicated several times? Anyway, take care. Have a good weekend. |
from betchy : |
just being nosy, but is the tosha short for anything?? i really like it. |
from aliboomboom : |
I'm glad that you got your whole $150 back. I never got my full deposit back, ever. |
from betchy : |
hey, thanks for adding me!!! have a good weekend xxx |
from aliboomboom : |
What is your AIM screenname? I just got mine today. It's alialiboomboom. IM me. |
from krugerpak007 : |
Oh no. That is the most frustrating thing ever!!! Have a good weekend honey! xoxo Kathy |
from betchy : |
hi, nearly every one of my faves has you listed as a fave, so i decided to read you. i think your diary is lovely!! you seem like a really warm, nice person and i am going to add you to my faves. have a great day xxx |
from kissssy : |
LOL you have a pair too? I shouldn't be surprised. I mean... I can't be the only Walmart addict... |
from kissssy : |
You poor girl. Gosh, I hate feeling backstabbed. Betrayed. Taken advantage of. Whatever the feeling, I hate it. It's so frustrating when you trust someone with something and you suddenly see it on the evening news. Okay, so that's never happened, but close enough. I learned never to talk about someone behind their backs if you wouldn't say the same thing to their face. I have friends who would overhear me say "it was so impolite for so-and-so to come over without calling first" and within hours so-and-so wouldn't be talking to me anymore. People suck. |
from almost-grown : |
Thanks for the warm wishes. I've already bought a set of dishes and matching silverware for the apartment. And I put a new futon on layaway this morning. I'm definantly excited. I think Joe will come around soon enough, it should really help our relationship... |
from krugerpak007 : |
Of course it's crap when you think you can trust someone, spill your heart out, and then realise that you can't. At least it didn't cause much damage, and now you know that she can not be trusted. I am here to listen to you spill your heart out..and I promise you can trust me...:-) xoxo Kathy |
from aliboomboom : |
Yeah Alma and Ingrid are probably a lot alike. I don't know what is wrong with Ingrid. I think it just eats her up that I have never been envious of her once in my life. I have never wanted for anything that she has and I still can't. I could spend all my time being mad at her but I look at her and I think that it must be pretty sad to be her so I just feel sorry for her. Alma should have kept your secret. I'm sorry she didn't. |
from aliboomboom : |
Girls suck when it comes to secrets!! I'm sorry that Alma is the way that she is but just be the bigger person, doesn't it suck to always have to be the bigger person? |
from aliboomboom : |
I think that Griffin and I will find someone too but even if we don't, I'll have him and he'll have me and I guess that is enough. Oh and what I wouldn't give for a glass of red wine, yummy. |
from krugerpak007 : |
Amen! You DO have a life, and I love reading about it! We keep missing each other on MSN...xoxox Kathy |
from aliboomboom : |
Sounds like a great day? My idea day would be waking up and being thin again. I would be so thin and tan and I would have a beautiful baby with dark hair and tan skin and huge brown eyes. On my idea day I would have long light brown hair that hung down my back in perfect waves and caught every glimmer of light, it would swing from side to side and be the most gorgeous thing ever, I would also have the perfect legs and some wonderful high heels to wear. Oh and I would a white bikini that made me look like a Victoria Secret's Model and Griffin would be about a year old and he would say mama all the time and he would be so tan and would look almost European because of his big brown eyes, tan skin, and dark waves. He would run around in a white diaper and we would be somewhere in Belize. We would eat pancakes for breakfast, the big thick pancakes that only certain people can make and we would spend the rest of the day swimming in our pool that ran off into the blue ocean water. The house would be full of windows and open doors and the furniture would all be white and the breeze would blow our curtains. Griffin and I would play all day and build sandcastles and he would be happy and I would be happy and then at night we would sent by a huge bonfire with a beautiful man who loved Griffin as much as he loved me. And this man would be tall and strong and brave and he would have the same dark hair and dark eyes and people would mistake him for Griffin's father and they wouldn't be wrong because he would be the father that Griffin deserved. At night, he would kiss Griffin and hold him and tell him how wonderful he was and he would do the same for me and we would talk about how happy we were to find one another and then after putting Griffin to bed we would curl up and drink red wine and talk about our days and about life and then we would wake up and do it all over again. That would be my perfect day. Anyways back to reality, no we didn't get the bed restained yet. The crib doesn't have to be restained, the dresser does. I guess we'll do that after we paint the nursery and I think that my mom is starting that this weekend. I can't wait to see it come together! |
from feesticka : |
Could I copy and paste today's entry into my journal? Heheh. Just kidding, but I feel the same way about so many of the things that you mentioned. Hang in there!!! :-) |
from girlygirl83 : |
That's really sad. I'm gonna keep her in my thoughts and prayers. cancer is a scary and shitty thing. My grandpa had cancer and he had to get radiation. That was the wrost day of my life when he told me that he had to have radition. She's gona make it though. She sounds like a very strong woman.! |
from sweet-cynic : |
what a strong woman. i crumble just THINKING about it. *huggs* will keep her in my prayers. |
from krugerpak007 : |
Shame sweety. Amazing that after all that has happened to her, she still has a positive outlook. I wish we could all be like that. A close friend of mine lost her 16 year old to cancer last year. I went through that with her and am not sure how she lives with it. Obviously inside of us all there is an inner strebgth which perseveres. Anyway, honey my prayers are with you and her. Take care, and I hope you are having a good weekend. We should definately chat sometime. I added you to my MSN contacts. xoxo Kathy |
from krugerpak007 : |
Isn't this heat crazy? I am suffering at home. No air con,and that time of the month.. NOT a good combination. I am freaking out and ready to kill. Poor Trevor, and thank goodness its weekend, or some of my co-workers would probably be nursing some wounds...Anyway honey, its weekend! Have yourself a "cool" and good one! xoxox Kathy |
from aliboomboom : |
I thought that Griffin's pictures were pretty amazing too. I am glad that you enjoyed them. I am sure that they are the first of many to come. I just can't wait to see him!! |
from krugerpak007 : |
Yes, Kissy always knows what to say and how to make you feel good! I am glad you guys made up. Enjoy all the wedding preparations-its the best part-believe me! Have a great week! xoxo Kathy |
from aliboomboom : |
Ah you are having your shower on my due date. I just know that you are going to have a great time. Your brother in law sounds like a jerk, I am never marrying someone who doesn't love Griffin like he is their own. I feel sorry for Tania, I wish that your BIL wasn't so hostile towards her. I mean he could really step up and be a good father for her. That's sad. It really is. I'm glad that you are enjoying the pool. I can't wait to quit work so I can tan and swim. Two more weeks. Oh joy. |
from girlygirl83 : |
Hey girl, I'm sooo sorry that your mad at Micheal.I know how it feels to be mad. I hope that it all gets worked out! I hope that your family gets to be nicer to you. I know that your appartment is NOT trashy. I know that your house looks amazing. Don't listen to mean people! You rock! |
from sweet-cynic : |
haha i like what kissy said. |
from kissssy : |
Ohhhh, I've been there. You feel like you do everything for a man and he just sits there and soaks it up without repaying a damn thing. Ohhhh have I been there before! And, you get SO angry with him that eventually you cannot hold it in anymore and so you fight, getting kind of bitchy and yelling at him. That's when he tells you (even though you know it's not true) that he didn't even REALIZE you felt "taken advantage of" or whatever phrase you decide to use. Then, you eventually let that sink in and wonder if he really didn't know... and you feel bad for fighting with him. So, you apologize and give him a good night of unspeakable sex... And, he wins again. Doesn't he? Hmph. Lol... okay... Deep breath. Welcome to marriage (although early). |
from kris-tee : |
It's got to be a girl thing. I feel like I go out of my freaking way to do things with Brad too. I watched ALL THREE freaking Lord of the Rings, I am NOT a lord of the rings kind of girl. Why do I watch them? Because he loves them. If I want to watch a girly girl movie does he watch it with me? Nope. That is good that you realize you are on the bitchy side. I have been a super bitch lately too. Bed Rest is getting to me bad. |
from krugerpak007 : |
And yes, I want to mope with you because I am feeling fat and pissy too.:-( |
from krugerpak007 : |
Yes, men can be such idiots sometimes, I know. And parents-in-laws. The pits I tell you. But the good times utweight the bad times. (I think!) So cheer up sweety and hang in there.Feel better! Kathy |
from elliemay23 : |
Sorry you are having a bad evening. Hope it gets better. xoxo, Ellie |
from kissssy : |
Hussy. Hehe. Cute. Glad you had fun! Yes, aunts are the ones who are supposed to spoil the children. I don't think my nephews even remember what the word bedtime means at my house. "Have them in bed by 7:30, please." later... "Oh sh--!! It's already 11:45?? Bedtime!" Hope your weekend's good! |
from krugerpak007 : |
That entry put a smile on my face! Sounds like you girls had fun! take me with you next time? :-) xoxox Kathy |
from sweet-cynic : |
hahahahahah hussy. i love it. such a shame i didn't name skankass hussy instead. ah well. thank you for your warm thoughts... you're too good to me! wished i had an aunt i could be like that with growing up. you're being a godsend to Tania. |
from aliboomboom : |
Mary Kay parties are always fun. Tania sounds adorable. I think it's great that you spent some time with her doing girly stuff. Oh and you will totally turn her into a hussy if you don't watch out. That is one reason I am glad that I am having a boy. I only have one penis to worry about whereas I'd have a million to worry about if I were having a girl. |
from aliboomboom : |
I mean sure they can be shortened to Griff and Hud, I mean most two syllable names can be shortened but I don't think that anyone would shorten Hudson to Hud or Griffin to Griff. I could be wrong though. It's just that my name always got shortened to Ali and while that is okay for my friends and family, it drives me nuts when other people shorten it. And my brother has a gorgeous name but everyone shortens it to Zach instead of Zachary. I guess some names are jus more likely to be shortened. I think that Griffin and Hudson are pretty strong names, I don't think anyone would shorten them. I like James as the middle name and I think it works with both of them. Griffin James and Hudson James...What do you think? I am fond of Griffin too. I guess we'll see. I don't know what is wrong with my comments, I'll look into it. Thanks! |
from aliboomboom : |
I have my up days and down days. I am so mad at Mike most of the time that I can't see straight but I just have to deal with that. I do love the name Griffin but I so don't want it to be like the new in name and then my poor baby will have like fifteen other ones in his class. Yuck. I hate common names. Anyways I don't know about a middle name. What about Hudson for a first name? I like Griffin and Hudson because you can't short cut them. I hate nicknames. |
from girlygirl83 : |
Hey Tosha, I'm sure that your house looks beautiful. I'm sure it already is cute! It sucks to have to move and fix up your house and plan a wedding, but I'm sure that your doing a great job of it. I'm really glad that we've became such good friends! Oh and I think that you should take friday off! You totally deserve it! |
from neangel : |
phew thank goodness he got that spider. how scary! |
from krugerpak007 : |
You'll look back at all of these mishaps and laugh and shrug it off. Soon your house will be beautiful. beautiful and yours. Home sweet home! xoxoxo Kathy |
from feesticka : |
I'm glad that your house is working out so well for you. Your wedding will be here before you know it! |
from aliboomboom : |
Mike says that he is going to pay child support. We are going to determine an amount without going to court, hopefully. My mom said that there is no way that he can see the baby if he is not paying child support!! I'm glad my parents see things the same way I do. The bed is pretty, I just want to make sure it is safe!! I hope that the plan with Mike works. Keep your fingers crossed. |
from horseshoes : |
Wow! It sounds like you'll be able to get by without the oven! Brian hasn't seen the table yet but I finished it last night. It looks really cool. I outlined the ropes and the horsehoes with the gold metallic paint and it almost glows in the dark (really reflective). I'm really happy with it. Next project is a coffee table. I got an old potato box from my grandmother that's in excellent shape. I'm going to stain it and put an old saddle, bandannas, spurs and other western-y stuff in it then have a glass top made. The crate still has the old stamps on it too. I don't know what has come over me but I'm becoming this (western) crafty dork! Sounds like you are finally getting settled at your new house. Congrat's! It's a long process but feels pretty good when it is all said and done. Well gotta go! Happy grilling! Sara |
from aliboomboom : |
I'm trying not to worry but I just have so much animosity towards Mike right now. He's acting like such a loser. I don't know what to do. It's one thing if a guy rejects me but when he starts acting as if he is rejecting my child, well that pisses me off. |
from aliboomboom : |
