messages to realchild:
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from dangerspouse :
My god I'm out of the loop. I haven't seen even one of the movies on your list. I'm surprised you found time to write that entry!
from dangerspouse :
Fo real indeed, yo. How you been holding up during your quar quar, anyway? Hopefully not as badly as some....
from stepfordtart :
Hey hey! Thanks for your note - yeh, its a (continuing) shit-storm for sure. I found chemotherapy pretty good at getting rid of periods, but I wouldnt necessarily recommend it as a menses-management programme ;-) s x
from dangerspouse :
NO SENIOR DISCOUNT FOR PERIO?! That's just wrong. If I was a woman and got PMS because I still got my period monthly, I'd probably start shooting up random Denny's. And then eating ice cream. Lots and lots of ice cream. (Well, I would anyway.) Congrats on the physical reminder that you're advancing steadily towards your dotage!
from dangerspouse :
Update, 12/20/2014: I made Annie's brownies. Mmmmmmm...thanks for making my wife fat. Mmmmmm.....
from dangerspouse :
Ok - what's the matter with your classes?? Have another one of Annie's brownies. That's always the right decision.
from stepfordtart :
Family Pouch? Is that some kind of dumbass hint about spreading the Kit-Kat-y love? Like our 'sharing bag'? Bullshit, I say! Those names were just invented for those too feeble to polish off a bag by themselves. Scoff away! s x
from dangerspouse :
Sounds like you should be teaching special ed, with that cup! (Or maybe you are.) :)
from dangerspouse :
My wife says she loves you too. (Don't believe her, though. Bitch be a playah.)
from dirtyboots :
I feel like you are writing about my university. I guess universities are incompetent bureaucracy machines the world over. Mine has a microwave that can only heat up food for six minutes and ten seconds.
from dangerspouse :
How 'bout Seattle/Vancouver?
from dangerspouse :
Thanks for the congrats. I just broke it's cherry today - made blitzed chicken and cilantro soup, then blueberry ice cream. Aced both. Can I sent you some ice cream? Maybe it'll dull the pain of being educated some more.
from dangerspouse :
BLAM! You know it, non-Bitch Pudding person! (Hey listen, I started getting the impression towards the end of your latest post that you are somewhat less than thrilled by the prospect of re-entering the hallowed halls of Halcyon U. Was I mistaken?)
from whystinger :
I decided to go back and get my degree (many years ago) so I chose the major that would take the most of what I had already taken and it worked out for me. As far as the team building... ha! We use that often in my industry. Sorta sucked in the beginning, but it sure helps when we all pull together and some of those assholes that are all in it for themselves stop putting knives in my back, because "we're a team." Yes, it can help, but...
from dangerspouse :
Hey hey, I just spotted the little note in my profile that says you added me to your Fave List. Woot! Woot! Thanks a bunch! Gotta do the same to you now, I guess. Wheeee! And go watch Bitch Pudding episodes. Much better than Bitchcakes :)
from realchild :
thanks for the kind words, stepfordtart & el esposo del peligro.
from dangerspouse :
The theme to The Exocist was the opening bars of a groundbreaking instrumental rock album by Mike Oldfield called "Tubular Bells". You should listen to it a few times until it grows on you. Then when you hear your mom's phone ring, or snatches of it elsewhere, you'll have a positive association instead or a heart wrenching one. That's my probably totally inaccurate Pop Psychology solution, anyway. Either way, that was a helluva entry. I hope you find peace and succor someday. At least you learned how to cook....
from stepfordtart :
May your moments turn into minutes, dear. s x
from stepfordtart :
I hear you! Oh God, I hear you! I did my 'degree equivalent' (it isnt) aged 41 as my then boss said it would help with my career. Faced with 'explain how you have managed and resolved conflict' it was all I could do to not write "lets face it, its a miracle that I have 'managed' to not come over there and punch your asinine head clean off your shoulders, seeing as you have never done anything with your life except set fucking stupid essay questions and I AM A GROWN WOMAN WHO HAS BEEN DOING THIS JOB FOR 20 FUCKING YEARRRRRRRRRS!!!!!" Oh, and now that I am in a different job, I find that my qualification will only help me if I want to be a Business Studies/Commerce teacher. Hmm. The reason I am now teaching is because Business/Commerce made me want to kill myself Every. Single. Day. Happy New Year, girl. May your rants continue to delight and inspire me in 2014. s xx
from realchild :
Thank you, thank you. I appreciate that my selfishness and negativity are supported here. F_x News ugh. I mean UGH. Entenmann's are gone now. I mean there's only 8 in a pack. And the storm is out there so I can't get to the store. But there will be MORE SOON.
from dangerspouse :
At least you have Entenmann's!
from dirtyboots :
F_x news = unreal! How can people be allowed to say such crap on the TV and make it seem legit by saying it in front of an official newsy looking background, thereby endorsing it in some insane way?!?!? Run!
from stepfordtart :
I know its not really the point, but I fucking LOVE the way you rant. Ive been back and re-read the bitchcakes and the horrible girls a couple of times now and you just do it SO WELL. :-) Where you thinking of moving to? Santa's from Turkey - its nice and warm there. s x

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