messages to projectme:
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from gonzostar :
i'm still here. go figure, this template sucks at my work, too. stupid browser. *grumble*.
from calidris :
Actually, you could probably get away with 1,700 a day and still lose about 2 pounds a week.
from calidris :
HEY! There you are! Well, here I am, too. Parallel universes, ma'am. Glad to see you updating here!
from krugerpak007 :
I agree with barenaked. Just be honest. Take care! xoxo Kathy
from barenaked500 :
I think what you typed up in here would be a really good thing to say to him. Just tell him how you feel! I know it's hard though - I always feel such pressure from others when I'm they *know* I'm on WW and they still wanna eat fried food all the time. I'm having the same problem telling my mom stuff like that - she forces food on me and most of the time its junk, blah. Let me know how it goes...!
from barenaked500 :
welcome to onederland!
from barenaked500 :
I do that too...the feeling bad about eating out. It's like "I CAN eat this but grilled chicken at home would be sooooo much better!" I've eaten out three times in the last four days and only one of those times was planned so I'm all AHHHHHHHH over here even though I was within my points. So don't worry - youre not the only one. :)
from barenaked500 :
hey, where did you find that jogging info?
from breakup :
I asked my friend that question. He's got me doing wall situps, then some stuff with weights. Right now, I lift something heavy (it's a bottle with water in it) straight up from my sides and hold them at shoulder hiehgt for five seconds, for a count of five, as many reps as I can stand, then lift the same weights in front of me to shoulder height for a lift of five seconds. He also has me doing the "punishment" detail from air cadets. I hold books out at shoulder height as long as I can.
from barenaked500 :
when you find out how to rid yourself of the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad arm flab LET ME BE THE FIRST TO KNOW!!!!!! I still have it after losing 90pounds, geeeeeeez. It's gotten smaller but its still THERE, ya know? ugh. as for an item on the goes to the higher point so your bar would be a 4. sucks, huh?
from barenaked500 :
Haha, I've never heard OR experianced that so maybe the fruties only gave the runs to whoever told you that? I don't know. Anyway, good luck with your dad - my mom goes to meetings but isn't really following the program too well. I *wish* I could motivate her more.
from barenaked500 :
hey! cool new diary...i love the design! anyway, for the movies try the WW fruties that they sell at meeting centers. its only one point for a pack and to me its like regular candy but they are kinda chewy so i feel like im really snacking a lot. :)

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