Don't worry, all brides feel that way. You only have four months till the big event. It's totally normal. You do have a lot going on. Just take things one day at a time. It'll be great. |
from rdhdprincess : |
Hey Princess! I have one of those pools! Great for playing and lounging in the summer. The upkeep is pretty easy too. Have fun, and don't feel bad for not wanting everyone and their kids in it. People don't always treat other people's things like they should. Take care! cj |
from horseshoes : |
Brian and I got a cheap toaster oven and a grill to get us by untill we had the room for an oven! It all works out pretty good! I hope this is the last victim from your move! Happy decorating! |
from kissssy : |
Oh my. I've never heard of men being THAT worried of shrinkage... |
from aliboomboom : |
It is a huge relief that my parents know. They are shocked and probably a little hurt but they think that I did the right thing and I'm sure that they'll be super supportive in the end. My dad is great as is my brother. My sister is evil and my mother is a little down but at least I finally opened up to someone about it. I don't know what is wrong with my sister. I just can't imagine ever acting that way. I'm done trying though. I apologized for what I did and she choose not to accept it. I don't know why I bother sometimes. I really don't. Can she really be jealous of a baby? That's pretty fucking sick. |
from krugerpak007 : |
No, it's not ugly of you at all. I am exactly the same. Sometimes you just want your privacy with out having to share everything with everyone, and with out having everyone know exactly what you have and what you don't have. Am I making sense? It is definately not ugly though. I am sure there are lots of us who can relate. I think it is just important to learn how to be assertive. It does not necessarily mean one has to be agressive or nasty about it, just be assertive and let them know what you are prepared to take and not to take. Hugs! Kathy |
from aliboomboom : |
That does suck that you have to worry about your mother in law taking advantage of you. How sad. I don't think that it's wrong of you at all, just tell her. It's kind of the same with my sister. I have to worry about anything good happening to me because she'll just find a way to ruin it. |
from aliboomboom : |
I'm glad that you got rid of the chickens!! Lawn ornaments are just awful. |
from rdhdprincess : |
No more chickens! Yay! Have a good weekend dear. Relax! Do I know where you are in Texas> Are you close to me? |
from krugerpak007 : |
Yey! The chickens are gone......Yey! |
from elliemay23 : |
Hey there. Thanks for the nice comment. I saw that Oprah too. It sickens me to think that people do that. I'd love to start reading your journal. Come visit our new review site... Thanks again, Ellie |
from sweet-cynic : |
what a cute kid! |
from kissssy : |
Well. Hm. Okay. I'm not surprised you had something to complain about where inlaws are concerned. They're inlaws. My inlaws are almost as perfect as they can get, and I STILL have things to complain about most of the time lol. Hang in there. It gets easier once you... Um. Hm. Okay, it doesn't. But, you'll learn to ignore them and not care anymore! |
from aliboomboom : |
That sucks about cable. I'll try to keep you updated. I'll start with this week's episode. Frankie's family came to visit. She has a little sister named Mamie who dresses wierd like Frankie does. She's odd. Their mother is normal though as is their stepfather. Anyways Frankie makes a big scene and says she wants to leave but she can't because her mom will be disappointed. Her mom says that she shouldn't have signed up for something that she couldn't complete. She was mostly upset because Dave's band was playing on Halloween and she couldn't be there. It was awful for her because that's her holiday. She's an idiot. So then she called the producer and said she has to go home for good or at least till she can get her bearings. It's horrible. I can't stand her. I hope she leaves for good. I don't know if she does or not though because I haven't heard anything about a replacement and they usually replace cast members. Jamie's mom came to visit too but that wasn't very interesting. Her mom barely speaks English so it didn't make for good tv. RR won the Inferno. They always do. Katie actually helped them win so that was good. I like Katie. The reunion is on Monday. I hope you have cable by then. Oh and Mike hasn't called today so I might have spoken too soon. We'll see. |
from krugerpak007 : |
Hang in there...Everything will come together. ignore the in-laws. As much as they can drive you crazy, they are always there to help. I moan and moan but I don't know what we would do without them. Take care sweetie! Kathy |
from kissssy : |
Oh, I don't envy the complete apartment cleaning. No matter how well you clean it, it'll never be good enough. They'll find something to complain about. Something to charge you for. I've been through that 3 times now and ugh! I hate apartment managers. Hopefully it's better where you're at! Good luck with all that!! |
from beautyx3 : |
Moving IS hell. I'm getting ready to move this thursday. I don't have that much stuff but it still is a pain. I've moved about twenty times in my life, so you would think I'd be used to it, but it never gets any easier. |
from aliboomboom : |
You didn't make me feel bad. I appreciate the honesty. I know people think negative thoughts about me all the time. I wish that they would all finally understand where I am coming from. I am glad that you do. |
from aliboomboom : |
Thanks for being honest. I am sure that most people have negative thoughts of me but I am just trying to express my thoughts about the whole thing. I can't help but feel the things that I feel. A lot of people are frustrated with me and I can't help that. I wish I could be happy, I really do. I am trying to not let this break my spirit but most of the time it feels as if it will. I can't help that. I am glad that my entry gave you some insight. I hope that you can continue to read and give me support, it's really the only thing that gets me through. |
from feesticka : |
Hey there! Your note sent a wave of panic over me; images of boxes of clutter and useless crap filled my head! Heheh. I'm definitely going to take your advice. I started going through my stuff this weekend, and hopefully will start to pack this week. Isn't it amazing how much crap two people can stuff into a 900sf apartment? At any rate, I hope you get settled in quickly. Best of luck! |
from easyreviews : |
Hey! Have you heard of Easy Reviews? We need people to request reviews... How 'bout it? Are you up for it? Easy Reviews Staff |
from aliboomboom : |
I'm glad that things are coming together. I always realize that I have far too much stuff when I move too. I collect junk. It's amazing the stuff that we accumulate without even meaning to. |
from krugerpak007 : |
Oy, sorry about all those hassles...but I told you it would start looking and feeling like home. just take your time, and remember also that a change is as good as a holiday..If the green irritates you so much is there anyway that you could repaint, or is that too much work? Anyway good luck with everything! Kathy |
from sweet-cynic : |
i know what you mean by it feeling like home now.. even if things are in boxes and not everything is fixed.. all your stuff is there! when i cleaned the empty apartment, i felt sooo depressed because it didnt feel likehome anymore and it felt like i was cleaning a place that isn't mine.. why would i do that? anyway. good luck, the end is near! |
from kissssy : |
Oh, moving's so exciting! It's tough, but exciting! I'm thrilled for you (even if you're not right now because you're so worn out...). Glad things are going okay with the new place! Good luck with unpacking! Sorry I haven't stayed caught up too well lately... lol Zack seems to think my day should revolve around him now ;) |
from sweet-cynic : |
i feel you dude |
from shadyslayer : |
yeah, it was a demonstration. they should've worked. (the pictures) |
from feesticka : |
Hey there! Glad to hear that your move in is going well. Hopefully I'll have as much luck as you did next month. As it stands, our new place doesn't have an air conditioner either, which I'm also worried about because I think its a basic necessity. Hope things don't get too hot for ya! |
from aliboomboom : |
Wow, I can't believe I have written that many entries. I remember doubting that I would ever make it to 100. Oh well. I guess on Monday, I'll write my 200th entry. I hope that your weekend is good also!! |
from krugerpak007 : |
Try take it easy and feel better, you still have time to unpack things...Just take care of yourself too! |
from aliboomboom : |
It'll be so worth it in the end!! The hard part is almost over!! Try and stay positive. Oh and about the air conditioner, that sucks. Good luck on that. I would die without it. |
from aliboomboom : |
Thanks for the compliment, that is sweet. I never feel pretty anymore but hopefully I will again someday. I hpoe that the whole moving process is getting better!! Oh and you are right, I am a total picture fanatic. What I wouldn't do to go back in time to all of my wonderful memories. |
from aliboomboom : |
Moving sucks but it's worth it in the end!! Keep thinking about the end and it'll get you through this part! |
from krugerpak007 : |
Mother-in-laws.... Get used to it honey, it doesn't ever stop! But you are not alone! I think the house sounds cute and you will make it home once you move in and your views will change... xoxox Kathy |
from kris-tee : |
I was just getting ready to note you, when you left me a note! Anyway, boy do I understand where you are coming from with your fianc�. You two sound like Brad and I SO much. You sound exactly like me. I told Brad the other day, I feel like a robot. I go to work, I come home, I do laundry, I clean the kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom, I make dinner, I clean dinner up, then I go to bed. Then I will come home and Brad will be at work and he will have left glasses on the table, candy wrappers, it gets so frustrating. I�m like, WHY can�t you just throw this stuff away? Or put your glass in the dishwasher. And you know, it�s little things he could do too, like TURN ON THE DISHWASHER, or EMPTY the dishwasher. Or RUN the vacuum. Our ice maker broke about a month ago and the fridge is kind of old and we don�t want to replace any big appliances, because we plan on moving in a few years and when we move we want that house to have all new appliances, so anyway, we just went out and bought ice trays. Yeah, I think Brad filled them up and emptied them maybe ONE time. One freaking time. Little things like that would be such a help. Brad does not sit on the computer, he plays play station like there is no tomorrow. He plays it and plays it and plays it. He is so addicted to it. I mean, really though, it MUST be nice to just come home from work and not have to worry about doing a damn thing except playing play station. Then on Saturday, he goes and plays baseball from 12 to 7pm. I mean, I�m glad he went and all, but seriously, it must be nice to know you can do that all day on Saturday and know the house is going to be clean and nice. If I did that, I would have to know I would be cleaning all day on Sunday. As for painting, I learned my lesson on that one. Not only is he sloppy and messy and acts like a two year old the entire time, he does a terrible job and then he blames it on the paint or the wall, it�s never his fault. Never. That�s why we had our mom�s come and paint the baby�s room. I�m dying for our room to be painted, but who knows when that will get done, I am sure I�ll end up doing it myself. |
from aliboomboom : |
Griffin is very photogenic in his ultrasound pictures. I think that he is by far the most beautiful ultrasound that I have ever seen. J/K. It is pretty neat though and the pictures have little arrows on them telling you what everything is. Very neat. Ian may not be as cute as the other boys but he was the one who had my heart. I will try and do the pictures tonight. It involves going through the Ian box though and that might break me. I'm not in a stable place these days. I am getting so anxious about telling my parents. I don't know what to do. I only have twelve weeks left and they really need to know. I keep rewriting the letter to them. There is just no words to describe what I need to say. I know how packing goes, it sucks. I had to miss work on Friday so I don't get paid for that. It sucks. Wouldn't it be nice if we only had to work four days a week instead of five? |
from aliboomboom : |
I'm impatient too but I don't have any Ian pictures with me right now. They are all at home. I might scan the baby's pictures tonight too. I don't know what you would be able to see but I do have some ultrasound pictures. Packing sucks, I don't envy you that at all. I hate the packing and the unpacking, it always reminds me just how much crap I have. |
from aliboomboom : |
Good things come to those who wait...Ian will be posted tomorrow. I need to upload the pictures!! |
from aliboomboom : |
I'm glad that you got the paining done. I hate painting too. I suck at it. Oh well. Everyone likes the second one better but I just don't know. I like them both so much. I think Faith is afraid of leaving him. He went psycho on his first wife and she doesn't feel like she has anywhere else to go. It's very sad. |
from horseshoes : |
A tip for your painting on paneling. There is a primer that you are sopposed to put on first. You could get it at walmart. I've painted ALOT of paneling. It works really well and doesn't chip off. Another thing you can do is run sandpaper over it to rough up the texture a little bit then it should stick too. But I would deffinitley take the primer route it's easy and inexpensive! Good Luck! (_)HORSESHOES |
from aliboomboom : |
