messages to red-so-deep:
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from xself-imagex :
my new diary is: lightgrey
from sorryexcuse :
I'm sorry but I don't have an email anymore, otherwise I would have replied. It's kinda late at the moment so I'm going to head off but I just thought I'd let you know that i'm not ignoring your messages. I hope you're doing well and I'm sure I'll talk to you soon, take care Lisa. Bye
from ripxmexapart :
from ugly-organ- :
you're in my web now. wrap you up tight till it's time to bite down.
from ugly-organ- :
from an-awful-lie :
thank you. i love all of your entries.
from katanabright :
11.08.05 Bad choice.
from ripxmexapart :
thanks so much
from xself-imagex :
i'm not in college yet... i don't even know where i want to go. i just know i want to study psychology.
from katanabright :
11.01.05 - Well, mon ami, never would KB want to be argumentative - but as a man who has lived at least a dozen different lives in a half a century, please allow only three more thoughts, submitted with humility and gentleness: 1. It is never too late, never too far and never as bad as your senses tell you. 2. Feeling normal is nothing special...and 3. When you just need some help to make it through, there are many people who are extending their hands to you, even as I write this; mine among them. But only you, my friend, only you can choose. Turn into a darkness which cannot bring peace; turn into a light which knows no end. I am here.
from ripxmexapart :
::in awe::
from xself-imagex :
wow, you write beatifully.
from katanabright :
Hi - I know that diaries are often totally personal, and I realize that I may be intruding when I read your entries; they are the kind of words that touch a familiar chord in the heart and emotions of all of us, although the details of the words would only make sense to you. But even if I do not understand the circumstances and the cast of characters, I see that you have suffered; and I wish you peace and joy, and good. May your wounds heal and your scars fade, leaving only a depth of compassion for all, and an awareness of the gift that you are. (I still have my own diary up, if you wish to see what's left; I have been dismantling it for a good while, and have removed most of the entries. But perhaps one of the remainders may amuse you for a moment..or maybe not...) Either way - may peace and blessing be yours. julian (katanabright)
from an-awful-lie :

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