messages to purplefinch:
(click here to add new message):

from ghostlight :
Well, I tried to give you your space, and periodically check in to see if you've unlocked or updated. If you're handing out passwords, this is me requesting.
from newspeak :
Greetings, just stopping in to say hello :D
from darksoul :
Who knew he would run through the night, down the mountain slops and across the meadow green butt-ass naked. 'Twas a lovely sight. I'd imagine you'd be smiling by now. If not, damn you.
from august-x :
Happy Lovey Dovey Day! Mwah! XOXOXO!
from unchbunch :
Yeah, unicorns. What can I say about them that hasn't already been said? At least I'm not into "Pegasuses". Those people are really weird. There are several categories of judgement: "Technical Precision", "Creativity", and a nebulous concept called "Ringsmanship". I don't know if this is true for all people, but an energetic amateur performance can garner one very high marks that might offset or even negate the effects of potential low marks assigned for a want of technical precision. Just a thought, of course, and it may not be very useful, but I did want to mention it. Most importantly, however, I hope things work out well for you. Blessed be.
from amiblue :
Hey. I know I'm an unvirtuous slut preaching virtue, but hold out. Don't give in to the temptations of an adulterous phallus. The right one will come. Also, on a VERY sad note, Alan broke one of the two beautiful wine glasses you bought me for my 22nd birthday. Just dropped it. I care more about that than the huge dent and scrape he gave to my passenger door by sideswiping a parked van, because the gift was from you, and they're beautiful glasses, so tall and elegant. :-(
from august-x :
Thank you so much for your note. I am still going through your diary, but I think you may be right about us. ;-) Ever see the Double Life of Veronique? I'll be keeping up with you.
from unchbunch :
Well, hey, it's been nice reading your diary, and I hope you got a kick out of my Sisyphean tasks. I don't know, but from what I've found, we humans put down roots when we live somewhere. We make friends, we form routines, and we grow. This is just what I've found, of course, and your reality may be different. Keep up the good work.
from purplefinch :
the reason for this link is that I want some notes. It's pure selfishness. I admit it. So if you are a visitor, at least say hi! I am a diaryland junky and I'll visit your page to. kisses!

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