I don't know what is going on with Mike, he's a guy so there's no telling. He called me every single night when we were dating. He would even call me at a certain time if I asked him too. He might have missed one night the whole time we were "together". He has the best intentions or at least it always seems like he does but the follow through appears to be hard for him. I don't know why guys find it so hard to follow through with what they say they'll do. I talked to him yesterday afternoon and he said he would call me when he got off work last night and he didn't and he didn't call today and I doubt he'll call tomorrow. He said he might try and tell his parents by the end of the weekend and you'd think if he did that then he would call. You'd think he'd want to talk about it before he did it. I am going to tell them soon. I have to. I am just so scared of reality setting in. It doesn't seem real until they know but there is only twelve weeks of being pregnant left and that's not long to adjust or prepare. I wish I had told them forever ago when I found out but I didn't and I can't have regrets now. It was the best decision at the time. You are right though, it's easier for them to ignore the changes because they see me all the time. I thought that there were pictures of me waist down since the pregnancy but I guess the closest one is the one of me and Ingrid at Nicole's wedding. I might have to start posting a picture of my fat stomach every month for the last three months. How embarrassing would that be. Tomorrow I am going to see if I can scan Griffin's ultrasound and upload it on Monday when I do the pregnancy update. I can't believe Michael is making a Taco Bell run this late, I guess I've done it a million times but I have always been wasted. I love Taco Bell though. Anyways I have to go to bed too, church starts early in the morning and I want to lay out in the afternoon. Let me know how to do instant messenger sometime, it would be fun to chat!! Good night!! |
from aliboomboom : |
I downloaded a ton of pictures. I am obsessed with the scanner tonight. Plus Mike isn't calling like he was supposed to. Actually he was supposed to call me last night but he neglected to do that and he hasn't called today either. I downloaded a ton of pictures from college, some from high school and some of Ian and me. I am going to devote a whole section to pictures. I think I'll put some up on Monday. I am going to do a section of birthday pictures, halloween pictures, boyfriend pictures, friend pictures and so on and so forth. Thanks for the compliments on thes ones that I posted tonight. They are so sweet. How fat do I look though? Wouldn't you think it would be so obvious to tell that I am pregnant? I can't believe my own mother hasn't figured it out yet. |
from aliboomboom : |
I am online right now. I was downloading more pictures. I don't have instant messenger but I think my brother does. I have no idea how to work it. I am at my mom and dad's house right now. |
from aliboomboom : |
I'm glad I could help. I guess we'll never understand how a man's mind works but it definately works differently then ours. For one thing, they cannot multitask at all which is probably why Michael has not done anything to eliminate the pile of crap right underneath his nose. Girls are definately better at getting more than one thing done at a time. As for the paneling, I have no idea but I hope it works out and you're right the colors will look great!! I hope that you get everything done soon!! Do one thing at a time, it should help! |
from aliboomboom : |
Just remember that any problem that can be solved by money isn't really a problem after all. My mom has been telling us that our whole lives and in a way it's true. There are so many things more important than money and you are right as long as you and Michael are together, things will be fine. I believe that wholeheartedly. He's probably under a lot of stress right now too and you know that men are not good with expressing that emotion. He probably wishes that he could take care of everything and it probably saddens him that he can't. Give it some time, everything will work itself out!! |
from girlygirl83 : |
Hey girlie~ Wow, you do have alot of stuff to do. That's insane. I would come be your personal assistant! haha. I have to unpack and get cable too! I have alot to do as well, but I just keep putting it off. I hope that you have a good weekend this weekend! |
from sweet-cynic : |
oh man- you made me even more pooped just reading that. good luck with it all- got packing and setting up utilitizes on my long list as well. good luck with it all! |
from rdhdprincess : |
Yes, the list made me tired just reading it! Try to get some rest, too, dear! Everything will work out just beautifully! We don't want you having big, dark circles under your eyes and falling asleep at the alter! ha! Mwah! |
from aliboomboom : |
Wouldn't it be nice if we all had personal assistants? Then they could do all the shit that we don't want to. Ah what I wouldn't give to be famous. They have it so easy. |
from aliboomboom : |
I like that shirt too. I do feel a little better but Ingrid's been attacking me all day so that isn't helping my mood or frame of mind. I am sorry to hear about the car. Maintenance is so annoying. I'm sure mine will fall apart any day now. |
from girlygirl83 : |
Hey! I just wanted to say hey, and that I really miss talking to you! Today i went out to b reakfast and I saw agirl that remined me of you. Keep in touch ok? I really don't wanna lose you as a friend. How's your wedding going? |
from aliboomboom : |
Death is definatley a bittersweet thing. It's hard for us because they are leaving us but at the same time they are going to be with our maker and that is the most beautiful thing ever. It's hard to feel okay about it when it happens to a child though. I can't imagine what we would all do if Jewel were to die. She's the same age as Kaya and she has made such an impact on all our lives. It's just so sad that this little girl never got a chance but then again if you never get the chance to screw up then you never will. It's almost beautiful that she'll get to be with Jesus and not have to learn the real ways of the world. |
from aliboomboom : |
The baby's development is pretty neat. He's been moving like crazy for weeks now. I try to update about that once a week because it's pretty interesting. I'm sorry Michael disappointed you this weekend while your mom was here. Boys are good about doing that sometimes. I hope that you have a great week and I'm glad you like the ponchos! |
from alwaysaroura : |
Things are pretty great right now. It's amazing how much things change once you get engaged. I am so thrilled with the fact that I am spending the rest of my life with this man. I am sure you feel the same way about Michael. I am planning on doing better with the updating and notes thing. Taylor finally has our computer system hooked up and I am thrilled with that. We've just been so busy with the two big moves and all. I hope that your weekend was good. I'm off to mass. |
from alwaysaroura : |
I've been keeping up with your diary, Alexia gave me the password, hope you don't mind. I just wanted you to know that I think you are great. I love reading your stories, they are so funny sometimes. I also know that you have been very kind to Lexi and that makes me happy. She needs support and love right now. She'll be a great mom. She just has to get to that point. Anyways keep it up, I love reading. |
from krugerpak007 : |
Ok, I am finally catching up... I hope your dentist appointment went ok, and the pain relieved a bit. Tooth ache is the pits. Take care and thanks for your note. |
from aliboomboom : |
Beer is not the enemy!! Just kidding. When I was in college, I used to stay up and drink beer and forget all about reality until I got up the next day. Hangovers are terrible and drinking beer before getting up early is not fun either. Save the booze for the weekend, it'll be more fun if you hold off until Friday night! |
from aliboomboom : |
Thanks for adding the notes link, it makes things so much easier!! I am glad that things worked out for you and your ex best friend. I hope that Michelle takes things for what they are worth but you never know. Her husband, Brandon, dated my best friend Renee when we were in high school and I was not very nice to him. He is a loser after all. Anyways I hope he doesn't influence anything. We'll see. |
from krugerpak007 : |
Thanks so much for your note. Please email me your password: [email protected] Thanks, and take care. Kathy |
from aliboomboom : |
Okay your journal needs a notes link. I can't leave you a note without going to my buddy list and then going to your profile. I just wanted to suggest it in case I am just missing it or in case you forgot about it. Anyways I think that you are right about the wedding thing. I think that they should definately respect the fact that you picked first. I mean couldn't they wait one week? |
from kissssy : |
Oh that sucks that camping didn't turn out quite like expected. Weather just seems to ruin everything... :\ Sorry to hear you feel so taken advantage of. In laws were designed to annoy, I think. The good news is... once you get into that house, you don't really have to wait on them for anything else! Hugs. |
from aliboomboom : |
I'm sorry Mystic tan didn't work for you. I've heard mixed reviews on it. Oh well. Hope the rest of the weekend was better. Oh and thanks for your comments on the last name thing, I think I am going to go with your mom and give him mine. It's what I want and at this point, I could care less what Michael wants. |
from kris-tee : |
Thank you for your note. I have been meaning to email you for your password by the way! |
from science-boy : |
The hair thing is funny. My Bride and I were joking a while ago that I am completely covered in the hair department (other people's, not mine - not enough to cover): My Bride has long dark hair, with auburn highlights; The Goose has long blonde hair. Not that I would do that, but... : - ) Have a great day sweetie! s-b |
from aliboomboom : |
I'm glad that you think the letter is okay. Let me know if you think of anything for me to add. Thanks for your support and understanding. I am so glad to hear that you had a relaxing weekend! |
from kissssy : |
Just seeing how you're doing :) Things have calmed down a bit here finally. Hugs! |
from kissssy : |
Actually... I was... LOL. Glad it works as an excuse! Sorry I missed your birthday!! HAPPPPPPY 21SSSSSTTTT!!!! Love ya!!! |
from girlygirl83 : |
Hey~ I sooo know, when i turn 21 I'm gonna be all about going out to eat and trying all of those yummy drinks! I wanna try wine, and bear, and all of 'em good mixed drinks! It isn't fair that you get to turn 21 before me:) When I come to TX we'll definatly have to go out and get some drinks!!!!!! I hope that you have a great week! |
from aliboomboom : |
I can't wait for One Tree Hill. Brooke's pregnant but the commercials say the father might not be who we think...who else would it be though? As for Real World, Frankie goes out with some scary boys. Real scary, that is all I have to say about that. |
from aliboomboom : |
I don't know anything about babies either. I guess I'll have to learn and you're right, hopefully by the time that you have one, I'll know everything. I guess I'll rely on the advice of others until then. I like the new template by the way! |
from feesticka : |
Thanks for the note! I'm starting to feel better *uggh*. I'm glad to hear that your birthday went well. |
from aliboomboom : |
Being 21 is wonderful, just make sure and enjoy it. I did. It sounds like y'all had a great time and I am so glad. As for Mike, I feel a little better but we slept together and that makes things all weird. I don't know. I think we are just going to have to figure things out one day at a time. I don't know where we go from here. |
from aliboomboom : |
Happy Belated Birthday! I hope it was fun! I also wanted to ask you for your password, I must have forgotten it. Email it to me when you get the chance! |
from beautyx3 : |
HAPPY 21ST!!! Being 21 is soooooooooo much fun, and it only gets better!!! Glad to hear you had a good b-day. |
from sweet-cynic : |
HAPPY 21ST!!!... sigh. i, myself have to wait till this summer. |
from rdhdprincess : |
No no no no no! You're locked! I'm worried sweetie, password please? |
from aliboomboom : |
I wouldn't worry about alcoholism yet, however if you continue to drink alone, you might want to consider AA. :) I can't believe your man didn't stay up to taste the jello shots!! We used to have huge parties in college and we'd make about 500-1000 jello shots and we'd get so drunk the night before the party that by the time the party rolled around, we were still wasted. Ah college days, they really were the glory days! |
from kissssy : |
Some people really don't get it. You try and you try and they still don't get it. They never get it. They can't get it. And, those people have lopsided butts. Love ya! Thanks for the password! |
from kissssy : |
"Cousins are like pickles. You don't run into them everyday, but when you do... you're left with a bad aftertaste." |
from aliboomboom : |
I am so sorry to hear that things are going poorly in your family. I wish that you and your cousin were closer. That would make me happy. I think it's sad that she holds a grudge. As for me, thanks for the note. I guess things are looking up. I just don't want to get my hopes up and then have it all fall again. He might panic, we never know...We'll see. I'll keep you in my prayers and you keep praying for me too, deal? |
from horseshoes : |
I'm glad to here that your grandmother is doing well! Those circumstances are always very scarey. I hope she has a speedy recovery |
from girlygirl83 : |
Hey Girlie~~~ I just love you and your diary. I know that you would never hurt anyone. You're just tooo sweet to do that. I hope that everything works out for you! I don't want you to move at all. If you do though, I understand. |
from aliboomboom : |
I can't believe someone found you. Doesn't it feel just creepy? I agree, it's all about anonymity here. Anyways I am so glad to hear that your grandma is doing well. I will continue to keep her in my prayers. |
from kissssy : |
Worried. Very worried. We need to hear from you asap, girl. Lots of hugs and kisses sent your way!!! Love ya! |
from neangel : |
hun what happened? are you okay? you're all locked up... :( happy easter & I hope all is well |
from krugerpak007 : |
Enjoy all the wedding preparations. Thats one of the most exciting parts. It may seem scary and stressful but just enjoy every second!Take care! Kathy |
from kissssy : |
Gasp!! I haven't been called a snob since high school!! Hehehe, sigh. That brought back memories (sad, huh?). I'm going to take pictures of the room when we get all the boxes and styrofoam outta there... Right now it looks like... well... like my room... I guess I missed reading the note or something until I went back and scanned old notes today.. but you said something about a star rug? Where??? Good luck on the Easter trip! Drive safe, try not to miss Michael too much, and don't neglect Lissy. She always seems to get depressed when she goes through a few days of a Tosha withdrawl ;) You have my # if you can't get on a computer. Your grandmother's in my prayers! I'm keeping my fingers (and toes, and eyes) crossed throughout the whole weekend in hopes that everything runs smoothly! I just know it will! Love ya tons, girl! |
from feesticka : |
Yikes! I forgot that you were going to be with your grandma for her surgery. I hope all goes well for her, and for you. Hang in there! |
from feesticka : |
Thanks for your sweet note, and Happy Easter to you too! Have a good trip! |
from starlight42 : |
found you through another diary I read. Just wanted to say I love your design and good luck with your wedding! |
from neangel : |
thanks for the note! I certainly dope that sugardaddy is not hiding out there. let me fill ya in in case you missed it. he's a guy i know from work in this late late 40's. no sexual attraction on my half & certainly no hope for any type of sexual relationship - he knows this and if he still wants to buy me stuff and take care of me then that is fine by me. but if he wants to take me clothes shopping & get my hair done etc he can do that on his own time - not when i am with my girls! ;-) i'll have a few drinks for you & even gamble a buck in your honour! Have a happy easter hunee bunny! |
from aliboomboom : |
I am so glad that you are happy with the minister regardless of his size!! You should go to premarital counseling, I heard that it does wonders. You are required to go in GA and TN. It's a good time to talk about things that you guys might have never thought about anyways just an opinion, it couldn't hurt anything and it might help. As for your grandma, she'll be fine and I'm sure that you'll take the higher road and be nice to your cousin. Michael will be fine too, distance after all makes the heart grow fonder. Have a great Easter and I'll keep you and your family in my prayers!! |
from krugerpak007 : |
Thinking of you and your grandma. Take care honey. xoxox Kathy |
from kris-tee : |
Yeah, were gonna keep her. It's just so hard. I think we need to work with her more. I might even go and get some books tonight. |
from kris-tee : |
hahaha! Your diary cracks me up! I like the comment to Michael about the shop lifter, "What was he trying to steal grass or what?" That made me laugh out loud! Oh, I added you as a favorite too! |
from aliboomboom : |
The dancing hippo is hilarious!! I am glad that you are looking forward to the weekend. I wish I were. Anyways sorry I haven't had a chance to email you lately but I will soon!! I hope that the pillows come out well and I will keep your grandma in my prayers!! Be strong! |
from rdhdprincess : |
Ha! You make me laugh! Maybe a little pillow making break from wedding-wedding-wedding and packing-packing-packing will refresh and renew you! Ha! So, are you drinking right now as you're reading this?? |
from kissssy : |
Nope... dashing for clothes is impossible now. I've even been reduced to wrapping a towel around myself. I don't get to celebrate my 21st in a special way... I'll be breastfeeding *sigh*. So, celebrate twice as hard for me, k? |
from krugerpak007 : |
Things can only get better from here. I hope they improve ASAP. Take care! Kathy |
from beautyx3 : |
I hope the rest of your week goes better. My prayers go out to you and your grandma. --Thanks for the note. I know I shouldn't think like this but I love hearing that C.J.'s ex cheated on him, because now I'll be known as the "good girlfriend". I feel like I've been in compettion with her and now I won. |
from rdhdprincess : |
Oh Honey. You've sure got your 3 this week, all should be good from now on. I hope so! Hope your Grandma does well, too. I'm thinking good thoughts for you! And um, get some rest! I know you are so busy, but find a little time, just for you. |
from kissssy : |
Sigh. Not a good week for anyone! Ugh! Okay, I'm tired of this. From now on, our days are to be filled with ribbons, glitter, and ponies. To hell with adulthood ;) |
from girlygirl83 : |
Hey girlie! I'm sorry that your grandma is sick and has to have an operation. That sucks that Micheal can't be with you. His work is really mean. I hope that it all works out. You're too sweet of a girl to be upset. You deffinatly don't deserve bad things happening to you. IM me if you want to. |
from sweet-cynic : |
haha that's adorable. |
from krugerpak007 : |
Michael sounds like such a sweetie! Take care! Kathy |
from aliboomboom : |
If men are good for anything then it's laughs. They tend to crack me up too. Anyways glad to hear you had a good day yesterday. |
from kissssy : |
Oh, how I'm dying to fly down there after Easter and be there with you through all of that. Easter's a hard time for me and I would give anything for it not to be that way for you. It's wonderful that Michael's your security. I understand that fully and can relate 100%. But, you'll be strong. I know it. I've gotten to know a lot about you lately (how can you not when you read someone's private thoughts on a daily basis) and I know that if anyone can handle the stresses this Easter will bring, it's you. You're one of the strongest people I know. And, you have my number. I know it won't replace Michael being there with you, but I'm always just a simple phone call away. Stay safe! Love ya! |
from aliboomboom : |
Things may be easier when Michael is there but find your strength within!! You are a strong woman and it will be good for you to know that you can handle things alone. I heard a quote once that said "May your love for each other always be greater than your need for each other." It kind of applies here. You need to prove to yourself that you can handle things on your own too. We never know what tomorrow holds. As for his brown eyes, I love brown eyes boys. Ian's were blue and everyone would go on and on about how he had the most beautiful blue eyes and well they were stunning for blue eyes but at the same time I just couldn't get lost in them the way that I can in big, brown puppy dog eyes. I hope that Griffin has brown eyes, I am sure he will!! Fingers crossed!! Oh and you, your grandmother, and your family will be in my prayers. |
from kris-tee : |
Ew! No one rights directions in the invitations! What the heck are they talking about?? Every wedding I've been to (including mine) in the past year, after the ceremony, they usually pass out a slip of paper with directions. I mean really, who wants directions printed on the invitations? Or even the name? It always says, reception will follow. *sigh* Inlaws..... |
from aliboomboom : |
I have already addressed your rude in laws in an email but I agree with you, their behavior is disgusting. As for the neighbor, how sweet, I just love old people! |
from science-boy : |
Having the confidence to stand up to your parents on issues that are really important doesn't happen, for most people I've seen, until your late 20's or early 30's. It's just so hard to risk that sense of alienation. But, the parents won't alienate (I hope). Talk to him and let him know that you are being made uncomfortable by their comments and actions and if he doesn't come to your aid, then they are fair game and you will fire at will. My mom and My Bride were not getting along and I stepped in and said, OK babies, just work it out and shut up if you can't get along. The other option is limited contact. Which would he prefer? It's worth a shot. Have a great day! s-b |
from feesticka : |
Sometime's you've just got to put your foot down with your in-laws. The old saying, "give them an inch and they'll take a mile" often applies with mine! It's YOUR wedding. Do what YOU want to do. |
from almost-grown : |
hey dont leave me hanging... whats the answer? lol |
from aliboomboom : |
I was disappointed to learn there was no new Real World last night too. I guess the new episodes will start again next week. They were supposed to have one where Frankie and Robin got into it last night. I don't like either of them so that would have been interesting. Did you watch High School reunion on Sunday though? It's so good. Those people really need to grow up and forget about high school. I mean come on. I look back at the guys I dated in high school and I'm like "dear God what was I thinking?" I can't believe that some people look at their high school crushes and think that those guys were the loves of their lives. Pathetic. Shouldn't those girls have changed a little since high school? It's sad. I miss One Tree Hill but there will be new episodes soon. As for the Inferno, how hot is Timmy? I just love him. |
from aliboomboom : |
I always leave my makeup at work so then I have to look like shit for an hour before I have time to escape to the bathroom to "put on my war paint". I hope that the week gets better, just think Friday is two days away!! |
from aliboomboom : |
I can't stand to watch kids be ignored or neglected either. I think it's great that you have taken to the kids and that you want to be supportive and active in their lives. It probably means a lot to her, it's always good to have a positive role model. Way to go, you'll be an excellent mother one day! |
from feesticka : |
I think its great that you're being such a positive influence in Tonia's life. Spending time with someone like that can be very rewarding for both people. |
from beautyx3 : |
3/19- I had just gotten the first hints of an allergy attack coming on this weekend but dismissed it because I thought there was no way my allergies could be acting up already! But you've reminded me that tis' the season and my dreaded allergies are coming. NOT looking foward to it. |
from kissssy : |
Oh yuck! I'm so glad allergy season up here isn't for another month or so. Hope you feel better... take Sudafed and lots of it! Hugs! |
from lilbobo : |
lovin ur template...good diary too (",) |
from almost-grown : |
hope you feel better! |
from aliboomboom : |
Men just don't get it sometimes, do they? I wish I could make him go away too but I guess the past will always come back to haunt us. I hope that your weekend is very fun and relaxing and I hope that you appreciate that 85 degree weather because I am dying for it here!! |
from aliboomboom : |
85 degrees, huh? I am so jealous!! |
from science-boy : |
Would you like anything with that? Potato? Salad? Rice pilaf? Mango chutney? What the hell is chutney? Sounds like some dianty english guy. Ah, Chutney, do be a dear and fix us a drink, would you? I don't know how cute I am, but I know you are as cute and sweet as a bag full of cute and sweet things! Have a great day! s-b |
from kissssy : |
Ohhh congrats on the loan!! :) I'm so psyched for you!! Oh, and congrats on your next entry being #200 ;) (I notice odd things like that...) |
from rdhdprincess : |
Yay!~ I shall uncross everything now. It sounds like you are going to have a great time buying everything today. What fun! Did I hear you mention a tiara?? Even better! Have fun dear! |
from almost-grown : |
yay for wedding loans! i also LOVE the darker pink colors that are almost reddish... VERY pretty. |
from rdhdprincess : |
Ok, I will keep my fingers crossed for your wedding loan, and you keep yours crossed for my adoption loan! Deal? I don't know how I missed that show! Have to see it, I am such a reality tv junkie. You know, K watches wrestling every Monday night from 8 to 10, too! So, Monday nights are my time, as well. It's nice! |
from beautyx3 : |
Thanks for being mad with me! It's always easier when people are mad with you instead of feeling sorry for you. It gives me confidence in my decisions. This day is not going so well but hopefully it will get better. Tonight I'm not drinking a whole lot, I have to work the next day, but the real celebration begins on wednesday, and I will definetly have a few drinks for you then! |
from science-boy : |
You rock!! I will keep an eye out for the crack! And I will run!! |
from kissssy : |
9 months? Daaang, my Hannibal only lasted about 6 months, which is an awful long time for them. Supposedly, they don't live more than a few months. I guess they can see their own reflection in their fish bowl and it stresses them out since they crave to attack everthing. But, you win. I've never had a fish play dead. At least, I hope he wasn't playing... |
from almost-grown : |
yeah 9 months is a while. poor fishy. |
from alwaysaroura : |
Yes, fiance is definately going to take me a while to get used to. I like it though, it has a nice ring to it. I enjoy being his fiance. It's good to know that I am not the only one who has a hard time adjusting!! Have a super weekend and good luck with the bats! |
from kissssy : |
Ohhhh, you definitely know how to make a girl cry! Why oh why can't you 2 live nearby? Wisconsin's not ~that~ different than Texas. You'd only freeze a little ;) Go ahead and steal the man survey! I had a lot of fun filling it out (until I reached the point where I started to wonder if I'm really that good to him...) Hope your day's going to be as good as mine! I finally get Jason back tonight! And, I'm sure you're thrilled because I won't be whining for at LEAST the weekend ;) Love ya!! |
from feesticka : |
I found your diary through kissssy, and I really enjoyed the few entries that I've read. I hope your bat problem goes away. Kudos to you for taking charge of the situation! :-) |
from kissssy : |
I'm going to try and pretend I'm really sympathetic over your bat issue right now, okay? But, it's going to be reeeeally hard being I have a stupid grin on my face imagining you and Michael freaking over a little furry thing that was probably twice as terrified as you! Hehehe. Maybe you should call animal control and have them come over to investigate the origin of these little flying mice. Orrrrr, stop tossing the bat out in the hallway where he can fly back in ;) Hehehe! You're just too cute! Love ya! |
from almost-grown : |
thanks I just applied, your the greatest. |
from aliboomboom : |
That's insane that you've had two bats in one week. Ew. I don't know what you are going to do. I know that bats are really just mice with wings or something like that and mice can fit in really small spaces so maybe bats can too. I would definately have the apartment people look for the problem. The worst thing is if you get mice next, ew how would you ever be able to sleep? |
from beautyx3 : |
I can't believe it! ANOTHER bat, what are the chances. Maybe you have a whole family of them living in your apartment somewhere, or maybe its the same old bat just back for some revenge |
from almost-grown : |
I would have acted like a big sissy too... I've found that even macho men have their phobias. The other night there was a snake on the driveway when me and Joe were leaving and he jumped on the back of his truck like a 2 year old while I killed it... |
from girlygirl83 : |
Hey girly~~ I know I don't leave you notes alot. we just talk on AIM, but I wanted to tell you how awsome you are! Cause you are really awsome :) I'm really glad that we are friends. I hope that you have a good week! |
from rdhdprincess : |
Oh my goodness! What a hair story! It sounds like it turned out beautiful though. Your wedding sound beautiful as well! |
from alwaysaroura : |
You are right, I am absolutely on top of the world over this engagement. It was pretty romantic but in all reality, I would have said yes no matter what. I just want to spend my life with him, that is all. I know that you are really happy too, it's nice when everything fits into place, huh? |
from aliboomboom : |
I think that I might get a whole new diary. I just don't want anyone who knows me personally reading my diary. There are things in there that I don't say to people in my personal life because I don't want to. If I wanted them to know then I could always pick up the phone and tell them, ya know? It's just rude for them to not tell me that they've been reading, don't you think? I want Ian out of my life. He's broken my heart once and it's like he is coming back for a second chance at breaking it again. Sorry, that is not happening. Leave me alone, ya know. Anyways if I get a new diary then I'll definately let you know where it is!! |
from aliboomboom : |
You weren't being nosy, I just locked my diary because I am afraid that Ian has been reading it or someone he knows and I didn't want that to happen. I haven't written anything since I locked it, I just locked it so no one could get to my archives. Maybe I'm being paranoid but I don't know why else Ian would call me this weekend. I am so unhappy. It is seriously ridiculous. Thanks for the notes. You don't know how much they mean to me. |
from aliboomboom : |
Thanks for the note. I promise I'll open up more when I am ready. I am just going through a period of adjustment right now and I go back and forth on my decision although I am pretty sure that I have made one. I'm just not sure it is the right one. I am not happy at all that Ian called. I had asked God for him not to contact me anymore and it just seems like God ignores my every request. Ian is everything that I have ever wanted but we have been apart for eight months and my life has changed drastically since then and I just don't need him adding to my problems. I can't be with him, he couldn't handle any of the changes that have occurred and I just don't need the what ifs running through my head right now. I actually had to lock my diary because I am afraid that he or someone he knows has found me. This diary was not meant to be read by the people that are included in it, it was meant for me and for people who could give me unbiased opinions. It was for anonymous people and that is how I wished to be, anonymous. I just want him gone. Getting over him was the hardest thing that I have ever done and I don't want to do it again. It's all so bittersweet now. Anyways I am so glad that you are happy. I hope that you stay that way forever. |
from beautyx3 : |
Thanks for the note! I think deep down I do know that what he did was wrong. I just wasn't sure that I wasn't wrong also by not keeping my end of the bargain, and keeping him "pleased". But I guess I should just trust what my instincts tell me, that what he said/did hurts me, and that I don't need that. Anyways... your entry was funny! I bet your hair looks really pretty. I put red highlights in my brown hair two months ago and I love it. After a few washes the red tones down a bit and it looks really good then. Great entry! |
from aliboomboom : |
I'm glad that you had a nice weekend. We found a bat in our basement last summer. My brother and his friend shot it with a beebee gun. I am just glad I wasn't the one who had an encounter with it. They are so freaky!! Anyways my weekend was okay. I got to see my nana and papaw which was nice. I was kind of quite all weekend and my nana noticed. She thinks that I am depressed. I checked my voice mail when I got home and found out that Ian had called. He hasn't called since October and I haven't heard from him at all since December so I don't know why he had to call in the middle of all the drama that I was already going through. It made things so much harder!! I just feel like fate keeps playing mean jokes on me. It's nice that you are so happy though and the wedding spot sounds fabulous. I'm sure Michael will love it. |
from aliboomboom : |
That's horrible about the poor cow. How sad. Anyways I am glad that you are doing better, that makes me happy. As for me, I am sure that I will overcome this. Everyone has problems and everyone has been depressed, I just feel like this depression might be beating me and that makes me sad. I don't like to be defeated by depression. I will try and continue to write, I just feel as if my writings are so boring lately. If I could just reveal what was going on then I might feel better but I might feel worse and I don't know, I am just not ready yet. Thanks for your contant support. I am so lucky to have d-land friends like you to help me get through this!! Have a great weekend. |
from rdhdprincess : |
I'm glad that things are better sweetie. Don't let the bitch win! |
from beautyx3 : |
Hi just found your diary. And I would just like to say I feel for you. I know what it's like when his ex won't leave you alone. You should tell him to cut all ties with her, but even then that might not keep her away. My boyfriends ex used to call him every week, I thought he still cared for her a little because he wasn't telling her to leave him alone, he was worried about "being mean" to her. He finally stepped up to her and she stopped calling. But now it is a month and a half later AND she just called yesterday to see if he "was done hating on her yet". It's sooo frusterating! |
from kissssy : |
OMG you've got to be kidding! Katelynn Diann? We considered Katelynn Diane for awhile because Diane is Jason's mother's name. Lol. You're too much like me, it's scary. But, Katelynn is such a beautiful name :) I even considered Kate Lynn since we couldn't decide on a middle name... but Katelynn is just much prettier. I'm so happy to hear that things worked out :) I just knew they would. Michael is good for you. Sometimes, men just don't understand a woman's point of view until we sit down and lay it all out for them. We're just too complicated of a species :) Thanks so much for all your help in my self-pity, overly lonely moments. I needed something to cheer me up and you just never fail to! Love ya! |
from science-boy : |
Good for you! It's all about communication. If you can't talk and work it out, even if sometimes it's to agree to disagree, what's the point? Good job. You'll do fine! s-b |
from kissssy : |
Okay. I want to say something now. I've gotten out of my little bubble of the whole world is against me and your note had a lot to do with it! You're a great person. So open and honest and able to cheer people up... even when you don't feel 100%. That's what's so great about you. You aren't selfish... while I feel like I have been the past few days. I didn't offer the advice I wanted to offer last night because I was wrapped up in my own problems. Forgive me? :) Now, go home tonight and sit down with Michael and tell him how much you love him. Tell him you need him to cut this girl off. To tell her off. To put her in her place. He can't go on feeding her emotions or this will never end. He might even have to get mean about it. But, he has to do what it takes. I think complete honesty is the only way out... Hugs and kisses! Thanks again, hun! Oh and pssst... I bet you're prettier than she is. That should always count for something. |
from aliboomboom : |
Thanks for the note. I hope that I can stick with my new way of life. I have so many regrets right now and I feel like if I had listened to God since the beginning then I wouldn't have all of these regrets built up. I just have a few really big and really hard decisions to make real soon and I need to try adn stick with God on those. I have to start shwoing my faith and belief rather than just saying they are there. If I ever feel like talking to someone, I won't hesitate to email you. You seem very understanding and caring. I wouldn't worry about Michael if I were you, you guys live together, how is she going to get to him? Besides she'll just end up looking crazy for going after a betrothed man. |
from science-boy : |
OK. Here are my two cents. (Is that ever going to go up with inflation? Anyway.) Relax and find your center. It is the only way to function. Are you there yet? OK. Let him talk to her, and don't care either way. Just watch and listen. If he is still interested, wouldn't you rather know now than later? Really. The flip side of that coin is "Wouldn't you rather she see how crazy he is about you now rather than later?" And how cool is it if a woman is so sure of her love for her fiancee and so sure of his love for her that she can be OK with him catching up with someone who is no longer a part of his life. I had almost this exact conversation with My Bride last night. Not about you, but you know what I mean. Don't smother. Embrace. Gently. That is how you know something is strong. Just like you are. Have a great day! s-b |
from aliboomboom : |
I'm sorry that you are upset. The whole situation sucks. Tell his mom that you can't invite any more people, she'll get over it. This happens all the time. Tell her that it's your wedding and that you don't want those girls there. If he's happy with the guest list and you're not leaving out anyone from his childhood or anyone he considers important to his life then screw what his mom wants. It's not her wedding. I know it is hard to say no to her but it's your day, you shouldn't let anyone ruin it. |
from kissssy : |
Oh, I hope the 2 weeks fly by. Seven hours into it and I'm still feeling like I've lost my best friend. And, I haven't... he's just gone for 11 more days. Ugh. Glad to see you're around on a weekend! :) Hugs! |
from aliboomboom : |
I absolutely love my job. It is boring at times, right now there aren't that many people getting married but summer is a huge time so we are beginning to pull things together for our summer brides. I do see a lot of bridezillas but I might be that way myself because there is an immense amount of stress going on around the time of the wedding. I just love seeing everything come together and I love giving people their perfect day. Most brides are obsessed over their dresses and a lot of my brides have several fittings towards the end. One of my brides called me about eight times yesterday to make sure that I had ordered her rehearsal dinner dress in blue instead of the color they had it in at the store. Stuff like that annoys me. I am sure that your dress looks amazing, brides are always beautiful. Just remember not to stress out too much during the big event, you want to remember it and you don't want to worry all day. No wedding goes perfect so be prepared for that and relax, it's your big day!! |
from aliboomboom : |
Thanks for the offer, we ended up finding some gazebos at the Wal Mart near us but I don't even know how many she needs. They are pretty cute though and I think that they will look nice. She is going for the feel of a nighttime wedding even though she is getting married in the afternoon, it should be pretty. She is tiny though, like 85 pounds and she found out she is pregnant last month so now her size 4 dress probably won't fit her and she's freaking out. She's already gained five inches in her waist, I think her body has to get her to a normal weight before she even starts gaining the baby weight, ya know? Anyways I don't know what she'll do. I hope everything works out for both of you guys, I am sure it will. |
from aliboomboom : |
My cousin is having the same problem with Wal Mart. She is getting married in May and she wants these little gazebos to put on the reception tables that she found at Wal Mart and they won't order more. Anyways she's had to call family in every state trying to find them. Sorry for the hassle. I know it sucks!! You'll get enough though and they'll look great!! |
from kissssy : |
Oh my, what an awful canival experience for that poor guy. I hope he's okay. Ack. The main reason I won't go on any rides that spin, twist, and flip me upside down. Poor thing. Sigh ~ and I'm glad I got my bluejean feeling back too. I feel so wonderful in them! Hugs!! |
from aliboomboom : |
Oh, I thought that you might need to know the rest of the back story since you needed to know who Lucas's dad was. It took me a few episodes to figure things out, it definately took me a while to realize that Lucas's dad was the other guy's brother. Anyways it is exciting to see where everything goes but it's also incredibly nerve wracking!! I just want him to call so bad that I can't think of anything else!! |
from aliboomboom : |
Nathan and Lucas have the same dad, I can't think of his name right now but it's the dark haired guy that carried Lucas into the emergency room, he is married to Nathan's mom. Anyways Karen, Lucas's mom, got pregnant with Lucas in high school and his dad still left for college and had nothing to do with Karen or Lucas. He ended up getting Nathan's mom pregnant with Nathan as soon as they got to college and married her. Nathan and his mother did not find out about Lucas until the show started, the guy that was in the car accident with Lucas is his uncle, he is his dad's brother, and he is in love with Karen. Does that help at all? Nathan and Peyton also used to date and Hayley and Lucas grew up together if that makes things easier too. It was a big deal for Lucas's father to carry him into the emergency room because he gave them permission to operate and admitted to the doctor that Lucas was his son which no one in One Tree Hill really knows except for the main characters and Whitey and a few others. It's confusing but I hope I helped to clear it up. I started watching about four episodes before you did so I had to figure it all out too. As for the Chad thing, I am really excited about meeting him and I'm even more excited about spending time with him and getting to know him better. I was already kind of distraught since we hooked up the first night and then he didn't call for a week and now it feels like this is going to be another endless week of waiting on him to call. I just wish I knew how it all would end up. I want him to call me everyday, ya know? The beginning of a relationship is exciting because you don't know what to expect but it's also scary and shitty for the same reason. He's so gorgeous and he seems so wonderful and being around him makes me happy and comfortable. I just wish he was as crazy about me. I don't know what his deal was on Saturday regarding the dog, I guess he knew that I did want him around. I really hope we get to do something besides hook up too although it's fun while it is happening, it doesn't make me very assured about anything afterwards. I just don't know how to show him that I'm not like that with everyone or how to make him see that I like him, I respect him and I really want to get to know him better. It would be wonderful for me to start dating someone that I could actually care about, it's nice to not always be thinking about Ian. I was so over making myself sick about that one!! |
from aliboomboom : |
I hope you are right, at least you put a positive spin on it. I want him to call, I hope he knows that. Maybe I am too wrapped up in how I feel to really evaluate how he might be feeling, I hope he wasn't scared to call me. I don't want him to ever be scared to call me. I like him a lot and it's scary, I find it hard to control myself around him. I want him to be around for a while though and I can't go behaving like a slut because that is an almost guarantee that he won't be around. Do you think I should talk to him about it when I see him next? I hope we actually get to spend some quality time together instead of just hooking up after the bar on Saturday nights, so tacky. I hope you are right, I hope that it goes somewhere. Thanks for the positive note. I was sitting here thinking I had ruined everything without even really getting a chance. I did offer to take him home early on Sunday morning because he has a dog and he said no, he didn't have to leave that early. It was embarrassing when we dropped him off at his friend's house yesterday because his friends' parents were outside. I almost died, they waved, and you know what they must have been thinking. Anyways I can't imagine any carnival ride worse than the Zipper, I was shaking for a good ten minutes after the ride ended, yuck. There were parts laying all behind it and it made the worst noises ever. I hate it because all your weight ends up on the door and that is scary. Oh, I'll never do it again. Oh and I know what you mean about One Tree Hill, I will die tomorrow night!! It's going to be horrible!! We should start a petition to get Brooke and Lucas back together!! Maybe Lucas will be with Peyton and realize how much she sucks and go back to Brooke or maybe Peyton will die, whatever!! Here's to hoping I don't have to wait all week to hear from him again!! Maybe he'll call earlier so we can actually make plans, it's so painful to wait especially for someone as impatient as me!! |
from aliboomboom : |
In GA, that ride is called the Zipper. I was obsessed with it from middle school all through high school so my sister and I went with a bunch of our friends this year and I basically ran to it. Bad idea. The whole time I was on there, I was having a anxiety attack, I could barely breathe and I kept saying "We are going to die, we are going to die, I want off." It was awful!! At least your man is brave!! |
from kissssy : |
Hehe you always do make me smile. But, question? Wouldn't it be more fun to exude sexiness in a nice pair of tight blue jeans? It's hard to feel sexy when I'm wearing maternity pants (full stretchy panel now that I'm hitting 6 months), unable to walk straight, and look like I'm carrying a beach ball in front of me all day ;) But, I'm trying. Lol I talked Mom into a maternity shopping trip today for jeans! Yay! Have a great weekend! xo |
from alwaysaroura : |
Taylor is wonderful for the most part but he has his flaws and a bad temper. We have been doing great lately and we are ultimately having a great time together. He is romantic but right now is intense because we are both working toward forgiving and forgetting a couple of things that the other one has done. I love him though and I think that since we started dating so young that we needed to mess up and fix things and know that we are in it for good. If everything is always perfect then there is no telling what will happen when something does go wrong and it inevidentably will. We have recommitted ourselves to one another and are working through a lot of stuff. It should work out. As for the wedding coordinator business, there aren't really any classes to take. I went to UGA and majored in Business/Communications and then I interned here over the summer. It's kind of just getting your foot in the door. Alexia (aliboomboom, I think you read her too) went to UT majored in Business/Sociology and she interned here too. It's kind of like a career where you have to make your own way, it's very fun and rewarding though. |
from aliboomboom : |
I can't believe you like Peyton, I can't stand her. Of course I am deeply fond of Brooke so liking Peyton will be betraying Brooke and that would be something awful!! I liked Peyton at first but then her and Lucas were going to make out and he told her he wanted a relationship and she was like why did you have to go and ruin everything and walked out. So she tells everyone that she can't stand him and Brooke starts to like them and then Brooke and Peyton go to a college party and Peyton gets drugged so Brooke calls Lucas to help Peyton and then Lucas and Brooke stay up all night waiting on Peyton to wake up or whatever and they start to like one another. I just feel like Peyton has been a horrible friend to Brooke and I can't respect that in a person or a character. Anyways I am obsessed with the show and just might cry next week when Lucas breaks poor little Brooke's heart... |
from kissssy : |
Oh yeah... pssst... by the way.. I know how to make diary templates (well basic ones anyway) ;) hehehe Glad you like it! |
from alwaysaroura : |
That's awesome that you found a dress so quickly. I'm a wedding coordinator, I work with Alexia and I am always finding new dresses that I love. I have a passion for wedding dresses. I have been in a couple of bridal shows and I love all the dresses I've worn. I don't know how I'll ever find the right one. Of course I don't have to worry about that yet!! Congrats!! |
from aliboomboom : |
Okay first of all, I have no will power when it comes to not eating exactly what I want to whenever I want to either. It's probably the reason I've put on 20 pounds since high school, I guess I am lucky though because I was super skinny in high school and needed the extra pounds, maybe not 20 but at least I needed 15 of them. Anyways I am so upset over One Tree Hill, I love Lucas but I am so mad at him for choosing Peyton, I just don't like her and I don't think that she is pretty. Brooke on the other hand is gorgeous and perfect for him. I knew he was going to break up with her but I kept telling myself it wouldn't really happen, I don't know if I'll be able to watch it next week or not. As for the Real World, I am so glad that Robin freaked out and Randy stopped hooking up with her. I love Randy and I can't stand Robin. As for Frankie, she sucks. I would die if I had to live with her. Also what is Cameron doing to poor Brad? She flirts with him all the time and then gets pissed when he tries to kiss her, whatever. I fully agree with Brad saying that if you take a guy to the bathroom, you take him for a reason. Anyways your dress is beautiful and you'll look amazing. It sounds like the wedding is really shaping up. You'll have so much fun, weddings are really wonderful!! |
from kissssy : |
Mmmmmm cheese dip... melted Velveeta... omg, that sounds sinfully delicious right now. Ugh. See what you do to me? First gooey chocolate cupcakes and now cheese dip... I'm definitely going to have to consider a lifetime membership at Curves. |
from science-boy : |
Thanks for the nod and for being excused from "men". Not that I'm not a man, it's just...I mean...oh, whatever! Have a great day! And try a piece of fruit, instead! : - ) s-b |
from kissssy : |
You have no idea how much better your note made me feel. I guess I was thinking it was only happening to me lol. Funny how your mind works at times, huh? Jason just seemed so cool and collected most of the time while I swear I felt gray hairs sprouting up everywhere all at once. But, you made me feel soooo much better! I love you for that! xoxo! |
from kissssy : |
Oh thank you for the diary template link earlier by the way! I adore it! I was looking for something new and not so... blah. I'll have to put it up when I have more time away from little monsters lol. Jason always scolds me when the boys aren't in earshot... telling me I let them get away with too much so I know just how you feel with being too leniant. I started a game today. I said "the one who can last until bedtime without breaking any of the rules gets a surprise." And now when they get too loud, annoy the cats until they cry, or push us to the brink of gray hairs... I say "you're about to lose the game" and they stop. Poor Flufferwumpkin and Winky look so accusingly at us for inviting the boys over again ;) Hehehe. Sigh. But, everything's going okay for now... But, if you'd asked me if I was okay at 5:30 this morning when they were sneaking down the stairs to play... I might have answered differently ;) |
from aliboomboom : |
February can be a bit tricky. I used to date this guy and everyone called him Skippy because he was born on February 29th. It was cute. We always celebrated his birthday on the first of March because we rationalized that it was closer to the first of March then the 28th of February. He had huge celebrations on his real birthday though, whenever that would roll around. It's kind of neat, I think. Skippy is going to be 24 this year so I am sure that they will have a wonderful party. Anyways don't worry about the spelling thing, I am a wonderful speller and I still get stuck on some words. As for a micro brew, it's a beer that is from an independent company. A lot of cities have breweries in them and they make their own beer, such as last night I went to the Old Town Grill and Brewery where they brew their own beer. It is generally a little stronger and has a lot more alcohol than a domestic. I'm sure there is a brewery in your area, try it sometime!! |
from science-boy : |
Hi yourself! Have you decided on what little gift you are going to get your fiancee? I got My Bride a small glass jar with flowers sealed inside. They haven't aged a day, and neither has she. I, on the other hand, am now 65 and ready for retirement. Have a great day! s-b |
from kissssy : |
OMG Sorry I've been away so long! Busy busy busy (and it's driving me insane). I can't believe you already found THE dress! Awwwww I bet it's beautiful on you!! I understand the ugly dress feeling... it's amazing how some of those dresses were ever in style at one point! V-day gifts don't have to be overly special ;) Your wedding anniversary will take over it anyway. You can plan a nice night of pampering ;) Flavored oils, massages, a hot bath... for him, not you (as fun as it sounds!) Inexpensive and fun. Oh, I'm sure you'll find the perfect gift! :) Concentrate more on the wedding! It's much more important! Love ya! |
from aliboomboom : |
I can't believe I missed One Tree Hill either. It sounds awful though. I don't want Peyton and Lucas to be together, I want Lucas and Brooke to be together!! I am so upset. Peyton is the worst friend that a girl could ever have, she totally said she didn't want Lucas and now since her best friend is dating him, she is all of a sudden all about him!! Whatever!! I don't know why the stupid blonde girl always wins the guy in these love triangles, it's ridiculous. I wasn't even this upset about Kelly winning Dylan. Anyways I hope something leads Lucas back to Brooke...only time will tell. Thanks for the update. I would have sat through the episode with my hands over my eyes anyways!! How are the wedding plans going? Did you guys decide on a song yet? |
from science-boy : |
Thanks! Yeah, I will hold on as tightly as I can. Some days it's hard when my fingers keep getting stepped on. When I do lose focus, the kids help keep me in it. You are very sweet. Your future husband is a very lucky man. Have a great day! s-b |
from aliboomboom : |
Thanks for the compliment. I love my job and enjoy most aspects of it except for having to work weekends which blows. Anyways "You've Got A Way" is super romantic. I'm an avid fan of love songs so I try have lots of suggestions for my clients. I checked out the bridesmaid dresses, they are really pretty. I think that I will have black or cranberry when I get married, I want a late fall wedding sometime in November. Of course I don't have a groom yet but I love the idea of a fall wedding!! |
from kissssy : |
We found a Mike toy in our Fruit Loops this week! That little green monster from Monsters Inc. Hehe I was thrilled too. I stuck it in Jason's cereal bowl to surprise him. Have fun with the Sam's Club card! :) We have a credit membership card so we can buy tons of diapers. Sigh. My new life... Hehe |
from aliboomboom : |
The Inferno is going to be wonderful! Mike starts dating RR Kendall who used to be Trishelle's roomate and Trishelle freaks out. She says "I don't like you kissing other girls," but yet she was the one who broke up with him for Adam. It's going to be so good. You have to get cable in your bedroom. As for the songs, country songs are great. You could always use "Baby I'm Amazed by You", "It's your Love", "From this Moment", "You're Still the One", or something. There are tons of romantic country songs. Good luck. Let me know what you pick. One of my couples is actually using Shania Twain's "You've Got a Way" and it's super romantic. Red will be wonderful for fall. |
from aliboomboom : |
The Inferno is going to be wonderful!! The first mission this week was there were two wires hung across two seventeen story hotels and they had to race two at a time to see who got across first. They were allowed to jerk each other off, well the Road Rules team was winning so all the Real World guys were telling Julie, who went last, to try and get Veronica off so she would get the longest time. Well Julie, being the psycho that she is, started pulling on Veronica's safety chord 17 stories up. Veronica was crying and freaking out and all the people that were standing on the balcony were like "Stop". It was scary. After that they got into their teams and vote for two people, either two boys or two girls, it was boys this week. Timmy and some new guy volunteered for Road Rules and Real World voted Ace and Cyrus. Well then the opposing team picks from the two players. They picked for the new guy and Cyrus to go to the Inferno but then there is another mission and the person that is headed towards the Inferno might get the lifesaver and prevent themselves or someone else from going into the inferno. The second mission they had to transfer bird seed and worms in their mouths from place to place. Cyrus got the lifesaver and saved himself so the Real World went with Ace. Mallory and Ace are dating now so they were upset. He had a horrible attitude about it. In the Inferno the mission was the other team put honey all over the head of the Inferno player and then they put their heads into a bug helmet where the bugs stuck to them. Ace was in there for a total of 11 seconds before getting up and running off like a baby. It was pitiful. The Real World team was shocked that he gave up because at the beginning, he was like I'm the most competitive person ever. Anyways Ace went home which is sad because I wanted to watch his and Mal's romance. That's all for this week though. As for the first dance song, it's my favorite part. I don't know your musical tastes but I love the old classic love songs. The song that I will use in my wedding is "At Last" by Ella Fitzgerald, although there are several artists who have done it, it is a beautiful song and is very throaty. If you don't know it, I can send you the lyrics, let me know. Other songs that I have seen done that were super romantic are "When I Fall In Love" by Natalie Cole, "I am Home Now" by Trisha Yearwood, "Grow Old Awhile With Me" which is very romantic and religious at the same time, I actually plan on using that at another time in my wedding if I ever have one, "Chances Are" by Bob Seger and Martina McBride, "True Companion" by Marc Cohn, etc. Let me know if you have any type of music that you like best of if you don't know lyrics and I'll get them for you. I love love songs, it can really make the event!! What color are you going to use for bridesmaid dresses? Did you pick out flowers? |
from aliboomboom : |
I hate Peyton, we should start a diaryring about it. She's horrible. I can't believe that Lucas made out with her. I kept hoping it wouldn't happen even though I had seen the previews. That show is going to fall apart because apparantly Nathan's parents get divorced, Nathan and Hayley break up, Lucas gets in a car wreck and then he breaks up with Brooke to be with Peyton. I don't even want to watch but I have to. It's an addiction to Chad Michael Murray really and I don't even like blondes in general. Oh well. Maybe he and Brooke will end up together again after the stupid writers realize that none of the watchers even want Peyton to be on there. Oh and it really makes me sick how Brooke confides in her and Peyton is always like we are just friends yada yada yada. Ugh!! As for the Real World, Frankie drives me nuts! I would die if I had to live with her. I would totally roll my eyes at her fear of big boats and everytime she freaked out about that boyfriend of hers, I would just look at her and tell her to shut up and stop blacking out if she didn't want to fight. Everyone on there is so nosy and they all drive me nuts except for Randy who is so handsome. He does not need to be with Robin at all. I don't like her, I would not have bailed her out at all. They've only known each other for a week even though I think that the guy she hit was a total pansy for having her arrested. Who does that? Okay enough about reality tv, I am addicted. The only thing I have to say is that yes Julie is a psychopath on the Inferno, she is insane and I hope she goes home soon. She almost killed Veronica, I would have had an anxiety attack if I had been Veronica. Okay enough, although I could talk on that subject all day. I love reality tv. About your wedding, you need to pick a dress that you feel comfortable in and one that you will be able to wear all day and into the reception which may last all night. I see tons of brides that want these beautiful dresses that are totally impractical and they end up miserable by the end of the night. Usually though when you find the right one, you will know. Most of my brides do. Also pick the main thing that matters to you the most such as flowers, colors, catering, the band, etc and work from there. If you want to spend a lot on flowers then you can budget around that and so on. Also go with what you want, don't let anyone else decide for you, this is your day!! It's so exciting and it really should turn out just the way that you want!! Do you and your fiance already have a song for your first dance? |
from aliboomboom : |
Those Quizno things are pretty spooky. Ew. I don't want to think about little mice while I eat a sandwich. Anyways I wish that I had saved more of my stuff but my mother took it upon herself to get rid of it all. I would probably be happy if I just had Tenderheart, my daddy gave them to me. They are special and I want them back. Anyways I got Yankee candle's Butter Cream for Christmas this year, it smells like the most delicious cake icing ever!! Yummy. I had Christmas Cookie last year and it was good too. I really like the Pancake one, it is so good. There is also one called Carribean Fruit or something and it so makes me want summer to come. Anyways I read your entry today and I have to say that I can't wait to get engaged so I can try on fancy dreses all day!! Good luck finding the right one!! |
from science-boy : |
Thank you so very much for your kind words. Very sweet. I think I am going to come back and read more about you. And I'm adding you to my favorites page. Thanks again and have a great day! s-b |
from horseshoes : |
I agree with you on the Quizno's ad's. Disgusting, bleh. I actually e-mailed them and told them that food is the last thing I thought of when I saw them. It looks like they went through that toaster too or got wrapped in a sandwich on accident. Gross. |
from aliboomboom : |
The little girl is very cute, she reminds me of my childhood and playing dress up. I used to love to do that!! |
from aliboomboom : |
Your template is so cute!! I haven't had a custom one made yet but yours is adorable!! I love it!! |
from girlygirl83 : |
Hey~~ Thanks for the note. I think that you're a really sweet and nice friend.I am glad that I started d-land just cause I got to met you:) |
from kissssy : |
Oh, cute new template! :) Lol and I was planning on sending you this one this week. Silly me ;) It has nothing to do with princesses! Love the design! |
from rdhdprincess : |
Ok, I learned this from my Mother In Law while planning my (oops, I mean OUR) wedding - pick 2 or 3 really HIDEOUS things for the decorations and then ahem, compromise on what you really wanted in the first place that isn't nearly as "bad" as the hideous ones. That's how I got MY cake topper. You're right, all K cared about was the food and the beer until all of the sudden he had this damn input! The nerve! Ha! I wish that I had kept more stuff I could pawn off on you. We did EVERYTHING ourselves from decorating the hall to the flower centerpieces to the bubbles and arch. It was alot of work, but definitely worth it. Have fun! |
from kissssy : |
Glad to know you agree with my points. The one thing I don't get... is those who don't agree. It seems kind of cut and dry to me. I mean... ending a life... is murder. Duh. Hehe. Anyway... Anymore of those freaky phone calls? If he calls again, I'd answer and let your answering machine pick up and record it. Orrrr... hand the phone to Michael and let him do that macho protective stuff we love guys for! Stay safe! |
from rdhdprincess : |
Ooh, that's creepy! Be careful dear! C |
from kissssy : |
OMG OMG OMG... That's terrifying! What the hell? Some guy you don't even know calling from JAIL? OMG. Be careful! If you feel unsafe, go stay with a friend for awhile! Don't go out alone. And, if he calls again, you can definitely get him in trouble for harassment. That's BS. Love ya! Stay safe! |
from rdhdprincess : |
Ha, I'm sorry that if I had to see what I had to see at Curves, that you at least had to see nipples! I know how distracting it can be. Hee! Sorry, but nipples! |
from kissssy : |
Sooooo... update... Mom's birthday... is going to be done TODAY instead of Sunday! Ugh! A surprise party she won't be expecting! Great huh? And, guess what??? I've been deamed Martha Stewart the 2nd and now I have to figure out how to get fancy flowers on a friggin chocolate banana cake! I attempted one on paper and it looked like a yellow Hershey's Kiss with ruffles! Ugh! What to do?? Ugh! Oh and your day sounds wonderfully relaxing! Except the E! Hollywood story... I don't think I could watch anything about her! xoxo See ya when the weekend's done! |
from rdhdprincess : |
I'm glad that you have someone to pamper you! My condolences on the nail, I know how awful that is, ha! By the way, a friend of mine had the same situation with drug dealers next door. They reported it to the poilce who watched them for a couple of months, then came and arrested everyone and they haven't been back. Whatever you do, be careful! |
from kissssy : |
OMG dealers! Next door! Be snoopy. Leave an anonymous call... Have them cleaned out of there. Or do what I'd do and just sit by and hope they get busted on their own. Such a good citizen huh? I'm a whimp. Sorry to hear about your broken nail. You know, with Etre Paris, that might not have happened ;) (lol I could work for them, I'm so annoying). Enjoy the weekend! Don't get too drunk... And, remember... If it doesn't taste like alcohol, it's 10x more dangerous! Love ya! |
from rdhdprincess : |
Awww, that was sweet. You are lucky to have such a good friend, and she is lucky to have you! |
from kissssy : |
Don't overwork yourself... you'll start to stress out and retain water and your wedding dress will never fit then! ;) Relax. Take a hot bath when you get home tonight. Grab a mushy chocolate cupcake. And relax! And, yessss!! I'll have to talk hubby into a trip down south in September! It ~IS~ only a week before my birthday afterall ;) And this year, I think I'm extra deserving... Gosh! Are babies flyable at 4 months??? xoxo!! |
from kissssy : |
Oh, your wedding's sounding wonderful already! And, there's still ~how~ long until the big day? I'm so thrilled for you!!! I've been telling Jason your progress already (but he doesn't seem to care). Geez. What is with men?? |
from kissssy : |
UGH!! I HATE being so behind!! Okay... how do I leave a note for all the entries I've missed. I'll try... *deep breath* Here goes... That dream sounded awful, I hate that your tooth was hurting and you were reduced to pudding, yay for pizza!, take any stove anyone will offer you until you can afford a new one, Michael sounds wonderful (as always) and I actually cried when I read that entry (stupid pregnancy hormones), dumb people annoy me too, good luck on the new year of accomplishments, stop worrying so much, and no you weren't being overdramatic about the pageant... some people just need to wake up and smell the sashes and flowers! I think I covered everything I wanted to say. |
from rdhdprincess : |
Oh my, this is too freaky. Really. I had my FOUR wisdom teeth taken out all at the same time My senior year of hs, too. If what you are feeling now is anything at all fairly close to that, I send much sympathy. Good luck, and feel better! |
from aliboomboom : |
Thanks for the note. I just wanted to let you know that everything with ebay worked out. I recieved my beautiful, almost perfect Coach bag on Saturday. Yay! My Tiffany's necklace was sent out today and I couldn't be happier! Now I just have to fight the addiction until payday!! |
from kissssy : |
Ack ack ack! Sorry I was away so long! Getting the internet rehooked is soooo complicated! I'm ready to strangle those people. I'm on Mom's comp... and will hopefully be able to stay updated this way... hopefully... :\ I'll let you know when I get the net! Maybe next week! Love ya! Miss ya tons!!!! |
from almost-grown : |
Hey there, just stopping by to let you know that I'm NOT dead. I've just been so hectic with life that I havent even had the time to do anything anymore. |
from rdhdprincess : |
Wow, 226 people! Big wedding! We had 120 and I was just amazed at all the people. Oh well, more people to tell you how beautiful you are! Oh yeah, and to add to your joy and all of that. Ha! |
from rdhdprincess : |
Hee! I can't believe that you asked your fiancee. Thank you, I feel better now. I guess it is a guy thing. I'm glad that your Grandmother made it out of surgery okay, you don't sound at all selfish to me. Good luck with the hall. Every once in awhile, I just sit and smile and thank God that my wedding is over and that I'm not still planning it. It can be the most wonderful thing in the world, but SO MUCH WORK, and possibilities for frustration. Good luck to you! |
from kissssy : |
Kind of reminds me of when Jason was playing PS with our young nephews... They asked him to get them past a certain point and Jason just kept on playing until I told him to give the controller back. Good people never grow up ;) It's the boring ones that do!! Thanks for the mention in your diary! :) I couldn't believe the baby was kicking Christmas day! Enough for Jason to feel it!! |
from alwaysaroura : |
Thanks for adding me as one of your faves. I'm honored. Anyways I hope that you enjoy the drama, I sure do. I'll be back to read some of your diary when I have more time! Thanks again. |
from aliboomboom : |
Thanks for adding me on your list of favorites. I haven't had time to read much of your diary due to the holidays but I'll be back. Keep reading, I love getting notes. I only hope that my boring life will keep you interested. Happy Holidays. |
from kissssy : |
Ultrasound today! :) I'll let you know how it goes on the 26th when I get back (we're heading to Cali straight after). *Huggggss* Happy Christmas, hun!! Love ya! |
from kissssy : |
Oh yuck! Sorry to hear about you not feeling good... again! Hope you feel great at least for the rest of the week. It'd suck being sick on Christmas! Everything's pretty great here! The house is almost packed! :D And, the cat's finally out of heat! :D Life is great! And, congrats on the cupcake! I was stuck with a big chewy pretzel (that was absolutely delicious until I was reminded about that darn cupcake... mmmm) Hehe. |
from kissssy : |
Well... Um... Maybe I wasn't helping with the cupcake thing earlier, but I could really help you right now :) Cupcakes have soooo many calories in them. And, they're designed to go straight to your butt. Oh, and they're made using eggs and eggs were once baby chickens (or going to be) and that's evil ;) Okay, I know that didn't help any. Didn't help me any either. Mmmmm... A cupcake with chocolate chips in it... and fudge frosting... yummmmmy! |
from kissssy : |
Wow... I have officially taken OVER your notes! And, no. A ring isn't a bad thing to get a man. I love the idea. It definitely proves he's yours. But, when I was faced with that decision, I bought a really nice chain for Jason instead. He hadn't ever worn jewelry (except a class ring) before then so it was meaningful to us. It was a cute sterling silver, 20inch neck chain with a platinum twisty look. I gave it to him 6 years ago (on the 27th of this month) and he's never ever taken it off since. :) He even gets a tan line during the summer where it's at. Anything private and meaningful would be a perfect gift for Michael right now. Or if you have a little bit of extra cash, I've heard the ideal gift for men this year... is a weekend away. Anywhere. Private. Just you 2. And, maybe a bottle of champagne, and a nice hot bath... Just a suggestion! :) Have fun shopping! |
from kissssy : |
Oh oh oh! I couldn't be happier for you!!! I'm sooooo thrilled!! Congrats, girl!!! And lots and lots of good luck!! Don't let anyone decide your wedding for you if you don't want. You're the bride... and in the end.. it's all up to you :) Woohoo!! But, goodness... waiting the whole weekend to find out... The weekend's never seemed so long before... |
from kissssy : |
LMAO!! You have no idea how stupid of a thing I just did!! My forgetful pregnancy brain just ummm... the message I was writing to you, I accidentally wrote to myself... and... yeah... Now, I'm excited for myself and I love me :p~ Okay... this was meant to be YOUR note! : : : OMG OMG OMG! I'm so excited! I need a full report Monday morning! I just KNEW I should have logged on earlier today... but Fridays are Jason's Saturdays basically and we usually spend the afternoon out. Love ya & good luck! |
from kissssy : |
Hmm... I wonder which layout you mentioned you liked. Lol, changed it about 12 times in 2 hours this evening, just playing around. I think I finally found the one I'll use until I find a decent mommy-to-be one :) Oh and Friendster's great! I'm nagging friends. One signed up so far, but I have so many more to nag... ;) |
from kissssy : |
Oh Friendster looks like such a cute idea! I'm joining... and adding you... and then nagging some of my friends to join... |
from kissssy : |
Oh, even more ways you're too much like me ;) Asthma... check. Clothes all over bedroom floor... check. In bed before 10 every night... check. Lol! Enjoy packing... I know I'm not ;) |
from kissssy : |
Oh, sweetie! Thanks for the congrats! It was the most exciting thing in my life and I'm glad I got to share it with you (even if only through words)! I wanted to feel it again so badly today... I stayed in bed an hour late and willed the baby to move. It didn't! Lol! Your evening with Michael sounds wonderful! He definitely sounds like a keeper! Oh, and I think you need a day off from work to rest up and get over this flu bug. Remember, moms know everything ;) (I'm so thrilled I can use that now!) |
from kissssy : |
I didn't mean it was a bad thing! I loved it! It made me laugh soooo hard. I just learned to not take a sip of water right before clicking on the unknown ;) |
from kissssy : |
So, I expected the same sweet serene template you've been using when I checked your site. Then, suddenly.. this little pink bunny tells me to kiss his butt. I can't tell you how hard that made me laugh! You are too cute sometimes! Glad to sense so much happiness in your words when you talk about Michael! He definitely ~is~ lucky to have you! |
from rdhdprincess : |
Hi, thanks for the note! I enjoyed your diary, too. I loved the 101 things, I feel like I am spying! Hee! I pray while driving to work in the morning, too! I have never heard of anyone else that did that. It is a great time. Take care - Carrie |
from almost-grown : |
just wanted to stop by and tell you happy holidays! |
from kissssy : |
I'm so sorry to hear about your dentist appointment! Oh, that's the very reason I'm terrified to ever go to one. Even if I think I have good teeth... what if he says "surprise! We need to pull half of them!" Oh, you're in my prayers! You'll definitely find a way to do this. I hear of a lot of dental offices with payment plans. But, a part time job? What about insurance? Do you have any? They'd have to pay for a good portion of it... Ack. My prayers are with you! Enjoy your vacation! Don't cry too hard when it's time to leave the family again. It so makes it worse. Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your turkey! Psst... the dark meat's the best... |
from kissssy : |
Oh oh oh! Flaunt it while you got it, girl! There's nothing wrong with having the sex appeal! Especially at 20... *Sniff* I'm so jealous. Men just don't seem to find maternity clothes sexy! *Sniff again* Eh. Great to see you're in a good mood... And let those men look... they just can't touch! Take care! |
from girlygirl83 : |
Hey girly~ This is my new diary. I'm tahitian. I hope that you'll read me still. have a great day! |
from kissssy : |
Awwww, Sweetie. Those kind of nightmares suck. And they never fail to give you that little doubt for even weeks afterwards. Especially if your man has close female friends. But, remember that while you were dreaming something so awful, Michael ~was~ right there beside you the whole time! Hope you have a great weekend! |
from shadyslayer : |
gah gah gah. it's hell! or, wait, no, it's just west/central texas. one day it's 100, the next it's 40. god dammit. i wish that the weather would make up its MIND for ONCE... |
from kissssy : |
Wow... my last note doubled? How odd... Good to hear you had a great night last night too! Dining out has to be one of the ideal ways to spend the night. It's always good to know I'm not alone on my views of abortion. Such a sad thing to be legalized in this country. The least they could do is make it so both parents have to agree to it. What happens if the father really wants the baby? Eh. Anyway, enjoy your weekend ~and~ Christmas gift planning. When in doubt, buy gift cards! |
from kissssy : |
Tag! You're it! Gosh. That's much too cold for Texas! Lol, but the weather here's so cold too... in Vegas! The desert! During the summer, I'd thought we had moved to the sun... G'night. Rest well. |
from kissssy : |
Tag! You're it! Gosh. That's much too cold for Texas! Lol, but the weather here's so cold too... in Vegas! The desert! During the summer, I'd thought we had moved to the sun... G'night. Rest well. |
from kissssy : |
You seem in a much better mood today. Good to see that! Your "white peoples enchilada" recipe sounds similar to my "chicken & cheese quesadillas ala Lissy" recipe. And of course, Velveeta is the number 1 ingredient! Anyway, glad I could help in making you feel a little better before. :) Take care! And don't freeze too much.. |
from kissssy : |
Oh, I totally understand having a Mr. Jealousy trying to ruin things! Only, we have a Mrs. Jealousy... my sister. Spreading rumors, lying to the family, threatening my husband... anything to try to ruin our happy little life. The one thing to understand when those jealous one rear their ugly heads is: they have a reason to be jealous! You work hard to have a great life, enjoy it! Flaunt it! ;) Take care and don't overwork yourself... |
from kissssy : |
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I want to know too. Though, there are different nursery styles I want for either gender... lol. If the doctor tells me it's a girl and we wind up having a boy, we'd have a very confused little boy in a room full of pink chicks. I guess, it'll be a spur of the moment decision when we go in for the ultrasound. -- I understand the woes of racial discrimination. I grew up in a community of all one race and never actually saw other races until I moved... when I suddenly noticed races are like cliques in big cities and rarely mix, where as I had always lived a sheltered life believing racism was a thing of the past. I guess things never change... Have a good day :) |
from kissssy : |
Oh, your letter to your grandpa brought tears to my eyes. Spoken so much from the heart! I hope you're doing okay. Again, thanks for the notes. We're 10 weeks along, almost 11 now. And, still debating whether or not we really want to know the gender ahead of time. :/ Everyone says it ruins the surprise... Ack. I'm hoping for a girl, hubby wants a boy. But, we're happy either way. Anyway, hope to see another entry from you soon! |
from liquid-mojo : |
Hey Tosha, I think my b-day turned out better than I expected, mostly because I held an unusually low expectaion of it. =p Anyway, thanks for the note in the g-book. I'll try to have a positive outlook, it's just a little difficult sometimes... |
from kissssy : |
Hey, thanks for adding me as a fav! I love your diary btw. I understand the griping about a glass coffee table and cream colored cushions. Same here and with a kidling on the way, we definitely have to redesign... Yikes. Enjoy your weekend! |
from almost-grown : |
Thank you so much for the note, you have no idea how much that meant and helped me. It's good to know that other people understand my situation and agree with me. thank you sooo much. |
from cuterachel : |
welcome to the pat_green diaryring... do you have a ring page? Have you posted the code? |
from tahitian : |
Hey Girly~~~~ You're soo nice! Like I'm not that happy, cause I'm getting my internet cut off today. So I won't be online, and my parents are being really mean about it. So you deffinatly put a smile on my face today. Thanks. I know it's weird sometimes I just write what I think, but other times I just write boring stuff. I really like journaling! I don't know if I'm still gonna do it though since I don't have the internet anymore. Hopefully I can go to someone's house and do it or something. My entries probaly won't be so "heart felt" anymore. I don't know. If you ever want to you can e-mail me. I think that you just click on contact me on my diary! I would deffinatly e-mail you back! I hope that I can still read your journal! I hope that you have an awsome week! |
from shadyslayer : |
Hey...sorry I hadn't left this lazy when it comes to being on Diaryland and such....But yeah. Thanks for adding me to your favorites list! I know I've been absent lately...Hopefully I'll be on was a cotton festival this weekend?! Dude! I went to the Fair/Carnival in Abilene awhile back...THAT was fun...*snicker* |
from silverelite : |
Yes, I know...I can't believe that Angelo is finally getting a Starbucks and I am no longer there! haha. Oh well. We have PLENTY of those around here :-) Enjoy it for me tho!!! |
from tahitian : |
Hey~ I just wanted to tell you that I thought that story you told yesterday was a really cute one! I hope that you have a wonderful weekend! We should become friends lol, I reallly think that your awsome! ok well, I'm done for now! Talk to you later! |
from silverelite : |
thanks for the note! that is cool that you are from the same town as me. it's a nice little city...i don't miss it too much though...haha. thanks again for showing me some love :-) i appreciate it...and i hope you come visit again soon! |
from tahitian : |
Thanks! That'd be really nice of you if you e-mailed me some templetes! I hope that your haveing a good week! |
from tahitian : |
Hey, thanks for signing my guest book! I hope that you had a great weekend! |
from neangel : |
Hey I am gonna be adding some private entries... if you'd like the pw email me! |
from neangel : |
Hey if u get this right away (before noon pst) meet me at my tag board to chit chat! |
from neangel : |
Heya Tosh, Where abouts in Tx do you live? My entire family lives there & is pressuring me to move as well. I don't really wanna cause I don't like it too much but to be near my fam i just might... Hey if you want I could help you with your diary template if you wanna spruce it up a bit... without being a 'paid' gold member you can only be imageless. Check out my friends that I did and let me know... if you have im that would be easier for us to talk about whatcha like... his diary is |
from neangel : |
Don't stress it do what I do! I copy my entry into word then spell check it and repaste it or I just go to and look up words I am unsure about... GFD I love that site! |
from neangel : |
Sorry I know it's annoying when people do this but I had to... embalmer. I'm a weirdo I know... :) |
from neangel : |
Hey just stopped in to say Happy New Years! |
from princesstosh : |
This message is to me, hey hows it goin...Just wanted a message. |
back to princesstosh's profile
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